Passport to Prodigia - Progress is slow, but ideas are flowing in
Stargazers - Dead, but will be revived once PtP is finished. We need that Tanner backstory
Waiting for the Sun - New story, considering posting it
Developers at Work - Fully dead
Passport to Prodigia - Progress is slow, but ideas are flowing in
Stargazers - Dead, but will be revived once PtP is finished. We need that Tanner backstory
Waiting for the Sun - New story, considering posting it
Developers at Work - Fully dead
Progress on PtP has slowed, but I have been updating it! The same thing happened with Scar Tissue between the Winter Prom and #ChetSterlingReturns, so I won't be too afraid that PtP will remain unfinished. Thanks for supporting me :D
“Our first plan of action,” Astrea smiled, “is to find more allies to join our cause. We then, going after Amari’s judgement - which has rarely been wrong - put our targets on Whami. All evidence points to him being a possible Creator - which means that he has caused every ounce of pain that has ever happened in your lives. Amari and Josh can choose who they would like to recruit.”
Chet Sterling attempted to speak of. “The last I saw of Whami, if you are referring to the Liverpool-hating boy with the purple hair and the T-shirt, he was merely a child.”
Amari interrupted. “How do you know he hates Liverpool?”
‘He walked like a Liverpool hater.”
Astrea made a gesture. “If you may, now. Sterling, my dear, have you forgotten that you are not above fighting - not above killing children?”
“That was for self-gain. I have left that path, given it up! I will never return there.”
“And we are taking you down a new, better path. Or are you afraid that some of the things we must do will… say… tempt you? into old ways?”
Chet growled. “You can’t dictate what I’m capable of and what I’m not!”
“But the Creator can. And you don’t want to be controlled by someone else, don’t you? You like to have the control… to yourself.”
Josh spoke up. “Enough arguing. Amari, who do you want to recruit?” He motioned over to Amari, who had a smile, a cheeky smirk on his face. “Oh. I have a truly devilish idea.”
So sorry for the double ping, but I finally got the chapter out after 19 days of dead silence! This is some of my best work, and it is also the last in the Xeter saga.
There will be death and betrayal.
Finally got back the motivation to write PtP, Chapter 21 is almost done. Have an excerpt!
Rivers Bennett was busy counting his money as Amari walked through the door. “It has been many moons since I have walked through the doors of Oasis Retail. How goes the life without me, Rivers?”
“Late, is the hour in which you, the abandoner, chooses to appear. How do you sleep at night, knowing how you disgraced the Oasis Retail name? Have you come to grovel, to beg for your job back, or for a rematch?” venom dripping from Rivers’ voice coldly sounded from across the room.
“Astrea, if you may.”
Astrea’s spirit shimmered into existence, and with a smile, she snapped her fingers. Instantly, a deep red outline surrounded Amari’s right hand and he laughed, before stopping and staring dead silently at Rivers, “A rematch does sound delightful. But the others, you don’t have to share this fate. Join us.”
Delia was the first to speak up. “I’d rather die than betray Oasis Retail. It’s all I’ve ever lived for.”
“I can give you a pay rise…”
“I’m in. Tell me more,” Delia sauntered over to Amari, as Rivers’ expression quickly dissolved into that of shock and anger. His own employees, betray him in such an instant, and being enticed by nothing but the prospect of a pay rise?
James, Brittany, and Adam sighed, before James spoke up. “Rivers, you have had this coming for far too long. If anything, this event has happened far too late for what you have done. Goodbye.”
I'll be slowing down work on PtP and only updating it when I think of something cool, I'm rlly tired rn. I will not be cancelling it, the same thing happened with Scar Tissue and I just took a break :D
“Alright kids, this is a platform called Prodigy!” Mrs Christie smiled as I opened my iPad. I was only nine years at the time, and was surrounded by my friends who were equally eager to get into the game. “Make a new account, and log in.”
Username: school34
Password: maths63
This game was everything I had dreamed of. The pixellated artstyle was adorable, the dialogue, the way everything came together to form something that was mind-boggling and amazing for me at the same time. I’d always wanted a career in game development - my mother had warned specifically never to play any games, lest I develop an addiction and focus on things less important than his studies. Well, now I could satiate both the desire to perform well academically and the desire to play a real game for the first time.
Alvin Bronzerunner woke up in the bed for the first time, to be informed of his first day at the Academy by none other than Noot, the cute little sprite with his petite blue cap and his little nubs for feet, and the little speech bubble above his head.
I smiled eagerly as I continued on and on through the game - my first TripTrop defeated, choosing Charfoal as my starter pet (the superior one of course), navigating my way through Lamplight Town as I collected fireflies and smelted frozen somethings with reckless abandon. But eventually, the novelty disappeared, and people moved on to other subjects. What with the pandemic happening, and new games like Fall Guys and Among Us popping up, and TikTok dominating the screens, no one could be bothered with Prodigy anymore.
No one but one person.
I saw the link at the bottom of the wiki page.
And it would be my undoing.
Nova: Welcome to SuperNova News, today we'll be going to the planet Sypso. Uh... Eve... can you not? We're in the middle of a broadcast here...
Walter: That's not how you're supposed to do it.
Eve: *shrugs*
Nova: Welcome to SuperNova News, today we'll be going to the planet Sypso...
Florian: Lalala... having fun in the garden... *watering plants* ...and getting a pizza... One month has already passed, right? No, two!
Noot: Oi, Florian! I need an update on that world trip situation.
Florian: Ask Eve about this.
Noot: She's dealing with Sam... on the roof of the Astral Tower. He always does things like this, stupid things. I'm trying my best to keep my cool- *gets splashed by water* SAM! DETENTION! NOW!!!
Crystal: Sam also said that his siblings are coming.
Nova: News has ended. Back to you, Fuchsia.
Prodigy Comedies was a cute creation. BFBF had to hand that to RJ, the author of this - one page in so many brilliant creations. Forged by Obsidian and Smart-Alecky, the longest pages on the entire wiki, and people eagerly chatting about what could possibly come next.
Perhaps BFBF could try his hand at making a new chapter for Smart-Alecky? After all, the pages on this wiki were open to edits and additions, right? That was what Fandom was for, and it was not too different from Wikipedia.
Everyone here seemed just seemed like award-winning authors to him, and BFBF wanted to be among those ranks. It was a prospect that was quite enticing to him. Cautiously, he clicked “Add new page” and typed the pages in.
It was childish, was it not? This entire “DaniMilkmanGamedev” persona. It was long, and people wouldn’t understand it, and it was stolen as well. He needed a new name. A better name, to call himself by. It was a must, a need, a requirement.
But what to pick?
DaniMilkmanGamedev deliberated for a long time. Those game developers on Scratch, and on the App Store, all had simple, quick, memorable names. Griffpatch, Coltroc, The_Chaotic, Will_Wam, Kamibox.
Perhaps he could mush something together somehow? He put some combinations together. Patchbox, Kamikeeper, Wamibox, nothing just seemed to fit. DaniMilkmanGamedev was a terrible name, and he regretted choosing it four years ago. But it was here to stay until he could think of a new identity.
It was so, so, hard, trying to give yourself a brand new outside. A whole new you, a brand new appearance, new identity. It could just be so confusing to those who already knew him, to he himself. Did he want to switch?
Will_Wam. He wanted to be called Will_Wham, but it was taken on Minecraft,
Will_Wham. Kamibox. Kamikaze. Whamibox. Whamikaze.
It was perfect! It flowed well on the tongue, it was short, quick, and catchy, and it was memorable. Whami smiled as he got to work making a new account and changing his YouTube channel to fit.
Make a character? Nah, he could worry about that later. There was an extension he liked to use, Manganum, that helped him organise tasks and boost productivity. Maybe he could take a picture out of its book. Put the initials wk. in there, put the numbers and whamikaze in small font and lowercase. This was perfect. He liked his new identity, was comfortable with it, loved everything about it. People seemed to warm up to it as well.
Perhaps making a new identity for yourself wasn’t so hard at all.
This is the next intermission, it's very meta and it basically outlines how I went from asian teen with glasses who liked coding to Whami, as well as how my teacher showing Prodigy to me led to probably my entire career as an author.
Two chapters left in the Xeter saga, and then we'll be off to Lorth! Also I kept thinking that I had missed out on a planet and I was like "what goes between Chethither and Sypso???" and turns out, I completely forgot about Mana
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo @Ameythst
And yes, I remember that Somewhere in Prodigia was deleted for using Rohan Mahimker's name. If anyone is uncomfortable with me using these page titles in my chapter, I will change it at first notice. Please don't crush my skull Delta >_< /j
Josh and Amari were clearly having perhaps the defining time of their lives. Dave and Paul played on the sidelines, enjoying themselves as much as Josh and Amari, as they let themselves live life in the moment. Any moment now, Chet Sterling would appear. Well, that was the first song completed. Onto the next song.
Chet Sterling rushed through the square to see what the fuss was all about. The park loomed in the distance, then the school, then the bank, then the train station, then the city square, then the newly rebuilt Camp Guillermo - and Sterling Enterprises, surrounded by civilians, clamouring to see this legendary moment. The memories flooded back like a train smashing into a brick wall - the pain, the deaths, the horrific crimes that happened, that he caused, and some children could just have a laugh and play some songs up there like nothing had ever happened?
It was time to stop running away from his problems.
@Forbidden Lloyd @Diamondsea @AlyssSolo @Ameythst
Ew chetdar cheese sterling is bacca and amari chapman is singing like macca
8th longest page lets go!!
“And now that we have everyone in one place, we can move on to the next step,” Josh smiled. “Amari and Paul did most of the logistics, we just need to get our stuff on the roof. The hardest part will be Paul’s drum kit and the amps.”
Amari smiled, before looking back at Gemini. The four of them, their little plan to show Chet Sterling had most definitely sent her into a decline, and she had most definitely been much less content and more paranoid. She was now sitting by the bench, discussing matters with Jacob, Milo, and Jaden.
“So, we discussed this back at the hotel? If Chet Sterling doesn’t appear, we will host the rooftop concert on the roof of Sterling Enterprises. He has not appeared so far - so! Let’s grab our gear and get a move on,” Amari encouraged everyone.
“This is his chance to prove his allegiance to us and Astrea. After all, he has nothing left to lose.”
"Everything he loves is gone."
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo @Ameythst
Whami gets "rewarded" for good work ethic and behaviour at Oasis Retail
Chet Sterling is still in hiding
Next chapter is the rooftop concert chapter
Get backkkkkkk get backkkkkkkkkk
“Alright, we’ve gotten the word out with the posters,” Amari said, leaning over the table with pictures of Chet’s possible whereabouts. “Now we need to figure out how to actually find him. If he’s trending, there’s got to be a way to track him down.”
Josh nodded as well. “Whami said he’d seen Chet when we were in the park. We know he’s shown his face around, so if he goes into hiding again, we’ll just have to coax him out.”
“He’s always been one for huge ad campaigns. Sterling Enterprises used to be among the richest companies in all of Xeter, perhaps we could do something with that? Or a giant ad billboard, right in the city square, where everyone can see it.”
“That’s a brilliant idea,” Dave smiled. “I’ll get to work designing it, and Paul can wire it up to the billboard! Right next to the statue of Cashy the Great. Paul?”
Paul was in a corner, playing with his drum kit and coming up with fills, potentially to use for their next song. “Oh! I’ll get to designing, should be done and wired in about an hour.”
Astrea appeared to Amari and simply stood there silently, watching, almost creepily like how Yoko Ono would just sit there during the Abbey Road sessions - only Astrea wasn’t screaming her fucking head off every other minute. An hour was merely a tiny dot in the timeline that is life, and they could easily wait that time. It was just a matter of time.
Whami has a shitty first day at work :D and probably hates himself so much :) Chet Sterling is running away from the media when before he loved being in it, Amari is doing just well. Also, new characters! Rivers and Delia!
Delia is another real person in the community, she's fine with being a character. She takes work very seriously...
“The Consumer Rights Act dictates that, yes, I can, now get me the fucking manager.”
“Y-you - you have to leave. Right now!” Whami, mustering up every little bit of courage he had, retorted back at the customer, the latter of whom had a cruel smile on her plastic face.
“Leave?” the customer, a middle-aged woman with horrific makeup and a disgusting wig, replied with a snarky, almost sarcastic tone. “Oh, I won’t leave. I demand you listen, listen to every last word I say, now get me the manager.”
“He - he’s not here - ”
“Useless! That’s what you are, useless! I know over a hundred people who would happily take your job and do an infinitely better job than you - oh, get up!”
At this point, the screaming woman was hollering at Whami, who was now on the floor, sobbing as he tried to block his ears from the woman’s beratement.
“It’s only my first d-day on the job! You could b-be asking anyone else - ”
“Is this what you call customer service? Lying on the floor and trying to get someone else to do your work for you? I don’t care that it’s your first day, people expect results on the first day. You’re a disgrace to this store and a disgrace to society. Look at yourself! Get up. Get up!”
Whami, right now, was basically frightened out of his wits and was just trying to de-escalate the situation, to no avail. Surely this wasn’t a repeat occurrence, surely this wouldn’t happen every single day.
Finally, at last, the manager came over, donning a black shirt - a contrast to the red of Whami’s, and the other employees around him’s. He felt out of place. The other employees had so much more experience than him.
“Is there a problem, miss?” the manager - a tall, broad-shouldered man with a clean hairdo, his name tag reading ‘Rivers Bennett’, approached the woman. Almost from Jekyll to Hyde, the woman’s tone instantly sweetened, and suddenly she was just such a good-natured angel with a sweet-as-sugar smile.
“Oh, everything is just brilliant. I was just wondering about the quality of the Rimsky series products.”
“There may be some issues with manufacturing right now, so I suggest you wait for a few weeks to buy them.”
“Why thank you.”
“What a sweet person. And Whami?” Rivers snapped his fingers. “Stop lying on the ground and start stocking the shelves.”
Frantically nodding, Whami pulled himself to his feet and scrambled to grab a few boxes.
Delia, the employee at the counter, a decently tall woman in a gentle green sweater and a wild set of hair with round glasses, laughed to herself. “The interns always get it the worst. Bless him.”
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo @Ameythst
In Chapter 17, Amari gets Whami a job as he looks for Chet Sterling. With his suspicions that Whami is the Creator, he needs to make Whami as vulnerable as possible until Astrea is ready to be freed. Whami gets a job at Oasis Retail, where Amari used to work: it does not go well...
I am postponing writing on PtP until I get my current game, Wings Over Centralia, pushed out. It is a Flappy Bird game in the style of, with some cool new stuff that totally won't take days to code QQ
I'm still coming up w/ ideas and will still write a bit when I'm bored, but don't expect me to update it for about a week
Love you all and love one another
“Josh! Dave! Paul!” Amari cheered as he burst through the door of Josh’s house, where Dave and Paul were. Picking up Josh in a giant hug, careful not to damage the instruments or Paul’s prized drum kit, Amari spun around in circles out of pure excitement and joy of being back where he was familiar with.
“Oooh - ” Josh winced slightly at the suddenness of Amari’s welcome. “I don’t believe I travelled all the way from the hotel with our mates and all our equipment just to break my ribs,” he joked. There were no hard feelings, Josh and Amari were very close.
“Josh. Always the funny one. Have you written any good songs?”
“We’re rehearsing I’ve Got a Feeling right now, I think you’ve got the lyrics memorised?”
“Absolutely,” Amari reassured him. “You don’t need to worry, I’ve been rehearsing quite hard! Whenever I wasn’t gambling, of course. Don’t you worry, any of you. When do we want to start rehearsing?’
“We’ve just taken two for a water break. Want to start?” Paul smiled.
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo @Pearl of Prodigia
@Ameythst I wasn't lying when I said I'd ping you for every subsequent PtP post hahaha
Anyways, Chet(dar cheese) Sterling comes back and Amari has to find him. Oh no D:
3 Votes in Poll
Whami whispered something to Paddy, who skipped ahead to Gemini. “What’s the hotel going to be like? Is the clerk nice?”
“I’ve never really talked to them, but the staff seem normal. We’ve got a band who practices there, and their lead singer is currently working a Sunday job. They’ll go back to touring around Xeter, and they’ve already recorded some good songs. I’ve Got a Feeling, Don’t Let Me Down, All I Want is You, and - ”
“Those are Beatles songs.”
Gemini turned back as she kept walking. “Oh? Who are the Beatles?”
“You’re telling me that you don’t know of the Beatles? John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr?”
“We’ve got a Paul MacCarthy, he’s the lead drummer, we call him Paul McStarl. That’s his name, it’s got a nice ring to it. We also have Josh Taylor and Dave Styler, they do guitar and bass respectively.”
Josh? Dave? Paul? These names did ring a bell. Contemplating the answers, Whami finally spoke up again. “Do you know who Amari Chapman is?”
“Yeah! He’s the lead singer. He has a bit of a gambling problem - ” (Whami silently thought to himself, just a bit of a gambling problem? You should try living in the same hotel as him for a week, before remembering that he and Amari were still friends and he still cared about him.) “ - but he’s actually quite a sweet guy. They practice in the basement every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. It’s a soundproof basement.”
“Glad you’re all… tightly knit together. You’re like a small community of close friends. I respect that. If you’ll excuse me, I desperately need some good quality rest.”
And with that, Whami was instantly asleep on the couch. As the group continued to chatter excitedly about their wishes and the adventures that awaited them, Whami knew that while he might not be fully in the moment right now, he was still part of something special.
That thought brought him a small measure of comfort.
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo
New chapter! Whami meets Gem :D :D
Darkness, as the light grew further away. Darkness all around him, a poor, blind wretch who had no one around him. It was so hard to hold on when there was no shoulder to lean on, nobody to support him. Everyone who cared seemed like a million miles away.
Outstretching an arm for a saviour who was never there, Whami silently cried as he fell through the void. The pain wouldn’t recede, no matter what. What was hurting him, and who, and why? These were the questions ringing through Whami’s head, and his blind eyes could not see the answers.
Suddenly, cold all around him, and a drowning sensation. Gasping for air, Whami thrashed before opening his eyes - he had nearly drowned a few years ago, and though he was capable of swimming very well, the incident was still more than slightly traumatic.
Inhaling sharply, Whami looked around, feeling around for the shore. His vision slowly returned from the corners of his eyes, though his sight was obscured by his tears. Wiping them away, Whami frantically looked around. This had to be a dream.
Voices rang out from his surroundings - his own.
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo
More torturing whami yay :D
Also the scar tissue gang returns!! Gemini, Jacob, Jaden, and Milo are officially back!
“Now listen to me, you put the capo on the second fret, you put your fingers here, then you keep strumming as you remember the chords, and boom! you get the basic guitar pattern of Norwegian Wood,” Jacob Doswell smiled as his girlfriend, Gemini Sterling, practised with her guitar.
“I think I’ve got the hang of it!” she replied with a smile, strumming the correct chords as the notes weaved themselves into a somber yet lilting melody.
Jacob lounged on his chair, one arm draped over the armrest and the other around Gemini’s shoulder as he tapped his fingers to the rhythm. “Sounds good, Gem! You’re really getting there, that’s actually crazily accurate.”
Gemini and Jacob were alone in the cozy living room, the soft afternoon light streaming through the windows. The air was filled with the gentle strumming of Gemini’s guitar as she continued to practice, her fingers dancing across the strings with growing confidence. “I hear Amathine’s coming over tomorrow with the rest of the students from the Academy. I’ve heard about some of them, they seem really nice.”
As she continued to play, they both fell into a comfortable silence, the sound of the guitar filling the room. Outside, the sounds of Xeter came alive, with birds chirping and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. The park that Jacob used to study in teemed with life, from the chirp of the crickets to the birdsong and rustling of leaves in the breeze. The traumatic memory of pigeons attacking him by the fountain still hung around in the back of his mind, but he had already experienced several horrific events that no one should ever go through.
“How’s Jaden and Milo?” Jacob asked Gemini as she placed her guitar on the guitar rack, satisfied with her progress.
“They’re doing well. Last I heard from them, they were fishing over at Mystic Pond.”
“Tell them I said hi!” Jacob smiled.
"You can do that when we go over in half an hour.” “Excited.” “Me too.”
Wrapping up Gemini’s guitar practice session, Jacob got up from his chair and walked to his fridge, offering Gem a drink. “So, what do you want? Apple juice, orange juice, milk?”
“What about that mandarin tea you have?”
“Shut up, that’s strictly for me and me only, you know that,” Jacob smirked back, his internal laughter bubbling to the surface. Gemini approached the fridge, gently elbowing him in the side - enough to mildly discomfort him but not enough to cause any pain - before pouring herself a cup of apple juice and taking a gentle swig.
“So, what do you want to do after this? Wanna visit Jaden and Milo?”
“Definitely! I’m curious to see what they’ve caught. Plus, I haven’t had a good fishing story from them in ages,” Jacob replied, feeling the thrill of the impending visit.
“Same here! I’m sure they’ll have some wild tales to share,” Gemini replied, her enthusiasm almost visible in the air.
Jacob nodded, feeling the warmth of the moment. “Alright, let’s finish getting ready, and we can head out. I’m looking forward to hanging out with them again. We can invite Amathine and the lads over tomorrow as well, if she’s not busy.”
Nodding, Gemini gave Jacob a gentle kiss before walking to the shoe rack to get ready to visit her friends. The prospects of making more friends and allies the following day was one too promising to turn down, and both she and Jacob eagerly awaited it.
Finally the Jamini shipping begins <3
I wrote this today
A pause, and then every single halfling in the vicinity was immediately at everybody’s throats. Whami immediately dove and pushed Amari out of the way of an incredibly furious golden-haired halfling that was wielding a sword, no doubt trying to kill one of the two to avenge the lives lost. Amari, now hyperventilating as he took in everything from the past two days, kicked Whami over to the adjacent wall.
“What are you doing?!” Amari hissed at Whami.
“I can’t let you die. You’re worth far too much, you have a band and a boyfriend and people you have to return to, I just can’t let you die!”
Gale was busy flying around, evacuating the students and using fancy spells to pack up all their belongings for them. “The hotel’s no longer safe. Find a safe space and stay there, or make your way to the Academy Ship! Florian, Ada, Callum, Anaia, Brooke, help fend off the halflings! Paddy, Katie, Misette, Whami, just run - Whami?”
Whami unsheathed his staff, the oaken staff with the great violet crystal. Forming a rune in the air, he chanted: “Lumen cadent!”
Instantly, a gentle light shone through the hotel lobby, distracting the halflings for a second. “No, no, no, I need something more powerful. Lumina cadent! Lumen iris cadent! Lumen - Lumen cadent… Lumen cadent maxima!”
That last one seemed to work. A blinding light shone through the lobby: Amari, Gale, and the Wardens instinctively turned away or shut their eyes, but the eyesight of pretty much every halfling in the lobby - and Whami’s - was virtually eviscerated. Sheathing his staff, Whami pushed aside a halfling and fumbled for the door, ears ringing. All he could see was an oversaturated white, as he fell out of the doorframe and clumsily pushed through more furious halflings, trying to find the tree where he had hung his backpack - before grabbing it and attaching it to his back. Turning back to look at Amari - what was the point? he was pretty much blind anyways - but Amari’s expression was laced with worry and determination, as he gave one last glance to Whami before he looked away and retreated to his office.
Gale bolted out the door after Whami, tapping him on the shoulder. “Quick! To the ship! It’s safe there, just follow us, everyone else is there!”
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo Longest chapter ever! Everyone is headed to Xeter now, which means we'll finally see some familiar faces...
300 years ago
“Loyalty, my dear, comes from necessity. We can’t trust them until they trust us. Should they stray from our will, their bodies will reject themselves, and… let’s just say they’ll feel the consequence, and so will anyone potentially trying to turn them against us. I’ve created some genetic sequences that prevent this from happening, but I’ve still had yet to work some of these out.”
“Excellent,” Astrea said, her voice smooth like silk. “With this army at our disposal, we can finally enact our plans without restraint. Whoever the Creator is, they will not see us coming.”
“Exactly,” Gren affirmed, his excitement palpable - he was trying his hardest not to sound like an excited child on Christmas Day. “With your magic and my science, we can reshape this universe as we see fit. No longer will we be pawns in a cosmic game.”
Amari and the shitters we call Crios and Cameron are now being manhunted <3
Band on the Run - Paul McCartney and Wings
Crios and Cameron skipped through the trails, oblivious to the dangers that lurked through the woods. To be fair, these aforementioned ‘dangers’ weren’t actually posing a real threat to them, as the two weren’t provoking them. The bustling halfling village opened up through the paths, as the number of fireflies decreased and the lights glowed brighter in the distance.
“We should cause some trouble there. It would be funny, and we’re only here for a short time,” Crios interjected.
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. Besides, it’ll be fun!... and both of us have our magic completely under control. Maybe we should stick to Academy-taught spells for now.” He flicked through his spellbook and checked for any interesting spells. These spellbooks had gone through several changes, and many spells added in and removed almost from existence. However, Academy custom spells had a striking difference between advanced magic: rather than an incantation and a rune, you merely had to say the name of the spell alongside the rune as well.
Crios flicked to the Shadow magic page. Ever since the Puppet Master had been defeated (heheheheh Metallica), Shadow magic had become more widespread and commonplace among wizards in Prodigia - though it had never really become… contraband, in a way, outside of Prodigia. Magic was magic, and those living outside Prodigia weren’t about to let one little spanner ruin it for everybody.
The village teemed with activity - halflings, which really looked just like humans but shorter, of all sorts of professions walked around the square. Some were blacksmiths, working away at the forge to craft all sorts of tools; some were farmers, picking all sorts of mystical crops - the Glowroot and Whispering Peas from the stands Crios saw with Whami and Paddy, and some other vegetables like Black Durian and Amber Celeriac, which Crios only knew the names of because that was the label of the boxes they were going into.
Barrels of fish and all sorts of produce were being lugged around by fisherman and merchants, as the children played in the village square, chasing each other in circles. Crios almost felt guilty causing trouble here.
Morals are for fools. Crios readied his wand, told Cameron what to do after the initial spell, and smiled - not a cruel smile, but the smile of a prankster knowing the consequences of what he will do and still enjoy it. Crios was not a cruel person. He was merely a comedian, which basically equates to the same thing.
He drew the rune for a thick fog in the air, providing a warm purplish glow that was just dimmer than the light of the fireflies.
Crios and Cameron finally piss off the halflings - this time, covering more chapters! They will have to go to Xeter very soon, and we will begin to see the Gemigang again!!
I'm thinking how Amari, Josh, Dave, and Paul will try and get Sterling's attention will start with posters and flyers, then a billboard advertisement, which pisses off Gemini slightly but she doesn't do anything about it, culminating into Amari, Josh, Dave, and Paul performing on the roof of Sterling Enterprises.
Whami works at a grocery store during the summer. He has committed three counts of murder over his tenure due to customers attacking him. (also he's 13)
Paddy has a running joke where she acts in love with Whami. Whami knows about this and finds it humorous.
Katie runs a gaming encyclopedia.
Misette has a sister, who works at retail.
Nova starred in a murder mystery, and starred as Detective Watt, the bumbling overconfident detective who messes everything up.
Fuchsia is an avid Breaking Bad fan.
Crios is actually really good at History, and especially enjoys his History professor.
Cameron supports Liverpool. Because of this, Cameron is a low life, low class piece of shit with no hopes and dreams and no future. He will never amount to anything.
Amari worked in retail and has TWELVE counts of murder. He is also the employee most frequently abused by the manager, and is usually the butt of every joke.
Josh and Amari formed CNTRLA with Dave and Paul before they started dating, around two years ago.
Astrea formed the Electric Light Orchestra, so she's not all bad.
@Diamondsea @Forbidden Lloyd @AlyssSolo
I'm not feeling well :(