Will probably wait until they actually get to firefly forest for bat shenanigans as...snake lady
Excuse to use the bats perhaps? Maybe?
i don't think this is a good time to yeet in bats lol
I really just have comic relief planned for him which is presently unneeded from what I can tell.
okay you know what imma just going to use vampire!storm lol
silly little bat man-- wait that's copyrighted-- silly little zip zap man.
now the question is...when to use him as I feel like a lot is going on here at once lol
Yeah I'm just going to remove the link this time. Advertising isn't allowed here either. We already told you some alternative ways to share your comic so I'll leave it at that. —📼
"how to introduce the silly crime lord,,,"
one of their sneks commedically fall on top of avian from the pipe that conveniently broke when the ledge conveniently broke
then birb proceeds to screech /silly
Thea, this is the thread sobs
Just clarifying, not joining.
I'm just indecisive over whether or not I should give into comfort pet and make the incredibly silly situation of Storm being stuck eternally young and hauled off by Wattage or making a hyper realistic character because why the fuck not?
Avian and Medusa have my approval /silly
Although Avery is getting dubbed Avery the Vulture from this point on pfd
okay can i comment on how gay that sounds
ansant/ben romance arc(?)
Yes, fanon pets. All of them are for fanon pages.
I can’t find that, but can I just create a page like this?
We prefer that you use the preloads for the sake of maintaining page quality.
Uh, mind starting this by setting the...setting lol? Like actually start the interaction since you know the world best.
Might be across FANDOM then...you'd probably have to ask them on discord.
FANDOM sometimes doesn't display a user during the @, c/p the ping from Restoration of the Wardens, perhaps?
Sounds good to me. Ping us to the post when you're ready X.
i want to revive fw3 3:
but every time i come up with an idea and we actively roleplay for a while we kill it again lol
honestly can we just. instead of actively roleplaying on the wiki for a while, collab on a doc to kind of just Actually Write Something
way less pressure than actively roleplaying and we can use tabs to skip to what we have ideas for
If it's a story—Fanfiction.
If it's roleplayed by multiple users—...Roleplay.
@Pearl of Prodigia for Kora reasons, as he absolutely would've read Culix's pet book lol.