"a weaker one of the legion on their own"
Oh, these members all effectively have the same level of strength for reasons :)
"They weren't dangerous in the sense that they were stronger"
Mfw I have to make sure they don't break Ave's arm off the bat:
"but... they weren't. Prey. If that makes sense."
Well I would hope you wouldn't try to eat them
They...would not appreciate that
You wouldn't either, Ave.
A large blast promptly singed a bit of Ansat's hair and the ends of two of Avery's feathers. With irises narrowed, the figures boosted themselves up and off of each other, chasing after the four. Admittedly, though, this was a very inefficient way of chasing after the escaping group. Especially since the distance between the four and the pseudo-army was increasing a bit with every passing second.
The lasers blasted through the Shadow spells, dissipating and neutralizing the attacks. A few of the figures also took lasers to the face and staggered back. Their eyes flickered briefly and they eventually collapsed with a thunk.
The others remained locked onto their escaping targets, swapping out rapid-fire Shadow Shocks in favor of slower casted Royal Roars.
A fifth of the figures fired Shadow Shocks at the wizards with the intention of keeping them grounded.
The moment Ansat landed, the two figures charging at him both unleashed a blast of Shadow magic that he dodged with ease. Meanwhile, the airborne Shadow magic user had boosted themselves above Avery and drove their left heel down into the avian's back, intending to send them spiralling downwards.
Two more cloaked figures separated from the stand-by group and promptly boosted towards Ben.
The standby group fired several blasts of Shadow magic at the dried ground in front of their three targets, kicking up copious amounts of dust and nearly completely blinding the group.
One suddenly appeared within the cloud to Ben's left and promptly kicked the inventor to the ground before disappearing into the dust cloud again.
Magenta eyes flashed behind Ansat as the second of the two grabbed him from behind, boosted into the air with a blast of purple energy from their feet, let him go, grabbed his chest, and boosted back into the ground, kicking up another cloud of dust and releasing a surge of black and purple energy.
And as the dust settled, the downed group found themselves surrounded by the tens of cloaked figures, with each one holding out an outstretched right hand with a charging Shadow Shock growing in them.
Sorry, i had to do the Movie Shadow solos Team Sonic reference + the mid credits scene references there lol
That being said, i think ive Zerg Rushed okay enough
Hold on
Meanwhile, one more cloaked being had broken off from the group to slap the translucent effigy in the face.
Or at least try.
The effigy was so fluidly ducking, dodging, and weaving that from a distance, it looked kind of like the cloaked being was swatting at some pesky mosquitoes. And judging by the increasingly narrowing magenta irises, the figure was getting very frustrated.
"SURRENDER TO THE LEGION," all of the cloaked beings stated at once, aside from the one still trying and failing to slap the effigy for her insolence.
Ok proceed
The irises narrowed once more, the cloaked figures having clearly felt insulted. Three of them took a single step towards Ansat.
And then, for a solid 5 seconds, the two parties were engaged in a stare-off.
Without warning, the three cloaked figures rushed towards Ansat. A burst of Shadow magic boosted one into the air as the other two charged forwards with violet essence wisping off of sharp, black gloves.
The figure looked back, their irises narrowing. Magenta flashed to purple as violet and black magic suddenly built up around the figure and blasted outwards in a dome-shaped, short-ranged burst of Shadow magic. Deeming the semi-serpent low-priority, the figure's eyes locked back onto Ansat. "SURRENDER TO THE LEGION."
The irises narrowed and locked onto the translucent effigy, practically daring it to continue its countdown.
The cloaked figure suddenly rushed forward and jumped up, grabbing the Aspfear hybrid by the arm, yanking her and the pipe he was gripping onto off the wall, and slammed her into the ground. The figure's gaze then flicked over towards Ansat.
From the shadows, the magenta eyes came forth, their faces obscured by the shadow of their burgundy cloaks.
A cloaked figure dropped down feom the rooftops and landed flat on their feet in front of the group of mutants. From within the darkness of the burgundy cloak, magenta irises flashed and flicked from one mutant to the next.
Shortly after the 4 mutants retreated, the rest couldn't help but feel as if something was...off.
Perhaps it was some odd movement in their peripherals.
A shadow that wasn't there before.
Several pairs of magenta eyes watching from the shadows.
Wait what was that last part?
what's a zerg rush
go for it
I will be awaiting your next move so I can make my next move
R.I.P. DaW
(I feel obligated to tell you to not let this die before you two even start 😅)
Yeah im trying to wrap this thing up, just need to...
The Luminex hybrid was sent hurtling back with a yelp and rolled and bounced along the ground before skidding to a stop.
Kyle grimaced, glancing at the struggling Tabitha, the downed Liosen hybrid, the frail Gregory behind him, and finally, the ever triumphant Ansat. The Batterbot hybrid clenched his fists and sighed. He turned around and picked up the wheezing Serrazig mutant. "Sorry, Greg," Kyle sighed, placing the frail mutant on his shoulders. "Guess we'll just have to find you food elsewhere..." The armored wizard turned back towards Tabitha, who had forced herself back to her feet. "Tabitha! Get Leo! We're outta here!"
"We are not putting Greg in danger for this."
The furred mutant glanced at Gregory and sighed. "Fine." She bounded past Ansat amd over to the Liosen hybrid. She tossed Leo onto her back and scurried away with Kyle executing his and Greg's tactical retreat close behind.
Anyway, first set of side characters done with for now. That leaves the mains
Thunder rocked the heavens as flashes of light scorched random spots on the dirt ground. And in an instant, a jagged flash of white shot down from grey clouds towards the revved-up Ansat.
Ansat after casually dodging a lightning bolt