ave and april are not the same, avery could probably take one, maybe one and a weaker one of the legion on their own. april would lightning freak out and then flee. damage dealt would vary between level of freak out.
Avery tilted their head. "Kinda? They weren't dangerous in the sense that they were stronger, but they were very hostile and were heavy in numbers, so they could be a danger to us."
Then the avian was hit by the fact that they were essentially bringing a complete and potentially psychotic stranger with them and glanced down at their humming passenger. "Um... who are you by the way?"
Avery, who was now carrying the effigy and flying in the air, shrugged slightly. "I don't know the answer to that question, but... they weren't. Prey. If that makes sense. Not like the little bug guy from the earlier group."
Avery sighed, grabbing Ansat’s arm and giving him and Ben a boost up, before swooping in towards the effigy.
“Hey uh… I don’t know who you are but we’re leaving so um… want a flight?”
Avery hissed in pain, narrowly swooping back up in the air just before hitting the ground, blindly sending a blast of lightning out into the air behind them, the bright flash leaving a breif fractal scar in the sky, just barely missing it's target.
The avian hovered with the rest of the group then, staring warily at the figures that surrounded them.
"...Um, I think I'm with Ben on this one now. We should probably get out of here. Who likes air travel?"
This is very interesting! :D
Never see much of the celestial stuff being represented outside of of rotw, would love to see a part two :p
A spark of Storm magic intercepted the dome, blocking it from hitting ansat. Avery dived down from where they had hidden themselves up in the sky, shooting the others a sheepish glance. "Sorry, had to dip out of the first fight for a bit. Couldn't risk the wings."
They met the violet gaze of the figure and flinched back, eyes wide.
"What is that...?"
Luckily, Avery swooped close, grabbing Ansat's arm and yanking him up into the air, dropping him immediately after the fireball passed and shooting him an apologetic glance when thudded to the ground.
"Hope you don't mind me helping you guys out, then. I'm rather hungry too, and there's a tiny little bug over there that looks rather... appetizing."
Sparks of Storm magic flickered around their forearms as they hovered in the air, grinning widely at the mutants across from them.
oh how the turn tables
also go for it candle
edit: yes im classifying serrazigs as bugs even if they're more seahorse than dragonfly
"Ow..." Avery muttered, eyes narrowed as they flexed their wings, checking for damage. A grunt rose from below them, and they quickly jumped off the unfortunate bandit they had landed on top of. "Um. Sorry?" They awkwardly extended a hand to help him up. "I don't think I got the name of your friend or you, by the way."
vulture tendencies no longer targeted towards bensat (down bad for each other)
Telling a group of strangers that they were creepily watching them brawl so they could pick off from the remains of their fight like a vulture was probably not the best course of action.
"I uh, was watching you guys fight from the balcony! Because! I think everyone here is really cool?"
it's going to be so obvious when they lie because they just sound eternally confused when they do it but the fighters do not know that and please for the love of harmony let someone there be extremely susceptible to flattery please
"Um!" The avian squawked, before awkwardly clearing their throat.
"I'm. Avery?"
i am in full support of any form of gorgon but aspfear is post battle remake but also solarisis...es and the other starters are probably extinct by the time rotw starts so like. mutants from the future could totally work imo.
okay i'll quote for you then :p
"Basically the Prodigy and the Puppetmaster (or whatever stand-ins we wanna use) had this huge final battle that totally razed Prodigia to the ground, and accidentally opened up some huge toxic cave deep under the Academy which the keystones fell into, causing some huge radioactive thing that altered everything and everyone for centuries"
"A lot of the monsters and a few wizards are turned into mutants, some are cool and maybe get extra abilities while others are much more realistic and only lead to cancer and degenerative stuff"
"So then just as society is starting to rebuild itself, this dude who calls himself the Puppetmaster's Descendant wants to destroy it yet again so they can brainwash all the survivors who will be fearing for their lives so they can rebuild society yet again in their own image"
"Since society is close to completely rebuilding, cities and towns still exist, but due to a lack of universal political figures, each town has their own laws which effectively makes it a city state, and of course not all of them are ruled by good people who put their citizens before themselves, leading to imperialism, corrupt mayors, and wars between city states. There're also way more crime gangs, cults, evil organizations, and way more dark stuff due to a general lack of order on the island"
i can attempt to summarize if too many words lol
you could also have just a regular wizard. x has a bunch of notes on the fallout stuff in the disc (#writing-discussion) if you want more context
so ansben doesn't really work as a ship name but if it's bensat then i will not be able to resist the urge to say "bensat down bad for each other" and that is incredibly cringe when i see it typed out in front of my face. so... anyone got any better ship name??
also whoa mutant characters now imagine if a person had solarisis features OH WAIT–
Up above, from a somehow uncrumbled Coliseum balcony, a figure looked down on the fight, head tilted in a birdlike manner as they watched the mutants. They had been planning to wait for the two parties to dig into and destroy each other so they could eventually swoop in to take the remains, but from the way things were going, they would likely starve before they had the chance.
Sighing, the figure stepped back, but their balcony luck had seemed to run out, as that single step suddenly sent the marble they stood on crashing down. Ansat stopped his charge with a comical screeching sound, like slamming the brakes on a car, and the four mutants in opposition stared in shock as a lump of marble dust and rubble crashed down right in front of them.
The figure coughed, brushing off the dust before looking up, and meeting the eyes of both the bandits and the four monster mutants. Their tattered cloak decided against hiding the gold and blue wings attached to their back.
will hop in when I’m back from Santa Cruz tmmr :p
hoping he's okay at least :(
if we can't do an Ian scene now then do we want to have a little trainee moment or something? still feels too soon to swap to lucas but i can do that if needed
delta that was September
when tf does he do that because i never see him there
Vivian, but idk when/if he'll see the ping. he hasn't been active in quite a bit :(