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It's been a while, as I'm waiting for my mother's return. I wonder how long it has been; I've been standing here for what seems like eternity. I look down on the vines growing on my legs, as I sighed and spoke to myself.
"I sure do wonder when mother will return..." I looked down and shot up again with a bright smile. "I kind of like playing this game! I wonder what will be next!" But no, I waited. And waited. And waited. I looked at the vines again. "Gee, I wonder how they got here, how long has it been?" I looked at the stone clock, which didn't even budge. "It's only been one minute.. I don't understand!" I sighed and looked around. I wanted to disobey my mother's words and stepped from the spot I stood for quite a long time. I climbed the stone wall where the clock was hanged, as I looked at it closely. A sense of shock washed over me. The clock had been dead the entire time! I ran outside to search for my mother, but no matter where in the universe I looked, she wasn't there. I began to worry, rushing to the tomb's hidden room in the palace. As I entered, I watched as golden light glittered around, all of them in many strings of magic as they went inside the stone casket. I looked at the side of it, seeing my mother's remains on the ground, withering away into the ground. I gasped in horror, trying to pull her out of the ground. But it was no use; she'd been like that for a while now, since her beautiful grayish-blue pale skin was now becoming rough and jagged, covered in small plants growing inside the cracked side of her eye. I sat there; blue glowing tears streamed down my hollow black eyes. I looked up to the golden light, as it switched it's direction onto the wall, carving ancient characters into it. It read: "OPEN THE COFFIN" repeatedly. I saw the light turn into glowing blue spirits; many thousands of deceased golems surrounding me, begging for the coffin to be opened. Their terrified voices from the massacre screamed in agony, as I had enough of it. I got up and walked towards the coffin. I felt immense power flowing from it, as I felt a strand of light circle the back of my head, as a huge halo surrounded my flower-like head, running through the golden pedals on my head. I pried open the coffin's lid with my fingers, which turned into sharp claws as I tore it off, revealing a huge body around ten feet tall, with the same flower-shaped head that I had. He wore armor that represented either a sunflower or the sun, blue crystals were worn on his arms, and he had four golden rings on each hand. I looked at the rings. I remembered that my mother said that she once gave a gift to my father when they were young, could this be it? Is this, my dead father? He still seemed dead though, as many thoughts flowed into my little head, the golem spirits turned back into golden light and flowed into the core of his chest. I saw one female golem who didn't change into dust yet, as I approached her. "What h-happened to my-my mother..?" I choked out, tears drenching my hands.
"Your mother sacrificed herself, Tnemele," the horned golem said, "She did this to revive your father."
"Our souls would be bonded to his, and bring him back to his old self," she spoke, her voice trying to soothe my sadness. "She let out a burst of physical magic which help guide us to here. Your father can't really die, you know?"
"T-that was just too kind of her... too kind.."
"It's been 109 years since the fall of our empire-"
"Ah, yes. with more magic to reunite the other souls, our dear lord would be revived again."
An idea lit up inside my head. "Wait. didn't two survivors have a small portion of his strength?"
"Oh, you mean my two only children?"
Another sense of shock. "WHAT?!?!?!"
"They are doing well, I think. They dwell in our makeshift realm in the First Universe, my youngest daughter called it Harmony Island or something-"
"Alrighty! I'll head off to find them this instant!" I said running out the tomb room. The female golem smiled, as she turned into golden dust and flew into the coffin. I swear on my heart of glass that I will find these two siblings. I will find a future for our race. I will find a way for everyone to live peacefully.
guess who the survivors were? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just Updated
Our first video is ready! Big shoutout to @DaEpicWubboxGamer for the first story submission release! We've got two more selections we will drop one each week.
Enjoy and congrats!
Hi PGFW community! I made a pet by the name of Sprockite, which is an evolution of Gearsite. I would like to know how to improve it, such as its design or concept. A wiki article exists for it, which I have linked here. Thank you for reading!
What if squally are the ghosts of deceased wizards because they are in the sunken ships in ship wreak shore
They think it’s a game about flowers,
a delicate dance of petals and colors.
How quaint.
How laughable.
They’ll plant their seeds,
tend to them with love,
carefully arranging the soil,
believing they can coax beauty from it,
as if it’s that simple.
As if they hold any control at all.
He watches from the edges,
a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.
They think the game is about growth,
but they don’t see the thorns buried beneath
each fragile bloom.
They’ll compete for sunlight,
fight for space in the soil,
and they’ll water their plants with hope,
believing their tender care
will bring them victory.
How precious.
How doomed.
The flowers will rise,
each one thinking it’s the one that’ll stand tallest,
the one that’ll claim the prize.
One by one,
their flowers will wilt.
Not from drought.
Not from neglect.
No, it’ll be the quiet poison,
a whisper on the wind,
a subtle shift in the air
that makes everything bend,
and collapse.
He’s already won.
You just don’t know it yet.
They’ll look at each other,
grasping at the threads of their alliances,
thinking if they just work together,
if they just pull in the right direction,
they can outlast the inevitable decay.
They don’t realize that their bonds are nothing
but a distraction.
The soil beneath them shifts,
the roots twisting,
growing in directions they didn’t plan.
They’ll reach for the light,
but it’s always just out of reach.
And as their petals fall,
as their stems wither,
they’ll know -
but it’ll be too late -
they were never in control.
He smiles,
not because he’s cruel,
but because it’s all so easy.
The flowers rise,
they bloom,
they fade,
and in the end,
none of them will last.
In the end,
there’s only one flower that survives,
and it’s the one he has already planted,
before the game even began.
They think it’s about beauty,
about the growth of something pure,
but really,
it was always about death.
And in that death,
The bringer of death thrives.
They’ll only know the brightness.
They’ll only know the light.
But no one told them
that the victor was already chosen -
and it wasn’t any of them.
What are some Prodigy AU ideas you have??
Passport to Prodigia - Progress is slow, but ideas are flowing in
Stargazers - Dead, but will be revived once PtP is finished. We need that Tanner backstory
Waiting for the Sun - New story, considering posting it
Developers at Work - Fully dead
I had add a astral and storm starter pet. Look.
In his defense, potion craft had never been his strong suit.
Alex Flamegiver sat to the side as his lab partner, Grace Earthwhisper, gingerly swept up shards of broken concentrated glass from the cold granite floor. He’d vaguely remembered something about glowroot and lush berberis conflicting with each other on account of some of their properties, but Alex had been too immersed in his drawings to pay attention. Not that it mattered - pretty much all of Alex’s doodles had been eviscerated at the atomic level in the explosion. A piece of scrap paper burned pitifully, half of a decently sketched dragon etched neatly on the paper, barely recognisable due to the black char.
“Concentrated glass isn’t even capable of breaking under normal circumstances. How were you even - actually, I don’t want to know,” Grace facepalmed, having dumped the glass shards into the rubbish bin next to the door.
“In my defense, I’ve never been the best at potions, okay?” Alex forced a smile and put his hands in the air defensively.
“Maybe if you listened to Professor Rowan more instead of drawing, you could, I don’t know, avoid happenings like this?”
I have a cool idea
More coming soon!
So, this story I wrote
The Warden's Fate | Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Has some fan made characters and some canon characters. It's kind of long, And I'm not sure if it should go in the Roleplay or fanfiction category.
Progress on PtP has slowed, but I have been updating it! The same thing happened with Scar Tissue between the Winter Prom and #ChetSterlingReturns, so I won't be too afraid that PtP will remain unfinished. Thanks for supporting me :D
...The academy came to be?
Don't hate on others' ideas.
Redesign of harmony/harmony in my universe.
They don’t like each other. :(
Art I (refuse) to finish.
I didn’t put any effort into this image, it was only a reference photo.
Random sketches.
Wowee, I'm an expert procrastinator :D
As far as the world of Prodigy was aware, they were nothing more than a myth. Still, some thought of them as a secret hero. Others, a vigilante. Some even theorized that they were a monster, while others believed they were actually multiple people.
Tonight, though, they were all wrong. With a light blue and white striped scarf and hat joining the greens of their Ninja Hood and Titan Hunter Robes, they were just Winterfest’s little helper. Hey, who said just because you’re a ninja doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun with your job here and there?
That being said, they still had a job to do. With the recent emergence of the Dragon Isle, many wizards and residents of Lamplight Town had been a tad bit too distracted to remember that monsters affected by the Puppet Master’s magic tended to engage in mischief and tomfoolery in Lamplight Town every Winterfest. Well, no time to dwell on that now, for the wizard had a Frostjaw and several stolen Evergreen Garlands to track down.
Leaping off a roof and quietly landing on the patch of grass next to Lamplight Town’s eternally locked library, the ninja vigilantly scanned the History District from behind the white fence and wooden crates. Given the earlier five minute chase that had ended with the two here, the wizard was left wondering how a Frostjaw, of all monsters, could move with such swift—oh wait, there it is. The typical suspicious, questionably constructed snowman. Raising an eyebrow from behind their mask, the unamused wizard walked out from behind the crates and leapt over the fence. These monsters really need to start choosing new disguises.
The masked wizard walked up to the suspicious snowman as gray particles of Storm magic circled their hands. With a gust of Storm magic wind, the ninja nonchalantly blew its head off in a large plume of frosty, white powder. The formerly-hidden Frostjaw blinked in surprise and sheepishly met the unamused and disappointed look in the ninja's eyes. Then, the Frostjaw dropped on all fours with a loud thud, bursting out of the remnants of the snowman before very quickly and somehow silently scuttling away.
Sighing, the ninja turned away from the escaping Frostjaw and knelt down in the middle of the trampled snow pile. Poking out from several spots of the pile were several clusters of thin, green, pine leaves. As it would seem, the Frostjaw had left behind all of its stolen decorations in a panic. The wizard fished the Everland Garlands out of the snow pile and brushed the snow off of them.
Slinging the Everland Garlands over their shoulders, the ninja turned around and walked back further into Lamplight Town, ready to put the decorations back where they belonged.
Well, until they noticed a very familiar Frostjaw making off with several strings of Winterfest Lights along with an entire Festival Tree balanced on its back.
Suffice to say, Lamplight Town’s local myth was not amused in the slightest.
King Swiftshade was woken up at 3:00 AM by his friend Solar.
“Who what when where why?” he asked after a few seconds, still dazed by that dream he’d had of a giant colorful sunflower thing chasing him in a room full of pictures of giant colorful sunflower things and then-
“Today’s the day! The Puppet Master! It turns out we needed a wizard, so I nominated you! Isn’t that AWESOME!?” Solar replied enthusiastically.
“I mean I guess… but why NOW? I was SLEEPING!”
Solar looked slightly annoyed, which was understandable.
Swiftshade continued, “And I’m STILL annoyed about how Disney BOUGHT their way into trying to get their movie on top of the far superior hedgeho-
The wizard sighed, and said, “Okay, okay. So where is the great ambush planned?”
Solar calmed down a bit and answered, “At the ACADEMY, he wants to train a new generation of shadow wizards!”
A few minutes later, Solar and King were flying on their giant Leviathan, which might have been a risk, but Leviathans were the trendiest way of transport, so there was clearly no other option.
Once they got to the Academy, all the other epics were already stationed in the shadows, with some help by Eclipse’s shadow magic.
“Wait, so now what?” King whispered.
“We wait,” was the reply.
At approximately 7:06 AM(6:66, if you’re willing to count past the hour), the Puppet Master forcefully opened the Academy gates and admired his new castle.
Then the Epics slowly came out of the shadows, surrounding him.
“What a lovely surprise!” said the Puppet Master cheerfully. “All of my enemies IN ONE PLACE, well, except for this sleepy looking wizard, but let’s be real, who cares about him?”
“M-my family?” asked the sleepy looking wizard.
“Luke… I am your FATHER! Just kidding! Anyway, it’s AMAZING how convenient all of you are here, because trust me, you’re all locked in here with me! And I also created this AWESOME new magic thing that makes anyone who LOOKS at my eyes turn into stone! I’m so original!
King rolled his eyes while Solar said, “So here’s the plan: All the other Epics fight him while we astrallize this crystal staff so it will blast him back to the Epicsforsaken place he came from!
That sounded like a good plan to the wizard, so he and Solar worked on the staff while the Epics wove around the Puppet Master, quickly firing bolts of elemental magic while dodging powerful Shadow magic. But then Vegabloom froze and slowly turned into stone. Diveodile was caught by a giant shadow hand, turned towards the Puppet Master, and turned into stone as well. One by one, all of the Epics turned into stone. Finally, the villian turned to face the wizard and Solar with the completed staff.
“I have something to tell you,” Solar said happily. WE”RE not locked in here with YOU. YOU’RE locked in here with US!”
At these words, King lifted the staff and vaporized the Puppet Master with one gigantic blast of golden energy. He wasn’t gone for good, but he would still be gone for a long long time.
“So…,” Solar asked, looking around at the petrified Epics mournfully, “Do you want to…uhh…oh, I know! Let’s watch that AWESOME hedgehog movie again!
The wizard shrugged.
“We’ll have to take care of this mess eventually, but as a proud procrastinator… SURE THING!”
Scarlet Fireprism is not excited for Christmas this year. For one thing, it is cold. She hates Christmas.
Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends, but she has none. The last time she tried to meet up with a friend was on Halloween, which ended up with her friend being vanished by the puppet master.
So this year, she will try to save her friend. She started this mission when Winterfest began, and nothing terrible has happened. She wants to return after Winterfest so she does not have to experience the cold.
She thinks her friend might be trapped somewhere on Dragon Isle, so that is where she's headed.
One day of her mission, she wakes up. Where was she again? Oh, right. She is along the path between the Academy and Bonfire Spire. Halfway there. She just needed to eat and look at the map again, and then she could continue travelling.
Except for one thing. Her backpack is suddenly gone. Without a map, she doesn't know where she is going. She’ll have to find her backpack first.
“Hmmm,” Scarlet said. “It should be around here.”
So Scarlet searched. She searched the area, but she couldn’t find anything. “Ugh,” Scarlet said. “Do you know where it is?” She asked Luna who her pet was. She shook her head. “How about you?” She asked her buddy, who is a Husky. He sniffed on the spot where the backpack was just last seen, then he started walking. Scarlet hurried after him.
Soon they arrived near some bushes. Suddenly the dog stopped. “Oh,” Scarlet said. “So this is where my backpack is?” Scarlet went behind the bushes. But her backpack was not there. Now what?
Her Husky put his paw over her hand like he was telling her it was going to be alright.
“I know. If only I had a map.” Scarlet said. “We need to know where we’re going.” Surely her Husky can’t lead the way, because they wouldn't know where they would be going, and they could be going to the middle of nowhere.
Suddenly Scarlet had an idea. “Wait. Let’s make a trap.” She said, She flicked her eyes to Luna. “I’ll use you as bait.”
Scarlet hid behind a bush, with Husky following along. “You stay where you are, Luna. Surely anyone would want a mythical epic, so the person who stole my backpack last night must also want to steal you. But we won’t let the person capture you.”
She waited. And waited.
Until a shadow came from the sky, swooping down. Scarlet gasped. It is the Puppet Master! Isn’t he supposed to be in Dragon Isle?? Right at the moment, Scarlet jumped from her hiding place.
“Stop this right now!” She said as she cast Starbit. But it was too late.
The Puppet Master was gone, and he had taken Luna with him.
This note is not included in the story.
Extra note: this story is called winter without snow because there really isn't any snow in the story.