Daytime was upon the world of Prodigy as Jack heard a loud knock on his door. “Who is it?” he said, stumbling to the door. His friend, Angel, stood outside waiting for him. Why, it’s me, Angel! You’re late for the Academy again,” she said. “Oh great,” he said, quickly packing his bags. He began running to the Academy leaving his friend behind,”Wait up!” “We’re here!” Jack exclaimed as he and Angel entered the Academy. “Zara!” Jack and Angel yelled, waving him over. “You know you’re both late, right?” Zara said. “Right,” Jack said. The friends walked into the archives and collected some golden pages. “River Neek, I challenge thee to a battle!” Jack exclaimed. The River Neek went first, using bubble burst and missing. “Jack, use your katana!” Zara yelled. “Just what I was thinking,” Jack said as he pulled it out. A tentacle came from a mysterious purple fog and snatched his arm. His friends were quick to pull him away from the fog but he slipped away. Jack fell into a portal and went unconscious as he fell further down.
“Oof!” Jack’s head was spinning and his vision was blurry. It seemed he’d landed in the fog but he realized he couldn’t breathe. “Help! I can’t breathe!” he shouted, using the last of his breath. A girl came out of the shadows and dragged him out of the fog.
“Hi, who are you and where did you come from?” asked the girl.
“I’m Jack and I’m from Prodigy. Where am I and who are you?”
“I’m Anis, you’re in the dream realm! Need any help?”
“I don’t belong here,” he said.
Anis helped him up onto a hammock and Jack dozed off. “AHHH! What are you?” Jack asked a floating creature just as he had woken up. It said,”I’m Wishie! The wish granter of the-” Anis cut him off, ”Are you okay?”
“No, I need to get back to Prodigy!” Jack exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, we’ll help you get back.”
Jack didn’t trust either of them but he’d have to if he wanted to get home. He’d lost everything he’d ever known but he still had a spark of hope. Night fell upon the world and Jack watched the stars glimmering in the sky. “This reminds me of the Starlight Festivals back at home,” he thought. He heard pages flipping behind him and a tired regalaxy flew in front of him. “Regalaxy? How did you get here?” he asked. Regalaxy held Jack’s pet book in its mouth. “Great job Asterella! Maybe, my bag is around here somewhere,” Jack said.