In the home page, SMARTEACHER is misspelled as SMARTTEACHER.
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Card Layout
Yes that's just my post cover image now.
Anyhow, as for now there's two templates:
Example: {{Genders|Male}}
Examples: {{Pronouns|She}}
Examples: {{Sexualities|Pan}}
Which displays the flags and links to information regarding the pronoun/gender/Sexuality.
Well then, you can feel free to requests genders and pronouns. :3
Just Updated
Went ahead and made a Pronouns template for characters—
{{Pronouns|They}} will display They/Them with a link and flag :3
Working on adding Xenopronouns and wondering which ones y'all want added (I'll add more as requested).
I edited the fanon pets navigation, but something broke it, and I don't know how to fix it.
I don't want to edit farm or break it further, so could someone fix it please?
I can't upload this audio file: Roar of Embershed
Prodigy Legend Hero copied my ideas almost exactly:
They copied it From here
But how do I make that ID list?
179 Coral Aquaster
180 pet your viewing
181 Lumibolt
And it shows the next thing
I have some elements to create.
Can someone please tell me where it is?
How do I put my pages into a category, and how do I make that thing at the bottom ex.Stage 1, Stage 2
I just remembered that I coded this...two years ago. Damn, this is old.
Anyhow, I don't have a use for it and I feel bad that it's sitting around doing nothing, so...
/* User Profile Masthead Background */
#userProfileApp .wds-button.wds-is-secondary,
#userProfileApp .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:disabled {
background: #ffffffc7;
border-color: #ffffffc7;
color: black;
#userProfileApp .user-identity-bio {
font-size: 16px;
letter-spacing: .32px;
line-height: 1.5;
margin-bottom: 18px;
max-height: 5em;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-word;
background: #ffffffad;
color: black;
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
text-align: center;
#userProfileApp .user-bio-open-modal-button {
color: #ffffff;
#userProfileApp .user-identity-social__icon {
color: #ffffff;
background: #ffffff00;
position: relative;
#userProfileApp .user-bio-modal {
background: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2);
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 3px 12px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 30%);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 16px;
justify-content: space-between;
left: 50%;
line-height: 1.5;
max-height: 640px;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
z-index: 1050;
color: black;
#userProfileApp .user-identity-header__tag {
background-color: #ffffffc2;
border-radius: 3px;
color: black;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1.5;
margin-right: 12px;
padding: 3px 8px;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
#userProfileApp .user-identity-box {
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 22px;
color: white;
background: url(;
align-content: center;
background-size: 100% auto;
padding: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 5px;
#userProfileApp ul.user-identity-stats a {
color: #ffffff;
#userProfileApp p {
background: #ffff;
/* END */
At first glance, you probably have no idea what the heck this thing does. So I'm showing you:
Shockingly, Fandom Desktop didn't break the code, heh.
I originally coded it for the Easter Eggs Wiki (on request of an ex-friend), but due to how we ended our relationship, anyone's free to use code or images I created for them.
If you want to use it, all you need to know is that replacing "" with another image link (ex: will replace the background to whatever you want. If you want to change the colors or roundness, just shoot me a comment.
Have fun decorating your wikis, peeps (orrrr you might decorate your personal .css. That works too).
Edit: Stand correction, there is one thing Fandom broke on dark mode. I'll go write up a fix and add it to the code.
Edit 2: Fixed. All I need was an addition of #userProfileApp p
Welcome to winter in the Northern Hemisphere! The majority of the holidays already passed, but that's not something to worry about since winter lasts for about ninety days.
For 2022's September, October, and November thread, click here!
What Happened This Fall
More releases to Mystylian Skies and other works
Improved organization of articles
Cold weather-themed roleplays
What Will Happen This Winter
SEO improvements I will roll out with mutual agreement from the community
More new theory content on the canon games
I will *try* to (legally) advertise our wiki more so that we can attract more members who have lots to bring to the table
Not much happened this fall, but hopefully the meteorological winter will bring people heavy inspiration! If you have friends who are interested in Prodigy and want to make fanon works, tell them about this wiki, please.
With love,
-PGFW Staff
5:00 pm today, I will post something I've been working on for a long time.
But seeing how many deities are on the wiki (Harmony, the elements, and the demi-gods), should there be a category/template/template edit for religious groups used in fanon works?
Seeing how some characters already orientate to fanon religions (i.e. Samantha Waterwhisper is mentioned to be Harmonist [Meaning Harmony is one's deity of choice]) and seeing how fanon groups for some fanon religions already exist.
Current Role: Autconfirmed user
What role are you interested in? Rollback
Experience? If yes, specify. Content-mod and rollback on the She-Ra canon, content-mod and rollback on the She-Ra fanon, rollback on the Prodigy canon
Days Editing: Around a year
Edit Count: 2589
Post Count: 16783
Why you should have this role (3 or more paragraphs):
I believe I’d make a more than adequate rollback for this wiki. My post/edit count is rather high, I’ve been contributing here for a little over a year now, I can maintain professionalism, and I know how to handle drama. As a rollback, I believe I’d be able to help improve certain aspects of the wiki. More content, more users, and less controversy. While I have been a lot more temperamental in the past, my current roles have taught me how to keep a level head.
Said roles are also beneficial, as I will now be able to use knowledge and experience from my other three staff roles to help benefit this wiki. As a content-mod on the She-Ra canon and fanon, I know how to help bring two counterparts together, which is useful for the two Prodigy wikis as well. Additionally, my role on the Prodigy canon has been teaching me how to handle drama and work through posts and edits.
I have experience with each user on this wiki, and can help them with any issues. This long history on the wiki has taught me thoroughly about all going-ons throughout its history, which will make moderation easier and more thorough.
Now give me power /j
Salve sapans! (Remind me to come up with a Norlian word for "Hi")
It's been ~7 months since our last promotions and we have three slots available - hopefully, someone besides X gets promoted this time, eheh...
Each person may recommend one user that meets the following requirements. This applies to staff as well, and staff nominations are treated equally to those of normal users.
[TWO SLOTS] RB Requirements:
Contributing for a month at minimum
100 to 200 edits & posts at minimum
Has had no blocks for severe reasons (i.e. doxing, sexting, death threats, etc)
[ONE SLOT] Thread Mod Requirements:
RB experience on this wiki
Contributing for two months at minimum
400 to 500 valid edits & 500 to 600 non-spam posts at minimum
The nomination is only valid if the nominated user accepts - for this reason, we ask you to ping them in your post. If your chosen nominee has already been nominated (and has not declined), feel free to support them by upvoting the post that nominates them.
Nominees, once you've been nominated, accept or decline in the comments. If you accept, proceed to create a post discussing why you should have that position in order that the community may voice their opinion. If the community supports, and the majority of the staff has commented with their support as well, you will be notified before being promoted.
Nominated Users
@Xansatsuken (You're literally the only person who can be thread mod, lol) - Application
Welcome to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere! We have four days left of calendar summer, but I figured that I'd get this out early since I have not kept my promise of making these threads a monthly thing.
For June, July, and August's thread, click here!
What Happened This Summer
More roleplays occurred in general
More fanfictions were added
What Will Happen This Autumn
Even more roleplays and fanfictions created by the community
I will organize the newer pages so that our SEO returns to normal
I will advertise this wiki more so that we have some growth in our community
I might create more theories and headcanons regarding Prodigy Math & English
Overall, this fall is expected to be business as usual. If you have friends who are interested in Prodigy and want to make fanon works, tell them about this wiki, please!
With love,
-PGFW Staff
Welcome to Pride Month! If you would like to look at the previous Potential Changes post, look here!
What Happened in May
New Feature: AlyssSolo created the Prodigy English interactive map
Template Changes: All navibox templates have been made collapsed by default
Elbow Reveal: I posted a picture of my real-life elbow to my profile per everyone’s request
What Will Happen in June and July
New Categories: Every tracking category will have their own page description so that we can avoid them becoming Wanted Categories
CSS Updates: We will be testing out new Community CSS features that we can agree upon as a community
Old Content Templates: I will make old content templates consistent with Prodigy Game Wiki’s format so they look more professional and might attract Prodigy Education’s attention
New Content Templates: I will make new content templates that represent all of PGW’s formats so people can make snazzy-looking fanon versions of them
Return of the Wardens: The ROTW cast will continue to post more content regarding the series unless it becomes discontinued
Land and Wind: The Land and Wind fanon update will get finished
I hope this news brings excitement. If not everything I mentioned gets done, it will probably happen in August 2022. What I promised to have done in June last time will definitely be completed this month.
-PGFW Staff
PS: Solo, if you have anything to add, please do so anywhere you want on this post.
Yeaaaaah making a map of Prodigy English is as hard as I thought it would be.
Looking For:
Someone who can take screenshots
Someone who has enough disk space to store the screenshots
Someone who is willing to take approximately 100 screenshots
Okay, so the last one is a bit of an overestimation and I'm not about to demand someone to take that many, so I'm looking for 5 people willing to take 20 (or more) screenshots each.
Why I need help:
I need to put the screenshots together to create a base map.
Here's a preview of the process:
Once the map is complete, I will upload it as Map:Wiki_Map_(Prodigy_English) the later replace it with a custom map based on the original.
I need all the help I can get!
Thank you,
Welcome to May! We are already one third done with 2022, but we have made a lot of progress already this year. Why not continue making progress by suggesting changes to the wiki in the comments?
See this post for last month's changes.
What Happened in April
New Category: Game Updates
Template Changes: Minor changes to Template:Features Navigation to accommodate the new category
New Feature: Wiki Maps were created, and one for Prodigy Math Fanon exists
Rules: Staff began reinforcing roleplay guidelines
What Will Happen This Month
New Feature: Prodigy English gets its own Wiki Map (ONLY IF SOLO IS UP TO DOING IT)
Roleplays: The ROTW cast will continue to push out content
Promotions: Staff may consider adding a new rollback
Template Changes: Some navibox templates will become collapsible
Elbow Reveal: I might take a picture of my elbow and show it to you all
I hope this news brings excitement. If not everything I mentioned gets done, it will probably happen in June 2022.
Keep grinding in the Arena and make sure to write more. Search Engine Optimization is most active in the warmer months (Northern Hemisphere people, you know what I mean), so this might be the month where your content might reach popularity. Good luck and have fun!
-PGFW Staff
PS: Solo, if you have anything to add, please do so anywhere you want on this post.