Everyone has a heart of glass.
Some have it shattered. Some repair it.
Some never do.
And when a heart is forever shattered, all positivity disintegrates without a trace. What remains of amongst the fragments of what used to contain love?
Hate. Cruelty. Shadows, and much more vivid evil.
Chapter 1: Clear Hatred[]
Another wizard had their heart shattered. How?
Broken by the shadows, the darkness, the evil that consumed it. Wizards were being corrupt, far too fast for the pure ones to keep track. The order was rising. The wizards were falling. Purple hate was already enveloping astral territory. Something had to be done. Soon. Only a matter of time, and poof, gloom everywhere.
Only wilted trees in the enchanting Firefly Forest, named for the fireflies that put on a show every night. That could all be in the past very soon.
Only fallen rocks in the chilly Shiverchill Mountains; cold on the outside, yet heartwarming for wizards to visit with Bok's welcoming home.
Only storms of darkness in the cloudy Skywatch, responsible for most of the island's crops believe it or not. Many could very well die of hunger. No one would care.
Only erupting volcanos and molten lava in Bonfire Spire, also a major food producer.
Only waves of tenebrosity in Shipwreck Shore, a place well known for vacationing wizards, and Summerfest.
Only hate would remain across the island.
A teenaged wizard gathered her pets in preparation for an assault on the forces of the dark. They glanced out their window, stress overwhelming their head with a simple but unanswerable question.
Why?, they thought as they cleaned the fur of their Luminite, it being covered by thorns after it had wandered away into nearby vegetation, its curiosity getting the better of it. What used to be just a small bump in the road had changed to a near heart attack with all the shattered hearts around. The wizard blew back a bang of their messily tied black hair, grabbing the towel to dry the pet off. The Luminite didn't wait, however, and shook all the water off. "Oh, Blevine, stop that!," The wizard said, laughing for the first time in ages. The joy soon faded away, however, as a branch fell right outside the window. The wizard sighed, and turned to close the red wrinkly curtains. She sent the Luminite, Blevine to bed, and herself shortly after. She sat on her bed, candle emitting barely enough light to write by. But she still wrote, pen in grasp kissing the paper lightly as she moved it across to create words, a record of the life she lived.
Dear diary,
Winterfest has been canceled due to shadow's rising. I wish that you, I, and everyone else still pure could live without pain, without suffering... but there are no signs of that yet. A branch fell outside the window. I'm grateful that the window pane was not hit, but I'm upset about the harshness of this winter. It seems to be the coldest and darkest one in ages. Wait, scratch that, winter hasn't even officially started yet, it's still fall for a few more days. The wind is howling outside. I wish that the wind howling was instead some Luminexes howling at the full moon. Those creatures are just amazing. I love them. Korathius agrees, especially with the fact that he calls his pets his brothers. I may have been the "Pet Enthusiast" at school, but Korathius was "The Beastmaster." Amazing, right? I have a Luminite of my own now. It wandered off into some bushes nearby. At first I was really worried with shadow and all, but I was relieved once I found her unharmed. Dirty, but not harmed. I gave her a bath, sent her up to bed, and that brings us up to now. This is Lillian Animaltamer signing off. Goodbye, diary. Be safe.
With that, Lillian set the pen down, and blew out the candle. She soon fell asleep, tucked under the covers in her bed.