“ | ...Your lies are soon to shatter. | ” |
— Aaron
Aaron is a protagonist in The Academy's Secret. He is given the role of a student at the Academy, trapped in the Killing Game.
Aaron is a relatively normal height, but is on the shorter side. He has mainly black hair, but with small hints of purple in different places. His eyes are extremely dark brown resulting in it looking like the same black, and he seems of American descent.
Aaron isn't one to be talkative. He mainly hangs out in different places trying to overhear conversations or get info from other people. Though he seems like a stalker, he uses this information and puts together a major conclusion, nitpicking at the seams of sentences like a monkey searching for food.
Weapon: Falling Guillotine- This weapon is usually referred to by its wielder as "my sword" or "the massive steel bar on my back". It's a pretty large sword with purple veins of what appears to be concentrated shadow essence running along its middle. It has a large split and a circle in the middle. This weapon is proficient at spellcasting and cutting. (Also maybe perhaps a reference to Destiny 2.)
Gear and Clothing: Duelist Robes and Crown- Artifacts recovered from an old gauntlet of the Arena. These items enhance both defense and offensive spellcasting, as the clothes are made specifically for combat and duelists.|Dragon Soles- Shoes made from dragon scales. Comfortable and perfect for dealing with heat.
- Soulsteal: Soulsteal allows Aaron to regenerate his soul in case he uses it to either attack or make people join his side in any event. This is done by stealing the very essence of a weak or dead person's soul.
- Soul Magic: Soul magic can be used to "mind control", but is more like extreme convincing. It can also take the form of glass or crystals with heat and be used for attacks. However, soul magic will cost Aaron's very essence, resulting in sanity loss among...other things.
- Shadow Magic: Aaron has the ability to use a low power version of Shadow Magic. This is mainly offensive and defensive spells, such as Shadow Shock or summoning Barriers.
- Fire Magic: The extent of the Fire Magic Aaron has learned is enough to temper metals and melt various items. Though mainly used to compliment spells such as Soul attacks, it's powerful enough to be a defensive resort.
- Memory and Intelligence: Aaron isn't half bad at remembering clues and sentences. Combined with the logical way his mind works, this can lead for some very interesting Truth Bullets...
- Combat Proficiency: Having taken on his fair share of combatants in the Arena, Aaron is very good at dueling.
- Reclusive attitude: The way Aaron handles the death game makes him very suspicious at many times. Even criminals would think he'd done something wrong.
- Extreme amounts of evidence: Though the surplus of details seems a good thing, it could make enemies out of those he has details on.
- Aaron is actually a failed copy of Luke. When the original school universe failed, only 3/4 copies of Darkshade died and were merged, resulting in an imperfect copy with only some shared traits.
RP Name
- Valid Book Name (Chapter # - Starting at Character's Debut)
RP Name
- Valid Book Name (Chapter # - Starting at Character's Debut)