FourSevensRueful Version |
Abilities within the FourSevensRueful Version of Prodigy are passive characteristics of NPCs, the wizard, and buddies that are either unlocked or innate (permanent unless changed by a nonnatural force).
Abilities in this version, like those of the Community Version, can affect battle depending upon their Combat Characteristic--if they have a "Y" characteristic, they affect battle. Abilities that fall under the "N" characteristic never affect battle. Abilities with the "C" Combat Characteristic are conditional and act as though they have an effect if and only if prerequisites are met. Regarding semantics, the character or wizard that holds an ability is called the "affector," while any character, wizard, buddy, or pet that receives the action performed by the ability is called an "affectee." An affector that uses its ability on itself is also considered an affectee. Each ability that affects battle has the capability to:
- put a member or several members of battle into a favorable or unfavorable condition.
- change the elemental nature of a member or several members of battle either temporarily or permanently.
- defeat a member or several members of battle with its use alone (very uncommon).
- immediately hijack an affectee to cause:
- one or more characters to switch places in battle.
- one or more spells to be used at once.
- one or more pieces of food to be eaten.
- one or more battle items to be consumed.
- one or more Epic Attacks to be triggered.
- the inability to switch between members of the same party.
- the inability to cast any spells.
- the inability to eat or consume battle items.
- the inability to use an Epic Attack.
Ability Name | Description | Variant Parameters | Meter Properties | Can Wizards Use This Ability? | NPCs With This Ability |
Dragon's Outrage | The affector can cast Dragos after becoming extremely emotional, specifically upset or angry, during battle. | No variants. | 1 Use Per Enemy Per Battle; Consumes All Energy | No | Sky Stormchaser |
Elemental Conversion | The affector converts the elemental nature of an amount of affectees from their elements into different elements. | 3: what elements the affector can convert the affectees from, what elements the affector can convert the affectees into, how many affectees can be converted at once. | NO METER | Yes (per successful Conversion Therapy with the Smuggler) | The Smuggler |
Evil Eye | As an affector, conscious and intentional eye contact with an affectee will cause something to happen to whoever stares back at the affectee. This does not work if under certain conditions dependent upon the variant. It fails if used against entities immune to innate magic of other beings or if used on a specific type of individual. | 2: effect on affectee, which types of individuals cannot be affected. | 1 Use Per Enemy Per Battle, Consumes 1 Energy (with Activation Energy 2) | Yes, by observing any one of Newton's scrolls | Newton (innate) |
Cold-Water Swimming | The affector is able to swim in cold water for extended periods of time without fainting. If they enter cold water and a battle ensues, they will not faint if they are defeated. They have "normal water resist" on top of their elemental nature and potion effects, as well as other abilities that cause resistance to water magic. | No variants. | NO METER | No | Ursids, Vernon Blackfang, Nike (trained), Spacewalker (trained) |
Master of None | The affector is magically barred from using any spells from the six nonsynthetic elements (Earth/Plant, Ice, Storm, Fire, Water, and Astral) and/or the Shadow element and/or the Shadow and Astral elements and/or the Nonmagical element. Even if they have these spells in a carried spellbook, they cannot use them. Positive effects provided from warden keystones are nullified. | 1: which elements the affector (also an affectee) may not use. | NO METER | Yes (innately, and the variant changes upon switching between spellbooks and nonmagical tablets) | The Instigator |
Seismic Episode | Upon experiencing extreme anger, frustration, or hatred, which is hard to reach unless the affector is hit too close to home, they can cause the ground to very mildly shake. Those with weak limbs should be careful around the affector when they are upset. | No variants. | Unlimited uses, one per turn, as long as the user is very upset. | No | Delila Quakeman |
Ability Name | Description | Variant Parameters | Can Wizards Use This Ability? | NPCs With This Ability |
Antics Survival | If something completely random and unexpected happens, there is a 100% chance that the affector survives it in the long run. They may temporarily die. | No variants. | Yes (innate) | The Magical Mercenaries |
Claw Skating | The affector has extreme hand and foot dexterity combined with hydrophobic paws, allowing them to skate on ice using only their appendages. | No variants. | No | All Rukuses, Shardics, and Keepers, Scamp |
Emission | The affector surrounds itself with a specific particle that does nothing in battle. | 1: what's being emitted. | No | Buddies |
Engorging | The affector, which is also the affectee, can consume at least 70% of their weight in normal food (what they can digest based upon their species) per day and be completely fine afterwards. | 1: how much they can consume based on their weight. | No | Members of the Scally, Rascal, Hob, and Puck evolution lines, Cloudmath, Scamp, Cobnut, Paul |
Excellent Cooking Skills | The affector is able to make food of at least one type that makes beings that do not mind that type of food to enjoy the affector's cooking. Beings that cannot eat or drink or are already repulsed by the type of food will not be affected. | 1: what type of food the cook makes excellently. | No | Shale Distributors |
Fast Mending | If there is major physical damage to a non-sentient object that needs to be fixed, and if the affector is able to obtain enough materials to fix the object, it will take some time for a cubic 8,000,000 px of the object to be fixed. If the affector has fixed the same type of object before, the rate is sped up to half that time to fix a cubic 8 million px of the object. | 1: how long it takes to fix the object if first introduced to it. | No | Engineer Hominin, Delila Quakeman |
Golden Taste Buds | The affector has a fine sense of taste that allows them to detect poison. | No variants. | No | All Scallies, Fissurals, and Sentinels, Cobnut |
Hands-Free Mode | Affectors that have Console Access do not require their hands or any hand-based inputs to make changes to Prodigy's developer console. AFFECTOR MUST HAVE CONSOLE ACCESS TO HAVE THIS ABILITY. | No variants. | No | The Instigator |
High Ceiling | The affector can fly to a higher altitude on their own than most individuals. | 1: their maximum ceiling height. | No | All Hobs, Wicks, and Nebulites, Cloudmath |
Melding | Using modified electrokinesis, the affector can heat up metal and sodder pieces together to make machines. | 1: the skill to which machines can be made by Melding. | Yes (Innate; players can fix railroads) | All Big Hexes |
Ominous Howl | To communicate with other Luminexes in their native tongue, the affector can howl to them. Calls that indicate strong negative emotion are much louder and "can be heard miles away." | 1: which voice line is played by the howl. | No | All Luminexes and Lumibolts, Nike |
Rejuvenation | The affector, which is also the affectee, can temporarily become inert after converting themselves into soil or a plant (if the Earth element), snow or a hard petrification of themselves (if the Ice element), into a cloud or dense air (if the Storm element), ash or smoke (if the Fire element), or water or gel (if the Water element) to restore themselves without loss of memory, magic, or life. | 3: what the affectee dissolves into, how long it takes to recover back into their corporal form, and what benefits they receive by spending time dead. | No | Members of the Scally, Rascal, Hob, and Puck evolution lines, Cloudmath, Scamp, Cobnut, Paul |
Spontaneous Divination | Although this is usually reversed to as "the opposite of amnesia," it causes affectors to obtain information through psychic practices. It cannot be used consciously, but divination occurs more frequently when exposed to psychological stress. | No variants. | No | Newton (gained through interuniversal transfer), Noot (technically) |
Superheating | Affectors, if ever cold, could increase their body temperature and raise their hairs or scales to help themself keep warm both above water and underwater. | 1: whether the affector can control their ability. | No | All Pucks, Flarias, and Ignioses, Paul |
Utility Magic | The affector can channel magic to illuminate surroundings, breathe underwater, make oneself temporarily invisible, use telekinesis to move objects, teleport within a small radius, and change into a different image for a short period of time. | No variants. | Yes (after graduating from the Academy under formal means) | Various |
Wariness | If the affector senses something specific that is wrong within their field of vision or extrasensory, they will do anything in their power to alert those that they feel need to have knowledge of the danger. | 2: what they can sense wrong and what they would do if there was a greater issue at hand. | Yes (after formally graduating from the Academy schools that provide the wizard with known hazards related to that element) | Engineer Homini, most Monsters, Caltrop, Delila Quakeman |
Ability Name | Description | Variant Parameters | Conditions | Meter Properties | Can Wizards Use This Ability? | NPCs With This Ability |
4/3 As Great | The affector moves 4/3 as fast as normal wizards, meaning that they sometimes go first. They can also double-jump.
No variants. | Jeremy must not be slowed down by any status conditions. | NO METER | No | Jeremy Bernard |
Brute Strength | The affector can throw large, heavy objects in the vicinity for a maximum distance. | 3: how much distance an affector can throw an object of a set weight, what nearby objects are available, which weights can the affector throw. | The battle must take place in a visible environment where objects of a throwable weight can be taken from their original position and tossed. | 3 Uses Per Affector Per Battle, Uses 3 Energy (with Activation Energy 4) | No | All Luminexes and Lumibolts, Ursids, Nike, Vernon Blackfang |
Console Access | The affector can interact with the Developer Console of Prodigy within the universe. There are limits to what changes can be made regarding crucial matter within the universe as well as other limits stated in the variant. | 1: what the console is constrained in its abilities to do. | The affector must have the nonmagical elemental nature to activate Console Access. | NO METER | Yes (must obtain a Developer Console from the Smuggler) | Caltrop, The Instigator |
Cupid's Venom | Being bitten by the affector may cause venom transfer into the bloodstreams of the affector's affectees. | 6: addiction levels, paralysis, | Must be used on the enemy as described by the specific conditions within variants. | NO METER | No | Newton (gained through interuniversal transfer) |
Mother's Intuition | If the affector ever senses that a low-level entity nearby is in distress, they are inclined to come to the entity's aid. They will enter battle and switch places to the front of the party, defending the party with the average lowest level. | No variants. | The affector must be or have once been a caretaker of children and raised them to adulthood. | NO METER | No | Nike (trained) |
Pocket Dimension Access | If an affector is carrying a briefcase or an object that opens pocket dimensions under certain conditions, they can have access to that pocket dimension. They may also close the dimension if they use specific magical spells or nonmagical moves that collapse the wormhole(s) associated with the dimension. | 2: how many pocket dimensions the affector has access to, how many wormholes the affector can create to enter a pocket dimension at a time. | The affector must have an object or means of obtaining a spell within the pocket dimension and must have access to it to cause a spell associated with said pocket dimension to make it have an effect. | Uses per battle depend upon the specifics, energy consumption depends upon the specifics. | No | The Instigator (gained through interuniversal transfer) |
Sorcery | The affector can receive combat benefits if they use their extremities to cast spells. This effect is hampered if they wear protection over such extremities. | 2: how much the ability is hampered while wearing excessive protection, what protection cannot be used. | Must be wearing a certain level of protection (or lack of protection) on the extremities that concentrate combat magic. | NO METER | Yes (by unequipping their wands while they possess the Nonmagical elemental nature) | Newton (innate) |
Improving Gameplay[]
The modern Prodigy battles are repetitive and very simply in nature--players obtain energy from opponents that have no chance to defeat them, then release the energy in the form of more powerful spells on those that they wish to defeat immediately before they themselves can be overpowered. Adding abilities that have passive effects and effects in battle will open up opportunities for PvE, PvP, and non-battling player interaction to ultimately change for the better.
Math Factor[]
Abilities that affect battle (have the "Y" Combat Characteristic or are active while they have the "C" Combat Characteristic) are often triggered when answering one or a series of math questions in battle. The longer a battle occurs or the more battle energy is acquired through the use of mana-restoring objects, using Epic Attacks, or slot-A spells, the more an ability meter is filled until triggering. Keep in mind that some active abilities do not have ability meters and can be triggered at any time, but require at least one math question to release.