Hi! I am Constellationer, as you know. I created Amber Falling Star. This is my story of Amber Falling Star. I will also add this character into Isabella Icecraver: the Tale of a New Wizard (one of my originals) in further chapters.
Chapter One: Life as a Crystal Monster[]
You would think I am ordinary, right? Well,I am not. I am a Crystal Monster. My name is Amber Falling Star, and I am a Crystal Monster. You will not understand unless you read the part of how I was born.
I was born from a science experiment created by Dr. Kiloh. First, Dr. Kiloh wanted to see if kids could be born from a crystal. He wanted it to be magical, so he added a bunch of things: half a fairy wing, mermaid tears, a crystal, a sperm cell, an egg cell, Astral magic spells, and a leaf. Finally, Dr. Kiloh used his lightning bolt striker to create me after he stuffed all the ingredients inside the crystal.
I had fairy wings and beautiful, smooth legs. When I dive into water, the legs turn into a mermaid tail. I have Astral magic,too.The leaves made my hair. I have light violet eyes, turning yellow when I use my Astral magic. My hair is blonde, but also leafy. Dr. Kiloh didn't name me; instead, he put me for sale, with 500 Sparkly Seashells Danny Dinodigger dug up when he was trying to find dinosaur bones. Gale had that amount of Sparkly Seashells, so he used all of them to buy me. Then he raised me as if he was my stepfather. .Then Gale, the Keeper of the Academy (no kidding, I am his stepdaughter) named me Amber Falling Star. I am 8 years old.
Chapter 2: Life in the Academy[]
•----•••••-• ••-••-•-•••-••••-•--• •••-•-•-•. That was my name in Morse Code. Gale taught me. I was already admitted into the Academy. My relic element was Fire, and my starter pet was Charfoal. The pony is a foal. It has Fire, Storm, and Water powers. If you are in level 15 or 20, you would unlock Charclone for Charfoal. Anyway, Stepdad gave me all the Academy uniforms. He probably wants me to blend in so they won't see I am a Crystal Monster. That would be scary if Charfoal and every kid in the Academy knew I was a Crystal Monster. A little snowy owl came out of Gale's backpack. "That's Nicolette. You named her when you were 3. It was truly yours," Stepdad said. I smile. Nicolette is my FAVORITE thing in the whole world.
Chapter 3: Nicolette's Story[]
I was being sold at a market under a tree with a owl's nest on top. Nobody knew about it, not even Robbie, the market keeper and manager. One day, baby Nicolette fell down.She was a flightless baby bird, and she looked like 4 days old. Since Robbie took care of me like he was my father, he got the baby owl and didn't say anything about her. He took care of her. When Gale bought me, Robbie looked sad. I even crawled over to give him 6 daisies, 5 buttercups, and 8 sunflowers. Robbie even had tears in his eyes. But since Dr. Kiloh (my real father,since he created me) sold me, Robbie had to leave me. He gave Nicolette to Gale, and then sent them on his way. Then, when I was three, I got to name her and talk to her, but not play with her. Gale thought Nicolette was dangerous, but it turns out that she is harmless. Gale thought it was safe to truly give Nicolette to me when I was 8.
Chapter 4: Life in the Academy (Continued)[]
After I got Nicolette, I sneaked out of the Academy. I went to the place where Robbie used to be. There was ruins of the owl nest. The familiar smell of flowers, red and white streamers, grassy land, Robbie's handwriting on cloth saying,"Robbie's Shop--Everything You Need". Then Robbie, who looks just like him when he "adopted" me, asked, "What do you need?"
Then Robbie looks at me. I take off my clothes, showing my leaf clothes (yes,I was born with leaf clothes). It was under my Academy uniform. Nicolette looked at Robbie with eyes that said, "Hello. Do you remember me? I miss you a lot."
Chapter 5: Family Reunion[]
Robbie looked at me and said, "I remember you. I named you Gina...and the snowy owl..." He muttered. He shook his head. "It can't be," he said. "It's Gina. That is the snowy owl you rescued when I was still a baby. It's already been 8 years. Dr. Kiloh asked you to sell me. And you cried when I had to leave," I said. Truly, my name wasn't Amber when Robbie took care of me. Robbie named me Gina. I take 6 daisies, 5 buttercups, and 8 sunflowers from the never-dying bush. Robbie widened his eyes. His mouth drops. Then he burst into tears. Happy tears.
"I want to visit you every week," I said.
Robbie looks at me. "I haven't met you in years! Thank you for visiting me!" Robbie said. He hugged me pretty hard. He must really miss me.
"I am now an Academy student. I disguise in Academy uniforms so I won't get caught as a Crystal Monster," I told him.
"You are unique," Robbie said. "Remember the UniqueCorn?" Robbie asked me. He took out from his floppy green hat. It looked old, but it looked nice and shiny back then. The UniqueCorn was really amazing. It was a unicorn--except it had a mermaid's tail, human legs, no eyes, dragon wings, and a lobster body. That's why it was a UniqueCorn.
"It's unique. It's still here. As a human." He said. I looked confused. He looks at me. "My darling, Gina," he said.
"Stepdad," I finally said. "Gale renamed me 'Amber'. It's not Gina anymore. Amber. But you could still call me Gina if you want,"
Robbie said, "I'll call you Amber. You will always be Gina, but I'll call you Amber," Robbie said. He looked at Nicolette. "The name's Nicolette," I tell him.
Chapter 6: Nicolette's Special Talent[]
Robbie strokes Nicolette's soft white feathers. She flew to Robbie's shoulders and cuddled him with her neck, closing her eyes. Nicolette said, "I miss you,Robbie,"
I jumped in surprise. Robbie seems calm. "Nicolette can talk!" I said.
Robbie laughed. "I knew she could talk ever since I looked into her eyes when you were a baby,"
Nicolette said, "I could talk. I have the talent to talk,"
She sounds very angelic. Her voice sounds like Evie (Sofia Carson) when she harmonizes "Chill,"In Chillin' Like A Villain, a song from Descendants 2. Gale showed me that movie. Nicolette never talked to me or to Gale. Nicolette is not ordinary. She soon snoozed in Robbie's shoulders. "Ssssssssss," Nicolette snored. She still sounds very angelic. Dr. Kiloh's snore was like this:ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzKkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz, A lot louder and unpleasenter than Nicolette's snore. I really want to call Robbie Dad. Dr. Kiloh treated me like a scrap of junk, to be honest. He never liked me at all.