Ansat is the protagonist of Adventures of Ansat and Ben.
He has black, spiky hair with a blue streak running through it. He wears a white T-Shirt with a light blue sleeveless jacket over it with Japanese Kanji that means speed on the back, and some jeans.
Ansat is a free spirit, and is independent, and assertive. However, he is also cocky, and generally unaware of things. He's also pretty lazy, preferring to be smart whenever he wants to (which is rare). He’s also a wisecracker, often joking about Omelet’s last name, or appearance.
- Extreme Speed Outfit: A Blue Sleeveless hoodie worn by Ansat that a random merchant gave him (It's a prototype of the Neon Outfit).
- Magite Staff: Ansat's main weapon, a staff that the Magi used that Ansat picked up from off the ground. However, due to Ansat's lack of studying on the Magi, meaning he can't use fire spells with it, he just uses it to whack people.
- Powerful Storm Relic: A relic he got for almost saving Skywatch. One day, it took the form on a glowing silver ring and formed around his wrist. The relic stayed on for 4 years, fusing Storm energy to his bloodline.
Super Speed: Ansat can run from Firefly Forest to Shipwreck Shore in the span of 40 seconds. Ansat can run at speeds of 50 mph, and 60 with Extreme Speed, but no further than that.
Astral Magic
Storm Magic
Extreme Speed Attack: Ansat can let out a storm aura that lets him be safe from some harm while he bashes into opponents. It also gives him a slight speed boost. If he uses it in place, he revvs up and dashes off.
Quadruple Spin: Ansat curls up into a ball like he's a hedgehog, and he rolls into stuff. However, Ansat must be running before he curls up into a ball, as the move requires momentum. This can be used as an offense and evasive technique.
Martial Arts: Ansat uses this whenever he doesn't have his Magite Staff on hand.
Superior Stamina: I mean, how else can he run long distances without getting tired?
Toon Force: Due to the way his universe works, Ansat can pull off the stuff that only cartoon characters can pull off.
Water Magic
Speed: Ansat can overwhelm all the "Slow-Mos" with his speed, since he's the fastest wizard alive.
Recklessness: Ansat has almost no regard for any collateral damage he may cause in his fights. This actually got him in trouble once.
Underwater Running: Despite the fact that Ansat can actually swim, he chooses to run underwater. Unfortunately, running underwater for him halves his speed.
- This version of Ansat is based off of Classic Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog, with a hint of Raphael from the 1987 Ninja Turtles cartoon.
- Ansat is a black belt in the art of slapstick.