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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

The Astral Tower is an eight-floor tower in the Academy that opens during The Battle of Astral and Shadow. It is the last of the six Academy towers and is the school where Astral wizards study.


  • Monsters (Astral)
  • Harmony (Warden)
  • Shadow Titan (Boss)


  • The player climbs the eight floors of the tower by completing battles. For each floor, the player needs to win three battles, and then they can proceed to the next floor.
  • After completing these battles, the player gets Harmony's Office Key.
  • The player will then battle Shadow Titan, a Shadow form of the Titan after getting Harmony's key.
  • Harmony is saved from the power-draining bubble (the player can still enter the tower for prizes, similar to the archives).


  • Starshoot
  • Lunawolf
  • Astral Neek
  • Astral Caller
  • Astral Creator
  • Cosmokit
  • Auroria


  • Astral Robes
  • Astral Hood
  • Astral Boots
  • Celestial Wand
  • Harmony Astral Relic
  • Sword of Astral
  • Cosmo
  • Harmony's Chair
  • Cake
  • Heroic Resist All


After saving Harmony, you can re-enter the tower and fight three battles to spin a wheel, containing the prizes listed above. Also, immediately after defeating Shadow Titan and rescuing Harmony, she will gift you a Lvl. 20 Astrae.


  • The background at the Astral Tower, and other areas of Harmony's are very similar to Harmony Island where you learn Astral magic.
  • The tower has an Astral Wheel that gives you different prizes, just like the regular Academy Archive's wheel.
  • If you are a non-member and have 10 pets already, Astrae becomes your 11th.
  • Here, you can get  Academy Pages, just like the Academy Archives.
  • Evolved Astral pets can be found in the Astral Tower. Mini bosses like Astral Creators and Auroria spawn around the 7th and 8th floor of the tower. They also spawn during replays.


You may add concept sketches and drawings of Astral Tower/XxRosexDawnxX Version here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.

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Headcanon Locations
Of the Academy: Academy Sub-Basement  •  Astral Tower (XxRosexDawnxX/BFBFANBOYNOWx1000/FourSevensRueful  •  Fire Tower  •  Storm Tower  •  Water Tower
Not of the Academy: None.
Other Locations on Prodigy Island
Nicknames for Canon Locations: Prodigy Land
Locations Inside the Academy:
Locations Outside the Academy: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Marketplace  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Lakeside Beach  •  Silvian Forest  •  The Underworld  •  Underground Laboratory
Other Locations not on Prodigy Island
Extradimensional and Extraterrestrial Places: The Void
New Islands: Dragon Island  •  Mystery Island  •  Nesting Grounds  •  Relentless Archipelago  •  Serpent Island  •  Treacherous Taiga  •  Village of Heist  •  Voidmantle Woods
Places of Unknown Location: Ancient Nexus  •  Hourglass Oasis  •  Mixup Woods  •  Peaceful Prairie  •  Prodigy-002  •  Rainbow Quartz Towne (RQT)  •  Star Galaxy  •  Volcanic Den