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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Maybe I’ll be playing hide-and-seek for all eternity, who knows? So long as I can do it with you.
— Hilda to Austen, Moments of Eternity

Austen Starheart is a character who first appears in The Lost, The Forgotten, mentioned occasionally.


He is described as a ginger-haired Astral Fairy, having amber eyes similar to his son. His hair is notably messy, he has large white wings, and he has pointed, elven-like ears. His tail is similar to Luce's, but more silky than fluffy, creamy yellow, and longer.


He is a calm and cautious person, only shown to be affectionate towards Hilda but later marrying an Ice Fairy for no known reason. Additionally, he neglected to visit his family as Gale never met him in person, possibly because of his position's low income and constantly having to work to support them.

He's a very aware person, knowing near all of what happens in the Academy with or without "the book". He has been to proven to have an excellent memory as he is mentioned to have memorized the Archives, as well as the passageways that run through the Academy walls.

Despite all this, he's mentioned to be very lighthearted around those he's close to, maybe even a tad childish. However, he has no problem putting his foot down, shunning a person he believes done wrong until they make up for their mistake.


Astral Amulet (Former)

Academy Amulet: He still has it, meaning he can return to the Academy any time he wishes. Yet, he choses not to.

Crystal Earring: Due to marrying an Ice Fairy, he wears one according to tradition.

Academy Robes (Former)

Mage Robes: Robes normally worn by foreign healers, threaded with oddly specific metals and decorated with even more specific minerals. The metals and minerals seem to have some sort of a connection with specific elements...

Academy Uniform Shoes (Former)

Swift Boots: For moving silently. He really doesn't want to talk to people.

Celestial Bow: A longbow variant, roughly half his height. He's quite skilled with it, and Snow is note to often slither onto arrows - typically leading to someone receiving a nasty bite.



Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.

Prehensile: His tail is prehensile, but he has a very lose grip.

Strength: Like all other fairies, he's two times stronger then a human/wizard



Astral Magic

Healing: He heals more rapidly than normal, able to cast this effect on others for brief periods. However, this has a downside, as there's no way to for him to cancel this effect towards himself unless there is no body to heal.


Keeper's Crest (Former): Gained when becoming apprenticed to the current keeper. It greatly increases one's Mana, allowing them to cast spells that'll normally cause them to faint. However, the ability is lost upon retiring or quitting.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Element Synergy[]

The AstralIcon Astral element is weak against:

  • Nothing

This element is powerful against:

This element is neutral against:



Memorization: He can easily memorize varying things, and quite much of it.

Herbalist: He studied (faen) medicine due to his skill in healing. However, he doesn't know anything about western medicine.


Other People: Due to his current state, he tends to avoid others as he has difficultly explaining things, as well as the fact they become fearful when they discover he is, to an extent, partially dead. Where he currently resides is unknown, but it's most likely well away from public.

Gale: For quite some time, he was lead to the belief the Ivory was dead. Now, he's not sure how to feel about having a son, especially one he's never had the opportunity to father.



A figure moved silently through the trees, a long tail rippling through the branches as it provided them balance. There were occasional flashes of white in the nearby leaves, following the figure as they steadily progressed across the island.

That is, at least until voices came from below.

They stopped, the white creature slithering onto a branch next to them and onto their shoulders, hissing in their ear to urge them on. This recommendation, however, was ignored as the figure pricked their ears to listen to the voices more carefully.

Below were the island's newest residents, a cluster of elemental-based beings the resident deity tended to. Specifically, the luminous yellow one was speaking with a water nymph.

"I do not care-"

"Well, if we're going to be stuck here, I think we should at least find out who's spying on us."

"Well, they've never done anything, and no one's ever seen them. How do we know you weren't imagining things?"

"Astral, you know as well as I do that I do not hallucinate. Are you sure you don't think I'm Storm?"

"Hey!" Exclaimed a particularly static Ivory Fey, them momentarily fluttering into the air.

Astral crossed his arms, "I still doubt they're real-"

"Sweetie, I bet you'll doubt your very existence if we let you," commented a purple-black she-demon.

"Don't call me-"

"I can always go back to calling you 'Thing.'" She responded smugly.

The creature in the branches lightly nipped the figure's ear, them sighing as they continued on. They headed deeper and deeper into the island until reaching a set of lived-in caves, finally departing from the branches and leaping to the floor.

In the light, it was possible to see they were a tall, male Astral Fairy with messy and long ginger hair, which he had vainly attempted to first tie in a bun, failing to gather the mass and settling for braiding the rest. He wore foreign-looking robes with crystals and metal fibers decorating them, and a single earing on his left ear. The white creature - which had turned out to hail from a smaller breed of Prodaxi - slithered down his arm before patiently waiting for him to crouch and allow it onto the floor.

He and the snake-like creature retreated into the caves, where flowers growing in the openings that acted as windows, a fire was lit in a fireplace carved into the stone, and the moss gave the place a rustic look as the fairy sat down on the cot tucked into the corner.

Home sweet home.

He couldn't help but glance up at the opening in the roof, gazing at the floating island that loomed over the forest canopy.

There, blissfully unaware of the fairy, roamed his descendants while he remained forgotten.

And that is the way it'll stay.


  • He is one of the few characters from the ROTW (The Return of the Wardens) series who has never made an in-roleplay appearance, there only being brief mentions of him in fanfictions. However, his pets have had multiple appearances, and it is planned for him to make an appearance in the upcoming Void RP.
  • He's Ice's original owner, dating her well over a hundred years old.
  • Due to not actually being fully alive, he appears as deceased in the book.
  • His outfit is based on Baizhu from Genshin Impact, who is ironically the guardian of a zombie.
  • He currently keeps a magically disabled Prodaxis for company, her name being Snow.
  • He was originally killed by Luce while the former was still the Puppet Master. This occurred due to Shadow not wanting him to interact with Gale.
[v · t · e · ?]
Roleplay Characters
Libra's Scale
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Rose the Wild  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Zane Goldencaster
Antagonists: Forbidden Darkness  •  Light Consumer
Allies: Kira Lotusmech  •  Flame Dancer Amanda
Wizard School/Camp
Protagonists: Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Rose the Wild  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Amy Lokuramech  •  Luke Darkshade
Antagonists: Ozymandias  •  Alvin Stormward
The Academy's Secret
Protagonists: Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Axel Clearblade  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Kyle Shade  •  Milly Riverpetal  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Pan
Antagonists: Lucy Bloodshard  •  Lyndia Acidshade  •  Xl4rx  •  Zane Darkhunter  •  Priscilla Novashard
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
Libra's Scale 2
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Luke Darkshade
Antagonists: Ozymandias  •  Normandy  •  Narcissa
Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Protagonists: Christina Mayflower  •  Mabel Smith  •  Laurel  •  Eugate  •  Hilda
Antagonists: Duchess Gretta  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Laurel
Libra's Scale 3
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Violet  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter
Antagonists: Luke Darkshade  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Lia Starling  •  Raganoth
The Return of the Wardens
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lucas Herolight
Antagonists: Dylan Nightshadow
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
Kyōju No Wakai Hibi
Protagonists: Jacob Greenheart  •  Bennett Fablegiver  •  Anastasia Divinedreamer  •  Evelyn Softtalon  •  Lloyd Goldensword  •  Kaiden Silvershine  •  Diane of the Sea  •  Cloud Thundercaster  •  Ash Redclaw
Antagonists: Mr. Magiccatcher  •  Faith  •  Hope  •  Trinity
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
The Crystal Queen
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Iris Crystalheart  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Kelsey Wildvault  •  Ryder Icehand  •  Alan Everfrost  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Dale Starheart  •  Scarlet  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Cloud Thundercaster
Antagonists: Lord Flame  •  Infernus Cloak  •  Bonfire Colony  •  General Icetalon
Gray Characters: Lucy
Minor Characters: Draco Brightheart  •  Iris Icetalon  •  Gale Starheart
Shadow's Rising
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Annabella Oceancaller  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Kayley Waterbreath  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Scarlet  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Shadow
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Ignis Firewalker
Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Yurei Maho  •  Violet  •  Shane Dreamstalker  •  Cheryl Vinetrapper  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Professor Greenheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Scarlet  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Normandy  •  Narcissa  •  Ansat Lightningheart
Antagonists: Luke Darkshade  •  Zoe Darkblade‎  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker‎‎
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong‎‎
The Wardens Renowned
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Luce Starheart
Antagonists: Darkshade (LS)  •  Darkshade (AS)  •  Darkshade (WS)  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker
Gray Characters: Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong  •  Gale Starheart  •  Darkshade (RW)
Minor Characters: Ice  •  Scarlet  •  Element of Void  •  Element of Shadow  •  Ian Frostbreaker (Ghost/Imprint)
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: Ariana Lightmaster
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Professor Greenheart  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: tba
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: tba
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Void's Reign/Light's Fall/Greyshift Coronation
Protagonists: Chase Flamemaster  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Rai Starheart  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Braxton  •  Zayden  •  Ravena Spellwhisper  •  Glace Starheart  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Aurora Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Void
Gray Characters: Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong  •  Gale Starheart  •  Darkshade (RW)  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Azure  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Faith Wishstone (Ghost)  •  Hunter Landcrafter (Ghost)  •  Connor Wishstone (Ghost)  •  Cloud Thundercaster/Raid  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Element of Water  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Storm  •  Element of Earth  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Shadow  •  Element of Astral
Filia Umbra
Protagonists: Alyss Flameheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Aurora Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Shadow  •  Glace Starheart
Gray Characters: Jade Landcrafter  •  Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Hilda Wishstone  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Aiden Firewalker  •  Egan Firewalker  •  Blaze Firewalker  •  Grace Wishchaser  •  Caleb Wishchaser  •  Rai Starheart  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Hunter Landcrafter (Ghost)
Miscellaneous Characters
Not Involved in RP: Cole Quakefollower  •  Vincent Lightningwhisper  •  Delila Quakeman  •  Caltrop  •  Shrapnel  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter  •  Starry Night  •  FSR.vpk
Formerly Involved in RP: Amy and Crystal  •  Harper Goldgem
Upcoming: Dolomite Wolfsbane  •  Aura  •  Austen Starheart  •  Snow  •  Peregrine Starheart  •  Ashley Starheart  •  Axel Starheart
[v · t · e · ?]
Alternate Game Version Characters
Female Characters: Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  India Croft  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Pterry  •  Theta  •  Tigris
Male Characters: 001C  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart/AAB  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Leonid  •  Merry  •  Newton  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Caltrop  •  Eon  •  Dark Cloud  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream
Fanfiction-Specific and Roleplay-Specific Characters
Female Characters: Ada Snowheart  •  Adamma Abubakar  •  Adrienne Ironshard  •  Agni Firewalker  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Amathine Flamegiver  •  Amber Dragonhunter  •  Amelia Applelover  •  Amira  •  Amy and Crystal  •  Amy Lokuramech  •  Anastasia Divinedreamer  •  Angel Heartsister  •  Angelica Softheart  •  Annabella Oceancaller  •  Annabelle Dustthinker  •  Aria Crimson-Melody  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Ariana Lightmaster  •  Ashley Starheart  •  Ashlyn Darkdragon  •  Atalanta Solarmoon  •  Aura  •  Avane (Monster)  •  Avery Goldentalon  •  Bella Bronzetorch  •  Bethany Shadowjewel  •  Brooke Thundershade  •  Burner Firetail  •  Caitlin Stormdancer  •  Celeste Fallsister  •  Celestina Stormblade  •  Charlie Snapdragon  •  Cheryl Vinetrapper  •  Chloe Kyaku  •  Christina Mayflower  •  Coalwalker Celeste  •  Columbia Icefreeze  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Crystal Sky  •  Crystal Thundertalon  •  Delila Quakeman  •  Destiny Silverthinker  •  Diane of the Sea  •  Dominique Riversplash  •  Duchess Gretta  •  Element of Earth  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Element of Water  •  Ellie Gooddancer  •  Embers (Pet)  •  Emma Rosepetal  •  ENTITY-ALY  •  ENTITY-JJ  •  Evelyn Softtalon  •  Evening (Monster)  •  Faith (Kyōju No Wakai Hibi)  •  Faith Waterfall  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Fatima Dragonblade  •  Flair  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Flora (Clashing Swords)  •  Frostbringer Abby  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gina Brightsteel  •  Ginny John  •  Glace Starheart  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  Hailey the Firefly  •  Harmony  •  Harper Goldgem  •  Harper the Firefly  •  Hilda (Twin)  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Hope  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Ice (Pet)  •  India Croft  •  Iris (Pet)  •  Iris Crystalheart  •  Iris Icetalon  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Jade Leafprism  •  Jane Eviliser  •  Juliette Featherjewel  •  June Nightstar  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Karin  •  Kayley Waterbreath  •  Kelsey Wildvault  •  Kendra the W1Z-42D  •  Kimberly Darklight  •  Kira Lotusmech  •  Kiyo  •  Kurumi Diamondheart  •  Kyle Shade  •  Kylie Snapdragon  •  Laurel  •  Lei Yamada  •  Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Lia Starling  •  Lisa Goldenfire  •  Lillemor  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Lulu Beachsummer  •  Luna Silvershine  •  Luna Stargazer  •  Lux Divinelight  •  Lyndia Acidshade  •  Mabel Smith  •  Maria Flamewalker  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Mary-Sue Darkdragon  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Melody Musical  •  Melody Paintlover  •  Meteorite (Monster)  •  Mila Strongsword  •  Milly Riverpetal  •  Mimi Wondersinger  •  Mira Shade (Maelstromer)  •  Mira Shadesong  •  Monsoon  •  Myrrh
...continued.: Naleese Nightsong  •  Naomi Silvershade  •  Narcissa  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Noel Rossi  •  Nyx Diamondheart  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Patches  •  Phoenix Firewalker  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Priscilla Novashard  •  Pterry  •  Quinn Ironchaser  •  Rachel Fancycrafter  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Raina (pet)  •  Ravena Spellwhisper  •  Rilea Shadowtalon  •  Rizi  •  Rose the Wild  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Sarah Spellcaster  •  Scarlet (Pet)  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Seraph (Pet)  •  Seraphina Firewalker  •  Sherene  •  Sienna Earthfollower  •  Sierra Shadowheart  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Sophia DuBois  •  Stella Illusionblade  •  Stratal Windchaser  •  Theta  •  Tigris  •  Trinity  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vanessa Gingerlore  •  Van Monstertail  •  Violet (Pet)  •  Wattage (Pet)  •  Wendy Rainwalker  •  Willow Glassvoice  •  Willow Swiftbreeze  •  Willow Windwhisper  •  Willow Wishwhisper  •  Willow Wonderlight  •  Xena Sunflowerlake  •  Xomiy Fogcaller  •  Yumi  •  Yurei Maho  •  Zayden  •  Zephyr  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Zorra
Male Characters: 001C  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Abner Herolight  •  Aiden Firewalker  •  Alan Everfrost  •  Alex Stormshadow  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Angelo Forgemetal  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Ari Flamesong  •  Ash Redclaw  •  Austen Starheart  •  Axel Clearblade  •  Axel Starheart  •  Beck  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Benjamyn Bluethinker  •  Bennett Fablegiver  •  Bobbil Der  •  Braxton  •  Cameron Firevoice  •  Captain Scribbles  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cereza Cherryprism  •  Cero Stormward  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Citiad (Pet)  •  Cloud Thundercaster  •  Cloudmath (Monster)  •  Cobnut (Monster)  •  Cole Firewalker  •  Cole Quakefollower  •  Connor Dustthinker  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Dale Starheart  •  Dale Sunwillow  •  Dolomite Wolfsbane  •  Draco Brightheart  •  Dylan Flametorch  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Eco-Man  •  Egan Firewalker  •  Elektra Windchaser  •  Element of Astral  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Storm  •  Emile  •  ENTITY-EAV  •  ENTITY-FL  •  ENTITY-X  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Fintan Firewalker  •  Fizzy (character) (Pet)  •  Flame Firewalker  •  Flint Firewalker  •  Florian Landcrafter  •  Frost Coldlight  •  Gale (Smart-Alecky)  •  Gale Darkheart  •  Gale Shadesong  •  Gale Spellcaster  •  Gale Starheart  •  Gale Sunwillow  •  General Icetalon  •  Grim Illusionmask  •  Gryphon (Monster)  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Hyper Dark Kevin  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Icetwig (Monster)  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Infernus Cloak  •  Jackson of the Sea  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout (Pet)  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Kaiden Silvershine  •  Kevin Dragonhunter  •  Kevin Dragonhunter Junior  •  Kevin Strongtamer  •  King Flavius  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Kong Nightstalker  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Kraus  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Leonid  •  Lloyd Goldensword  •  Lord Flame  •  Lord Mythshade  •  Lord of Flames (Pet)  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Lucas Shadowdragon  •  Luce Starheart  •  Ludwig (Monster)  •  Luke Darkshade  •  Macaroon Nightbutterfly  •  Marley Darksnap  •  Max Boltstrike  •  Maxwell Paintlover  •  Merry  •  Michael Mason  •  Mike Rossi  •  Mr. Magiccatcher
...continued.: Nathan McGee  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Neau Neonclock  •  Neo Colorgiver  •  Newton  •  Normandy  •  Oliver Ironbrother  •  Omega Silvercloud  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Ozymandias  •  Pan (Pet)  •  Paul (Monster)  •  Peregrine Starheart  •  Peyton Maelstromer  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Professor Greenheart  •  Raganoth  •  Rai Starheart  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Rasp Corax  •  Redtide Hyperdragoon  •  Redwood (Pet)  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Rohan Scrapstrike  •  Ryder Icehand  •  Scamp (Monster)  •  Scorblaze Flameshade  •  Scorch (Pet)  •  Scrooge (Monster)  •  Shane Dreamstalker  •  Shattered Glass  •  Shiba (Monster)  •  Shiver (Pet)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter  •  Spark Firewalker  •  Starry Night  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Tanner Silverwood  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Timmy (Pet)  •  The Collector  •  The Smuggler  •  Tsukio  •  Tyson Firewalker  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Vincent Lightningwhisper  •  Visco  •  Winston Von Loot (Frostbringer)  •  Xl4rx  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Zane Darkhunter  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Zion Deadstaff
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Ashley Dragoncaster  •  Caltrop  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Dark Cloud  •  Denver Nightdream  •  Eon  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Eugate  •  FSR.vpk  •  Kobe's Cloud Neek (Pet)  •  Light Consumer  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shrapnel (Monster)  •  Spacewalker (Monster)  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Realm Creator  •  The Void