Basilisk Disease is a fanon infection for Prodigy.
Basilisk Disease, or SARS-BaS-1, is a bacteriophage that prevents the necessary mitochondria in developing offspring from being able to form. It also prevents the mitochondria in the reproductive systems of female buddies from helping the eggshells ossify, which often prevents reproduction entirely.
Game Information[]
There is a constant 1% chance that a buddy purchased from the Pet Store in Lamplight Town is affected by Basilisk Disease, a breeding illness that causes decreased fertility and infertility. If a player displays a buddy that contracted Basilisk Disease in any of its forms--Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4 (at this stage, players cannot display their buddy), and Stage NCAM (also makes buddies undisplayable). All buddies that are affected by the Basilisk Disease are symptomatic and show significant speed reduction when following you (by -25% speed multiplied by the stage of illness). Every form of display for the name of the buddy shows a hot pink bar to the right of its name (or species name, if that is the only on-screen display) with black text, in all caps, saying "BASILISK-AFFECTED."
Buddies of Stage 1, 2, and 3 that can be displayed will be displayable, but their illness prompts Noot to question you on your actions. Here is a list of voice lines that Noot will produce once you display your buddy.
- "Hey, wizard. Do you think this is a good idea? Your buddy might be sick."
- "I think your buddy caught some type of disease. Are you sure it's okay to do this?"
- "I'm sensing something dangerous in your buddy at the moment. Be careful."
- "Listen, your buddy appears slow today. It might not be alright to let it out to play."
At any stage, there is a possibility that a buddy can be cured completely of the disease and will not have it in their bodies anymore. To terminate the disease in a buddy, move it from a habitat or cage to a Medical Slot in a Medical Bay in the Nesting Grounds and move the buddy to the player's display slot after 24 hours or more have passed. Stages, otherwise, are reduced by one increment if a buddy is entered into a Medical Slot in a Medical Bay and stays there between 6-12 (exclusive) hours and are reduced by two increments if they remain in any of those places between 12-23 (exclusive) hours. Stage 1 cannot be reduced in a buddy unless the buddy stays in any of the three medical slots for 24 or more hours. Basilisk Disease does not go away on its own!
There are no long-term effects that change the way a buddy moves or follows the player, but the buddy's profile will be marked with an all-capital, olive-colored bar next to all displays of their name saying "POST-BASILISK" in dark green text. They cannot be re-infected and no longer can carry Basilisk Disease by interaction.
Although not thoroughly studied within the world of Prodigy, Basilisk Disease does take a temporary toll on the health and well-being of affected buddies. Buddies that are unable to breed at all or reproduce with their own kind can still contract it. If the player customizes their buddy with an Invincibility Sphere purchased from the General Store in the Nesting Grounds, buddies with Basilisk Disease cannot cause other buddies from other wizards to contract it in the same World. The Invincibility Sphere also prevents the condition of the buddy from being worsened because of the presence of other affected buddies.
- Pets, monsters, wizards, and other battleable entities are not carriers of the disease; only buddies can carry it and only if they are currently infected.
- Basilisk Disease is not transferrable to buddy eggs. The immunity stops if a buddy egg hatches without being placed inside of a Invincibility Sphere.
- Protection Spheres are a more affordable alternative to Invincibility Spheres and cost much less. However, customizing a buddy so that it wears it will only cause a small drop in its ability to contract from others, but a major drop in its ability to infect other buddies.
- Buddies can interact in: displays (display buddies can meet and interact in canon Prodigy within a mini-zone of an area), in Cages, and in any place that is not considered a medical location or mini-zone within the Nesting Grounds.
Buddy 1 Status | Buddy 1 Equipment | Buddy 1 Results | Buddy 2 Results | Buddy 2 Equipment | Buddy 2 Status |
Not Infected | (Any) | Not Affected | Not Affected | (Any) | Not Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 5% Chance of Contraction | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 1 Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 10% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 5% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2) | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 15% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 10% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2); 5% Chance of Contraction (Stage 3) | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Not Infected | Protection Sphere | 4% Chance of Contraction | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 1 Infected |
Not Infected | Protection Sphere | 9% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 4% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2) | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Not Infected | Protection Sphere | 14% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 9% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2); 4% Chance of Contraction (Stage 3) | Not Affected | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 2% Chance of Contraction | Not Affected | Protection Sphere | Stage 1 Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 5% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 2% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2) | Not Affected | Protection Sphere | Stage 2 Infected |
Not Infected | Exposed | 7% Chance of Contraction (Stage 1); 5% Chance of Contraction (Stage 2); 2% Chance of Contraction (Stage 3) | Not Affected | Protection Sphere | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Exposed | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | Exposed | Stage 1 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Exposed | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Exposed | 60% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Exposed | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Exposed | 80% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 3 Infected | Exposed | Promotes to Stage 4 | Promotes to Stage 4 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | Exposed | Stage 1 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 60% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Protection Sphere | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Exposed | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Protection Sphere | 80% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 3 Infected | Protection Sphere | Promotes to Stage 4 | 80% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | Exposed | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | Protection Sphere | Stage 1 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Protection Sphere | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 1 Infected | Protection Sphere | 30% Chance of Promotion to Stage 2 | 10% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Protection Sphere | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Protection Sphere | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | Protection Sphere | Stage 2 Infected |
Stage 2 Infected | Protection Sphere | 40% Chance of Promotion to Stage 3 | 20% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | Protection Sphere | Stage 3 Infected |
Stage 3 Infected | Protection Sphere | 80% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | 80% Chance of Promotion to Stage 4 | Protection Sphere | Stage 3 Infected |
(Any) | (Any) | Not Affected | Not Affected | Invincibility Sphere | (Any) |
Additionally, pairs placed in attached Buddy Daycare Slots where one buddy is infected with either Stage 4 or Stage NCAM Basilisk Disease will cause the other individual to become immediately infected with it at Stage 1 (75% chance), Stage 2 (20% chance), or Stage 3 (5% chance) UNLESS under protection or invincibility; it does not matter whether or not they are compatible. Customized buddies with the Protection Sphere or Invincibility Sphere cannot breed. If either are exposed or only protected and at least one is minorly infected, there is still a chance of passing the disease along.
If one or more members of a compatible pair are infected, reduced fertility occurs. It decreases linearly at a rate of change of -20% fertility per stage per individual in the pair. If either member reaches Stage NCAM, they are infertile until their stage is reduced so that the sum of stages of Basilisk Disease in the pair is less than 5.
Improving Gameplay[]
It adds a sense of urgency in taking care of players' buddies and not just their pets. It is also a feature that simulates real-world disease and may make players appreciate or even want vaccination against potentially deadly diseases in the real world.
Math Factor[]
Attempting to cure, treat, or prevent Basilisk Disease costs Copper Coins, which often require battle and math questions as a result.
- Basilisk Disease is named after Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment Rueful "fears the potential results of (because the thought experiment is deemed 'infectious' online) as much as they fear contracting illnesses."
- Basilisk Disease was inspired by the feature of Pokerus in modern Pokémon games. They wanted to see how infertility, diseased, and decreased fertility would affect player behavior if they were to put it in a Pokémon-style game.
- Unlike Pokerus and real viruses, there are no known different strains, variants, or types of Basilisk Disease.
- The progressive stages of Basilisk Disease were introduced because Rueful knew that cancers affect animal bodies in different ways depending upon how long the host experienced it and how well their bodies are prone to reproducing mutated daughter cells.
- The final stage of Basilisk Disease, Stage NCAM, stands for "Nobody Cares About Me" and is a reference to Care NLM from Petscop. Stage NCAM is not yet implemented, but exists as a critical form of Basilisk Disease.
- Epic buddies affected by Basilisk Disease do not cause harm to their battleable version.
You may add concept sketches and drawings of Basilisk Disease here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.