Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

To view the canon page on the easter egg of the same name, visit this page.

The Billyfoot Squirrel is fanon furniture for Prodigy.


It looks like a creepy squirrel-like doll with one foot replaced with a young, masculine human doll's head.

In-Game Description[]

"How did you find this peculiar toy again? It's definitely new. You haven't seen the likes of it before, AT ALL."

Obtainment Methods[]

It can be obtained, to extreme rarity, by finding one in a habitat and clicking on it. This does not happen again after the first squirrel is obtained.


  • The Order of Influence controls Billyfoot Squirrels in the FourSevensRueful Version canon. Once they are found out, the player will foil another one of their plans!
  • Players that place a Billyfoot Squirrel in their house should prepare for it to move; every 7 days, it will rotate once clockwise or anticlockwise.
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FourSevensRueful's Nesting Grounds Content Collection
Features and Interactives
Features: Adoption  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Basilisk Disease  •  Breeding  •  Eggs  •  Forked Evolution  •  Trading
Interactive Items: Infuser  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine
Pet Items: Habitat Slots  •  Habitats  •  Incubators  •  Invincibility Sphere  •  Pet Enrichment Toy  •  Pet Feed  •  Protection Sphere
Food: Lumin Lemon  •  Lumin Lemonade  •  Lumin Leaf Tea
Currency and Furniture: Bottle of Sunlight  •  Billyfoot Squirrel
[v · t · e · ?]
Buddies: Bouncy Bot  •  Buddy Ideas  •  Frog  •  Huskrick  •  Nite Mic  •  Weasel
Currency: Rainbow Quartz Towne (RQT)
Furniture: Anvil  •  Glass Tablet  •  Incinerator  •  Interactive Furniture  •  Loom  •  Silk Hammock  •  Silver Birch Branches
Interactive Items: Anvil  •  Incinerator  •  Interactive Furniture  •  Loom
Pet Items: Incubators
Recipes: Fish Bread Recipe  •  Souh Douh Recipe
Epics Items: None
Materials: Mithril Wire  •  Titanic Metal
Key Items: Glass Tablet  •  INCD  •  Timekeeper  •  Toolbox
Miscellaneous: Butterflies' Song  •  Chloro Onyx  •  Plasma Sharky  •  Sunfire Pods
Battle Items: None
Food: Bee Bread  •  Birch Syrup  •  Candied Hazelnuts  •  Catnip Tea  •  Celestial Fruit  •  Celestial Fruit Juice  •  Celestial Fruit Pie  •  Chamomile Tea  •  Chestnut Pancakes  •  Chestnut Pudding  •  Chestnuts  •  Clover  •  Cocoa Pod  •  Consumables  •  Cranberries  •  Cranberry Jam  •  Fish Berries  •  Fish Bread  •  Green Tea  •  Hazelnut Spread  •  Hazelnuts  •  Jasmine Tea  •  Milk  •  Mint Tea  •  Nachos  •  Pitted Yew Berries  •  Plums  •  Rain Berries  •  Roasted Chestnuts  •  Souh Douh  •  Sweet Flag  •  Vanilla Ice Cream  •  Vanilla Milkshake  •  Yew Seed Extract
Potions: Sleep Potion  •  Trialmaster's Potion
Throwables: None
Morph Marbles: Morph Marble: Acromi  •  Morph Marble: Ashlet  •  Morph Marble: Smoldash