Chloe is a character who will appear in the Prodigy English RP.
Chloe has blonde hair and black eyes. She wears a grey tank top that spells the words "Arrow Wound" on the front, and dark blue shorts. She also wears studded leather bracelets.
Chloe, while at her job, is dismissive and rude. She has little patience for people who actively complain over stuff. The only person she really gives a crap about is Mike, as she oftentimes tries to give him some decent advice about the items the store sells.
When not at her job, Chloe likes being reckless and having fun. She oftentimes does things such as playing soccer, reading comics, and going exploring with Mike.
Weapons and Gear[]
Soccer Ball: When Chloe’s not playing soccer with it, she’s kicking it into your face.
Comic Book: Flare Man, issue 30. She likes to roll it up and hit Mike with it whenever he pisses her off. She also likes to read it. Definitely not because of Flare Man’s bulging muscles or anything-
Improbable Kicking Skills: Chloe has quite some power behind her kicks. She once managed to leave Mike out of commission for a day when she kicked him in the gut too hard.
Athleticism: Chloe is pretty athletic, especially when she was younger.
Kicking Power: She left Mike out of commission for a day after kicking him too hard. Need I say more?
Rudeness: It turns out that being rude to customers will make them not like you, and less willing to do favors for you if you do need their help. Who would have thought?
Recklessness: Like Mike, she also has a tendency to make dumb decisions. Unlike Mike, her dumb decisions stem from recklessness rather than hotheadedness.
- Chloe is semi based off of Enid from OK K.O.
- Chloe once tried to kick down a tree. Needless to say, she broke her foot.
- Chloe has a thing for Noel. However, because Noel is a grown woman in her mid 30s, she doesn't reciprocate.