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Collaboration Mode is an idea for a play style in Prodigy.
Collaboration Mode, or Co-Op mode, can be activated in areas such as the Titan Grounds, Harmony Island, Arena, Archives, and Crystal Caverns.
Titan Grounds[]
The team battles system will remain unchanged.
Harmony Island[]
When selecting 'Rune Run' on Harmony Island, you are given the option of 'Single' and 'Multi-Player.' Upon selecting multiplayer, up to two other players are able to join your run. You can send invitations to friends/classmates who are online at the same time.
In Co-Op, all mini-bosses and bosses will have a 'Challenge' button above them. Any player can click the button, sending a notification to all other players asking if they would like to challenge the boss as well. If a player declines, their first slot pet replaces them as an automated team member as long as the other two accepted. If only the original challenger accepts, they will go into battle with their pets alone, the other two players having to challenge it later on.
All battle and interactable loot are duplicated so each player receives one of each item that's randomly generated, preventing competition over chests/plants/piles. However, if a member chest is opened, only players who are members receive the duplicate, and the chest will appear closed to the non-member player (preventing jealousy). However, when battling the boss (last monster battle in a run), each player spins the Lucky Loot individually and what they receive is not visible to other players.
Crystal Caverns[]
Like on Harmony Island, you are given the option of 'Single' and 'Multi-Player' when creating a new run. Upon selecting multiplayer, up to two other players are able to join your run. You can send invitations to friends/classmates who are online at the same time.[Note 1]
The battling and loot systems remain the same as in Harmony Island. However, while battling Makulu, Winston, Glacias, Aspen, and the Crystal Golem, each player spins the Lucky Loot individually and what they receive is not visible to other players.
Following the same pattern as earlier, you are given the option of 'Single' and 'Multi-Player' when creating a new run. Upon selecting multiplayer, up to two other players are able to join your run. You can send invitations to friends/classmates who are online at the same time.[Note 2]
The number of golden pages is increased to ten, and there is a counter in the upper left-hand corner that shows the amount of found pages. Whenever a player finds a page, it's added to the counter, no matter who finds it. If a player clicks the counter, it expands so that they can see how many each person found.
Players battle individually, and all pages are guarded by a monster to ensure everyone does their part. When a player is currently battling a monster guarding a page, the other players see an astral barrier preventing them from taking the page. If all pages are found but a player collected none during the run, they will not be permitted to collect rewards at the end of the run.
At the end of the run, players spin the wheel individually and cannot see the prizes another player obtains.
In the arena, you are permitted to form a "team." This can consist of up to ten players, and once joining a team, you cannot leave it until the arena season ends.
Whenever battling, points are rewarded just as when you play by yourself, but you receive 5 fewer points per battle. This is due to the fact that all the points gained by the team contribute to the same counter, meaning you share a total of points. If you lose or win a battle, it affects the whole team, not just you. If you join a team after having battled as a single player, all your points gained while battling as a single-player are added to the team counter.
When opening the checkpoint chests, each player opens them individually, and what they receive is not visible to other players. After the season ends, each player receives a copy of the awards depending on how many points the team accumulated (i.e. if the team as a whole is in Gold 3, all the awards up to Gold 3 will be granted to players).[Note 3]
There is also a team leaderboard showing how many points each player received individually, allowing them to see how much they contributed and inducing friendly competition.
Improving Gameplay[]
Collaboration is a heavily sought feature that motivates students as it makes things "less boring." They feel less alone and stimulated by the concept of having much-needed help, increasing their attention towards the game.
Math Factor[]
Due to students being motivated and/or wanting to impress their teammates, they'll aim to answer questions more accurately, as well as answering more of them. Furthermore, precautions have been made so that they do not gain anything out of doing nothing, leading to them having to participate.
You may add concept sketches and drawings of Collaboration Mode here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.
- ↑ Important! Multiplayer Crystal Cavern runs reset if all players leave.
- ↑ Like normal Archive runs, the run resets if the player leaves. However, the only difference is that it doesn't reset until all players leave.
- ↑ Important! You will not receive rewards if you contributed less than 200 points individually (approximately 20 battles).