Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Combo Elements are a feature in Prodigy. This version contains different elements.

Element List
Element User Mix
Dragon Kevin Dragonhunter Fire, Astral, and Storm
Rainbow Melody Paintlover Astral, Fire, Earth, Water, Storm, and Ice
[v · t · e · ?]
Element Lists
Combo Elements: Friendly Chameleon  •  FourSevensRueful  •  Friendly Chameleon Alternate  •  NurSpellcast  •  Englishblackberryfox
Other Elements: Harmony Elements
Independent Elements
Elements With Categories: Celestial  •  Crystal  •  Land  •  Moon  •  Nonmagical  •  Sun  •  Wind
Elements Without Categories: Amberthyst  •  Angel  •  Arcane  •  Deity  •  Mutagen  •  Obscurity (Shadow Element Substrand)  •  Peace  •  Void (Shadow Element Substrand)