Note: The ability "Keeper's Crest" is included on this because I honestly have no idea how a Keeper can keep (no pun intended) the Academy afloat despite the fact a spell that powerful will most likely cause it's user to faint.
“ | Humans are weird, change my mind. | ” |
Dale is Keeper of the Academy in the Crystal Queen, and Gale's great, great, great grandfather.
Normally seen wearing the traditional robes of a Keeper and fair-skinned in skin tone. Has this messy, out of control, spiky, Blond hair. Occasionally, his bangs will hang over his eyes, similar to Gale's. Bright gold eyes, a gold and white tail, and normally seen with a crystal of light hovering over his shoulder.
A bit lonely, being the only one in the Academy besides the Astral Keeper. He was hardened by the war and does not take kindly to strangers.
After getting to know someone, he reveals his soft side, and is quite friendly.
However, he's known for being a strict teacher and easily irritated.
Academy Standard Wand
Astral Amulet/Academy Amulet: He's either wearing one of the other, depending on what needs to be done.
Academy Robes: Obviously, he wears the robes of the Academy Keeper.
Academy Uniform Shoes
Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.
Prehensile: He often holds items with his tail, similar to his present day relative.
Strength: Like all other fairies, he's two times stronger then a human/wizard. However, he mainly uses it as a method of intimidating his opponent, since most of the time, he's too tired to fight.
Flying: He can fly.
Light Manipulation: He can manipulate light intensively, even to the point he can solidify it to some extent.
Telekinesis: An ability used often, which takes years for wizards to perfect.
Astral Magic: He naturally posses it.
Keeper's Crest: Gained when becoming apprenticed to the current keeper. It greatly increases one's Mana, allowing them to cast spells that'll normally cause them to faint. However, the ability is lost upon retiring or quitting.
Strengths & Weaknesses[]
Shadow Magic
The War: The war that rages has taken a mental toll on him, not to mention he's still traumatized by the last one he was in.
Humans: He feels as if humanity is a hopeless case, which led to him only getting along with a few.
Other Fairies: Despite being well known among his kind, he feels ashamed of the events that led to his infamy, and can get rather rogue whenever somefairy brings up what he did. The only reason he tolerates humans at all is because those who witnessed his actions would be long dead by now.
Lemons: "No. Just No. Get that thing away from me."
- He, among the rest of the Starheart family, are known for their dedication to the Academy.
- Unlike his present day relative, he's not an Albino, therefore not an Ivory Fairy.
- He's based upon Dale Sunwillow, one of Solo's retired OCs.
- The reason he keeps a wand at all is for one of his commonly used spells, which requires an object for it to be cast around.
- The main difference between him and other fairies is that he's not afraid to bring up his age.