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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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Flowers & Fire[]

A Luma flew above the island, a thousand thoughts at hand.

She was last of her kind, or at the very least, the last purebred, seeing there was that halfling who chased the island's Fire Warden around.

When you're the last of your kind, your decisions impact your species as a whole, and not just yourself - a burden that was slowly driving the dragon insane.

It was clear that she did not have a choice about taking a mate, seeing that if she did not, she sent her species to extinction. Yet, seeing she hasn't seen another Luma for decades - nevertheless a male one - she would be forced to take a mate from another species.

This was something she despised beyond comprehension.

Why would anyone wish to taint a species as beautiful as hers?

The graceful feathers, the smooth white scales, the implicit sun markings, and those captivating sky blue eyes - things that distinguished her species from all other dragons, and the things that disgustingly made humans attracted to them, one of the reasons she was the last.

Yet she still had to select a mate, even at the cost of a hybrid. Due to this, she decided that she will create the perfect hybrid, one that retained the traits of her kind without the horrid traits of hybridism.

She could breed with another dragon, yes, but she risked her species being outbred - or worse, with time her species being reduced to a monstrous Dargon, destroyed by traces of all dragons.

These outrageous ideas continued to fill her until she found herself flying over Firefly, specifically the caves and small villages where Earth Fey reside.

Horrifyingly, she began to recall habits of the old, ones done thousands of years ago. It had notably resulted in Fire Fey but had also managed to also result in a few dragonets that looked no different than any other dragon, preserving that species.

Maybe, as immoral as it was, she could do the same.


It had taken her much time, but she managed to secure a fey of her liking without drawing too much attention to herself. She was currently guarding her nest on one of the lower mountains closest to Firefly, three cream and orange speckled eggs keeping warm beneath her warm white scales.

They were close to hatching, and she was impatient to see how the dragonets turned out.

If they weren't perfect, she wasn't sure what she would do - there was only a certain extent of "experimenting" she could handle.

Remembering her captive fey, she let out a drawn-out sigh before flying off, hoping the sun would keep the eggs warm until she returned.


Curled in one corner of the nest were two dragonets, cuddled together in an attempt to stay warm. In the other corner, an unhatched egg sizzled as rain pattered against it. At the center was a pacing Luma, growling in irritation.

The male dragonet was much to her distaste, his random patches of scales making it look as if he was afflicted with vitiligo - and he most likely was. He was also shaped oddly, resembling a fey more than a dragon, even with that long tail curled around him.

The female dragonet was almost perfect... if it wasn't for the fact she was wingless. In fact, both of them were wingless. Did maiming that fey somehow curse her dragonets to fall to their flightless fate?

It didn't matter, they were all ruined, and that fey she'd been keeping was useless; She would have to dispose of them.

The white dragon turned to the unhatched egg first, snatching it in her claws and flying to a spot with jutted rocks, positioning herself above the sharpest one.

After making brief calculations, she released it, watching it shatter against the rocks and sickening smears of yellow goo sloshing against the stone, running in rivulets as the rain pounded on.

She flew closer, and it became noticeable there were stains of red mingling with the goo plastered on the stone, the impaled body of a dragonet kabobbed on the object of murder.

This dragonet didn't look particularly like a fairy or dragon, having a near-perfect balance of the two. Yet she held no sentiment for the creature, feeling a grim satisfaction that she eliminated her imperfect offspring.

She began to fly back up, the wind produced by her pumping her wings scattering the shell fragments and forcing the corpse of her child into an unnatural angle, yet still she flew back to her nest without care, already plotting to eliminate the other two failures.

No one would pay much mind to an unhatched dragonet, and come up with assumptions about how it got there and why it looked so strange. Yet for hatched ones, it became complicated.

The male looked too much like a fey for her to simply kill him - unless she desecrated the body beyond belief, it would stir too much panic among the peoplefolk. She could always toss him to the hells of Bonfire, but she wasn't sure of exactly how fireproof the dragonet was, seeing how scales and bare skin played a mix and match game across his body. All she knew is that right now, his scales were too soft to provide proper defense from her attacks, the same going for the female dragonet.

As for the female, one might assume a territorial rivalry must have occurred and it ended badly for the dragonet, yet deep inside the almost heartless dragon, she felt a sense of favoritism for this one, for being the only one of her dragonets to bear resemblance to what she desired.

Yet she couldn't look after the wingless worm, it was just too much trouble, so she had to kill both of them.

After a measure of time, the twisted Luma decided on how to be rid of them and snatched the dragonets in her hind claws, awakening them in the process.

She set a course for Shipwreck, ignoring the cries and squeaks of protests of her children as she got farther and farther away from her nest. Soon the churning maw of the ocean came into sight, and once she flew far enough that it was nearly impossible for an infant not to drown if it were to be dropped into the vicious ocean. She then released the dragonets, only staying long enough to make sure they didn't reemerge.

When they didn't, the mother dragon felt an odd consolement before flying off to deal with her captured fey.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, her dragonets had been swept by the merciless currents and out of sight, brushing against rocks by sheer miracle and clinging on for their dear lives.

Perhaps there was the slightest hope for those two.


The waters began to wash out as Shipwreck shifted to low tide, and stranded on a small stone island were two exhausted dragonets. The male one had miserably curled up into a tight ball at the center of the rock outcropping, eying the water warily. The female one, meanwhile, had approached the very edge of their salvation, peering at the fish swimming around them. Despite being tired and cold, she was curious, dipping a forepaw in the water and playfully creating an obstacle course for minnows as she slowly moved he clawed "fingers" in the water. She eventually let out a little squeak of excitement, glancing at her sibling and calling for him to come over, but he only wrapped his tail tightly around him as he attempted to hide from the world.

The female dragonet let out a huff of annoyance before turning her attention back to the minnows, who were watching her with equal curiosity before darting about. It soon came to her attention that with the tide going out, there were enough stones for her to hop all the way to a larger stone island, closer to the shore.

Wiggling her hindquarters, she leapt to the first stone, before letting out a frightened squeak as she lost her foothold on the slick stone, scrambling on top.

At this point and time, she had caught the attention of her brother, who was currently pacing on the edge of their island and calling out to her, flinching away from the water whenever the waves crashed against the stone.

She called back to him before leaping to the next stone, this time prepared for the slippery feel of the smooth rock. Repeating her jumps and hops, she managed to get all the way to the larger island, her sibling pacing more frantically in the distance.

She called for him to come over with a friendly roar, but when he moved to hop across as well, he panicked and retreated back to the center of the island, pressing to the ground and watching her with desperate, wide emerald eyes, fear and loneliness creeping into his gaze.

The female dragonet paced a couple of times before deciding to go back to him, only to find that the stepping stones were sinking into the water with the incoming tide.

Panic akin to her sibling's filled the dragonet, and she agitatedly searched for another way back to the little island - only to find none.

Crawling towards the center of the island, she positioned herself so she could keep her sibling in sight, her sapphire gaze meeting her brother's.

Yet as the sun warmed her scales and her eyelids began to droop, she couldn't help but nod off.


He was gone.

She had hopped back across to the little island as soon as she reawaken, delighted to find the stepping stones had returned. Yet when she got there, her sibling was nowhere in sight.

She desperately searched for any sign of him, sniffing distressedly for anything - anything. However, regardless of all her searching, she couldn't even find a shed scale.

Later on, hunger overtook her and she let out a cry instinctively, but of course, her mother didn't come, come and take her away from this horrible place.

Crying out more sadly, she curled into a ball where her brother had been, shielding herself from the now harsh sun.

Hungry and alone, she slipped into a troubled sleep.

When she awoke, she waited miserably for the tide to go out so that she could go back to the larger island, searching for a way to get away from the cruel water. While searching for a route of escape, she came across a curious little thing that had washed ashore on the outcropping.

She sniffed it cautiously, discovering that yellow pebbles were growing on it. She soon wondered if she could eat them, and before she knew it, hunger overtook caution, she found herself gorging on the salty but delicious plant life.

Not that she knew, this "thing" was seaweed, and the pebbles were called "fish berries."

The dragonet was about to call out to show her sibling, only to find she was alone. Her head dropped as she resumed her earlier activities sadly, seeking a path to shore.

Would she never see her family again?


Meanwhile, a frightened dragonet was hiding beneath the bow seat of a boat, a cloth draped over him so he could stay warm.

He was warily watching the feet of his captives as they sat above him, growling whenever one got too close.

Not long ago, a group from the Creek Tribe had passed by the little island, one of the individuals taking note of the dragonet. However, they failed to notice the dragonet's sibling as she was farther away, only rescuing the male.

Even if they had passed by, chances are they wouldn't have bothered to retrieve her, as she looked like an actual dragon, unlike the male.

As he dug his claws into the wood of the deck, he closed his eyes, hoping this would all be over and he could just go back home.

But that could never happen.


The female had located a path away from the isles, hopping and leaping across stone after stone, tiring with every movement.

By the time she reached shallow water, she scarcely made it past the shoreline before collapsing from exhaustion, falling asleep in the hot sand.

When she opened her eyes once more, the sun had begun to sink below the horizon, and the water was nearing the tip of her tail.

She scrambled away from the water, delayed trauma overtaking her, and heading towards the little overgrowth Shipwreck had.

Years later, the same dragonet sat on the shore, eying the water warily as she carefully balanced stones and draped them with seaweed.

It was a desperate attempt to fight the loneliness that consumed her with every moment, to try and remember the family she once had.

Yet those memories were fading, and she scarcely remembered what her own mother looked like.

However, she still managed to make two dragon-like rock friends, before frowning at one of the stone creations and rearranging the pebbles, creating a frightened humanoid pressing against the ground.

She frowned further, trying again to make this specific plaything look more... happy.

The dragonet could never remember a time when she saw her brother happy, and the truth was, that's because he never was, at least not while they were still together.

Giving up, she moved on to add one last detail - a single, egg-shaped pebble next to the dragon rock friend, then surrounding the three with a nest of seaweed.

She didn't exactly recall why she added the egg rock, but it felt right, and she left it at that.

The dragonet turned to return to the undergrowth when her wrists began to itch, something that happened a few times before. Yet this time it was unbearable, and instinct was screaming at her to go somewhere safe, somewhere she could stay forever.

And she knew where that place was.


She padded into a small clearing surrounded by the little trees Shipwreck had. Carefully planted throughout the field were flowers - mostly yellow and orange ones - of variety.

Her favorites were the large orange ones - great for making nests - and the tall yellow ones she liked to draw faces on. They both came from seeds that had watched ashore, but the orange one had been the hardest to grow - she had to breathe fire on it to get it to grow.

She began to itch again, this time all over. Frantically scratching with a hind paw, she accidentally scratched one of the bumps on her back, causing her to have to hold back a yowl of pain.

After some time, a pair of bumps had formed between her shoulder blades, and they were ever so fragile. Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw she had unintentionally scratched some scales of it, revealing something pink and yellow beneath it.

Once again, she felt that overwhelming feeling to find safety, and her wrists began to itch almost painfully.

To her surprise, something hand began to spool out from beneath the scales under her wrists, and upon closer investigation, it appeared to be a soft, shockingly warm, pink-colored silk.

Yet she didn't get much time to investigate it before instinct took over, and soon enough, she was falling asleep in a warm cocoon of silk.


Months later, the dragonet nosed her way out of the silk chrysalis, feeling wet and heavy.

She was relieved at the comforting sun drying her scales, spreading herself out on the ground to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Yet, she wasn't quite the same dragonet as before.

Sun markings had formed on her scales, and her belly scales had darkened into a soft pink. Feathers were beginning to grow at the tip of her tail and the nubs on her head had begun to be horns. Yet her most intriguing feature was the large, translucent, pink and gold wings that were spread out, drying as she fluttered them subconsciously.

Once she had dried off completely, she stretched, let out a drawn-out yawn, and sat on her rump, instinctively folding her butterfly-like wings against her back.

She carefully stretched out her wings, inspecting the new addition to her appearance and eventually letting out a pleased little growl.

The dragonet loved the colors, and she always wanted to be able to fly, however, when she wiggled her haunches and attempted to take off, she wound up blatantly crashing.

This, it seems, would take practice.

After many more crashes, she finally got the air, climbing high enough that she could see the entirety of the island, her blue eyes widening with surprise.

Apparently, there was much more to explore than her lonely little beach. Maybe, just maybe, she could make a couple of friends, and she wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

Yet these soon proved to be farfetched dreams, as when she began to travel, she found that her nonsensical growls, squeaks, and roars had formed quite the language barrier, and no one wanted to be friends with her...

So when she settled in Bonfire for the night, making a cozy nest out of an orange flower similar to the one she had at home, she slept in utter loneliness.


It became a rare - yet oddly common - sight for those of Shipwreck to see an odd dragonet fly in and out of their area, sometimes disappearing for days.

Some said it looked like a Luma, others said it must be an Eclipse, as some claimed to see it at night, romping in the moonlight. Eventually, the name Lumanight came to rise, and everyone quickly began to call it that.

Yet a young half-dragon cared little for the rumors, paying no attention to them at all.

He was an odd individual with white patches of scales, a long feather-tipped tail, reptile-like emerald eyes, rigid qilin-like horns, and large translucent blue wings that glistened in the sun. One of the patches of white scales on his face partially displayed a blue-yellow patterning of the sun over a circle, but he often hung his brown bangs over it so no one would ask about it.

Also notably, he had an inexplicable fear of water, ironic seeing he resided in the Shipwreck orphanage.

No one had ever adopted him, and frankly, he didn't care. He was rather solitary, which wasn't a surprise seeing he was the only half-dragon - or half-Silk Fey - orphan there. Being alone was nothing new to him, and he doubt that'll ever change. Frankly, he didn't want it to change.

No one liked being stared at - or glared at - every second, nor did they particularly enjoy random people asking if they could touch you. It was hard for him to keep his dragon-like temper under control whenever someone asked to feel his scales or feathers, or when they began pestering him about what he hides under his gloves and bangs.

He didn't want to become like that "Lumanight," something so strange they had to slap a name on it to scream at the world, "HEY LOOK, IT'S A FREAK."

He shuddered at the thought, subconsciously hugging himself.

No, he would never let himself be adopted, never. No matter what he had to do.


As the year flew by, at some point the Lumanight was flying over an area that was vaguely familiar - low mountains intersecting the skirts of Firefly.

Miles below her, a mother dragon let out a pleased growl at the dragonets that stumbled around her nest. After years of trying, she finally obtained a litter of perfect dragonets.

There were subtle differences, but the mother dragon had obtained what she desired and held no regard for them.

Still unnoticed, the Lumanight had curiously approached, landing on a ledge just above the nest.

However, she landed with a heavy thud, catching the attention of the nesting dragon.

A hostile growl instantly escaped the mother's throat - who turned out to be a familiar Luma - and she pulled her dragonets close. The dragonet simply cocked its head in confusion, and as the mother dragon inspected her further, the Luma's eyes narrowed into slits.

For what seemed like no reason at all, the mother dragon abandoned its offspring and launched itself at the Lumanight, furiously clawing at her.

The dragonet's eyes widened in surprise, struggling beneath the older dragon, kicking and lashing out unsurely.

A few seconds into the unbalanced fight, the Luma began to shred the younger dragon's wings, causing every act of defense to become more and more fearful.

At rendering the dragonet flightless, the older dragon picked up the Lumanight with its hind claws, heading determinedly toward the sharp jutted rocks too many dragonets had fallen fate to.

Just as the mother dragon was about to release her over certain death, another Luma crashed into them, the three tumbling to the ground.

This Luma had ram-like horns, scarlet eyes, spikes on its limbs, odd ears, and red spots across its body.

Fire grew hot in its mouth as it pinned the mother Luma, unspeakable fury in its gaze. Meanwhile, the Lumanight began to fearfully limp away, regretting nearing the nest to begin with.

The interrupting Luma was striking blow after blow, blasting flame after flame, doing everything it was capable of to show its rage - even undignifiedly kicking the opposing Luma in the jaw.

Eventually, the mother dragon surrendered with a series of roars, and the attacking Luma glared, kicked it one last time, then reluctantly released it.

However, the odd Luma still looked furious, digging its claws into the ground before whipping its head around to face the Lumanight.

The dragonet let out a whimper and backed away further as the other dragon approached, ignoring the inquisitive growls and simply wanting to run.

However, after not receiving a response, the Luma let out a huff and abruptly grabbed the dragonet in its hind claws before flying off, much to her fear.

Instead of trying to drop her though, the Luma only flew higher and higher, and its intents only became more and more shrouded.

After some time, the Luma tossed the dragonet forward, and she let out a startled squeak before tumbling onto something soft... and red, and blue, and even yellow.

The Luma landed next to her letting out a series of sounds that were... undragonlike, for that matter. Yet the Lumanight paid little attention, curling into a ball and drifting into the voids of exhaustion.


Meanwhile, a peculiar boy let out a huff of indifference at seeing the two dragons enter the building, quickly going back to what he was doing.

A few months ago, while he still resided in Shipwreck, two passersby had happened to notice him, the taller of the two convincing their traveling companion to approach him.

The one who had approached was a curious Ice Fey with horns like his but smoother and gray, a long tail that was furry and oddly shaped, irregular eyes that were notably cat-like, and purple markings on her skin. The markings weren't composed of scales, but it was similar enough that they had caught his attention.

After inspecting him for a second, she had asked, "What's your name?"


"No last name?"

He had shrugged, taking note of the way the Ice Fey stood.

Claws slid out her fingers as she drummed them on her hip, clearly a habit of hers, "My name is Glace, Glace Starheart."

"Glace..." He'd muttered under his breath, testing the word.

"So you're from the orphanage?"

He nodded begrudgingly - wasn't it obvious?

She had looked at him thoughtfully, before saying farewell and rejoining her companion - who, upon closer observation, was a tall Astral Fairy.

When he came to the realization of why she had asked what had seemed like a stupid question, he was at first determined to sabotage the adoption process. Yet with all his mishaps, he eventually took a liking for the older fairy, and now currently resides on the floating island the Academy rested upon.

However, when he had first arrived, he had proven to be quite territorial around Scarlet - the odd Luma - and multiple fights had to be broken up between the two. They now tolerated each other, but that didn't stop him from glaring at the new dragon, perched on the rafters in his usual indifference.

Sulkily, he retreated to his corner of the rafters, snuggling into the blue silk hammock that hung there and warily watching those below...

Storm & Flames[]

A Luma oversaw dragonets playing in her nest, the young epics immersed in their play. Ever since she developed the perfect litter, she had gotten a step closer to "saving" her species; But now she had to move on to the second step - breeding with yet another species to produce the perfect mates for this litter.

Albeit not enjoying this idea, the twisted dragon had thought this through. Mating with species that were not fey could reduce the risks of inbreeding, and perhaps, just maybe, her resulting grandchildren might be even more perfect than their parents. The question is what species she should breed with to develop her next "perfect" litter.

The Luma passionately disliked the idea of mating with one of the lowly monsters of the island, disapproving of tainting her bloodline with such a thing. She also disapproved of mating just any dragon, being very selective of traits.

She had no interest in mating with Chill, Char, Shiver, or Scorch, not wanting her offspring to suffer from conjoinment. Not to mention she despised the idea of her dragonets bearing rock-like scales.

The idea of mating with Tidus or Riptide disgusted her - the shrunken wings, crest, and constant interaction with water being plain repulsive to the Luma.

That left an Eclipse or Nebula. Eclipses - from her perspective - were arrogant and disgraceful creatures. They didn't bear any form of elegance, only bruteful existence, and she wouldn't dare stride into their nesting grounds. Nebulas, on the other hand, have beautiful tail shapes, dynamic wings, and elaborate patterns - successfully catching her attention. The only problem was convincing one of them to mate with her.


The dragonet was not to her liking.

It had two sets of wings - feathered like hers, but still - that was oddly shaped, spikes on its legs, and way too many horns. Its markings were similar to hers but not the right color, and its tail feathers were all wrong. In normal circumstances, the Luma would've discarded a dragonet like this, but that Nebula was overly attached. She growled to herself in irritation but willed herself to be patient. Soon enough, she'll be able to proceed.


The Luma loomed over the fearful dragonet, red and pink lines coating its body where claws raked down. She cornered the dragonet, it fearfully pressed against a stone outcropping. It was bleeding badly, especially on its legs, in which two gaping holes were present on its legs.

Nearby there were two bloodied objects which appeared to fit in the wound.

The Luma raised her paw for a finishing blow, but a Nebula pounced on her with a furious screech, having returned recently.

Pure anger filled every blow the storm dragon dealt, knocking the Luma further and further back. Eventually, they reached the edge of the ledge they nested on, and the Nebula prepared itself to batter the female off the cliff. Yet the Nebula was soon distracted, as the dragonet let out a whimper at seeing its parents this way. At this moment, the Luma chose to strike, biting at the Nebula's neck and yanking it off the ledge along with her, leaving the dragonet all alone.


The dragonet was curled tightly in a ball, trying to be as small as possible. A distance away was a human female - possessing red hair and bright emerald eyes - trying to coax it to come out of its hiding place. Next to her was a Luma with Embershed-like traits, approaching curiously.

By the time the Luma reached it, the dragonet had squashed itself to the stone as much as possible, closing its eyes as the Luma sniffed it.

It was expecting the worse, about to brace itself, but instead, startledly opened its eyes as the other dragon gently nosed it out of its corner, leading the frail dragon back to the girl.

It immediately dug its claws into the ground, feet backpedaling as it tried to scramble away - only to bump into the Luma.

The red-eyed dragon cocked its head at it, making a few sounds it couldn't understand. While it was distracted, hands gripped the little dragon as the human picked it up, carrying it similarly to an infant.

Its sapphire gaze was fearful, but as she gently stroked its head, the dragonet began to calm down, relishing in the warmth of another being.

Perhaps this wasn't that bad after all.

Moon & Sun[]

Emerald eyes pierced through the dark, the scrape of claws against wood echoing through the space. A low growl rumbled before a flash of white and brown burst from the dark, a body slamming against theirs and pinning them to the ground.

"Who are you?" The emerald-eyed figure growled viciously, "And what are you doing here?"


An eggshell began to crack, the cream and lilac-speckled egg shaking within the nest.

A Luma perched at the edge of the stone outcropping, eying the fragile object within the assortment of feathers and other soft objects.

After finding a new mate, the dragon had failed multiple times to have offspring...this was her only egg so far, and there was no guarantee that it'll meet her expectations. Her fool of a mate was off's a good thing the egg decided to hatch now rather than later, as she could always talk the idiot into thinking the dragonet pipped improperly and drowned in its yolk.

"That would truly be unfortunate, won't it?" The phrase was almost like a snake slithering down the spine, malintent poisoning every syllable.

She recoiled at hearing the words, growling under her breath. Although she has been learning common - to take care of...unfinished matters - she wasn't used to her voice.

The egg began to rock more violently, miniature claws puncturing the shell. The Luma harrumphed before padding forward, inspecting what she could see so far.

Hmph, the claws are the wrong color.

The claws themselves were a stark gold, contrasting to the Luma's pearly white, and from what she could see so far, the dragonet's nail bed was...purple?

The egg tipped over, and the object collided with the ground, smashing to bits. The white dragon flinched back as yellow and transparent goo splattered everywhere, leaving a violet dragonet in the middle of it all.

Disgust flashed across the Luma's expression as she further observed her offspring, noting its feathered tail and face - which would've been perfect, if it wasn't for the fact the feathers were royal purple - and scaled wings. She noted its markings, which were in the right places but not the correct shapes, and its oddly patterned horns. Finally, she made note of the swirled spikes on its shoulders, which instead were supposed to be brilliant white feathers.

A failure. Yet another failure.

A growl rose in her throat as she raised her paw, striking the infant and knocking it across the nest. A pained squeak escaped it, the creature quickly falling limp. She padded up to it, snarling as she checked to see if it was actually dead.

It wasn't - it simply collapsed out of shock - and she had to find a way to discard it.

However, before she came up with a plan, wingbeats signified the arrival of that Nebula, the latter letting out a roar of alarm at seeing the dragonet.

Well, time to put her lies to the test.


A small, white-scaled, and cream-patterned dragonet snuggled against a young woman's chest. The woman had red hair that hung over her shoulders along with bangs that parted to the right. She was...abnormally warm, but the dragonet didn't question it, wrapping its tail around her arm and burying its snout in her robes.

In front of them padded another dragon, white-scaled like the dragonet but bearing red patterning instead of cream. They were walking through a hall with a lush red carpet, and welcoming sunlight shone through the stained windows.

It was then the dragonet heard the chatter coming up from ahead.


The dragonet awoke to wingbeats, being clutched by a certain murderous Luma. They were flying at a dizzying height above a forest, the purple dragon shrinking in the grasp of its mother.

The older dragon abruptly dove, wings tucked in and drastically increasing speed, heading right toward a rock wall.

It was only when the Luma was a mere wingspan away did the dragon swoop up, flinging the dragonet at the stone before sharply veering off. The infant's body let out a sickening sound as it collided with a rock, undoubtedly having died after such an impact.

The Luma didn't bother looking back, but if it had...she would've noticed a white snake slithering off with the corpse.


A Luma-like creature dove from a wooden beam, gliding down to a red-haired man.

The man was sitting on the ground next to a taller, gray-haired man, and before the two were a hoard of salamanders, another Luma, and a Zip-zap.

The first Luma joined the second, the latter lifting a paw and petting the former in greeting. A distance away, a few children were arguing, earning arched eyebrows from both men.

It seems they were going to have to be the mediators again.



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Comedic Fanfictions
Finished Comedic Fanfictions: Prodigy Comedies: Quadruple Trouble  •  The Ancient Breaks the Fourth Wall  •  Theodore and Friends 2: Flora is Frustrated
Unfinished Comedic Fanfictions: Amber's Wrath  •  Annoying Jack in the Ice Tower  •  Prodigy Comedies  •  Prodigy Comedies: Fairy Flu Pt. 2  •  Prodigy Comedies: Master Says  •  Prodigy Impossible! (The Prodigy based game show!)  •  Prodigy Laughs  •  Puppet Master Finds The Last Gem  •  Soft-Serve Chaos
Drama Fanfictions
Finished Drama Fanfictions: Dark Scars  •  Fates Intertwined  •  Fates Intertwined: Extras  •  The Astral Amulet  •  The Lost, The Forgotten  •  The Lost, The Forgotten: Extras
Unfinished Drama Fanfictions: Amber Falling Star  •  Balance and Imbalance  •  Clashing Swords  •  Faith Waterfall's Tale  •  Moments of Eternity  •  The Sad Ghost
Mystery Fanfictions
Finished Mystery Fanfictions: Academy Assignment
Unfinished Mystery Fanfictions: Jane the Detective  •  The Mysterious Scepter
Romance Fanfictions
Finished Romance Fanfictions: Fluttery Love
Unfinished Romance Fanfictions: I Won't Let Go
Thriller Fanfictions
Finished Thriller Fanfictions: Dargon's Bane  •  Dark and Light  •  Eques Astra  •  Evan (Eve's Evil Brother)  •  Fairies Don't Cry~  •  Fight for Honor  •  Forged by Obsidian
Unfinished Thriller Fanfictions: Airwalkers: The True Story of the Smartest Kid in the Academy  •  Brooke Riverrunner 1: The Elemental Clash  •  Celesteate and the Existence Eraser  •  Cynicism  •  Prodigy Ending  •  Prodigy Island (Book Adaptation)
Tragic Fanfictions
Finished Tragic Fanfictions: War of Shadows
Unfinished Tragic Fanfictions: A Shattered Heart of Glass  •  Adventures of Charlie  •  Corruption
Battles Fanfictions
Finished Battles Fanfictions: Jackson vs The Shadowdragon  •  Jackson vs The Shadowdragon (Rematch)  •  Prodigy Final Boss Fight Idea  •  The Test
Unfinished Battles Fanfictions: None yet.
Adventure Fanfictions
Finished Adventure Fanfictions: Kevin Dragonhunter's Adventures  •  Prodigy 2 Return of Magic  •  Scar Tissue  •  The Adventures of Kylie Snapdragon & Ansat Lightningheart  •  The Legend of the All-Out Attack  •  The Life and Legend of an Embershed  •  The Warden Horses: A Myth of Time  •  The Warden Horses: A Myth of Time - Extras
Unfinished Adventure Fanfictions: A Day in the Coliseum  •  A Prodigy Flame  •  A Shadow's New Life  •  Academy's Past  •  Adventures of Ansat and Ben  •  Astral vs Shadow  •  Celeste Cloudglider: the Tale of a Wizard  •  Curse of Gelufirn  •  Marley's (Totally Cool) Diary  •  Passport to Prodigia  •  Prodigy: the Chosen Ones  •  Prodigy's Last Wizard  •  The Puppet Master's Origin Story
Fanfictions of Unknown Genre
Finished Ungenred Fanfictions: Down Memory Lane  •  Dragonborn  •  Elemental Balance  •  First Day  •  Last Day  •  Prodigia's Past
Unfinished Ungenred Fanfictions: A History of Prodigia  •  A Prodigy’s Journey  •  A Prodigy’s Journey/Part 1  •  A Study in Philosophy  •  Always Me: Book 1  •  Amethyst Skies  •  Ansat and Ben: Beginnings  •  Darkness of Terror  •  Deceit  •  Emma and the Last Mermaid  •  Fallen Prodigies  •  Fizzy  •  Fly Away Falcon  •  Frozen Realm  •  Gems of Power  •  Hero I  •  Isabella Icecraver: The Tale of a New Wizard  •  Jax Legendshard: Future Spy  •  Journey to 100  •  Kado Makes a Cake  •  Kendra Lightningfire and the Stone of Silver  •  Kevin's Adventures Part 2: Infinite's Wrath  •  Kevin's Adventures Part 3: Shadowy Terror  •  Knight's Honor  •  Memno-Thaza  •  My Prodigy FANON Story  •  Mystylian Skies  •  New Day  •  Onyx Stone  •  People of the Clouds  •  Prodigy Movie Adaptation  •  Prodigy: Elements Rising  •  Rival Rumble  •  Scally Grove  •  Selena Starjewel  •  Smart-Alecky  •  Starter Pets Ultimate Battle  •  Stuck in Ice  •  The Book of Genesis  •  The Chosen One  •  The Last Dragon Mage  •  The Legendary Secrets of the Light  •  The Legends of Prodigy: Book 1  •  The Misadventures of Burnewt  •  The Order's Revenge  •  The Past of Redtide, Frost, Scorblaze  •  The Puppet Master's Arrival  •  The Return of Mary-Sue  •  The Story of Prodraxis  •  The Story of the Mythical Epics  •  The Taken  •  The Wonderful Diary of Aidan Goldenmask  •  Torn Between Planes  •  Wizard Breaks Last Puppet Master Seal  •  Zorra ~ The Tale of a Wizard
Fanfictions Subject to be Deleted
Fanfictions With No Major Author Edits in 1-2 Years: Forgotten  •  Island Lost  •  Springwood  •  Story of the Mysts  •  The Devil's Dare  •  The Devil’s Dare concept  •  The Many Misadventures of Culix and Worly the Wonderful  •  The Story of the Wardens  •  The War for Prodigy
Fanfictions With No Major Author Edits in 2+ Years: None.