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Vibin is one of the original founding entities of the Roleplay wiki.
Humanoid: Dusty little teenager. Black-brown short hair, black eyes, and usually seen wearing a zip-up hoodie with jogging pants. Hasn't worn shorts in 4 years, and ohdeargodwhyishesoshort.
Emoji: Piercing white spotlight eyes, razor-sharp teeth lining every inch of the jaws, dripping acid, and fully prepared to claw or scream someone into the next dimension.
Xbox Series X Controller: A safety precaution- don't ask why. Sees much use.
Acid Vial: A small, cork-stopped vial containing volatile black acid. The cork is glowing. Only opens if Vibin wants to resume cursed emoji form.
Zip-up: Average zip-up hoodie. Has the anomalous ability to change designs at will, however- usually just black or mirroring the status of the acid vial (as in liquid presence and shape).
Switch OLED: Usually just a tablet substitute. Recieved from a dear cousin. The A, X, and shoulder buttons are considerably worn. Sees two uses- Youtube and Pokemon.
Memoriam: Vibin doesn't let people see this image. A remnant of an age long past.
Chromebook: "Hey, you don't own thi- *concerningly dying gurgle*"
Pillow: Instant-summon pillow. Comfy.
Canada Dry: Inexplicable supply of infinite Canada Dry pulled out of nowhere. Mainly just contains the 3 flavors in the Winter Variety pack. Used to sustain his life (acts as water subtitute).
Hedge Trimmers: Used in an ancient fight for his life against the orchids. Stained with starch, pollen, and pink petals.
Humanoid: Kind of a d**k, but don't let yourself get put off. Sarcastic, somewhat aggressive, yet somehow able to completely shift tone when appropriate. Could be your best friend, and also that one stranger standing in the corner of the room grasping a Canada Dry and hissing curse words into the wall.
Emoji: Every negative trait tripled. Peaked animalistic instinct, yet still able to do his job as an entity. The reason why everything he owns is acid-proof.
Emoji Reduction: Can malmorph into aggressive emoji from human form using Acid Vial.
Gore: Ancient goremaster of the RP wiki. Solely responsible for most of, if not all of the death scenes from the post-LS2 roleplays.
Art: Smells like graphite.
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
Dank Maymays: funnee
Typing: Usually faster than average.
Internet surfer: He knows. Knows knows. Know. Knowledge. Forbidden. Knowledge. Knows. Know. No. Yes.
Pressure: Average Asian parenting consequences. He finds it hard to accept that there's more than grades to a person. Focuses more on maintaining an A to A+ average grade in all subjects than actually learning during school.
Temper: 2 seconds till blowing, at every moment. Expletives are part of his genetic code.
Stubborn: Change of attitude!? Illegal! Fallacy!!