Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Be not afraid! I'm just like you—a regular ol' person with a penchant for writing half-decent fanfiction.

Transforming from human to celestial fiend and back is excruciatingly painful, but it's nothing like being kicked in the groin area if know...whatever. /sar

Yeah, I know you probably like k-pop, classic rock, synthwave, or baroque, but what about ancient Gregorian chants?


ENTITY-FSR is one of the founding entities.



ENTITY-FSR normally looks exactly like any other human, and they are about 1.7 meters tall and slightly underweight. They have pale skin, dark brown eyes, and often keep their head shaved for convenience. They rarely reveal the lower half of their face, but they have a weak-ish chin, thin lips, and a straight nose that has a larger-than-average side profile.

They have poor fashion sense and don't like to wear brightly-colored clothing other than white. FSR's casual attire consists of a short-sleeved or long-sleeved tee underneath a gray or black zipper hoodie, dark sweatpants, ankle socks, and slippers. However, they never leave their home without longer socks, khakis, sturdy shoes or boots, and a hat of some sort.

It's very rare for them to wear jewelry and they have no piercings or major body modifications. However, they do accessorize with black fingerless gloves on occasion as well as their green-turquoise band that they make sure is on their left ring finger in the presence of their partner.


ENTITY-FSR is of the same height and frame as their normal form while they let loose their inner divine spirit. Despite this, FSR looks quite different with their "final form" showing! FSR has four-toed clawed feet with shiny black talons and more bird-like legs. Their whole body with the exception of their feet and hands has feathers covering it, but most of it is concealed in their jagged-looking body armor. Their fingernails are now clawed and raised slightly, and the skin of their hands is segmented like that of birds' feet.

FSR's silhouette is now completely different due to their transformation. The armor they wear is actually more skin-tight than their regular baggy clothes and in this form their body appears more traditionally masculine with the lack of apparent breasts and a more streamlined hip structure. FSR's back brings forth three pairs of translucent owl wings large enough to support flight but small enough to fit inside of a coffin with FSR if folded up.

FSR's face still retains most of its human features, but both their eyebrows and hair, which is now long, are feathery and platinum white. FSR's eyes are now spring green and from their head come a pair of black, spined horns.


FSR is very meticulous and detail-oriented, but they know to use this aspect of themselves in moderation so that they can eventually act. If they think they are too focused on their plans, they often find someone to talk to or do something else to get out of their scheming rut.

FSR exhibits a domineering, aloof, and cold personality often without realizing it. When they are conscious of it, they change their body language and tone, but often this is not convincing enough. However, they are friendly and good-hearted to acceptable levels that allow them to be good companions on otherworldly adventures. While not often very trusting at first, if FSR and someone else that shows very little red flags are forced together, FSR may eventually tell their new buddy some of their dark secrets.


Both Forms[]

  • Pluto: Their best feathered friend is always by their side through thick and thin, ready to peck the liver out of any of their mutual enemies.
  • Eyes: They usually use glares as weapons against people with which they're annoyed, but when they tap into their daemonic form they have many, many eyes that can compound the negative effects of scopophobia in their victims.
  • Cosmic Sword: The Cosmic Sword from Prodigy Math. When in normal form, FSR can't use it to cast its attached spell Splash Down, but they can use it to fight.

Normal Form[]

  • Regular clothes: When in their normal form, FSR wears clothing that protects against the cold.
  • Blade on string: They usually carry a small, curved dagger tied to a durable string. It is shaped in the optimal way to deliver slicing attacks rather than stabbing attacks.

Daemonic Form[]

  • Wings: Their heavy set of wings can protect them against turbulence, help them fly, and keep them warm.
  • Tenebrous Armor: A glossy black suit of armor that excludes a headpiece. The plates overlap in a way that makes them spiky on the backside.
  • Eumenide Whip: Attached to their backside is a long coil of hot plasma. It is technically now part of FSR's body.


  • Transfer Cloning: They can duplicate their consciousness to create characters that are similar to them, but these usually end in mutations and errors that, when uploaded, create imperfect copies of them. Two successful clones include The Instigator and Caltrop.
  • Calculation: They can do basic arithmetic and small matrix operations.
  • Human Emotion: FSR has many human emotions, but it is hard for them to love or trust anyone but their best friends.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Math up to calculus
  • Making other people cry
  • Introspection
  • All benefits of celestial physiology (daemonic form only)


  • Eating disgusting food:
    • Right Twix
    • Risotto
    • Onions
  • Understanding very hard STEM concepts:
    • Classical mechanics
    • Fluid dynamics
    • Complex math
  • The sudden compulsion to correct other people's grammar
  • Nickelback playing at 30+ dB (they will literally melt)



[v · t · e · ?]
Roleplay Characters
Libra's Scale
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Rose the Wild  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Zane Goldencaster
Antagonists: Forbidden Darkness  •  Light Consumer
Allies: Kira Lotusmech  •  Flame Dancer Amanda
Wizard School/Camp
Protagonists: Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Rose the Wild  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Amy Lokuramech  •  Luke Darkshade
Antagonists: Ozymandias  •  Alvin Stormward
The Academy's Secret
Protagonists: Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Axel Clearblade  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Kyle Shade  •  Milly Riverpetal  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Pan
Antagonists: Lucy Bloodshard  •  Lyndia Acidshade  •  Xl4rx  •  Zane Darkhunter  •  Priscilla Novashard
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
Libra's Scale 2
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Luke Darkshade
Antagonists: Ozymandias  •  Normandy  •  Narcissa
Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Protagonists: Christina Mayflower  •  Mabel Smith  •  Laurel  •  Eugate  •  Hilda
Antagonists: Duchess Gretta  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Laurel
Libra's Scale 3
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Violet  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter
Antagonists: Luke Darkshade  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Lia Starling  •  Raganoth
The Return of the Wardens
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lucas Herolight
Antagonists: Dylan Nightshadow
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
Kyōju No Wakai Hibi
Protagonists: Jacob Greenheart  •  Bennett Fablegiver  •  Anastasia Divinedreamer  •  Evelyn Softtalon  •  Lloyd Goldensword  •  Kaiden Silvershine  •  Diane of the Sea  •  Cloud Thundercaster  •  Ash Redclaw
Antagonists: Mr. Magiccatcher  •  Faith  •  Hope  •  Trinity
Minor Characters: Gale Starheart
The Crystal Queen
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Iris Crystalheart  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Kelsey Wildvault  •  Ryder Icehand  •  Alan Everfrost  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Dale Starheart  •  Scarlet  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Cloud Thundercaster
Antagonists: Lord Flame  •  Infernus Cloak  •  Bonfire Colony  •  General Icetalon
Gray Characters: Lucy
Minor Characters: Draco Brightheart  •  Iris Icetalon  •  Gale Starheart
Shadow's Rising
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Annabella Oceancaller  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Kayley Waterbreath  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Scarlet  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Shadow
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Ignis Firewalker
Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble
Protagonists: Harper the Firefly  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Rose the Wild  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Yurei Maho  •  Violet  •  Shane Dreamstalker  •  Cheryl Vinetrapper  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Lei Yamada  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Professor Greenheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Scarlet  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Normandy  •  Narcissa  •  Ansat Lightningheart
Antagonists: Luke Darkshade  •  Zoe Darkblade‎  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker‎‎
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong‎‎
The Wardens Renowned
Protagonists: Professor Greenheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Luce Starheart
Antagonists: Darkshade (LS)  •  Darkshade (AS)  •  Darkshade (WS)  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker
Gray Characters: Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong  •  Gale Starheart  •  Darkshade (RW)
Minor Characters: Ice  •  Scarlet  •  Element of Void  •  Element of Shadow  •  Ian Frostbreaker (Ghost/Imprint)
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: Ariana Lightmaster
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Professor Greenheart  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: tba
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Protagonists: Ansat Lightningheart  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Rai Starheart  •  Glace Starheart  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Abner Herolight  •  Luce Starheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Aurora Herolight  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Aria Steelwind
Antagonists: tba
Gray Characters: Gale Starheart  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Sea Wavestrider  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Wattage  •  Ice  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Scarlet  •  Iris
Void's Reign/Light's Fall/Greyshift Coronation
Protagonists: Chase Flamemaster  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Rai Starheart  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Braxton  •  Zayden  •  Ravena Spellwhisper  •  Glace Starheart  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Aurora Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Void
Gray Characters: Cero Stormward  •  Naleese Nightsong  •  Gale Starheart  •  Darkshade (RW)  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Kong Nightstalker  •  Jade Landcrafter
Minor Characters: Azure  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Faith Wishstone (Ghost)  •  Hunter Landcrafter (Ghost)  •  Connor Wishstone (Ghost)  •  Cloud Thundercaster/Raid  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Element of Water  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Storm  •  Element of Earth  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Shadow  •  Element of Astral
Filia Umbra
Protagonists: Alyss Flameheart  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Luce Starheart  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Aurora Herolight
Antagonists: Element of Shadow  •  Glace Starheart
Gray Characters: Jade Landcrafter  •  Gale Starheart
Minor Characters: Hilda Wishstone  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Aiden Firewalker  •  Egan Firewalker  •  Blaze Firewalker  •  Grace Wishchaser  •  Caleb Wishchaser  •  Rai Starheart  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Hunter Landcrafter (Ghost)
Miscellaneous Characters
Not Involved in RP: Cole Quakefollower  •  Vincent Lightningwhisper  •  Delila Quakeman  •  Caltrop  •  Shrapnel  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter  •  Starry Night  •  FSR.vpk
Formerly Involved in RP: Amy and Crystal  •  Harper Goldgem
Upcoming: Dolomite Wolfsbane  •  Aura  •  Austen Starheart  •  Snow  •  Peregrine Starheart  •  Ashley Starheart  •  Axel Starheart
[v · t · e · ?]
Alternate Game Version Characters
Female Characters: Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  India Croft  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Pterry  •  Theta  •  Tigris
Male Characters: 001C  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart/AAB  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Leonid  •  Merry  •  Newton  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Caltrop  •  Eon  •  Dark Cloud  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream
Fanfiction-Specific and Roleplay-Specific Characters
Female Characters: Ada Snowheart  •  Adamma Abubakar  •  Adrienne Ironshard  •  Agni Firewalker  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Amathine Flamegiver  •  Amber Dragonhunter  •  Amelia Applelover  •  Amira  •  Amy and Crystal  •  Amy Lokuramech  •  Anastasia Divinedreamer  •  Angel Heartsister  •  Angelica Softheart  •  Annabella Oceancaller  •  Annabelle Dustthinker  •  Aria Crimson-Melody  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Ariana Lightmaster  •  Ashley Starheart  •  Ashlyn Darkdragon  •  Atalanta Solarmoon  •  Aura  •  Avane (Monster)  •  Avery Goldentalon  •  Bella Bronzetorch  •  Bethany Shadowjewel  •  Brooke Thundershade  •  Burner Firetail  •  Caitlin Stormdancer  •  Celeste Fallsister  •  Celestina Stormblade  •  Charlie Snapdragon  •  Cheryl Vinetrapper  •  Chloe Kyaku  •  Christina Mayflower  •  Coalwalker Celeste  •  Columbia Icefreeze  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Crystal Sky  •  Crystal Thundertalon  •  Delila Quakeman  •  Destiny Silverthinker  •  Diane of the Sea  •  Dominique Riversplash  •  Duchess Gretta  •  Element of Earth  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Element of Water  •  Ellie Gooddancer  •  Embers (Pet)  •  Emma Rosepetal  •  ENTITY-ALY  •  ENTITY-JJ  •  Evelyn Softtalon  •  Evening (Monster)  •  Faith (Kyōju No Wakai Hibi)  •  Faith Waterfall  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Fatima Dragonblade  •  Flair  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Flora (Clashing Swords)  •  Frostbringer Abby  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gina Brightsteel  •  Ginny John  •  Glace Starheart  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  Hailey the Firefly  •  Harmony  •  Harper Goldgem  •  Harper the Firefly  •  Hilda (Twin)  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Hope  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Ice (Pet)  •  India Croft  •  Iris (Pet)  •  Iris Crystalheart  •  Iris Icetalon  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Jade Leafprism  •  Jane Eviliser  •  Juliette Featherjewel  •  June Nightstar  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Karin  •  Kayley Waterbreath  •  Kelsey Wildvault  •  Kendra the W1Z-42D  •  Kimberly Darklight  •  Kira Lotusmech  •  Kiyo  •  Kurumi Diamondheart  •  Kyle Shade  •  Kylie Snapdragon  •  Laurel  •  Lei Yamada  •  Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Lia Starling  •  Lisa Goldenfire  •  Lillemor  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Lulu Beachsummer  •  Luna Silvershine  •  Luna Stargazer  •  Lux Divinelight  •  Lyndia Acidshade  •  Mabel Smith  •  Maria Flamewalker  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Mary-Sue Darkdragon  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Melody Musical  •  Melody Paintlover  •  Meteorite (Monster)  •  Mila Strongsword  •  Milly Riverpetal  •  Mimi Wondersinger  •  Mira Shade (Maelstromer)  •  Mira Shadesong  •  Monsoon  •  Myrrh
...continued.: Naleese Nightsong  •  Naomi Silvershade  •  Narcissa  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Noel Rossi  •  Nyx Diamondheart  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Patches  •  Phoenix Firewalker  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Priscilla Novashard  •  Pterry  •  Quinn Ironchaser  •  Rachel Fancycrafter  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Raina (pet)  •  Ravena Spellwhisper  •  Rilea Shadowtalon  •  Rizi  •  Rose the Wild  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Sarah Spellcaster  •  Scarlet (Pet)  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Seraph (Pet)  •  Seraphina Firewalker  •  Sherene  •  Sienna Earthfollower  •  Sierra Shadowheart  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Sophia DuBois  •  Stella Illusionblade  •  Stratal Windchaser  •  Theta  •  Tigris  •  Trinity  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vanessa Gingerlore  •  Van Monstertail  •  Violet (Pet)  •  Wattage (Pet)  •  Wendy Rainwalker  •  Willow Glassvoice  •  Willow Swiftbreeze  •  Willow Windwhisper  •  Willow Wishwhisper  •  Willow Wonderlight  •  Xena Sunflowerlake  •  Xomiy Fogcaller  •  Yumi  •  Yurei Maho  •  Zayden  •  Zephyr  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Zorra
Male Characters: 001C  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Abner Herolight  •  Aiden Firewalker  •  Alan Everfrost  •  Alex Stormshadow  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Angelo Forgemetal  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Ari Flamesong  •  Ash Redclaw  •  Austen Starheart  •  Axel Clearblade  •  Axel Starheart  •  Beck  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Benjamyn Bluethinker  •  Bennett Fablegiver  •  Bobbil Der  •  Braxton  •  Cameron Firevoice  •  Captain Scribbles  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cereza Cherryprism  •  Cero Stormward  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Citiad (Pet)  •  Cloud Thundercaster  •  Cloudmath (Monster)  •  Cobnut (Monster)  •  Cole Firewalker  •  Cole Quakefollower  •  Connor Dustthinker  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Dale Starheart  •  Dale Sunwillow  •  Dolomite Wolfsbane  •  Draco Brightheart  •  Dylan Flametorch  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Eco-Man  •  Egan Firewalker  •  Elektra Windchaser  •  Element of Astral  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Storm  •  Emile  •  ENTITY-EAV  •  ENTITY-FL  •  ENTITY-X  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Fintan Firewalker  •  Fizzy (character) (Pet)  •  Flame Firewalker  •  Flint Firewalker  •  Florian Landcrafter  •  Frost Coldlight  •  Gale (Smart-Alecky)  •  Gale Darkheart  •  Gale Shadesong  •  Gale Spellcaster  •  Gale Starheart  •  Gale Sunwillow  •  General Icetalon  •  Grim Illusionmask  •  Gryphon (Monster)  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Hyper Dark Kevin  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Icetwig (Monster)  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Infernus Cloak  •  Jackson of the Sea  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout (Pet)  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Kaiden Silvershine  •  Kevin Dragonhunter  •  Kevin Dragonhunter Junior  •  Kevin Strongtamer  •  King Flavius  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Kong Nightstalker  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Kraus  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Leonid  •  Lloyd Goldensword  •  Lord Flame  •  Lord Mythshade  •  Lord of Flames (Pet)  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Lucas Shadowdragon  •  Luce Starheart  •  Ludwig (Monster)  •  Luke Darkshade  •  Macaroon Nightbutterfly  •  Marley Darksnap  •  Max Boltstrike  •  Maxwell Paintlover  •  Merry  •  Michael Mason  •  Mike Rossi  •  Mr. Magiccatcher
...continued.: Nathan McGee  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Neau Neonclock  •  Neo Colorgiver  •  Newton  •  Normandy  •  Oliver Ironbrother  •  Omega Silvercloud  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Ozymandias  •  Pan (Pet)  •  Paul (Monster)  •  Peregrine Starheart  •  Peyton Maelstromer  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Professor Greenheart  •  Raganoth  •  Rai Starheart  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Rasp Corax  •  Redtide Hyperdragoon  •  Redwood (Pet)  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Rohan Scrapstrike  •  Ryder Icehand  •  Scamp (Monster)  •  Scorblaze Flameshade  •  Scorch (Pet)  •  Scrooge (Monster)  •  Shane Dreamstalker  •  Shattered Glass  •  Shiba (Monster)  •  Shiver (Pet)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter  •  Spark Firewalker  •  Starry Night  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Tanner Silverwood  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Timmy (Pet)  •  The Collector  •  The Smuggler  •  Tsukio  •  Tyson Firewalker  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Vincent Lightningwhisper  •  Visco  •  Winston Von Loot (Frostbringer)  •  Xl4rx  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Zane Darkhunter  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Zion Deadstaff
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Ashley Dragoncaster  •  Caltrop  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Dark Cloud  •  Denver Nightdream  •  Eon  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Eugate  •  FSR.vpk  •  Kobe's Cloud Neek (Pet)  •  Light Consumer  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shrapnel (Monster)  •  Spacewalker (Monster)  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Realm Creator  •  The Void