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Icetalon Shadow
Hi, Delta here. You CANNOT use Elemental Balance without our permission in any way whatsoever.
This is because Elemental Balance can only be bestowed onto a single entity at a time, next to the Ancient of course. If more than one entity was capable of the ability, the Ancient would have to wipe out all creatures capable of changing their element to preserve balance.

A guide to Elemental Balance narrated by Gale (Starheart).


Elemental Balance is a curious ability that allows one to harness the elements to the extent of a Warden - and if practiced, the ability of Harmony themselves... For this reason the Wardens took to keeping a close eye on any wizard, faerie, fairy, elf, slime, druid, dryad, or yeti who by some miracle been granted this cursed gift.

The ability is draining, and the user must be careful not to push themselves to far, or they'll find that they'll be too tired to do anything at all. Maybe that's why the wardens kept me busy all the time... Back on topic, Elemental Balance allows the user to access all seven elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Storm, Ice, Astral, and Shadow. However, it does not allow the user to harness elements such as Moon and Sun, since they are not considered "True Elements".

Yet what's most interesting about this ability, is that you do not control an element, you do not manipulate an element, you become it.

The Elements[]


Quite literally you're playing with fire when embracing this part of Elemental Balance. When Fire isn't part of your natural spellset it's quite... how do I put this? Overwhelming. Even more so when empowering it with this ability.

As I mentioned earlier, you do not control or manipulate an element, but become it. No, you will not becoming a burning fireball thankyouverymuch, it's more of a sensation. Hard to explain it, and this is coming from someone who's done this before. I suppose it's more of a burning feeling, and it's relatively harder to control yourself. No wonder Chase can't stop cracking puns... and Ignis being unable to control his temper.

Now for listing detailed attributes:

  • Temporary Pyrokinesis, the fiery variant of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary red (on rare occasions, orange) streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones. Hm, I should probably read up on that.
  • Temporary fire immunity.

Am I forgetting something? Oh! The eyes change color, in this case they'll become a red shade of your usual eye color, and it's temporary.


When embracing the Water elemented extent of the ability, you'll find it's somewhat easier. Bit calming from my own experience, but then again, that might just be me listening to Sea for too long.... or letting this thing get to my head.

I really don't know how to explain this, but while using this part of the ability there's a sense of knowing, but knowing what?


  • Temporary Hyrokinesis, the water variant of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary blue streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - blue, temporarily.


The Earth element is peaceful once embraced, once again there's that sense of knowing.


  • Temporary Chlorokinesis, the earth variant of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary green streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - green, temporarily.


Embracing the Storm element comes with an odd feeling. Like something's been sparked within you, but you can't put your finger on it.


  • Temporary Electrokinesis, the storm variant of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary gray streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - gray, temporarily.


Embracing Ice chillens your heart, but also comes with an underlying kindness. The cold seems to bother you less than usual.


  • Temporary Cryokinesis, the ice variant of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary lightblue streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - a light shade of blue, temporarily.


Astral, one of the elements I do NOT enjoy embracing. It's simply too hard to do what you need to do, as bad it may be, with Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes Astral nagging at your consciousness every minute. I'm also slightly more intensely obsessed with balance while he's in my head.


  • Temporary Ictiokinesis, an expansion of Telekinesis.
  • A temporary yellow streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - yellow, temporarily.


Shadow is moderately better, but still has it's downsides. Call me mad, but I prefer Shadow to Astral any day - as long as I'm using Elemental Balance, of course. You feel secretive, calm, but a bit chaotic while using this part of elemental balance. It's also tempting... in a disturbing way....


  • Temporary Umbrakinesis, the shadow varient Telekinesis. It's more commonly known as Shadow's Blessing.
  • A temporary purple streak in the hair, something that comes with accessing the keystones.
  • Eyes become a shade of the color representing the element - purple, temporarily.

How it Works[]

Long story short, you're basically allowing the seven elements themselves to possess you, but while retaining your own consciousness and remaining in charge... somewhat. Sounds confusing and disturbing, I know, but how do you think Shadow magic corrupts a person? Basically that, but without the corruption part, thankfully.

By now you're wondering if it's possible for the other six elements to corrupt a person. I honestly don't know. I mean, they probably can, but they don't....

Using Elemental Balance tires the user quite quickly, seeing it puts them in a power struggle with the wardens, Ancient, and elements themselves. I do not recommend using the ability if you're as sleep deprived as me.


I honestly don't know that much about it, and this is coming from someone who has the ability. Hilda's the expert, but even she doesn't know where it originated from. Maybe the Ancient knows.


There, now you know all about elemental balance and most likely figured out why I'm grouchy all the time. Now leave me alone!

[v · t · e · ?]
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