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Also, the work "octillion" will be used in this story. It's basically a number word with one one and 27 zeroes for one octillion.
“ | What is the true meaning of life? It would take you your whole life to find out. You would be dead. But if you were scooped up by angels who have monitored you for your whole life and think you are good enough to enter the gates of heaven from the unfortunate tomb of death's darkness, you will find out. You can always return to Earth as a ghost. But even if you're a ghost and a member of heaven, you may still not figure it out. You can always turn to me for help. Always. Except I am only available from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. | ” |
— Emma
Main Characters[]
Emma, Gina
Side Characters[]
Ms. Chang-Yi, Emma's grandparents, Julia, Jack, Isabelle
- Moonflower, Sunflower (Emma's home) garden
- Emma's bedroom
- Second Chance's main entrance/waiting room
- Tulips and Rainbows (Burial)
Emma was cutting some tulips and roses for Isabelle, her mother, in her home in Heaven. Confused? Alright, I'll tell you something. They are dead, but they're in heaven. Heaven are where angels live. Emma was an angel. If they're down on Earth, they're a ghost. Heaven's basically a safe haven for the dead, whom are marked with wings to be a true member of heaven. So that's how Emma and her family are dead but alive.
Emma's mother and father had done many, many sins and were not baptized; they walked in the dark. They did not trust the Holy One. However, Isabelle, their firstborn daughter, had been interested in The Almighty ever since she was three. Isabelle always forced her parents to go to church, so they abandoned Isabelle, which forced Isabelle to live with Ms. Chang-Yi, who is good at acting as though she liked The Lord even though she actually trusted in Buddha. Then Ms. Chang-Yi secretly moved. Isabelle then lived in the Church for her whole life. Isabelle became a pastor when she could take a job. Isabelle met a male pastor named Alexis Rosepetal. He's a serious-and-cranky weird-ish-do and is TOTALLY obsessed with God. Alexis died a month before Isabelle. When Isabelle died from being shot in the head and chest and having lung, heart, spine, and liver cancer during the time, she went to heaven, where she met Alexis again. They married in heaven, and pretty soon, Isabelle got pregnant with Emma. 13 years later, three days before it was Isabelle's birthday, Emma, who was born already, was cutting tulips and roses for her mother. And there it goes.
Emma was getting cuts from roses, but it healed quickly, because the roses weren't just any ordinary roses-they were Sanitizing Quick-Healing Non-Hurting Rosey Roses. The thorns would take out any bad germs throughout the whole body and just disappear. The cuts would heal before new germs come in. The thorns wouldn't hurt Emma. The tulips were talking. Talking Tulips-they talk about random stuff. Emma cut some Talking Tulips and added a small, nearly invisible vine, in which Emma and her mother could communicate. When Emma was finished, she conjured a glass vase out of nowhere with her magic and added some water which also came out of nowhere. Then the Talking Tulips and Sanitizing Quick-Healing Non-Hurting Rosey Roses flew into the vase. Emma did some hand motions and then the words stared to appear carved on the glass:
Mom, Happy Early Birthday! From Emma. If you want to communicate with me, just take hold of the yellow tulip and talk into the pollen area. If I'm home, I'll answer you back! Love, Emma.
When Emma seemed satisfied with her message, she blew the vase. The vase magically floated into the air three feet above Emma's head and zoomed toward one of the chimneys, the one which leads to her mother's room. It dropped and it didn't make a noise. Emma looked at her tulip. I may have not told you, but Emma has a tulip in her right hand. Emma made a small vase with some water in it and put her tulip in the vase. Then she heard her mother's voice, which said, "Thank you, Emma! From Mom. Dad would probably appreciate it if you made these for him to connect with you-and if you made one for me and him. I obviously don't know how to make this, but if you can, please teach me! And also, please exercise your wings. Wings don't like to be folded up. Mom," from the tulip. It worked! Emma did a small celebration dance and then sent the vase into her room. She then flapped her feathery angel wings. She then lifted herself into the air, and then did a loop-de-loop. It was scary, but fun. Emma then flew in circles around the greenhouse and then headed for her neighbor's house (ten blocks away, good for flying exercise) and then back for ten times. She then skidded to a stop at the roof of the greenhouse. She looked for the purple chimney, which heads to her little sister Julia's fireplace. The fireplace is only on at seven p.m, when heaven was cold, and because it was 2:13 p.m, it was not on and was safe to go into. Then Emma hovered at least three feet in the air, then located herself to the purple chimney. She then stopped flapping quickly, folded her wings at her back, then she found herself dropping rapidly into the chimney. The chimney was dark, so Emma could only feel the chimney-ways. "Straight down, four feet, left, twelve feet, right, fifteen feet, straight down, five feet, left, eight feet, right, two feet, left, eighteen feet, north, twelve feet..." Emma muttered, trying to remember the pathways. Then she arrived at the fireplace without being burned. Julia was sitting on her four-poster bed, reading her cookbook Yummy Food for All by Minerva Mohawk, the best chef of both Earth and heaven. "Julia?" Emma asked cautiously, because Julia didn't like being disturbed, especially when reading books, especially cookbooks. "Hi," Julia said in a flat tone, because Emma had disturbed her. Emma sat next to Julia. Julia closed her book. "Emma, I was on page four thousand five hundred and forty and this cookbook has over three thousand five billion eight octillion fifteen hundred and forty pages. Literally. I was on the recipe Jalapeño Turkey Salad with Thirteen Types of Chicken in Five Different Types of Cooking Chicken with Avocado and Banana Soup and Legendary Heaven Sauce Kíkāmōña with Cilantro/Coriander added with Chicken and Salad on instruction four." "Really?" Asked Emma, who was half-bored on how Julia is curious about cooking. Everybody knows that avocado and banana soup doesn't work-plus how the book was not for six-year-olds like Julia. It was for fifty year olds who are complex in English and remembers which Level, Unit, Part, Sub Part, Main Chapter, Sub-Chapter 1, Sub-Sub Chapter 2, Sub-Sub-Sub Chapter 3, Recipe, and Instructions is which. Julia doesn't remember at least half of it. Plus their mother was fifty in ghost age and she only let Julia borrow it for fun, not for actual learning. Emma rolled her eyes. Minerva was complex in English and is the best chef in heaven and is seven hundred and thirty two in ghost age. In wizard age Minerva was 73, 200. Emma then asked, "Can I stay in this room for company for you?" "No thanks," Julia replied coolly, her nose stuck in Yummy Food for All again. "The kitchen will keep me company." "Alright. Bye." Then Emma put herself headfirst into the fireplace. Then she went backward up to the greenhouse roof. "Maybe I should go to Jack's room; he's only four and a 1/3 and he likes company, especially if it was me." So Emma went for the blue chimney. Then she lifted herself a few feet in the air, aiming herself at Jack's blue chimney. Then she folded her wings at her back, and down she goes into Jack's room.
Jack was busy trying to tickle himself with his wing feathers-he had started flying when he was three. Jack can sometimes be chaos, but his family always keeps close to him-except Julia, who once said that she's the kitchen's daughter, which caused Isabelle to cry. Julia is careless of the family. Jack is the second and last boy in his family. Jack likes Emma because she's the sister who helps her mother and father, and he wants to be just like her. He wished Emma was here. Oddly, his wish came true. It was not magic-it was just a coincidence. Emma settled herself on one of Jack's tiny chairs. Jack looked at Emma. "Emma, how is it like to be the fig sister in the family?" "Big," Emma corrected him, then said, "Well, you will have lots of things you have to do, like helping Mom, helping Dad, changing your diapers before you turned one and a half, leading Dove and Julia and you to school, helping my sisters with homework, and you will have to do your own stuff too." Emma had to talk in easy-to-understand English so Jack can understand her. "Really?" "Yup," replied Emma. "Jack, do you know how to make a pig sound?" "Like how?" "Like this." Emma then snorted. Jack tried to snort, too, but it sounded like a sharp, deep, quick gasp. "Yay! I know how to be a gig!" "Pig," Corrected Emma. "And the air goes in the nose, not in the mouth. You will also try to 'connect' your voice and the air together to make-" Emma snorted again. Jack then breathed through the nose and made a foghorn noise. "No, that's not a-"-Emma did the noise again-"that's another sound."