The Fables Update, part of Prodigy: Open World, is a fanon update that adds Faen, dryads, elves and werewolves. It also expands dwarves and adds new areas and items.
When the player unlocks the Fables Update (by completing Harmony Island), the first area they unlock is Silvian Forest and the Astral Tribe. They can explore the area while also piecing together a new threat from the Order of Influence.
The next unlocked area is the Forest Tribe, where you learn the basics of weaving, gardening, and building. You discover a bit more about the voice and what the Order wants with fairies. You must also help the tribe as they are being attacked by powerful Shadow beasts. Build houses, make friends, learn new skills, and defeat the beasts! After these quests are completed, Flora lets you go to the Fairy Marketplace.
After you complete the Forest Tribe quests, you unlock the Glacier Tribe, where you learn how to craft. You confront the voice, who is a wizard from the Order. They mention something about Gale, however you must help the Glacier Tribe before you can find out more. The Order has stolen their ancient artifact, and you must follow their minion around the island to restore it.
After you complete the Glacier Tribe quests, you unlock either the Crystal Tribe or the Moon Tribe. To unlock the Crystal Tribe, you must complete Crystal Caverns first.
For the Crystal Tribe quests, you help restore the tribe by harvesting crystals with the help of Winston Von Loot. You begin to manage trade as well, learning how to haggle for the lowest price.
For the Moon Tribe quests, you must battle the Order wizard (who reveals his name is Grimshaw), and stop him from attacking the Moon Tribe. They teach you how to brew potions, and begin assembling the fairies to take down the Order.
After you complete the Moon Tribe quests, you unlock the Storm Tribe. You are assigned to Silvian Forest patrol, and begin taking down Order wizards, along with Pippet. Gale informs you about the Order and how he used to be a part of it. However, after they started resorting to violence, he left. He promises that you can still trust him, but that you should be more wary.
After you complete the Storm Tribe quests, you unlock the Drake Tribe, where they teach you how to blacksmith and cook. You also learn about dragons, participate in Flame Weaving, and make armor. You confront Grimshaw, who has attacked the tribe before, and he reveals he is not a wizard at all, but a Dark Astral Fairy.
After you complete the Drake Tribe quests, you unlock the Sun Tribe. You help set up the solar eclipse fast and the feast the day after, and try to stop the Order's army from disrupting the festivities. You also learn how to harvest wild plants, distinguish various flora and fauna, and cook.
After you complete the Sun Tribe quests, you unlock the Creek Tribe, where you learn to sail and fish. You must collect food for the tribe, help repair some boats, and trade back and forth with the Merlings and pirates. You battle Grimshaw, and un-corrupt him. He thanks you by giving you some recipes and food, and showing you Whispers of the Dark.
In Whispers of the Dark, you must earn your way up the ranks, try not to get killed, and obtain information about the Order.
After you escape Whispers of the Dark, Gale tells you about his history with the Puppet Master and helps you with your magic. Afterwards, he lets you visit the Elemental Islands - concluding the Fey storyline and moving on to the Fae.
Discovering Silvian Forest[]
Noot: Hey, now that we've finished restoring this amazing island and seen all these places, it makes me think of my home.
Noot: Actually - it's about time I show you Silvian Forest. Follow me!
The player and Noot are transported to a new area, Silvian Forest Entryway. It is seemingly a darker and more natural version of Firefly Forest. A strange purple mist seems to cover the screen ever so slightly, and a dirt path leads off from the right. The path is guarded by a fairy wearing armor and holding a bow
Unknown Astral Fairy: Noot, who is this?
Noot: Hello, Xavier. This is our new Prodigy, *wizard name*!
Xavier: A warning would've been nice - I nearly called the rest of the tribe to attack. You do realize the dangers of breaking these illusions, right?
Noot: Sorry… but surely you've heard of the Prodigy?
Xavier: Actually, no, we're far too busy to deal with the trivial issues of wizards, Noot. Now who is this?
Xavier: Hmph, we don't usually welcome wizards into the Silvian Forest… but I suppose we'd benefit from that wishti Puppet Master being rid of once and for all.
Your wizard makes the question mark emote.
Noot: Oh, right. Wishti means dumb in Norlian. Norlian is the language of the fairies! Here, use this notebook to record some of the words - maybe you'll be able to communicate in Norlian!
You receive a notebook, which flips open and goes to the upper right corner.
Xavier: Ridiculous. Teaching a sapan our language.
Noot: Well, come on, I need to show you around!
You walk off, following the pathway, and Xavier flies away.
A word, sapan, is added to the notebook, with the definition next to it. Sapan means wizard.
The Astral Tribe[]
Entering the Astral Tribe[]
You and Noot are teleported to a new location, the Astral Village. It is an open clearing with a dozen huts and tents surrounding a a star-shaped cave entrance. A few Astral fairies are wandering around, taking care of little children, reading, or practicing magic.
Noot: Well, get exploring. Just don't wander too far, okay?
Unknown Astral Fairy: Noot, what did you do? Who is this?
Noot: This is our newest Prodigy, and they're here exploring the tribe.
Noot: I promise, they won't hurt anyone, or tell any wizards. Right?
Helen: …oh. I'm Helen by the way.
Helen: Maybe I can… become acquainted with you in the future.
Helen: Um… I'm going to Central Cave now. Bye.
Helen flies off.
Noot: Well, that went better than expected!
Noot: But let's not push our luck. Come on, let's go!
You enter a round home, Noot's house, that has roughly the same amount of space as the starter home. Inside, the layout is similar to the original home, but with unrecognizable and natural furniture.
Noot: Home sweet home. I figured you'd want to check out the cave, though. My place isn't very interesting.
You wander around for a bit, noticing the picture of a young Noot, an Astral Fairy and a little dwarf.
Noot: Erm… the cave is really interesting, go check that out, okay?
The quest hand pops up and leads to the star-shaped cave entrance. The other fairies are mostly gone, and two are standing by the cave entrance. None of the fairies are interactable.
Upon entering the cave, you see a sort of underground farm, with a river of clear water running through and fruits gathered around the sides.
Astral Fairy Dialogue[]
While exploring the cave, you can click on the Astral Fairies, but cannot click on anything else yet.
Astral Fairy: Aah! A sapan! Quick, hal!
Astral Fairy: En de Faen Nor, can't you see I'm busy collecting homa and heni?
Astral Fairy: It's too naloc in here, I need more nisha.
Astral Fairy: So many honolie and kôrem!
Astral Fairy: I could've sworn I heard a voice…
Hearing a Voice[]
The quest hand keeps leading you further down the cave. Everything gets darker, the river starts becoming thinner, and the fairies become more sparse. Finally, when you reach the end of the cave, Underground Spring, you hear a voice behind you.
Dark Voice: Really, Prodigy, milling around with those savages?
You turn and cast a Falling Star Smash, but it has no effect.
Dark Voice: Naughty, naughty. Your spells won't work on me. Perhaps you'll change in the future-
The voice cuts off abruptly and a fairy walks in.
Unknown Fairy: Hey! Who are you?
The fairy steps into view.
Gale: Oh… it's just you, Prodigy. What are you doing here?
Noot flies in through the cave entrance.
Noot: Hello, Gale! They're coming to explore Silvian Forest and the tribes with me!
Gale: That… may not be the wisest thing to do.
Gale: Hey, uh, Prodigy, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?
You follow him to the regular cave, now filled with even more fairies, and Noot flies away.
Gale: You heard that voice, right?
You make the question mark expression.
Gale: Well… I'm a bit worried that it may be someone from the Order of Influence. I don't know, though - I'll need to check it out some more. See you around.
The cutscene fades.
You can wander the cave now and gather the various items, such as cranberries, clover, chestnuts, mint, and sage by clicking on them. You learn several new Norlian terms - Hal which means fly, Halshti which means flyer, Kôrem which means branch, Homa which means fruit, Heni which means berries, Honoli which means seed, Honolie which means seeds, En de Faen Nor which means by the Faen Wind, Naloc which means dark, and Nisha which means light.
The Forest Tribe[]
Entering the Forest Tribe[]
Noot: Well, how was my home?
Noot: I'm glad you liked it! And you learned some new words, too?
Noot: Nice!
Noot: Hey, when I checked my mail, I got a whole bunch of random letters, a couple cranberries, and…
Noot: A letter from Flora! She says to come to the Forest Tribe as soon as possible.
Noot: She delivered this a few days ago, so hopefully we can still help her.
You and Noot appear in The Big Tree.
Flora: Oh, hello, Noot! And hello, *wizard name*. What are you two doing here?
Noot: We've been exploring all the different fairy tribes. I hope you'll allow us to examine the Forest Tribe?
Flora: Well, under normal circumstances, I'd say yes…
Noot: Oh no! Is there anything we can do to help?
Flora: Maybe you could ask Gale or some other Academy worker to help us defeat these nasty beasts! I already asked my brother, and he's on his way.
Flora: The monsters have nearly destroyed our village. Noot, will you help?
Noot: That sounds terrible! We'll get help right away.
Talking to Gale[]
You and Noot are transported to the Academy, where Gale sits amongst a bunch of scrolls. Most of the scrolls showcase the Warden Keystones and lists of instructions.
Gale: Oh! Noot! What a, uh… pleasant surprise!
Noot: Yes, hello, Gale. Do you know anything about those Shadow monsters attacking the Forest Tribe?
Gale: Er… not much. Perhaps I could do some research on Shadow monsters, but I haven't seen any since I- since the last war.
Noot: Alright, tell us when you've got an update! We need to go help Flora anyway. Bye, Gale.
Gale: …
Noot: Uh, Gale?
Gale: Oh, um, yes, goodbye, Noot.
Battling the Beasts[]
You and Noot are teleported back to The Big Tree. Three large Shadow beasts, resembling a mix between an Earth Titan but with a purple-black-white color scheme, are rampaging about.
Flora: Noot! Just in time! The second you left, these STUPID THINGS started ATTACKING AGAIN! Help us out here, will you?
Noot: You up to battling some bosses, Prodigy?
Noot: Yeah, that's what I thought.
You battle one beast while the rest of the fairies take care of the other two. It is physically impossible to beat the beast by any normal means.
Noot: Oh, no! That monster was so much more powerful…
Flora: At least they're running away. I bet they'll be back soon, though… what am I supposed to do?
Noot: I'm sorry, Flora. Will we still be allowed to explore the tribe? Maybe we can fix up some of the destroyed areas.
Flora: Hmph, not so much fun looking at a pile of ruins.
Flora: I hate those pesky little - or not-so-little - monsters!
Noot: Er, we should go before Flora blows…
Rebuilding the Village[]
You and Noot walk away, behind the Big Tree and into The Earth Village, where there are piles of ruins.
Unknown Earth Fairy: So much work, so much trouble…
Unknown Earth Fairy: What will I do? *sniff*
Noot: Um, are you okay?
Unknown Earth Fairy: Unfortunately not. Those beasts have destroyed my home.
Noot: That's terrible! How can we help?
Noot: Perhaps we can help rebuild!
Unknown Earth Fairy: Oh! You would really do that?
Unknown Earth Fairy: Thank you! What are your names?
Noot: This is our newest Prodigy! *wizard name*! I'm Noot, by the way.
Rosemary: I'm Rosemary.
Rosemary: Well, Prodigy and Noot, I'd be happy to grant you gifts if you can rebuild my home. Anything you want!
Noot: That's really not neces-
Rosemary: Please accept my gifts. Really, I've been collecting and baking far too much.
Noot: Oh, yes! *wizard name*, here in Silvian Forest, we have all sorts of unique flora and fauna. And with them come delicious foods.
Rosemary: I wish I could teach you to cook and bake, but I'm afraid I'm rather new at them. I'd love to teach you to weave and garden, though!
Noot: Of course. We should really get building.
Rosemary: Thank you again! Here, have these!
Rosemary gives you a Celestial Fruit and a Celestial Fruit Pie, both of which are of the Solar variant.
Noot: Celestial fruit is a kind of fruit exclusive to Silvian Forest!
Noot: There are two variants, Solar and Lunar. This one is Solar, which resembles citrus fruits.
Noot: And they make amazing pies! Mmm, Maymay made the most delicious ones…
Noot: Oops, sorry, I got distracted.
Your notebook updates. Maymay is an informal way to say Mother.
You and Noot walk up to Rosemary's house, now a pile of ruins.
Learning to Build[]
Noot: So, it's about time I showed you how to properly build.
Noot: You've built before, in Tower Town, but that was easier since you had the help of the Floatlings and remaining Lumin Trees.
Noot: So it's time you learned the old-fashioned way!
Noot gives you a toolbox, which stands on the ground in front of you. A quest hand points you to click on it.
Noot: Click on the toolbox to get a tool!
You receive a hammer and ten nails.
Noot: Now click on the ruins, and get working!
To build, you must answer a question for each plank of wood, similar to Tower Town. However, the blocks are wooden and the home is ten blocks wide and two blocks tall.
After you finish building the house:
Noot: Great work!
Noot: You're probably tired, aren't you?
Flora: I'm sure they are. Every single day, you can come over here and rebuild a house.
Flora: If you build more than one per day, perhaps we'll give you some gifts… or teach you some of our practices!
You need one nail to make a block. You can find nails dropped around Firefly Forest, inside openables and battle chests, and you can buy them for one Floran each from the Firefly Merchant. You can also buy bundles of 10, 50, and 100. After you rebuild all four dozen houses, the nails stay in your inventory, to be used later.
Receiving Gifts[]
Building Houses[]
This dialogue occurs every time you build a house.
Flora: Thanks so much! Here's a gift.
You receive Celestial Fruit, Celestial Fruit Pie, Celestial Fruit Juice, Cranberry Jam, Chestnut Pancakes, Chestnut Pudding, Vanilla Milkshake, Hazel Tree, Witch-hazel Tree, Chestnut Tree, Loom, Silk Hammock, Hazelnut Flour, Chestnut Flour, Birch Sap, or any kind of seed exclusive to Firefly Forest.
Befriending an Earth Fairy[]
To befriend a fairy, you must give them gifts each day, talk to them, and rebuild their home. Fairies give you one gift per day after you befriend them, which takes a week at least.
Regular Earth fairies have the same items as Flora, and are the easiest to befriend, next to Astral and Sun.
Earth Fairy: I'm so happy to have somebody to confide in, even if it's a sapan. Here you go!
Befriending a Silk-Touched Earth Fairy[]
The process of befriending a silk-touched Earth Fairy is the same as that of befriending a regular Earth Fairy.
Silk Fairy: It's so nice having someone who sees me for who I am, not just a Silk fairy. Here you go!
You receive Silk Hammock, Silk, Sheet of Silk, or a Loom. This unlocks the weaving lesson early.
Learning to Garden[]
This side lesson can be triggered anytime after you finish building Rosemary's house. To start it, simply interact with Rosemary, who can be found in her house or in the village.
Rosemary: Oh, *wizard name*, there you are!
Rosemary: In thanks for rebuilding my home, I wanted to teach you how to garden.
Rosemary: Come with me!
You and Rosemary walk outside/around her house and to the garden plots she has on the right side of the building.
Rosemary: Here in the Forest Tribe, we particularly enjoy gardening. The locals specialize in growing different herbs and fruits.
Rosemary: Before gardening, you'll need a watering can and some seeds.
You receive ten packets of carmine floret seeds,
Noot: Click on the watering can to use it!
Rosemary: When planting seeds or plants, we'll need to dig a small hole to place the seeds in.
Rosemary: Tap on the dirt to plant your seed, use the watering can, and then wait. You'll have a beautiful plant soon enough!
You can garden in certain plots in most areas at any time, so long as you have seeds. Seeds can be bought from Firefly Outfitters or given as gifts from Earth fairies. The exceptions to planting areas are the Academy, Crystal Caverns, Titan Grounds, the Dark Tower, the Epics Subspace, and Lamplight Town.
Dig up the plants to receive food and various potted plants to put in your house. You can also grow mandrakes after you learn how to.
Hearing a Voice… Again[]
This quest can only be triggered after five days and after you've built Rosemary's house.
Noot: Great! You've built [amount built over five days] houses, learned to plant, and made some friends! I must say, this trip was pretty sucess-
Noot: Oh, great. Time to battle!
You battle the Shadow beasts, but you lose again.
Noot: What are we going to do?
Suddenly, the screen darkens and a hooded figure with purple eyes is barely visible on the right side of the screen.
Dark Voice: Answer: you bring me Flora.
Noot: Aah! Who are you?
Dark Voice: Irrelevant. Now where is your leader? And- oh!
Noot: What are you doing?
Dark Voice: It's another Prodigy, I see.
Noot: H-how could you tell?
Dark Voice: Stop asking stupid questions.
Dark Voice: Here's the deal - at sunset today, you bring me Flora and this Prodigy, then I'll stop having the Shadow beasts attack you.
Noot: No way!
Dark Voice: You don't really have a choice.
Noot: How do we know if you'll keep your end of the deal?
Dark Voice: You won't. But I'm your only hope.
The Shadow beasts vanish and the voice quiets.
Noot: Well, we need to do something.
Flora, Florian, and some other Earth Fairies fly in.
Flora: Actually, I have an idea.
Florian: My suggestion was planting and using one of our most unique and useful plants - the mandrake.
Flora: If grown well enough, the mandrakes will be able to repel powerful forces… but we'll need impossible amounts to defeat the beasts.
Noot: Well, it's better than nothing.
Noot: How about this - every single person in the tribe plants three. Would that be enough?
Earth Fairy: Presumably, but we'd need help from you.
Noot: Of course!
Florian: My sister and I will oversee the planting while everybody gets to work. Rosemary here will help you grow mandrakes.
Flora: Let's get to work!
Learning to Plant Mandrakes[]
Rosemary: Here is an acorn. Normally, this would grow into an oak tree, but if properly done, the sapling will turn into a mandrake.
Your wizard makes the question mark emote.
Rosemary: To cultivate it, cast Earth, Water, and Astral spells at it regularly.
Rosemary: It'll take an entire pool of Mana to finish, but by then you'll have an adorable mandrake!
If you do not own an Earth relic/wand and Water relic/wand:
Rosemary: Oh, right, wizards can't cast Earth and Water spells.
Rosemary: Here, have my Basic Plant Relic and a watering can!
You receive the Watering Can wand.
If you own an Earth relic/wand and Water relic/wand:
Rosemary: Wow, you've been working hard!
Rosemary: Just in case, here's a watering can.
You receive the Watering Can wand.
Rosemary: Good luck, and get casting!
The spell book appears, and the spells available are Falling Star Smash, Supernova, Torrent, and Forest's Hurricane. Your Mana bar will fill, and you must cast the spell that the Quest Hand points at. If you miss a question, the bar refills and you must start all over again.
After you finish, the screen goes dark and a cutscene plays again.
Training Your Mandrake[]
Noot: Hmm, you've planted a wonderful Mandragora, but nothing's happening… oh!
The dirt shifts from under the sapling.
Noot: Pull the sapling up!
Your wizard reaches over and pulls hard, a tiny mandrake being attached to the sapling. It falls off and begins running around.
Noot: Uh-oh… catch it!
A new quest starts, in which you must chase after the mandrake, who is in Old Man's Remains.
Noot: Finally… oh no!
Gerald wakes up, grabs the Mandrake, and begins cuddling with it.
Noot: No flutes today. Just good old battling!
You battle Gerald.
Gerald: Sleepy… can have… cuddle?
Noot: Uh, maybe next time. Have a nice day!
Gerald: You… too… *snoring*
You and Noot are transported back to the Big Tree.
Rosemary: Both of you, hurry and keep that mandrake still! It's two hours until sundown and we need two more mandrakes.
Noot: Got it! Stay still, little guy!
It attempts to run away again.
Noot: Ugh, why did the plants have to be alive? Quick, we have to calm it down. Do you think treats would work?
The mandrake jumps up and down, clearly excited.
Noot: I guess they would! Mandragora eat flowers, but each of them is very partial to a specific kind of flower.
Noot: You'll have to start harvesting.
Learning to Harvest Flowers[]
Rosemary: Remember, there are hundreds of flowers in Firefly Forest, from the simple violet to the complex hyacinth to the dangerous sundew.
Rosemary: And your mandrake will eat only one!
Rosemary: Try feeding it some marigolds to start. Here, I'll show you.
She bends down and feeds the mandrake, who gags and throws the flower away.
Rosemary: It definitely didn't like that one. Well, just keep trying. Good luck, I've got to get harvesting!
Rosemary flies away.
A minigame opens up every time you click each of a dozen flowers. It is a mix and match game - you flip over cards and match them.
You will be able to harvest flowers from now on, just by clicking on them and playing the mix and match game.
Noot: Finally! This mandrake likes the carmine floret, a very common flower that grows all over Firefly and Silvian Forest!
The player makes the exclamation mark emote.
Noot: That's a great idea! We'll name it Carmine.
You receive a mandrake buddy, called Carmine. However, you can rename them any time you want.
Suddenly, everything begins to dim. Shadows start to fill the screen.
Noot: Quickly, grab the mandrake and let's go beat some beasts!
Beating the Beasts[]
You enter the Big Tree, where three beasts face the other Earth Fey.
Rosemary: Er… you have to act like you're about to be defeated by them.
Flora: Oh. Oh yeah. Aaaah! I'm soooo scared! Whatever will I do?
Noot and your wizard stare blankly before flying and walking over.
Noot: The last mandrake. Come on, Carmine!
Carmine scuttles over, joining a huge group of mandrakes.
Beast: R-roar? ROAR! ROOOAAAR!
Noot: Time to battle!
You battle a beast. Every time they cast a spell, a green bubble “muffles” it, minimizing the damage by 50-75%.
Noot: Oh, look!
The beast morphs back into a harmless Titan.
Rosemary: You're the best!
Florian: Two days without pizza? I'm going back to the Academy now. Thanks, *wizard name*.
Learning to Weave Introduction[]
Flora: Thanks for getting rid of those stupid things!
Flora: You can visit the Forest Tribe, Fairy Marketplace, and Tamed Titan Grounds at any time!
Flora: Besides, if you keep building us new structures, you'll have gifts aplenty!
Noot: Th-the Fairy Marketplace? B-but… the other fairies…
Flora: Oh, I'm sure it'll be just fine! Back to the point, I will be teaching you to weave.
Flora: You can lenshti en, don't worry.
Noot: Shi un nenshi eyen? It took me weeks to make a sock!
Flora: Oh, don't be nashba.
Noot: *sighs deeply* Well, *wizard name*, I hope you're a Prodigy in more ways than one…
Your notebook updates. (Use a guide to translate.)
Learning to Weave #1[]
You and Rosemary sit behind two looms in Firefly Crossing. A few piles of silk lie on the ground.
Rosemary: I'll be showing you how to make a simple swath of fabric. In fact, one of our silk-touched Earth fairies generously gave us a bit of silk just for this!
The silk-touched Earth fairy you befriended the most will provide their uniquely colored silk. If you have not befriended any, it will be a simple green.
Rosemary: First, you warp the loom like so.
Answer a math question to warp the loom.
Rosemary: Now start weaving! Watch me, first.
An animation plays where she crosses the silk over and over, and a square swath of green fabric is produced.
Answer ten questions to finish. If you get five or more wrong, it slips and you must restart. Depending on how many you get wrong, the silk has knots and frayed ends. If you get none wrong, it is perfect.
Learning to Weave #2[]
Good Luck from the Forest Tribe[]
This occurs after you've done everything you can do - complete the main storyline, all lessons, and befriend both an Earth and silk-weaving Earth fairy.
Noot: Thank you for your hospitality, Flora! *wizard name* and I need to get exploring, though. We're headed for the Glacier-
Noot: I- I mean-
Noot: I… wanted to… to get *wizard name* to learn everything…
Flora: NOOT! Something really terrible happened to the Glacier Tribe recently. How do you not know?
Noot: What?!
Flora: You've been busy, huh? Well, you know their ancient artifact - the fancy ice crystal tree thing. I don't like it, really.
Flora: Boring old ice trees? REAL trees are WAY better.
Noot: Back on topic?
Flora: Anyway, the Order started attacking their tribe recently, and they even stole the artifact!
Noot: Oh no!
Your wizard makes the question mark emote.
Flora: Silly sapanie. The Glacier Tribe fell quite a lot after the Faen War-
Noot: Back up a bit. *wizard name* here never got to learn in the Academy, and you know sapanie only teach about the Faen War in their third or fourth year.
Noot: So the sapanie can seem better than they are.
Flora: Tsk, tsk. Well, thousands of years ago, there was a war between the fairies and the wizards.
Flora: The wizards won, but the Glacier Tribe - a group of Ice fairies in Shiverchill - lost quite a lot from their efforts.
Flora: They lost all their ancient cultural items to be stored in some museum, except for one.
Flora: Their ancient ice crystal tree!
Flora: But now, the Order has stolen it. The tribe is FURIOUS, and they want to persuade the wizards to fight the Order more.
Flora: The issue with that is that they're preparing some pretty crazy methods. Some of which will get people, and my tribe, hurt.
Noot: We've got to help! How about it, *wizard name*?
Noot: Yeah! Come on!
The Glacier Tribe[]
You and Noot teleport to Borderland in Shiverchill Mountains.
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