All the Faerie Tribes in detail.
Do not edit unless you're tweaking the description of a tribe owned by you or have permission from AlyssSolo.
Elemental Islands[]
The majority of Fae live on the Elemental Islands, as Prodigia is overpopulated and does not treat Fae well. Each tribe mainly stays on their respective island, though of course there is commute between them.
Harmony Island is a bit of a community area for them, so that the Fae, and sometimes Fey, meet.
Birch Tribe[]

The Birch Tribe uses a similar system to the Wardens, where there is a council of seven, and the heir of each member is chosen by said member. The council members serve for life, and typically are the ones enforcing order amongst all the tribes when things get too out of hand.
Named for the tall, spindly Birch trees they nest in, they are a tribe of fairies who spend more time in the tree than the air and ground. They are quite peaceful, and are adept climbers, as well as being used to having to leap over large expanses. The Birch trees they live in are dotted with nests made of tightly woven branches and vines, the vines normally being fruit bearing types. Hanging from branches around their nests and woven into the vines are small crystals made of condensed Astral Energy, bathing the forest with a comforting glow as night falls.
Map Location[]
They reside on the Astral Island, in the Ancient Forest
Frost Tribe[]

A nomadic tribe that live in tents and temporary igloos, constantly having to run to ensure the dragons that reign their frozen world do not find them. They are capable of concentrating their body heat in their tails, allowing them to fool the heat seeking Snow Dragons that constantly hunt them. They barely ever leave tracks, making it difficult for one to find them, but if you stumble into their encampment, you'll find a group of rather kindhearted fae. They are a tight community, constantly helping each other to ensure their kind survives, and even if you hail from another species, they would not hesitate to help you, yet they would do it, oddly enough, for your family.
As one sees their way of living, it's hard not to wonder; "What went so wrong with the Glacier Tribe?"
The answer lies within the Nor.
Map Location[]
They reside on the mountains of the Isles of Ice, specifically on the Dragon's Beard Mountains.
Flame Tribe[]

A savage and twisted tribe that has no care for anybody but themselves, with their burning passions for survival being the only things they can rely on.
They have a twisted monarchy in which the fiercest leads, and if they are not killed first, once they die of natural causes their children fight for their position. It's possible to challenge the leader and introduce a new lineage, but to do so, you must slay the current leader and then their kin, or die a death that would make sure no one dares to challenge them again.
A tribe that lives almost completely on their volcano, since it provides all they need, while the rest of their island is full of wild and vicious animals. The volcano on which they live has many layers, becoming more and more dangerous as you go lower.
The top layer is lush with unique plants that seem to be fueled by the magma around them. A river of magma gushes through it, while a hot and steaming pond is directly outside the volcano. The upper class lives here, inside large caves embedded inside the volcano walls.
The second and third layers are where the middle class lives. It’s rather simple but not uncomfortable, consisting of simple rock and magma pools, with a small trickle of water providing them with a little hydration. The upper middle class live in the second layer, where they have caves to live in, while the lower middle class lives in the third layer, needing to build their tiny huts themselves.
The fourth and final layer is by far the worst. The air is too thick for the Fae to breathe or fly, and it consists of almost entirely magma and rocks, with no water unless you dig deep enough through the hard volcanic rock. It’s incredibly dark and there is almost no life here, except for the small groups of starved and dying Fire faeries. Former monarchs, the elderly, and the poorest people live here, having nothing to do but slowly starve, suffocate, or thirst to death. Occasionally, Fae have even been known to attack and kill each other for food or to sell.
Map Location[]
They fiercely defend the Magma Plains, located on the Fire Island.
Lotus Tribe[]

They value beauty above all else, and while they seem kind and fair on the outside, they are envious and vain towards anybody who could rival their beauty - which is almost every other Earth faerie. Anybody who doesn’t match up to the impossibly high beauty standards is shunned, and if you are too dull, you will be forced to dance and entertain until death.
Any visitors will never want to leave - not just because the village is so seemingly beautiful, but because Earth fae will quickly swoop down upon them and force or seduce them to entertain as well. If you ever find yourself being flirted with, run - once an Earth fae becomes enamored with you, they will force you to stay with them for all eternity.
Females are dominant in the tribe, men being used as slaves to do whatever their wife command them to do. The men without wives have developed a savagery and will destroy anybody they see, especially females.
As they have many groups, representatives for each one are voted upon the communities ever so often, being called for at the main village when there are serious matters to discuss. They do not usually take things seriously, however.
A bustling tribe that has multiple smaller communities but presents themselves as a singular group. Their main village is located at the center of the island and surrounded by ponds of lotuses, being where the representatives from the smaller communities hold their debates. They live scattered in the trees, caves, and small huts, decorated with plant life of all sorts and lit with crystals gifted by the Birch Tribe. When one enters one of their villages, one is met with the sight of colorful silks draped from the branches of the trees, vines winding around them as they hang from silk hammocks. The huts are traditionally built around the bases of trees, and the caves are so homey that you feel as if though you could stay there forever.
Map Location[]
They populate the many forests of the Island of Earth.
Air Tribe[]

An isolated tribe that only cares for their own people. They are reclusive at best and vicious at worst towards outsiders.
However, they are very kindhearted towards each other. They have a very playful and relaxed society, with order being rather loose. Chaos reigns - the fun, childish, kind, not the malicious variety.
While the actual Storm Island is below them, Storm Fae live above in a series of floating islands, which exist due to the odd electromagnetic occurrence through out the island. They are quite distant from the other fey, having no interest in interacting with them. They prefer to live in peace, while the pain and suffering of the world goes on below.
Map Location[]
The live at the Sea of Clouds, above the Island of Storm.
Night Tribe[]

Upon becoming old enough to fly, you are to select one of Shadow's horrors as you prepare for the intuition that will scar you as it did to all, as it did to the first Dark Fey who had once roamed the island. From the horrors is a variety, and it's important to note that the creature you choose will determine your fate. The notable, more popular horrors consist of the following:
- If you select the Black Mamba, you are forced to face its bite - which luckily does not seem to affect this odd race - leaving a dark scar running through your veins. Afterwards you would be known as cunning and deadly, as you were called to the vicious viper, and gain the ability to produce a venom all snakes would envy.
- If you select the cat as dark as the night, you will know every tragedy that will fall upon you, from tripping on a stone to the cause of your death. You will be known for how you seem to have knowledge on everything and an elusive way of behaving, as well as gaining the ability manipulate the stings of aether that the feline familiar always seems to pull.
- If you select a Shadow Hound, you will face the trial of finding the one that bonded with you... and nearly be killed by it. You are known for your courage and adaptation, and are adept at creating life from only darkness.
- If you are blessed with a Moon Phoenix, you will find yourself caged by the knowledge of centuries before, granted the ability to be reborn (revived) - but only once. You cannot select this creature, it has to choose you, and you will be constantly seeking death because of the dark bird. Rarely, a pure white phoenix will descend, fating you to lead alongside the dragon.
- If you select the Umbra Dragon, you will have to steal one of the eggs from the nest in the mountains, then successfully hatch and raise it. If you succeed, you will someday be a fierce leader, and gain the ability to shift into a dragon of shadows.
Two years later, after learning the basics of Shadow Magic and working with your familiar, you must pass a test to be able to transition into your proper intuition. This test depends on your familiar, reviewing the skills associated with it (i.e. if you selected cat, you must be able to accurately predict where a series of items had been hidden). If you fail, you will move down in rank and have to wait another two years to try again... if you're still alive by then.
Not long after, you will enter the actual intuition, a test that follows methods similar to the Whispers of the Dark. Most of the time, if you fail the leader's chosen test, it will be at the cost of your life.
The tribe is normally lead by the strongest person with a dragon bond, often marrying or simply ruling alongside the "Antinity". The tribe's leader does not often interact with the public, only revealing themselves during intuitions. Traditionally, the Antinity - in other words, the current person with a white phoenix - does the speaking for the tribe leader.
A "cursed" race that lives closest to the Island of Prodigy, leading to the false belief that all faeries are evil. They have eyes that pierce through the dark, somewhat backlit leading to false conclusion that one is seeing ghosts... until they get close. As they melt in and out of the shadows, they are often aided by the horrors of darkness to eliminate anyone they deem a threat, striking as quick as a viper.
Map Location[]
They live on the Island of the Nameless, a place where it's eternally night and not being except those of darkness can survive. The island's real name was long abandoned, but it doesn't take a genius to guess it's former name was the Island of Shadow.
River Tribe[]
They have an extremely complex hierarchy which is impossible to escape. The chief is always somebody who is elected, however these elections are almost never fair and involve bribery, threats, nepotism, bias, etc. Thus, the atmosphere of the tribe can change majorly depending on ruler. Chiefs are often assassinated or forced to give up power, and can rule for several years or for a few days.
The people who have more power, fame, and money rarely obtain them through honest means and may be knocked down to commoners after a ruler dies.
Commoners are usually poorer because they supported something the new chief now opposes. This makes the tribe’s viewpoint shift majorly every time a new chief is rolled in, and keeps nobles extremely paranoid.
Map Location[]
Moth Tribe[]
The moth tribe has no government, as for some odd reason, only children are present.
A tribe of a magicless "subspecies" of Earth Fae. They live high up in the mountains, their village filled with fallen leaves year round. During the day, the village seems deserted, but during the night, the children are heard laughing and playing, running about in their eternal autumn.
The houses there are simplistic, and they do not fear being found, as the walls of their mountain is so smooth that it's near impossible to climb. There is a shattered staircase though, which people used to travel.
Map Location[]
Desert Tribe[]
Their culture causes them to be the strangest tribe, due to how... drastic their rituals can be.
Rite of Death[]
Upon a person's final days - around a faen's 500s-900s - they begin to experience the human concept of aging. This causes them to slow down and negatively impacts the tribe's nomadic patterns. So, before moving to their next settlement, the tribe performs a Rite of Death, in which all members that are reaching the end of their life are "put out of their suffering."
As absurd as you think it might be, their is a very careful selection process. Those who are the target of the rite must be firstly past 500, secondly having trouble flying/walking, and thirdly experiencing affliction to their health.
The actual execution is carried out in a strictly traditional manner. The chosen executioners are not revealed to public or the victims, and are to wear a fox mask to conceal their identity. This is to prevent vengeance from their victim's relatives. They use polearms with red and gold tassels and Egyptian-like patterning, as well as wearing fabrics tied to their tails, making them appear like kitsunes. A Sand Pearl choker is worn, and this choker is dipped in the blood of their victim, eventually being buried in their next settlement so the dead can "come with them."
Rite of Water[]
The Rite of Water is a dance performed before entering a new settlement, to beg the sky itself for their wells to be filled with water. The dancers who are selected are not permitted to show their wings as they dance, wear blue and white satins, and head-dress representing rain. In the past, if the wells were dried out, the community would blame the dancers over a cursed dance, and they would have to go through deadly trials to discover - and kill - the "cursed" dancer. After this, they would perform the Rite of Bloom, then move to the next settlement.
As Highlords rose and fell, they eventually stopped killing "cursed" dancers due to it being purely superstitions, but preserved the rite for the sake of entertainment.
Rite of Bloom[]
The Rite of Bloom is a ritual performed when the tribe encounters a barren settlement. To "encourage" the desert to care for it's inhabitants, they would search for a flowering cacti and transplant it to the settlement, hoping that the blooming plant will encourage a healthy ecosystem within their land. They would then move onto the next settlements. If they have any Sand Pearl chokers that need to be buried, they would wait to arrive at the next settlement to do so.
Rite of Spear[]
At a very young age, the children of the tribe are taken to an isolated area of the desert. They are all given a small spear. The mages observe them over a course of the month, seeing how they fend for themselves. The children who use the spear and succeed in hunting down the most difficult of prey are later forced to go through a series of trials, in which the survivors becoming the next generation of assassins, their eyes being dyed a haunting red.
Highest in position are scholars, their chief - known as the Highlord - being the most well-learned individual. The Highlord, based on knowledge gathered by their mages, decide to keep, change, or discard rituals and traditions. They serve as a judge, priest of sorts, and king. During ceremonies, they wear the Highlord's Crown to demonstrate their authority, and if they are capable of magic, use the Magite Staff. They are also noted to dye their eyes similar to assassins. The color they choose has a meaning, yet this is information they've never dared to reveal to outsiders. The current Highlord's eyes are green.
The mages the Highlord assigns serve as a jury in court, and normally take on jobs such as librarians, teachers, and generally serve as lesser lords. The mages decide which research topics are forbidden and permitted, as well as selecting who can move on to higher education. They are also the ones who decide on who will train to be assassins, to protect the tribe, perform the Rite of Death, and to eliminate anyone who stands up against authority...
Finally, the assassins have little political authority, rather traditional authority. However, this doesn't stop the tribe from falling silent at the sight of their kitsune masks and red eyes. Tribe members are raised to fear them, and the assassins are raised to fear nothing, not even death. They all have red eyes due to a plant-based chemical being used to stain them, making them identifiable even without their mask. However, they mask makes it impossible for civilians to know which one of them is responsible to a specific person's death. They also dye their fur to be the darkest shade of brown, so that can't be used to identify them either. The only way the mages manage to identify them is by the color of fabric they tie to their tails, and even then they do not address them by their real name.
A tribe which used to reside in the deserts of Dyno Dig Oasis. They now live far away from Prodigia, closer to Prodig-E. They are a rather foxlike breed of fae, who traverse the oases and dunes of their home. Nomadic in nature, they have multiple towns that they cycle through depending on the time of the year. It's very common to stumble upon two or three ghost towns before actually locating them.
They are adept hunters, favoring neuro-toxic arrows to take down enemies. They are normally magicless, but a rare handful possess fire magic, and an even rarer individuals possess Sun Magic. Knowledge has an economic value among them, and with the right knowledge, you can buy your way into the darkest of things...
Map Location[]