All the Fairy Tribes in detail.
Do not edit unless you're tweaking the description of a tribe owned by you or have permission from AlyssSolo.
Silvian Forest[]

The Silvian Forest is where most of the tribes are located. Tribes that are located here are stationed both above and below ground - with the exception of the Storm Tribe, who lives fully above ground.
Tribes located in the Silvian Forest:
- Astral Tribe
- Storm Tribe
- Whispers of the Dark
- Echoes of Ice
- Moon Tribe (Tribe territory overlaps into the forest)
- Glacier Tribe (Tribe territory overlaps into the forest)
- Crystal Tribe (Tribe territory overlaps into the forest)
The name "Silvian", means peace or refuge in Norlia. The forest itself is hidden by generations of illusions cast by Dark Fairies, which is why it's unmarked on the map.
There is a type of tree that only grows here, called Celestial Pine which is an evergreen tree that produces an orange-sized fruit that lets off an odd glow. The trees can produce two types of this fruit, depending on the sub-species, and the fruit helps keep the forest lit. The fruit is edible but... it causes your mouth to glow for a few hours. You can also harvest branches from the trees.
A marketplace can be found to its east.
Astral Tribe[]

Despite the fact they do no not worship god(s), they hold the stars sacred. Ever time a star fades, they view it as a sign that someone died, and whenever there's a new star in the sky, it's hard not to spot them smiling - for they view it as a sign that there's a new person in the world. To them, darkness is a thing that will always exist, you just need to find a way to look past it and see the light - the stars.
They host a festival similar to Denali, yet do not worship a god in the center of it. In the past, it was a celebration in regards to Celestial, but they have long ceased respecting the said elemental. Traditions similar to Denali are lighting their houses with traditional lights (albeit they use crystal lanterns with their family name(s) carved into them), exchange sweets, and hold a feast. What differs is that they hold the feast for seven days, and on the seventh day, the Astral Fey that live closest to the Moon Tribe sends paper lights down the river, which float past the central cave at midnight. As the rivers sweep them past said communities, the fey of those communities add more paper lights, each one having a wish written upon them. They eventually float out to sea, towards Harmony Island, tides permitting. Additionally, on the first day, they hold a rather funeral-like ceremony to pay their respects to the first Celestial Fey, who passed away long ago.
Their traditional clothing varies depending on their guilds, but have traits similar to Southern Asian clothing. An example for the Healer's Guild is Austen's clothing. Farmers of the Astral Tribe wear something similar to a chemise & wizrah, merchants wear salwar and a top with colors attributed their business, and so forth.
The Astral Tribe is fully democratic, taking a vote whenever a big decision needs to be made. They are not currently lead by a sole ruler, but are instead lead by a council. In the past, before humans moved to the island, they lived by a complex triarchy in which a monarch from the Moon and Sun tribes ruled along side theirs. These rulers made most decisions, but a council which was elected by the fey of the Moon, Sun, and Astral Tribes had the right to vote to veto a decision. For serious decisions, the tribes would hold a vote based on options provided by the council. This ensured a fairness in their monarchy.
Position in the Faen War[]
Any Astral Fairies involved in the Faen War were forced to fight, as they are normally peaceful.
The largest tribal cave. It has a star-shaped opening at the top, making the cave a landmark for the center of the Silvian Forest. It's always well lit, and has a homey feel to it. There's a river of water running through it, small batches of crop growing to the sides of it.
There are openings leading to the other tribe caves, incase the other tribes need to take refuge in the central cave. Vines grow into the cave, having red berries growing on it. These berries are often used as decoration when dried, paint, and made into a jam or jelly.
There's a few homes on ground level, overlooking the opening, designed to look like part of the tree canopy from above. A long twisting path leads to the Storm Tribe, allowing passage between the two tribes.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in the Silvian Forest, marked with a yellow "A" pin.
Sun Tribe[]

The Sun fairies, like the Moon fairies, have a very rich culture. They are less tolerable of Dark fairies and, on the occasion that there is a Dark Sun fairy, they will be banished and commonly sent to the Moon Tribe.
They respect the Epic Luma, and because of this, sent many female warriors into the Faen war, which is why, along with their odd gender ratio, they are now forced to cross with the Moon Tribe.
The Sun Tribe has much more friendship and romantic bonds than familial bonds. They are all related in some way or another, and there is little regard for immediate family. That has led to them having… interesting… romantic partners, which is frowned upon by most other fey. They are also the most accepting of LGBTQ+ people.
They have a large amount of respect for the sun and the way it feeds all life, so naturally, they have lots of unique flora and fauna. They fast during Solar eclipses, believing that if the sun cannot feed life, they should not feed themselves either. The day after, however, is celebrated with joy, dancing, and feeding themselves again.
Before the Faen War, the tribe was led by their royalty - now it is lead by chiefs, the most hardworking people in the tribe, voted on of course. They decide on what happens within the tribe and conduct any ceremonies that need to be done.
Position in the Faen War[]
The Sun Fairies were not very vocal in the war, but there was a lasting effect on them - there are little females in their tribe.
The Sun Tribe is near the Creek Tribe, in a location that receives more sunlight.
The northern side is mainly composed of flora and fauna. It has little homes but is commonly visited to harvest fruit or just revel in the wonders of life.
The western side of the Sun Tribe is where the chief and elders live. This is because it is hardest to attack, being directly next to the shore, and because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The southern side of the tribe is where they commune with others. It’s also a bit of a town square, where meetings, weddings and everything in between take place.
The eastern side is where the common folk live, with any warriors milling about the border. There’s also the communal kitchen, which is almost always full and bustling.
It is mainly composed of tents instead of caves, because of the darkness that caves usually have. The tents are made of natural material like reeds and are mistaken for lumps of dried grass upon first glance. The weaving on the tents is not very tight, so that sunlight is filtered through the reeds. Children live with their parents in these tents until they are above ten, and then live alone until they marry.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Shipwreck Shore, marked with an orange "S" pin.
Moon Tribe[]

The Moon fairies, like the Sun fairies, have a very rich culture. They sleep during the day and are awake during the night, meaning they appreciate darkness and are a tad more tolerant of Dark Fairies.
They respect the Epic Eclipse, and because of this, sent many male warriors into the Faen war, which is why, along with their odd gender ratio, they are now forced to cross with the Sun Tribe.
The Moon Tribe have very familial relationships. They have very strong bonds to their parents and (if possible) siblings. Since all of the Moon fairies are somewhat related, everybody has a strong connection to other Moon fairies.
They follow the Lunar calendar, meaning many of their holidays are moon-related. The Moon festival is a day where everybody joins together and celebrates the moon. If the moon is especially full and bright that night, there is supposed to be good fortune for the tribe. They also eat eight of the crescent-shaped variant of Celestial Fruit, for each stage of the moon. While fairies do not believe in gods, the Moon fairies consider it to be more of a tradition, and it has stood strong throughout all the years. Interestingly enough, the only year known where they did not celebrate the festival was the same year they lost the Faen war.
The Moon Tribe is ruled by the chief, but there is little conflict between each other in the tribe. The chief is more of a symbol and representative of the whole tribe. Should a decision be made, the chief will consult all of them first.
Position in the Faen War[]
The Moon Fairies were very vocal in the war, and thus were forced to live in a much more secluded and hidden area. There was also a lasting effect on them - there are little males in their tribe.
The Moon Tribe is atop a mountain near Shiverchill Mountains, overlooking the Crystal and Glacier Tribes. A frozen river runs through the mountaintop. The only flora here are pine trees and Celestial Pines, and the only fauna are Ice monsters and white foxes, hares, ermines, etc.
It, like most Fairy tribes, is composed of caves. Their caves usually have little light, only lit by faintly glowing crystals, and are typically quite cold. Families live in these caves their entire lives, even once someone marries, and the chief’s cave usually has a front area where celebrations and meetings are held.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Shiverchill Mountains, marked with a light purple "M" pin.
Crystal Tribe[]

The Crystal Fairies do not have much culture, being a small tribe and being more focused on surviving. Any culture they have is well-kept from wizards.
The Crystal Tribe is fully democratic and has no leaders. The Glacier Tribe does look over them, though.
Position in the Faen War[]
There were and are so little of them that few wizards were aware of their existence, and ones who were aware knew that they did not pose a threat.
Notable Information[]
The Crystal Tribe is the smallest known tribe, (as of directly after the Faen war) and thus are very well-connected.
They are commonly affiliated with the Glacier, Moon, and Astral Tribes and Whispers of the Dark.
Since the area where they live was recently inhabited by the Order and their Shadow creatures, they have grown to be proficient in fighting Shadow-elemented beings.
The Crystal Tribe is located near the outskirts of the Glacier Tribe and Crystal Caverns.
It is mainly composed of deep caves that miners and yetis alike will reside in. The caves themselves are usually filled with glowing crystals, illuminating the different rooms in various colors.
The western side of it is in Crystal Caverns, and many of the fairies who live on the western side help the miners to mine crystal. If you come across one as a wizard, however, chances are high they’ll either kill you or send you running away (with the exception of Winston Von Loot, who manages trade between them and wizards).
The southern side of the tribe is in the Silvian Forest, where a river runs to give the crystals the energy they need and is considered to be blessed by the Crystal Fairies.
The northern side is very cold and icy, and is also where the most abundant crystals are. Not that the Crystal Fairies are planning to share any anytime soon.
The eastern side is where the Moon and Glacier Tribes are, and they commonly correlate. They are among the more hateful of wizards.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located Shiverchill Mountains, marked with a light blue "C" pin.
Glacier Tribe[]

The Glacier Tribe has little to no traditions, focusing more on surviving than giving their lives a purpose. However, there is one thing they hold sacred - a frozen tree with crystals hanging from its branches. It's their only artifact that survived the Faen War, and they will become quite upset if something were to happen to it.
Another thing that could be considered a tradition is the fact that all the males of the tribe own a single earring with the last names of their father, mother, wife, and themself are carved into. This is used as a form of identification and to prevent in-breeding - yet not all of them are seen wearing it, and only wear it during events.
The Glacier Tribe is known as a fighting tribe, and are noted for their triumvirate/democratic government system.
They always have three leaders chosen upon by the tribe - one skilled in the art of war, one who knows what the tribe needs, and one who's well learned and able to lend their knowledge. This is so that any issues within the tribe, any lack of defense, and any curiosity that manages to occur is handled as promptly as possible.
Position in Faen War[]
The Glacier Tribe was the most effective in the Faen War, and it is both feared and respected by wizard and fairy alike.
Notable Information[]
The Glacier Tribe appears to be small, but it's actually one of the largest tribes - next to the Forest Tribe, of course. This is because Feral Fairies often have litters instead of a single child (or rarely, two) at a time, and since Ferals don't normally live with the rest of the tribe - due to them being able to pass off as wild cats - the tribe appears small if you are permitted to enter.
An icy cave that's the lair of a dragon. Well, it used to be, it seems that Ice Fairies really are cold hearted. If this doesn't scare you off, traveler.... well, I'll get your tombstone ready.
Light crystals given to them by the Crystal Tribe basks the cave in a glow, and a blanket of snow makes the cave floor soft underfoot. Light streams in through openings, and the cave leads to an enclosed area on the mountain, where there are some homes outside.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Shiverchill Mountains, marked with a blue "G" pin.
Forest Tribe[]

The Earth Fairies are the most friendly and open with wizards, and there are the most Earth Fairy-Wizard hybrids out of any Fairy-Wizard hybrid.
They respect life even more than the Sun Tribe (which they are close with) and are incredible at creating life. Anytime a child is born, there is celebration and joy, meaning Earth Fairies are amongst the most joyful and happy beings on Prodigia. While they do regret the few deaths that do occur, they acknowledge that some things need to die for a garden to flourish.
They respect so much flora and fauna and have so many holidays it would be impossible to list them all, but some holidays are shown.
A New Life is the celebration of a newborn Earth Fairy. The newborn themself is given gifts of various flowers. The one it chooses is named accordingly, and if it does not choose any, it will be named Flora for a girl and Florian for a boy. This results in many Floras and Florians in the tribe, and this holiday is also where the legend of Sleeping Beauty is derived from. However, this celebration is very different. Cultivating the Garden is not so much a celebration as it is a day of solemnity, but the death of an Earth Fairy is still an important time. Fauna’s Flourish and Flora’s Flourish are the occasions of an animal giving birth or plant shoot breaking through the ground, respectively.
The Forest Tribe is fully democratic, but does have a representative who is the Guardian of Firefly Forest. The Earth Warden, if they are a fairy, is also viewed as an influential member.
Position in the Faen War[]
The Earth Tribe is the only tribe that never fought in the Faen War. While they did help other tribes by creating medicines for the injured and sick, there were no losses of life in the war. They are the largest and most peaceful tribe.
Located in Firefly Forest, hidden by dense trees. There are plenty of openings letting in sunlight, and various plants growing in nooks and crannies. Many gardens litter the area, growing an abundance of flowers, vegetation, trees, and other plant life. Despite wall the mixing smells, the scent is fragrant and beautiful.
Each of the different homes has all sorts of decoration and people living inside, but every one of them holds a firefly, as they are a symbol of life and light to the Earth Fey. Most of them sleep on hammocks as well.
To the west, there's an opening to a dead-end cave, filled with silk, and occasionally, Silk Fairy chrysalises.
To the south, the guardian of Firefly Forest (currently being Flora) lives in a large tree trunk. The tree is known for being the largest tree in all of Firefly Forest, and those who have seen it’s canopy know that the tree itself is a huge ecosystem. Celebrations are held there, along with in the huge clearing next to it.
To the east, there are various homes. Caves, tree trunks, tree houses, tents… each fairy crafts their own area to live as best suited for themselves. It’s to the east of the Fisherman’s Pond, which is considered to be a sign of life in the way it feeds all the bountiful plants of the forest.
To the north, Silvian meets Firefly, and here the tribes of fairies meet. When there is no business there, it’s a bustling market that sells all sorts of things. It’s the fairy equivalent of a shopping mall.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Firefly Forest, marked with green "F" pin.
Storm Tribe[]

The Storm Tribe makes their culture clear to the world, as it shows power and instills fear. They are ruthless, cruel, and emotionless. They favor war and forced order over all and have no problem with killing one of their own, even their own child.
They all have a respected bird of prey which each clan, or family, of warriors follows, and the birds are chosen by the people. While of course they do not worship birds, they are a large symbol in the culture.
Children of all genders braid their hair, while adults in the army put them in a bun and the army leader styles theirs very carefully - a braid wrapped around their head, forming a sort of crown, with a ponytail under it.
They also name their weapons accordingly. Their weapons are made and crafted by themselves, to be kept for life. In fact, each are given a gender, personality, and are considered by some to even be fellow people.
At ten years old, all Storm Fairies begin a long and grueling military training that lasts at most until they are twenty. The only way to leave early is to win the annual spars between everyone their age. There are three spars - one with weapons, one with magic, and one involving both. The weapon dual is won by either surrender or bloodshed count. To judge bloodshed, a vial is held over each wound for five seconds, allowing blood to drip in, and whoever has less blood wins. Wounds are counted as well. The magical duel must be judged by surrender, with a record of going on for three days before the battle finally ended. The weapon and magic duel is judged by the others their age, which is an incredibly flawed system - with bribery, favoritism, and popularity being the major players as opposed to who actually fought better.
Once military camp is completed, whether by age or by battle, most attempt to join the army. Those who won by battle are much more likely to be accepted, however they must undergo the brutal tests as well.
The military ranks are as follows: soldier, captain, major, lieutenant, colonel, general, and leader. They are shown with badges - a cirrus cloud, a cumulus cloud, a dark gray cumulus cloud, rain and wind, one thin bolt of lightning, three thicker bolts of lightning, and finally a culmination of them all, with a huge tornado in the middle.
Storm Fey mainly reside in a hidden and secretive area, making them reclusive and aggressive towards what few intruders they receive. They are known for never assisting the other tribes, and are nearly as territorial as the Drake Tribe.
The Storm Tribe has no government, as on the off chance a decision must be made, the whole tribe usually comes together on it. However, they have a representative who is just the best (read: most ruthless) fighter. This does invoke fear among more peaceful tribes… just their intention.
Position in the Faen War[]
The Storm, along with the Drake and Glacier Tribes, was the most effective in the Faen War. The Storm Fairies actually benefited rather than lost from it, because now they can use the machines of Skywatch and have developed incredibly powerful flight and Fey Stepping.
Notable Information[]
The Storm Tribe is known for being a very flighty tribe. Despite that, they are also a fierce enemy and experienced in stealthy fighting. They have very strong flight and Fey Stepping, as they use them commonly.
They patrol the Silvian Forest, taking down any intruders who somehow managed to see past the mind illusions. This prevents anyone from finding them, as well as preventing a repeat of the genocides that occurred during the Faen War.
A village near the bottom of the bean-o-vator, surrounded by dense forest. A large pack of Timberwolves lives nearby, but that's not why you should be concerned - it's the fairies.
No one ever seems to be at home, but the Storm Tribe have gotten better at hiding, meaning they could be standing right behind you and you'll never notice… sometimes quite literally, as Storm practitioners can turn invisible and Storm Fairies have gotten quite good at it.
If you can fly up and manage to see past the illusions, you’ll see a bustling city… and then be immediately shot down.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in the Silvian Forest, marked with a yellow "St" pin.
Creek Tribe[]

The Creek Tribe takes astrological signs very seriously - both because of their traditions and because of their work.
As a fishing tribe, they send out boats most often when Pisces is in the sky, as fish is more bountiful in that time and it is considered a sign the divine is smiling on them. Despite Faen not worshiping god(s), the Creek Tribe respects them... most likely because Harmony lives nearby.
When Capricorn is visible, they acknowledge winter has arrived and bring all boats to shore, staying indoors more often. They've adopted the wizard traditions relating to winter, causing the tribe's territory to look more friendly to a stranger during this time.
When Cancer, Leo, and Virgo are visible, they participate in Summerfest and begin to send out boats again.
On birthdays, they celebrate by adding a new shell, coral, or sea star to their personal collection - a coral every decade, a sea star every century, and a shell every other year. This means the easiest way to find out a Water Fey's age is by counting the objects in their collection - but beware! If they are aware of what you're doing they'll consider you as being rude, despite simply being curious.
The River Tribe as a chief who handles the astrology, fishing, Merling trade, etc. The chief is elected by the tribe and keeps the position for life unless the tribe objects.
Position in Faen War[]
The Creek Tribe did fight in the Faen War, using their boats as a makeshift navy. They did not fight much, and mostly used the boats to give the other tribes supplies. They were the only traders during the war.
Notable Information[]
The Creek Tribe are sea farers, and trade with the Merlings often - since the Merlings can access materials too deep in the water for the fey to reach, and the fey can access materials too far out on land for the Merlings to retrieve. Because of this, the Creek Tribe also has close connections to the Moon Tribe, as the Merlings favor materials from Shiverchill, but cannot access it.
The Creek Tribe resides in a partially submerged cave at Shipwreck, which opens up to a nearby cove, where the Merlings and Sun Tribe live. Some live on the cove and have gotten along well with the Merlings, while some are paranoid and never leave the cave.
Seaweed is often beached on the shore, and they collect Fish Berries from them. Boats are hidden and docked in a cave a few yards away from the shore, them having to swim to reach them. This is so that if anyone finds the tribe, they can't take or destroy the boats, as they cannot find them.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Shipwreck Shore, marked with a cyan "Cr" pin.
Drake Tribe[]

The Drake Tribe normally keep their traditions private, but have a well developed culture.
Upon notable dates of the years, the Flame Weavers of the tribe create detailed images out of fire, lighting up the night sky. This is the only tradition they allow others to participate in, and it's a sight to behold if you happen to be in Bonfire at the time.
Whichever young, male, fire fairy who gets in the most trouble is named as the tribe prankster, making life more... unpredictable and giving daily life an interesting twist.
As the years pass, every twelfth year is considered a year of luck, and at the beginning of that year they celebrate it with festivals. One of their traditions for these festivals is to give another person a fruit from a Celestial Pine, and by doing so you're "giving them" a bit of your own luck. Whoever receives the most fruit is considered the "luckiest" person in the tribe until the next twelfth year. However, if you gave one the crescent-shaped variant of the fruit during this time, it's considered as shaming the other person.
Position in Faen War[]
The Drake Tribe was one of the most effective tribes, but they defended their tribe and not all the tribes as a whole.
Notable Information[]
The Drake Tribe, next to the Glacier Tribe, are one of the most territorial tribes.
They defend their territory fiercely, causing Queen Goo-lia to be wary of them. They will kill an intruder on sight, if they are spotted without an escort who is at least part Faen.
Hell on Earth Prodigy. The caves are filled with multiple lava pools and stalactites/stalagmites, making it difficult to navigate if you're not a Fire Fairy... or dragon. It's easy to locate various dragons resting near fey, as Fire Fairies are actually the result of Ice Fairies/Faerie being abducted breeding with dragons. Of course, nowadays the dragons are satisfied with being their pets instead of having... familial bonds. There are also multiple drakes around, hence the name of the tribe.
It's common to see fire dancing in the air, as multiple Fire Fairies are Flame Weavers and take pride in their skill.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in Bonfire Spire, marked with a red "D" pin.
Whispers of the Dark[]

They have one known tradition - Shadow's Dance. In reality, it's at test - an intuition, to prove your worth.
Most die or quit before completing it, becoming the outcast of outcasts. Those who pass, however, are branded permanently through Shadow Magic. This is to prevent non-Dark Fairies from trying to pass off as one, and allows for them to catch intruders before they get too far in.
The test itself changes depending on their current leader, showing the true nature of the both the leading fairy, and the one taking the test.
The Dark Fairies' leader is always the person who is strongest with their Shadow Magic - and the one who hides the Silvian Forest. The only way to become leader, however, is to kill the current one using only Shadow Magic. The Whispers of the Dark are quite literally, kill or be killed.
Notable Information[]
The Whispers of the Dark is generally considered as a black market - as well as a place to be banished to.
The other tribes leave them alone on the condition that they continue casting the mind illusions hiding the Silvian Forest. Other than that, they have no interaction with the other tribes.
Position in Faen War[]
There was never a clear army of Dark Fairies, but there were hundreds of assassinations of wizards using Shadow magic during the Faen War…
A dark cave with an unsettling feeling to it. You always feel like something is watching you, but when you turn around, there's only shadows. Sometimes the shadows move about, taking the form of a living creature before returning to their usual position.
Varying fairies are present - from Fire fairies to Moon fairies, all eyeing you in a discomforting manner.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]
Located in the Silvian Forest, marked with a dark purple "W" pin.
Echoes of the Ice[]

The Echoes of Ice are a ragtag group of fey, having a very mixed culture due to having members from varying tribes.
With influence from the Creek, Astral, and Moon Tribes, they follow the Lunar Calendar and have special names to the months based on the constellations. The names for the months are: Capri (Capricorn) , Aquis (Aquarius), Pice (Pices), Arei (Aries), Taur (Taurus), Gemn (Gemini), Caser (Cancer), Leon (Leo), Vire (Virgo), Librian (Libra), Score (Scorpio), Opheo (Ophiuchus), Stagian (Sagittarius). The names are applied depending on the first star sign visible during a Lunar Month that has not claimed the last month (ex: if the first month was Stagian, but Sagittarius is visible along with Capricorn in the next month, the next month would be Capri).
Picked up from the Drake Tribe, they assigned an animal representing every tribe over a course of twelve years. These animals are: dragon (Drake Tribe), mountain lion (Glacier Tribe), kirin (Forest Tribe), sea serpent (Creek Tribe), shadow hound (Whispers of the Dark), fire/sun phoenix (Sun Tribe), qilin (Moon Tribe), shirine nanē (Crystal Tribe), wolf (Echoes of Ice), dove (Astral Tribe), griffin (Storm Tribe), anhanga (Neutral).
They have three major festivals, one based upon the customs of the Forest Tribe, on based upon that of the Sun Tribe, and finally a festival based on that of the Moon Tribe. The first festival is the Rite of Spring, welcoming the new season and hoping that their crops will grow well - it's well favored among children due to the customary foods and games. The second is the festival of the sun, taking place on the winter solstice in hope that the whispers of the forgotten celestial element would bless their "cursed" tribe during the harsher months ahead, and that the warm summer days will return sone. The final is the the New Years celebration, near akin to that of the Moon Tribe... with a few major differences.
They also have knowledge of crystals from the Crystal Fey that live among them, as well as somewhat picking up the tradition of naming a weapon. On a fey's eighth birthday, when they become old enough to fly, they are given a crystalline or silver dagger with their name engraved on it as they are considered to have come of age.
The Ivory Fey are democratic, but there's often a specific "council" of fairies they turn to due to their leadership skills.
Notable Information[]
Interestingly enough, most of the other tribes don't know they exist, as most of them do not question what happens to their Ivories. A few select tribes respect their Ivories enough that they know of the Echoes of Ice, occasionally lending a hand.
Position in Faen War[]
They were not involved in the faen war unless they fought before joining the Echoes of Ice.
A grove filled with naturally growing rain trees and celestial pines that tower. Another, new type of tree grows here, but the berries do not seem to be edible, and simply exist to show the beauty of nature as the fruit cast a multicolored shine. It snows often in the area, and huts, tents, and small shacks or log cabins pepper the area. There are crops planted in a manner so that they receive light, but can't be seen from above. The grove itself is similar to the North Grove from Game of Thrones.
Multiple fairies are in the area, all notably being ivories and blending in near perfectly in their surroundings.
Map Location (Without Illusion)[]