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— Faith Waterfall

Faith Waterfall, full name Faith Hope Lakeriver-Organbright Swiftbreeze Waterfall, is a Greenland-American Female Human Wizard who creates Morph Marbles, potions, and wands and sells them for copper coins and gold. She is also obsessed with ice and snow.


Faith wears a thin snow cloak she created by herself around a woolly robe she knitted herself. She also wears stocky ice boots, a hat made out of the finest straw with eight tulips on it, the Advanced Ice Relic (sometimes the Advanced Water Relic), and one of her finest carved wands which is made out of ice with a crystal globe on it that glows in the dark and also has a trapped soul in it so people can talk to it when they are lonely. Her buddy is a baby hare. She is often seen with her wand stuck across a bun like how a Japanese with a chopstick and carrying her baby hare, which is snoozing in her arms most of the time.


Faith was born during an avalanche that was in the middle of a blizzard in an igloo. She though that was bad luck. Her name was Faith because Willow Swiftbreeze wanted her to believe in hope. Faith has always dreamed of being born normally in a barn or a lonesome prairie or Firefly Forest or something better than being born in an avalanche that was in the middle of a blizzard. Her parents, Grayson and Anahita, died when trying to escape. They had forgotten everything about Faith. Faith was found by Willow Swiftbreeze, the spirit, and Willow took care of her until she was old enough to go into an orphanage (the orphanage does not accept children under the age of five). Willow took care of Faith for five years. Faith loves Willow and misses her. Willow gifted Faith the power to fly and sent her to the orphanage's owner's home. Carolina, the orphange's owner, saw Faith three minutes later and put her in the orphanage. Unlike other orphanage owners, Carolina liked children. Actually, Carolina didn't like children. She loved them. Faith did not have friends, because she spent most of her time in her own bedroom. However, Phoenix Sunblade knew where Faith's bedroom was. So Phoenix waited in front of Faith's door. When Faith opened it, Faith knew she was going to be forced to have a friend. She tried her best to ignore Phoenix, but when Phoenix said, "I was born unlucky too," Faith was interested. Soon they became friends. Anyway, six years later, Hudson and Teagan Waterfall adopted Faith from the orphanage. Faith was seperated from Phoenix. Faith loved her new family, but she still misses Phoenix. (There is more to the backstory. Please read the part about [1]Shivertusk in Pets/Buddies.[2])


Faith is a carefree spirit who loves to hope and dream and is very wise. She could have skipped all the grades in school! Though she is in a great family, she misses Phoenix Sunblade, her only friend. She loves Teagan, her brother and Hudson, her father. Faith is the most friendliest person in the world (as Teagan and Phoenix say), but she's a bit down when anybody says something about anything related to Phoenix, including the orphanage, her old bedroom, Phoenix, and Carolina. Before she met Phoenix, Faith was a happy little girl who is used to loneliness and loves to hope and dream. Faith only came down to the dining room to eat breakfast and dinner. She's never hungry for lunch. She hasn't changed much. But she's still a happy girl who loves to hope and dream. Plus she has a great friend to be with! That helps ease the grief of being separated from Phoenix. (Please click on the link attached at the last section if you haven't yet.)


  • Snow Cloak: Faith created this herself.
  • Woolly Robe: Faith created this herself.
  • Straw Hat: Faith got this from her personal merchant, Freezer.
  • Advanced Ice Relic: This was a gift from Bok.
  • Advanced Water Relic: This was a gift from Captain Eve.
  • Fortune Wand: Faith created this herself.
  • Ice Stockers: Faith created this herself.



Independent Ice, Water, and Snow: Faith can use ice, water, and snow powers without wands and relics.

Astral Magic: Faith is naturally able to use this, but she does not use it, because she does not study Astral magic well and does not wish to use this.

Fainting Ambiance: Faith can release a smell that is bad for pets when she wants to with her eyes. It lets her pass without getting in a battle with a pet. She uses this often in Harmony Island, but she can only use the ability five times a day. The pets will be unconscious for up to ten hours and their magic will be weaker once they get up for ten minutes before their powers become normal again.

Angels' Aid: Faith can grow wings when she wants to and can fly, but it'll take some practice to fly like an angel.


  • Faith can braid, crochet, sew, and knit well.
  • She can fly as good as an angel.
  • She's amazing at cooking.
  • Faith can do housewife and maid stuff well.
  • Faith's good at origami (especially paper dog face origami)
  • She can sculpt well.
  • She's an incredible artist.
  • She is a great musician (she plays the trombone, the trumpet, the flute, the saxophone, the viola, the bass guitar, the acoustic guitar, the bagpipe, the ukulele, the drums, the violin, the cello, the piano, the harp, the clarinet, the guitar, the organ, and the harpsichord)
  • She knows a lot about science.
  • Faith is advanced in making potions, Morph Marbles, and wands.
  • Faith is intelligent in Water, Ice, and Snow magic.
  • Faith is good at acting.
  • She is good with the bow and arrow.
  • Good at healing pets under extreme damage.


  • Faith is bad at martial arts.
  • Faith is bad at Astral, Fire, and Plant magic.
  • Faith is bad at telling time.
  • Faith is bad at playing the trombone, the drums, the organ, the saxophone, and the clarinet.
  • Faith is bad at acting the roles of royals.
  • Faith is bad at doing loop-de-loops while flying.
  • She is terrible at keeping secrets (so never tell her a secret or everybody else would know!).



Cloud Nibbler: Faith met Cloud Nibbler in the Archives at Level 2. Faith easily rescued it with no problem from the Puppet Master.

Mysty: Faith originally met Mysty in Shipwreck Shore at Level 83. Mysty almost got crashed by a car when Faith created a ice wall between the car and Mysty. The selfish driver (he wanted to crash Mysty on purpose) went to the hospital. Mysty was saved! Then Mysty kept following her until Faith decided to adopt her at Level 91.

Mystsprinkle: Faith met Mystsprinkle in the Academy at Level 45. Mystsprinkle knew that Faith was the wisest wizard in the Academy, and thought they could be friends. Mystsprinkle was awarded the wisest magic creature in Harmony Island, so Mystsprinkle traveled to the Academy and waited in Faith's dorm. When Faith came back from retrieving the water keystone, she was happy to accept Mystsprinkle, so she could use Astral magic like every normal kid in the Academy (she was one of the few who didn't use Astral magic). So she adopted Mystsprinkle.

Shivertusk: Faith originally met Shivertusk in Willow Swiftbreeze's home at Level 0 (she wasn't old enough to become a wizard yet!). But Shivertusk's story goes a few months before Faith was born. Shivertusk was on sale in a creature transportation store. Anahita thought Faith (who was not born yet) would like a Shivertusk to play with and to ride on. Grayson had to think for a moment first. He finally agreed. So they both bought Shivertusk. When Faith was just a baby, not even a week old yet, she met Shivertusk. They loved each other, and were great friends. Willow Swiftbreeze had brought Shivertusk along with Faith to take care of. When she was sent to the orphanage, she was separated from Shivertusk. Willow kept Shivertusk because the orphanage will not and never accept pets. But when Faith was adopted by Hudson and Teagan Waterfall, Willow gifted them Shivertusk. Hudson adopted Shivertusk, and when Faith learned that Shivertusk was staying, she was overjoyed that she was reunited with Shivrtusk.

Currently Battling Pet Teammates[]

Mysteral: Faith met Mysteral in Shipwreck Shore at Level 47. Faith rescued it normally.

Mysticle: Faith met Mysticle in Firefly Forest at Level 23. Mysticle was lost and wanted to go back home. Faith helped Mysticle go back home, and then Mysticle kept following Faith around until the Puppet Master controlled Mysticle. Luckily, Faith rescued Mysticle, and then they were teammates.


Frumple: Faith originally created Frumple when she was Level 7. Frumple is a powerless Mysticle made out of dry ice. Anyway, Faith was bored in the orphanage. She did not know what to do. Phoenix Sunblade was busy playing with her other friends. So Faith escaped out the window. She ran and ran and ran to Shiverchill Mountain. She then created Frumple there out of sixty pounds of dry ice in minutes (Frumple was supposed to be a filly then.). Faith then cast some spells so Frumple will have memory, remember stuff, talk in a language only Mysticles and Faith only understand, and age, but never die. Frumple then offered Faith a ride back to the orphanage. Frumple lived in Carolina's huge backyard and Faith had weekly visits to Frumple. They were good friends ever since. Then Frumple was added into the Buddies list when Faith was adopted.

Helen: Helen was created along with Frumple, but instead of a powerless Mysticle, Helen is a phoenix made out of dry ice snow. In other words, Helen is a snow phoenix. She was also added in the Buddies list along with Frumple.

Snow Cloud: Snow Cloud is a parting gift from Willow Swiftbreeze when Faith left her to go to the orphanage. She is the hare. Faith has doted and adored her ever since.


  • Faith is a christian.
  • Faith is a christian because she is named after Faith Waterfall, and thought it was a sign.
  • Faith never went to the Academy. She was home schooled.
  • Faith skipped the all the courses for the ice element in the orphanage school because Willow Swiftbreeze already taught her that.
  • Faith is good at making choices.
  • Faith has studied the Fire element, but decided she didn't need it.
  • Faith is immune to frostbite.
  • Faith is allergic to sunburn, bee stings, apples, tinygers, aracutes, ashlets, quetzillians, oranges, leaves, and shrimp.
  • Faith does not like Carolina when she teaches (it's dull and boring).
  • Oddly, Faith likes to dig.
  • Faith likes to carve.
  • Faith does not like cats.
  • Faith learned how to sew by herself.
  • Faith once sculpted a real-size to-scale exact-clone advanced model of the Statue of Liberty out of dry ice.
  • Faith plays the flute and the harp.
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Alternate Game Version Characters
Female Characters: Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  India Croft  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Pterry  •  Theta  •  Tigris
Male Characters: 001C  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat Lightningheart/AAB  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Leonid  •  Merry  •  Newton  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Caltrop  •  Eon  •  Dark Cloud  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream
Fanfiction-Specific and Roleplay-Specific Characters
Female Characters: Ada Snowheart  •  Adamma Abubakar  •  Adrienne Ironshard  •  Agni Firewalker  •  Alyss Flameheart  •  Amathine Flamegiver  •  Amber Dragonhunter  •  Amelia Applelover  •  Amira  •  Amy and Crystal  •  Amy Lokuramech  •  Anastasia Divinedreamer  •  Angel Heartsister  •  Angelica Softheart  •  Annabella Oceancaller  •  Annabelle Dustthinker  •  Aria Crimson-Melody  •  Aria Steelwind  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Ariana Lightmaster  •  Ashley Starheart  •  Ashlyn Darkdragon  •  Atalanta Solarmoon  •  Aura  •  Avane (Monster)  •  Avery Goldentalon  •  Bella Bronzetorch  •  Bethany Shadowjewel  •  Brooke Thundershade  •  Burner Firetail  •  Caitlin Stormdancer  •  Celeste Fallsister  •  Celestina Stormblade  •  Charlie Snapdragon  •  Cheryl Vinetrapper  •  Chloe Kyaku  •  Christina Mayflower  •  Coalwalker Celeste  •  Columbia Icefreeze  •  Crystal Cloudring  •  Crystal Sky  •  Crystal Thundertalon  •  Delila Quakeman  •  Destiny Silverthinker  •  Diane of the Sea  •  Dominique Riversplash  •  Duchess Gretta  •  Element of Earth  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Element of Water  •  Ellie Gooddancer  •  Embers (Pet)  •  Emma Rosepetal  •  ENTITY-ALY  •  ENTITY-JJ  •  Evelyn Softtalon  •  Evening (Monster)  •  Faith (Kyōju No Wakai Hibi)  •  Faith Waterfall  •  Faith Wishstone  •  Fatima Dragonblade  •  Flair  •  Flame Dancer Amanda  •  Flora (Clashing Swords)  •  Frostbringer Abby  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gina Brightsteel  •  Ginny John  •  Glace Starheart  •  Gloria (Monster)  •  Hailey the Firefly  •  Harmony  •  Harper Goldgem  •  Harper the Firefly  •  Hilda (Twin)  •  Hilda Wishstone  •  Hope  •  Hope Flamewhisper  •  Ice (Pet)  •  India Croft  •  Iris (Pet)  •  Iris Crystalheart  •  Iris Icetalon  •  Jade Landcrafter  •  Jade Leafprism  •  Jane Eviliser  •  Juliette Featherjewel  •  June Nightstar  •  Juniper Wishstone  •  Karin  •  Kayley Waterbreath  •  Kelsey Wildvault  •  Kendra the W1Z-42D  •  Kimberly Darklight  •  Kira Lotusmech  •  Kiyo  •  Kurumi Diamondheart  •  Kyle Shade  •  Kylie Snapdragon  •  Laurel  •  Lei Yamada  •  Leilani Wishdreamer  •  Lia Starling  •  Lisa Goldenfire  •  Lillemor  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Lucy Bloodshard  •  Lulu Beachsummer  •  Luna Silvershine  •  Luna Stargazer  •  Lux Divinelight  •  Lyndia Acidshade  •  Mabel Smith  •  Maria Flamewalker  •  Marielle Magiccatcher  •  Mary-Sue Darkdragon  •  Melanie Illusionshadow  •  Melody Musical  •  Melody Paintlover  •  Meteorite (Monster)  •  Mila Strongsword  •  Milly Riverpetal  •  Mimi Wondersinger  •  Mira Shade (Maelstromer)  •  Mira Shadesong  •  Monsoon  •  Myrrh
...continued.: Naleese Nightsong  •  Naomi Silvershade  •  Narcissa  •  Nike (Monster)  •  Noel Rossi  •  Nyx Diamondheart  •  Olivia Stormchaser  •  Opal Beastcrafter  •  Patches  •  Phoenix Firewalker  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Priscilla Novashard  •  Pterry  •  Quinn Ironchaser  •  Rachel Fancycrafter  •  Raiden Dreamchaser  •  Raina (pet)  •  Ravena Spellwhisper  •  Rilea Shadowtalon  •  Rizi  •  Rose the Wild  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Samantha Waterwhisper  •  Sarah Spellcaster  •  Scarlet (Pet)  •  Sea Wavestrider  •  Seraph (Pet)  •  Seraphina Firewalker  •  Sherene  •  Sienna Earthfollower  •  Sierra Shadowheart  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Sophia DuBois  •  Stella Illusionblade  •  Stratal Windchaser  •  Theta  •  Tigris  •  Trinity  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vanessa Gingerlore  •  Van Monstertail  •  Violet (Pet)  •  Wattage (Pet)  •  Wendy Rainwalker  •  Willow Glassvoice  •  Willow Swiftbreeze  •  Willow Windwhisper  •  Willow Wishwhisper  •  Willow Wonderlight  •  Xena Sunflowerlake  •  Xomiy Fogcaller  •  Yumi  •  Yurei Maho  •  Zayden  •  Zephyr  •  Zoe Darkblade  •  Zorra
Male Characters: 001C  •  Aaron Shadowshard  •  Abner Herolight  •  Aiden Firewalker  •  Alan Everfrost  •  Alex Stormshadow  •  Alvin Stormward  •  Andrew Wingfeather  •  Angelo Forgemetal  •  Ansat Lightningheart  •  Ansat's Aracute (Pet)  •  Ari Flamesong  •  Ash Redclaw  •  Austen Starheart  •  Axel Clearblade  •  Axel Starheart  •  Beck  •  Benjamin Firestorm  •  Benjamyn Bluethinker  •  Bennett Fablegiver  •  Bobbil Der  •  Braxton  •  Cameron Firevoice  •  Captain Scribbles  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cereza Cherryprism  •  Cero Stormward  •  Chase Flamemaster  •  Chris Snapdragon  •  Citiad (Pet)  •  Cloud Thundercaster  •  Cloudmath (Monster)  •  Cobnut (Monster)  •  Cole Firewalker  •  Cole Quakefollower  •  Connor Dustthinker  •  Connor Wishstone  •  Cyro Icetalon  •  Dale Starheart  •  Dale Sunwillow  •  Dolomite Wolfsbane  •  Draco Brightheart  •  Dylan Flametorch  •  Dylan Nightshadow  •  Eco-Man  •  Egan Firewalker  •  Elektra Windchaser  •  Element of Astral  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Storm  •  Emile  •  ENTITY-EAV  •  ENTITY-FL  •  ENTITY-X  •  Felix Frostblade  •  Fintan Firewalker  •  Fizzy (character) (Pet)  •  Flame Firewalker  •  Flint Firewalker  •  Florian Landcrafter  •  Frost Coldlight  •  Gale (Smart-Alecky)  •  Gale Darkheart  •  Gale Shadesong  •  Gale Spellcaster  •  Gale Starheart  •  Gale Sunwillow  •  General Icetalon  •  Grim Illusionmask  •  Gryphon (Monster)  •  Hei Frostbringer  •  Hoot (Pet)  •  Hunter Landcrafter  •  Hyper Dark Kevin  •  Ian Frostbreaker  •  Icetwig (Monster)  •  Ignis Firewalker  •  Infernus Cloak  •  Jackson of the Sea  •  Jax Watermaster  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout (Pet)  •  Kaminari Wingfeather  •  Kaiden Silvershine  •  Kevin Dragonhunter  •  Kevin Dragonhunter Junior  •  Kevin Strongtamer  •  King Flavius  •  Kobe Lightningheart  •  Kong Nightstalker  •  Korathius Beastcarer  •  Kraus  •  Lane Stormclaw  •  Leonid  •  Lloyd Goldensword  •  Lord Flame  •  Lord Mythshade  •  Lord of Flames (Pet)  •  Lucas Herolight  •  Lucas Shadowdragon  •  Luce Starheart  •  Ludwig (Monster)  •  Luke Darkshade  •  Macaroon Nightbutterfly  •  Marley Darksnap  •  Max Boltstrike  •  Maxwell Paintlover  •  Merry  •  Michael Mason  •  Mike Rossi  •  Mr. Magiccatcher
...continued.: Nathan McGee  •  Nathan Nightwhisper  •  Neau Neonclock  •  Neo Colorgiver  •  Newton  •  Normandy  •  Oliver Ironbrother  •  Omega Silvercloud  •  Ortemis Mortoa  •  Ozymandias  •  Pan (Pet)  •  Paul (Monster)  •  Peregrine Starheart  •  Peyton Maelstromer  •  Pluto (Pet)  •  Polo  •  Professor Greenheart  •  Raganoth  •  Rai Starheart  •  Ralph Nightshard  •  Rasp Corax  •  Redtide Hyperdragoon  •  Redwood (Pet)  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Robin Beastcrafter  •  Rohan Scrapstrike  •  Ryder Icehand  •  Scamp (Monster)  •  Scorblaze Flameshade  •  Scorch (Pet)  •  Scrooge (Monster)  •  Shane Dreamstalker  •  Shattered Glass  •  Shiba (Monster)  •  Shiver (Pet)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter  •  Spark Firewalker  •  Starry Night  •  Storm Dreamchaser  •  Tanner Silverwood  •  Taro Yasuhiro  •  Timmy (Pet)  •  The Collector  •  The Smuggler  •  Tsukio  •  Tyson Firewalker  •  Uri Firewalker  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Vincent Lightningwhisper  •  Visco  •  Winston Von Loot (Frostbringer)  •  Xl4rx  •  Zane Battleblade  •  Zane Darkhunter  •  Zane Goldencaster  •  Zane Goldenhunter  •  Zion Deadstaff
Nonbinary, Other-Gender, and Agender Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Ashley Dragoncaster  •  Caltrop  •  Cibyl Windshadow  •  Dark Cloud  •  Denver Nightdream  •  Eon  •  Element of Fire  •  Element of Ice  •  Element of Shadow  •  Eugate  •  FSR.vpk  •  Kobe's Cloud Neek (Pet)  •  Light Consumer  •  Lucy (Golem) (Monster)  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shrapnel (Monster)  •  Spacewalker (Monster)  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Realm Creator  •  The Void