This is the extras page for the fanfiction Fates Intertwined.
Bloopers/Behind the Scenes[]
She assesses the boy, walking around Gale without looking at him. “I thought you’d have given up. And really, you wouldn’t have gotten past the fifth floor if the tower and I weren’t being so kind to you.”
ALY> I'm just here having trouble figuring out how Mira would respond-
JJ> Yup, on it
ALY> At this point, I'm wondering how Gale's capable of being so nice-
JJ> If it was like Starheart they would already be fighting
ALY> Mhm
Starheart honestly wouldn't have tolerated Mira's lies for a minute, he would have straight out made it clear that she was being a pain than never see her again.
JJ> He wouldn’t even have gone to see her in the first place, tbh she’s kinda being a dog.
No one wants to be stuck with a little brother who has more love and attention than you.
ALY> I honestly can't get over this, especially since he's the one living in the closet-
JJ> Well, he still gets more.
Least he’s the chosen Keeper. At least he’s not forgotten.
ALY> When the Wardens never mention him once canonly-
And Noot never bothered with telling us Gale's name - he had to do that himself. ;-;
JJ> That sucks
ALY> And the only real attention he gets is having millions of items thrown at him daily by players. ;-;
JJ> That’s canon Gale
ALY> And you think no one is going to get mad at him for taking so long...?
JJ> Well, that’s on the devs.
ALY> Point is, that statement's mainly Mira in the corner jumping to conclusions.
ALY> Idk, I feel like Mira should (maybe?) visit him. Even if it's in a stalking sort of way.
The first step to feeling better is admitting you're not okay, after all.
JJ> Yes, that’s would be best.
Idk why but now I’m picturing Mira peeping over a windowsill and Gale looks out and she just screams and falls down the entire academy like in the cartoons
ALY> I can't-
I keep picturing her peeking in and realizing Gale's scared of the dark and being like, "Pathetic" before realizing why-
JJ> And then she gets yeeted down a ten-story building and Gale can’t stop talking about it.
ALY> "Stop rubbing it in..."
"It's hard not to bring up that you managed to fall from-"
JJ> It was your fault anyway!”
”You still fell though!”
*held back by Winston*
ALY> Imagine if she did hurt him and tpm's like - alright, time to pay these two a visit - and decides to pop into reality at that exact moment to ground Mira.
JJ> Yes, it’s perfect
ALY> Gale tho-
"Okay, so now you decide to tell me the PUPPET MASTER IS OUR FLUFFING FATHER?"
"I never mentioned it?"
"Er- no. I spent the last 5 years wondering why we ran away, Mira."
JJ> “Oops. Heh…”
*jumped by Gale*
ALY> Sibling rivalry be like-
JJ> Yes, that’s siblings right there.
She sighs and leaves, her hand occasionally drifting to her pocket, to the only thing she'd brought with her... the knife.
Let Gale do the job. I'm too much of a wimp to do it myself, and I certainly don't deserve to go that easily.
ALY> I kinda want Gale to bump into Mira while she holding the knife-
Mira: There you are!
Gale: *sees the knife* you really hate me that much?
Mira: ...what-
Gale: Go ahead... it's not like it matters that much anyways...
I want to see Mira find Gale like-
Mira: *hesitantly lifts knife* I didn’t think this through… here, you can kill me.
Mira: You and mother hate me, so I’m just gonna let you kill me.
Gale: Mom? You saw mom?
Mira: *shoves knife into his arms* Just kill me already.
Gale: *brings knife to own throat*
Mira: What-
Gale: *puts knife down* What-
*awkward silence*
ALY> Wait, Gale doesn't know what happened to their mother-
JJ> Wait he doesn’t-
ALY> I'm curious about how that conv is going to go-
I also want this to happen at some point.
Gale: *sub-consciously uses Crystal Magic*
Mira: How did you do that?
Gale: Do what?
Mira: The crystals-
Gale: What crystals?
Mira: *realizes how powerful and stupid her little brother is* 0_0
Gale: Um...
JJ> Mira would kill him for using “those despicable things” in front of her.
ALY> Sad part is that he doesn't even realize he's doing it.