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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Forest Whispers is an Item within fanon Prodigy.


A polearm made of twisting vines and a citrine blade. Silk flowers hang from the base, the fabrics making them intertwined into the vines until they're seen no more. The blade is engraved with runic marks seen when casting Bubble Smackdown, ironic seeing this a polearm of the Earth Element.

In-Game Description[]

"A weapon created by fae to protect the forests, but it has long since seen use..."

Obtainment Methods[]

Craft with an Anvil.


20 Spell Power Bonus.

Fae's Bind.


  • This is crafted with Citrine, Silk, and Ash Wood.
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Fairy Tribes
Offical Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Forest Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Drake Tribe
Notable Groups: Whispers of the Dark  •  Echoes of the Ice
Faerie Tribes
Offical Tribes: Birch Tribe  •  Frost Tribe  •  Flame Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Air Tribe  •  River Tribe  •  Moth Tribe  •  Desert Tribe
Notable Groups: None
Elements: Moon Element  •  Sun Element  •  Celestial Element
Spells: Celestial Wrath  •  Celestia's Cry  •  Lost Wind  •  Gravity  •  Crater's Cradle  •  Reflection  •  Solar Wind  •  Sun Spots  •  Hypernova  •  Lotus Bloom
Areas: Silvian Forest  •  Island of Storm  •  Island of Water  •  Island of Earth  •  Island of Fire  •  Icicle Isle  •  Island of Ice  •  Island of Nameless  •  Island of Astral  •  Moon Isle  •  Sun Isle
Notable Places: Fairy Marketplace
Harvestable Foods: Fish Berries  •  Celestial Fruit  •  Cranberries  •  Chestnuts  •  Sweet Flag  •  Clover  •  Mandrake Fruit
Cookable Foods: Fish Bread  •  Souh Douh  •  Candied Hazelnuts  •  Chestnut Pudding  •  Hazelnut Spread  •  Cranberry Jam  •  Pitted Yew Berries  •  Yew Seed Extract  •  Roasted Chestnuts  •  Chestnut Pancakes  •  Birch Syrup  •  Celestial Fruit Pie
Drinks: Celestial Fruit Juice  •  Mint Tea  •  Jasmine Tea  •  Ginger Tea  •  Green Tea  •  Catnip Tea  •  Chamomile Tea  •  Mandrake Juice  •  Milk  •  Vanilla Milkshake
Potions: Sleep Potion
Herbs: Mint  •  Sage  •  Yarrow  •  Sweet Flag  •  Saffron  •  Catnip  •  Lemon Grass  •  Chamomile  •  Thyme  •  Mallow  •  Basil  •  Ginger
Trees: Celestial Pine  •  Witch-hazel Tree  •  Hazel Tree  •  Chestnut Tree  •  Silver Birch  •  Poison Oak  •  Nutmeg Tree  •  Cinnamon Tree  •  Shirine Tree  •  Spruce Tree
Misc: Clover  •  Poison Ivy  •  Jewel Flower  •  Jasmine Flower  •  Vanilla Plant  •  Poison Sumac
Pets: Shadow Hound
Buddies: None
Misc: Shirine Nanē
Swords: Sword of the Exorcist
Claymores: Star's Blade  •  Exorcist's Greatsword
Bows: Celestial Bow
Wands: Flame Weaver
Staffs: Solar Staff  •  Virgo Staff
Catalysts: Lunar Pearl  •  Solar Orb  •  Sand Storm  •  Tengu Fan  •  Golden Feather Fan  •  Celestial's Wing  •  Shadow's Wing
Polearms: Fathom's Pride
Other Items
Interactives: Loom  •  Anvil  •  Celestial's Scale
Robes: Drake Scale Armor  •  Chilling Apparel
Boots: None
Recipes: Cranberry Jam Recipe  •  Fish Bread Recipe  •  Souh Douh Recipe  •  Celestial Fruit Juice Recipe  •  Candied Hazelnut Recipe  •  Chestnut Pudding Recipe  •  Chestnut Pancakes Recipe  •  Celestial Fruit Pie Recipe
Furniture: Silk Hammock
Processed Ingredients: Fish Berry Flour  •  Hazelnut Flour  •  Chestnut Flour  •  Birch Syrup  •  Ground Cinnamon  •  Ground Nutmeg  •  Vanilla Extract
Misc: Glowing Mushroom  •  Witch-hazel  •  Hazelnuts  •  Vanilla Beans  •  Tea Tannin  •  Yew Berries  •  Drake Scales  •  Fairy Silver  •  Fairy Tears  •  Fairy Dust  •  Celestial Pine Branches  •  Silver Birch Branches  •  Sheet of Silk  •  Silk  •  Nutmeg  •  Cinnamon Bark  •  Poison Oak Leaves  •  Birch Sap  •  Four Leaved Clover  •  Ancient Glacier Tribe Tree  •  Bubble Coral  •  Aquatic Mithril  •  Shirane Berries  •  Sand Pearl
[v · t · e · ?]
Heart Bonus Equipment
Hats: Bunny Suit Hood  •  Electrician's Hardhat  •  Flamecrest  •  Head Sphere
Outfits: Bubble Wrap Garb  •  Bunny Suit Gear  •  Dragon Tuxedo  •  Drake Scale Armor  •  Janitor Costume  •  Shadow Robes
Boots: Bunny Suit Socks  •  Chicken Boots  •  Lit Kicks  •  Steel-Toed Boots  •  Water Golashes
Damage Bonus Equipment
Bows: Celestial Bow  •  Modified Bow  •  Modified Crossbow
Catalysts: Lunar Pearl  •  Solar Orb  •  Tengu Fan  •  Sand Storm
Claymores: Exorcist's Greatsword  •  Star's Blade
Polearms: Fathom's Pride  •  Resonant Aether
Staffs: Virgo Staff
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser  •  Sword of the Exorcist  •  Sword of Fire  •  Sword of Storm  •  Sword of Water
Wands: Aquarose Wand  •  Bricker  •  Chicken Sword  •  Earthen Wand  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Ophiuchus Star Wand  •  Snowrose Wand  •  Stained Glass Rod  •  Stormrose Wand
Equipment With Other Bonuses
Relics: Ancient Shadow Relic  •  Astral Relic  •  Astral Rune  •  Basic Astral Relic  •  Earth Rune  •  Fire Rune  •  Ice Rune  •  Powerful Astral Relic  •  Storm Rune  •  Strong Astral Relic  •  Void Relic (disk)  •  Void Relic (ring)  •  Water Rune
Tools: Hammer and Chisel  •  Ice Pick  •  Sifting Shovel  •  Steel Tools
Runes: None.
Mounts: Bee Cloud
Miscellaneous Equipment: Armor  •  Level Ringlet