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It was a dark, quiet, Spring night full of stars in the sky, dimmed candle lanterns, and a seemingly street-deserted Lamplight Town. Only a few wizards were still outside their houses, running around frantically in search of Magic Eggs before Springfest would end. Everything was orderly in the evening citadel of Lamplight Town; the businesses in the downtown areas, the peaceful parks in uptown, and a lively Town Square with a Coliseum just East. A few wizards were out in Northwest Court, already looking around to see if any discarded currency were stuck in the bushes. There were two female wizards, one with a full trialmaster's suit with short, lilac-colored hair and sky blue eyes, and the other just a mere trainee younger sister of that wizard having no equipment on except for a Bunny Bandit Mask in support of the bandits.
The trialmaster wizard spoke while next to her younger sister, both skimming the side of a freshly-shapen hedge using their hands, "Brianna, do you ever wish the Academy would just have been open and the Order of Influence was never here?"
The trainee answers her quietly and in a mellow voice, "Well, Aria, there won't be any fun in anything, then! If it wasn't for the rise of the Order of Influence, we wouldn't be working for the trialmasters."
"I see. I guess you're right. Well at least our work has gone well so far; yesterday's ending was only the beginning. We had so much fun with Crios and Mira in that big battle against the evils, and I finally earned my rank and you are my pupil now, so we can thank our situation for it."
"Yeah -" Brianna Wintersong was cut off from her conversation with Aria Strongrunner that they heard a loud, brisk flap of a large pair of wings followed by a hair-flattening gust of wind. Aria and Brianna slowly turned around in shock to see a large gargoyle-like creature, the color of its eyes and skin obscured by the shadows of a set of hedges, land in another set of hedges away from them. In its large, stony hands held four large eggs; all the same size and color pattern but different shades of gray. The giant monster laid all four down onto a soft patch of hedge and took off rapidly, soaring out of sight in seconds with its large and powerful wings.
Brianna asked, "What should be do? I think the mother just abandoned her babies!"
Aria replies, taking a step closer to the four eggs and pointing her wand, The Master of Trials, at the clutch and spoke softly to inform her sister, "Brianna, what we saw wasn't any monster I've seen in the whole island. However, it's build made it look to be a female larger form of a Nebulite, Keeper, or Sentinel. Whatever it was, it probably just abandoned its unborn children like you said."
Both wizards approached the clutch and set them down, one by one, onto a cobblestone path close to a lamplight. One of the eggs was lavender purple, one was frosty blue, one was hazel, and one was flaming tangerine. Aria put the brown-paw-pad section of her wand over each of the eggs, while humming gently and closing her eyes enough to see barely at all. After doing that for a minute on all four eggs, she spoke to Brianna, "The spell that I just used was able to reveal the species identity of unborn monsters; they're Hob, Rascal, Scally, and Puck. I could see that these have no defects and in the order I revealed their species in is the order that they'll probably hatch in."
Brianna answered, content in her sister's hypothesis, "Great, Aria! All we need to do is go find that mother gargoyle and order her to take back her eggs!"
Aria nodded and looked into her rucksack she carried with her, a very large one, obscured slightly as it was brownish and matching somewhat to her outfit. She took out two small, glowing, purple glass orbs with small hourglass markings etched into one part of each. Aria said, "These are special Browl Morph Marbles I was provided with; since we're trialmasters/trialmasters in training, they can get us as far as ten minutes each in our Browl-morph state. If we use it to fly, we can catch up to the mother gargoyle and request her to take back the eggs."
Brianna worriedly replies, "What if something happens to the eggs while we're away, and what if we run out of time in our flight that we fall out of the sky?"
Aria assures her sister, "At least there's a lot of Hobs, Rascals, Scallies, and Pucks out there in their natural habitat. If they're destroyed for killed, nothing will happen that's so cataclysmic. Plus, I know some trialmaster-only spells that can prevent us from falling too fast - I can cushion us or make us float."
Brianna nods and both of them use the morph marbles, poofing into authentic-looking Browl. Using the power to fly off into the night sky, they could easily see as they're owls of course, and they'd be able to use some spells if they ever get into a fight, as Cloudshot and Mudball were learnable to Browl. The duo have flown rapidly around the Prodigy Island, so far unable to see any real creatures still in the sky. After Aria and Brianna landed back at their original spot, exhausted, they soon transformed back into wizards and looked around the area once more for some gold, but the eggs were gone. Little did the wizards know that the eggs were stolen...
It was an evening in Shipwreck Shore like any other. The tropical weather and ocean scent in the air made pirates and water-element monsters happy alike. A pet daycare center was recently hosted in an area by the beach, near where Captain Eve hangs out and most wizards gather to talk with pirates. Everything looked okay, except for when something bad was happening in the daycare that night...
Inside the daycare came Mira Shade and her newly-befriended boyfriend, Crios (YAS, THE SHIPPING!!!). Just as always, Mira wore her hood and cloak to obscure most of herself from view, and Crios entered wearing his classic Sun's Embrace and holding his Phoenix Talon wand. The two strolled in with Dargon and Embershed, their "best" pets. Walking towards the receptionist counter, the daycare worker looked up, stunned. She had a purple ponytail of hair and matching violet eyes; she wore a crimson cloak and had a Flamerose Wand beside her in which she put down to the side of the counter in case an enemy approached her. The bustling crowd of wizards and pirates in the old shack of a daycare center all turned to look at the two of them, making a loud creak in the unfinished floorboards as the wood looked old. Crios and Mira looked around the place, surprised that the door could even fit their dragons. The musty smell of the room didn't even seem to be affected by the scent of the receptionist's flamerose. The walls and ceiling were short and had matching boards to the floor, the scaffolds still put up in one corner of the room and here just flimsy pieces of bent metal as though Skywatch's factories did a terrible job making it or it was a really old scaffold made from the same place. Mira sniffed the air, humid and dank. The room was only lit enough by thousands of fireflies in strung-up lanterns caught from Firefly Forest. The environment was definitely terrible.
Crios walked up and rang one of the bells a few fast times in the receptionist's counter to catch her attention, as now the receptionist was looking at her flamerose and fiddling with it. The receptionist finally asked, "Can I help you, Crios?"
He answered abruptly and as rude as he always is, "Ugh. It took you THAT LONG to start. Well, I need one of my pets to stay here for a long time. Mira needs Dargon to stay here too. Got it?"
Mira rolled her eyes at Crios, even though he was busy, making a mad stare at the receptionist. The receptionist, bored and now a bit angered, answered bitterly through clenched teeth, "Fine, CRIOS. Your PET and Mira's DARGON may STAY FOR A WHILE. However, that'll be 1,000 gold for the center's fee, each, and an extra 100 gold for each hour a pet is left here and 5,000 gold for each meal per pet. If your pair stays for a month and uses a healthy diet we provide, then your total fee is approximately 974,000 gold. Pay up now or we no longer accept your pets here for the 'long time.' And since I've had to STRENUOUSLY TAKE ALL YOUR PREVIOUS I.O.U.S AND GOT WARNINGS FROM MY BOSS FOR IT, you need to pay another million gold before you make a transaction here. Therefore, your total and nine-hundred-seventy-four thousand gold."
Crios sarcastically looked into his robe's pockets and confirmed, "I've not nothing miss. I need you to accept my pets here or I challenge you."
Mira rolled her eyes again in the distance, then petting one of the forelegs on Dargon, who still struggles to keep his dragon horns away from the ceiling. The receptionist squeaks, "Lemme go talk to my manager."
The receptionist vaults over the wooden-framed counter and takes her flamerose wand with her into a back door (made of messy-cut green bamboo) to her manager and boss' office. Minutes of impatient waiting by Crios makes him loudly tap and then slam his feet into the loudly-creaking floorboards, and eventually, the receptionist comes out of the back door and again into the room. She answers, "Mr. Crios, Miss Mira, your pets may stay for another month for free. However, if you dare to set your fancy feet onto the grounds of this daycare again, you'll have to cough up two million gold. There will be no changes. And if you can't come up with the money by the time you return or the month ends, my boss, manager, and I will call the trialmasters to come get you and for three million. Got it?"
Mira nods respectfully, Crios huffs with crossed arms. He sends out the mysterious gargoyle pet (I won't tell you anything about it) and the receptionist leads the pets and wizards outside to the back. Dargon and the gargoyle pet were placed in a large, enclosed ranch close to the ocean and set them up with a large basin of chicken meat. The wizard duo eventually left the daycare area and went back to their business.
Eventually, the mysterious gargoyle creature was fond of Dargon and they realized that they were deeply in love. Most other pets in the daycare planned on making litters and clutches to keep their families alive, so Dargon and the gargoyle creature did the same. That was when the four eggs were laid. Knowing that Mira and Crios would not be happy to have to take care of more pets in their hoard and that both were two different species, the gargoyle creature was forced to abandon the eggs and let them hatch on their own. Deciding to break free of the confines of the daycare, which even though was all indoors, the gargoyle creature broke through (causing a large amount of damage to the wooden wall) and flew off into the night with the eggs.