Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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FourSevensRueful Version

Forked evolution, an element of many pets- and training-themed games, is where a monster/pet, species, or other life form capable of combat has the capability of evolution into more than one monster/pet, species, or other life form. Different stages are mutually exclusive, as a being is incapable of existing as more than one form under most circumstances. It is a key feature in some fanon pet species in the FourSevensRueful Version.


Oftentimes, forked evolution occurs temporarily without change in the genetic makeup of the being that evolved, and that being will devolve over time under loss of resources such as energy, sustenance, hearts, or time. In the few times where there is irreversible (permanent) evolution in a life form that is part of a forked evolution chain, an evolution chain with the presence of evolutionary branching, players that care to sustain populations of the life form that was reduced upon evolution will need to rescue, adopt, or otherwise accrue another member of the population to maintain previous numbers.

Examples of Forked Evolution in Monsters/Pets
Evolution Chain Name Egg Type Form 1 Form 1-2 Evolution Method Form 2 Form 2-3 Evolution Method Form 3 Form 3-4 Evolution Method Form 4 Form 4-5 Evolution Method Form 5
Burnewt Claw Burnewt Level 16 Singenewt Level 30 to Infernewt

Infuse with 1000 Fire Research Points to Eftorch

Infernewt, Eftorch Level 45 from Infernewt to Embershed, Level 100 from Eftorch to Stygemander, Infuse with 3000 Storm Research Points from Eftorch to Ampereshed Embershed, Stygemander, Ampereshed None None

Improving Gameplay[]

More species of beings capable of combat would be created as a result of its implementation and would greatly increase the monster count in the Bestiary. Living bestiaries would become more difficult to obtain and maintain without proper organization and preparation for new evolutionary forms. Players may or may not be deterred by this challenge, but it is a noble one to face for the sake of biology!

Math Factor[]

Although no math factor needs to be present, evolution in any means requires a paid Membership in the real game. Players that want to determine the evolutionary outcome of monsters/pets, species, or other life forms in their care (or in opposition with them) may want to use algorithms to:

  • calculate the remaining resources they need to evolve a monster/pet to the desired form.
  • calculate which spells to cast against enemies to prevent or induce evolution in opponents mid-battle.
  • calculate the minimum amount of energy the player can afford to sacrifice in battle to contribute to energy-dependent evolution.

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FourSevensRueful's Nesting Grounds Content Collection
Features and Interactives
Features: Adoption  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Basilisk Disease  •  Breeding  •  Eggs  •  Forked Evolution  •  Trading
Interactive Items: Infuser  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine
Pet Items: Habitat Slots  •  Habitats  •  Incubators  •  Invincibility Sphere  •  Pet Enrichment Toy  •  Pet Feed  •  Protection Sphere
Food: Lumin Lemon  •  Lumin Lemonade  •  Lumin Leaf Tea
Currency and Furniture: Bottle of Sunlight  •  Billyfoot Squirrel
[v · t · e · ?]
Unfinished Features
Items: Rickroll Member Box  •  Storage Note
Game Versions: FourSevensRueful Version (Math)  •  FourSevensRueful Version (English)  •  Prodigy: Open World  •  Prodigy Smash
Game Updates: Crystal Caverns Update (English)  •  Dock & Island Update (English)  •  Elemental Concoction Update (Math)  •  Collision Update (Math & English)  •  Ornithfest Update (Math)  •  Fables Update (Math)  •  Species Update (Math)  •  Shattered Elements Update (Math)  •  Skywatch Overhaul (Math)  •  The Mountain Update (English)  •  Treacherous Taiga Update (Math)  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption Community Version  •  Breeding FSRV  •  Collaboration Mode  •  Item Creation FSRV  •  Multiplayer Arcade  •  Taming (Befriending)
Battle Mechanics: Abilities FSRV  •  Elemental Effects Community Version
Customization: Battle Accelerator
Miscellaneous: Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Forked Evolution Community Version  •  House Defense Strategies  •  Membership
Finished Features
Shops: Academy Special Shop  •  Gloria  •  India Croft  •  Patches
Items: Bee Box  •  Consumables  •  Developer Console  •  Eggs Community Version  •  Eggs FRSV  •  Healing Weapons Franciscothepro Version  •  Interactive Furniture
Game Versions:
Game Updates: Design Consistency Update (Math)  •  Five Towers Update (Math)  •  Game Mechanics Update (Math)  •  Inventory Update (Math or English)  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update (English)  •  Nesting Grounds Update (Math)  •  Rueful's Epics Update (Math)  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption FSRV  •  Breeding  •  Breeding/Mxnty Vibez Version  •  Fire Wheel  •  Item Creation  •  Item Wands  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Storm Wheel  •  Trading Community Version  •  Trading FSRV  •  Water Wheel
Battle Mechanics: Abilities  •  Attributes and Affinities  •  Bodyguards  •  Elemental Effects/AlyssSolo Version  •  Festival Tiered Arenas  •  Loyalty  •  New Bounty Types  •  Skills Community Version  •  Skills FSRV
Infections: Basilisk Disease
NPCs: Eco-Man  •  Merry  •  Nike  •  Polo  •  Species Community Version  •  Species/AlyssSolo Version  •  Species FSRV
Customization: Artstyle Filters  •  Body Types
Miscellaneous: Achievements Community Version  •  Achievements FSRV  •  Alternative Evolution Methods FSRV  •  Forked Evolution FSRV  •  Player Mail  •  Steeds  •  Visible Boots Cosmetics