Prodigy Math |
The FourSevensRueful Version of Prodigy Math (abbreviated as Prodigy Math FSRV), which refers to only Prodigy Math, is an alternative version of the game.
Release/Update Timeline[]
- Design Consistency Update
- Loading screens are more modern in design and simple
- Post-login "Find Worlds" screen is updated to the new Prodigy design
- Island Map interaction buttons are updated to the new Prodigy design
- The twelve original starters, the nine original epics, Dargon, Mira, and the older NPCs receive smoother designs
- All areas receive an update to look consistent with the raster art era
- Game entities and items become vector sprites, not raster sprites
- Billyfoot Quirrels are given a smoother design
- Game Mechanics Update
- Dargon obtains the Dargon's Element (this changes nothing for Dargon) and he receives a redesign, Chill & Char and Shiver and Scorch obtain the Chill & Char's Element
- The other elemental combinations is included, but they are not yet implemented into the game
- The elemental sword wands obtained within the Academy Towers have a power bonus of 20, not 15
- Scientist Slimerella now sells the Potion of Multitargeting and Potion of Special Targeting
- Many fanon pets are released
- India Croft appears in Dyno Dig Oasis
- Five Towers Update
- Finished the quests for the five original towers
- The identities of all five previously captured wardens are identified
- The warden pet species are grouped together in the Pet Book
- Inventory Update
- Items of each category can be resorted in their inventories
- Item reordering is consistent while opening it to equip items
- Items can be sorted by quantity (ascending or descending), alphabetical order (normal or reverse), rarity (common to legendary or legendary to common), power/health stats (strongest to weakest or weakest to strongest), or can be otherwise customized by dragging items to different places.
- A favorites section for 30 equipment items allows players to add their favorites and access them easily
- When equipping items, favorites of the searched category are starred and moved to the front
- Treacherous Taiga Update
- The Wardens will encourage players to find the Astral Warden, hold a meeting together, and ask them to go to the Treacherous Taiga
- Treacherous Taiga is visible as a western island next to Prodigy Island as part of the Archipelago, and is locked to players under level 75
- Treacherous Taiga quests are completed, then the player can go back to the Ancient to get more lore on the Order of Influence
- Nesting Grounds Update
- The location and all of its contents are available
- All nonmember players can have a maximum of 10 pets and up to 100 bred or foreign pets in their inventory; member players basically have the same limits now
- Breeding, Trading, Eggs, and all!
- Ulla's Discoveries Update
- Ulla, Noot, and the player are employed by the Ancient to find clues about where the Astral Warden is
- They find clues and track down the location and identity of the Astral Warden
- Once the player puts a near-end to the Shadow-element revolt against balance, the Academy will open their courtyards to battles with the less-intelligent wild species so that players can still obtain tower and archives prizes. Less-intelligent species home to the Epics Subspace are hologramized so no damage is done, and those still wild and free in elemental areas are able to be battled to purchase from merchants
- Shattered Elements Update
- Rueful's Epics Update
- All Mythical Epics get their own rotunda in the Epics Subspace
- The epics Eaglefree and Dourbed are released and are obtainable by quests given in the Lamplight Outskirts
- Seasonal Tournaments Update
- Re-released the Arena Caller
- Added gambling and limited-time tournaments for each of the five canon events
- Localization Files: A TF2 Crossover
- Languages can be changed in Wizard Settings
- Players get more available languages, but they are Google translated as of now
- Cutscene with Merasmus' Arrival
- Quests for Merry in helping him return to Teufort, New Mexico
- Ornithfest Update
- Added the festival Ornithfest, which happens consistently between Springfest and Summerfest each year
- Added the merchant NPC Pterry
- Daily monsters in Lamplight Town hide in nest scrapes in the ground, and all of them are birdlike
- Added the currency Quills
- Added new items and pets associated with the event
- Added an Arena gambling season associated with Ornithfest
Changes in Plot and Key Characters[]
The plot of Prodigy Math Game is changed so that all Academy wardens besides Florian and Ada are different people. Although they are still trapped in a purple bubble-like prison within their own offices and are guarded by shadow variants of the final bosses of the respective elemental area, the pets that the FSRV-specific wardens provide to the wizard upon rescuing them are also of different species to the normal towers. Once all of the wardens are rescued, if the wizard has not completed all of Harmony's trials, they must to do to progress further into the story (the wardens will tell the wizard to "really get a feel for Harmony Island"). Ulla becomes relevant to the main storyline, which is eventually completed by using her skills to track down the Astral Warden, who is in hiding to protect their identity and attempt to outlast and tire out the Order of Influence. Once discovered, the six wardens, Noot, Gale, a pair of unnamed Trialmasters, a representative from the Bounty Hunters, and the wizard will plan on what to do to put an end to the mass-mind control of once-tame monsters.
New Plot-Related Island[]
After the gathering, the wardens return to their seats in the Academy and defend against an invasion of monsters, shadow-crystal constructs, and rogues led by Pippet. The wizard is deployed to find a nearby island where they are to emigrate the Floatlings from Tower Town due to their city being regressed into ruins by a horde of Stubborn Shadows. They set out to sea on the beach of Dyno Dig Oasis with the help of Professor Scoog, and are tasked with math questions to row their boat properly and toggle their telescope. Eventually they encounter the Treacherous Taiga, a large island nation of immigrant monsters free from mind control. The wizard completes the monster refugees' quests and sets up a place for the Floatlings to live once they travel there on their own.