This article matches about a PG rating.
It is generally suitable for most audiences. Parental guidance is suggested.
Freezer Burn is a fanon ice element spell for Prodigy.
The user performs their normal attack animation, letting large shards of blue ice protrude from the ground and shove up against the enemy. The opponent grows extremely cold, and feels almost warm; the target suffers freezer burn.
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
The Ice element is weak against:
This element is powerful against:
Earth entities/spells
Ice spells
Storm entities/spells
- [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical entities
This element is neutral against:
Water entities/spells
Astral entities/spells
- [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical spells
- ⛰️ Land spells
The founding Ice Warden and their vice warden learned this spell through connection with the Shiverchill Keystone.
- It is reminiscent of Ice Prison.
- When made into relic form, what is left of its essence turns into Frozen Fracture.