Note: The ability "Keeper's Crest" is included on this because I honestly have no idea how a Keeper can keep (no pun intended) the Academy afloat despite the fact a spell that powerful will most likely cause it's user to faint.
Young |
“ | I don't even know a lot about him, but I will tell you what I do know. | ” |
— Kyōju No Wakai Hibi, Chapter One
Gale is Keeper of the Academy in RPs, he also makes an appearance in The Lost, The Forgotten, a fanfiction.
Normally seen wearing the traditional robes of a Keeper and gray in skin tone. Has this messy, out of control, spiky, platinum hair. Deep amber eyes, a gold and white tail, and normally seen with a wand tucked into a pocket on his belt.
A gray mountain lion with a gold tipped tail. Tail seems to let off a slight shine and his deep amber eyes. Always seems displeased for some reason.
Polite, bit of an introvert. Mostly quiet and goes by unnoticed.
Quickly gives into peer pressure, also a bit afraid of others, especially those who are older than him.
Academy "Standard" Wand: Is it a Academy Standard Wand? Or is it not?
Astral Amulet/Academy Amulet: He's either wearing one of the other, depending on what needs to be done.
Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.
Prehensile: He often holds items with his tail whenever he doesn't want people to know what they are.....
Strength: Like all other fairies, he's two times stronger then a human/wizard. However, he often relies on his wits instead of his strengths.
Flying: Obviously, he can fly, and normally a foot of the ground, so he'll feel less intimidated by everyone else.
Cold Resistance: The cold doesn't bother him as much as most.
Balance: "That over-sized cat-"
"Just because I can land on feet doesn't mean I'm a cat-"
"You meow."
"...Can we not address that part?"
Elemental Balance: Allows for him to manipulate the same power the wardens gain from the keystones to some extent. Not as powerful as the wardens themselves due to the fact it'll drive him into sheer exhaustion, but it's enough from his perspective. He's very bad at it and often makes a fool of himself in front of Florian.
Telekinesis: An ability used often, he's still practicing. A lot of his preferred spells in his spell pool require or use it to some extent.
Astral Magic: He naturally posses it.
Ice Magic: He naturally posses it.
Storm Magic: He naturally posses it.
Earth Magic: He naturally posses it.
Shadow Magic: Only knows a couple of spells, learns in private.
Keeper's Crest: Gained when becoming apprenticed to the current keeper. It greatly increases one's Mana, allowing them to cast spells that'll normally cause them to faint. However, the ability is lost upon retiring or quitting.
Strengths & Weaknesses[]
Shadow Magic
Water Magic
Any Element Weaker Then The Element He's Using Via Elemental Balance: Overrides natural strengths
Elemental Imbalance: A theoretical state the island will enter into if any element completely managed to overpower the others.
Fire Magic
Any Element Stronger Then The Element He's Using Via Elemental Balance: Overrides natural immunities
- Despite other's opinions, he is not a fool.
- He's quickly irritated when people refuse to tell him things, but chooses not to show it.
- He won't take on an opponent when he knows he won't win, however, he might if he can figure out a way to trick them.
- During The Academy's Secret, he was briefly in the RP, and acted a bit naïvely, which he soon grew out of.
- At the time of Kyōju No Wakai Hibi, he refused to kill another. Yet after seeing what that led to, and losing the original Warden's trust because of it, he was no longer afraid to pull out a knife.