“ | It's your death wish. | ” |
General Icetalon is a retired General from the Faen War. He makes an appearance in The Crystal Queen.
Gray, lifeless eyes, white hair, and a washed-out gray tail. His wings are a faded blue.
He has a scar running along his arm, which is why he wears a long sleeve shirt, despite being immune to the cold. He also has a very pale skin tone.
While possessed, his tail becomes black with purple highlights. He gains a bold black streak in his hair, as well as a purple one, and his eyes become a burning shade of amethyst. His wings, now dark purple, seem to fade into shadows at the tips.
He never got over his grudge, causing him to turn bitter, cold, and enjoy the pain of others.
He's constantly seeking revenge for something that happened to him long ago, despite the fact the person who did it to him already died.
The insanity he gained from the death of his family caused him to do things ruthlessly and heartlessly, caring for no one, not even himself.
Sword of Ice
? (Former): An amulet which pedant is shaped like a heart. Those who lived long enough say it belonged to his daughter.
Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.
Prehensile: His tail is prehensile, but he mainly uses it for balance when sword fighting.
Strength: Like all other fairies, he's two times stronger than a human/wizard.
Flying: He can fly.
Ice Magic: He naturally posses it.
Shadow Magic (Temporarily)
Cold Immunity
Shadow's Blessing (Temporarily): Allows the user to survive conditions shadow magic thrives in, creates an immunity towards corruption, the ability to become a shadow, and adaptive towards the dark. It often causes them to have a shifted sleep cycle, napping in the day but active starting at dusk.
Strengths & Weaknesses[]
Storm Magic
Fire Magic (Temporarily)
Water Magic (Temporarily)
Ice Magic (Temporarily)
Earth Magic (Temporarily)
Sword Fighting: He isn't affected by the weight of the sword, and his tail helps with balance. His reaction time is also faster due to being a fairy. As result, he's fast and deadly when armed, not to mention he isn't bothered by killing someone.
Fire Magic
Astral Magic (Temporarily)
- His retirement was forced upon him, as the other fairies realized exactly how cold-hearted he was.
- He manipulated Dale in the past and was asked to do it again during the war raging during the Crystal Queen.
- His name, pronounced eh·door, means snow, a spin-off of the name Snow White.