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The Glacier Tribe are one of the many groups of Fairies that live in the cave systems. They are composed of Ice Fairies.



Shiverchill Boots

Shiverchill Robes



Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.

Prehensile: They have prehensile tails. Their grip is stronger depending on the tail length.

Strength: They are two times stronger then a human/wizard.

Flying: They can fly.

Agility: They have a faster than average nervous system, allowing them to fly and generally greatly increasing their reaction time. They're quick on their feet, and proven to be worthy foes...


Ice Magic: They naturally posses it.

Cold Immunity

Type: FERAL[]


Strengths & Weaknesses[]


Storm Magic


Shadow Magic


  • During The Crystal Queen timeline, the tribe was much larger. Now, in the warden's timeline, their numbers have dwindled, along with the rest of the Fairies.
  • They have a triumvirate/democratic government system.


See Also[]


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Fairy Tribes
Offical Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Forest Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Drake Tribe
Notable Groups: Whispers of the Dark  •  Echoes of the Ice
Faerie Tribes
Offical Tribes: Birch Tribe  •  Frost Tribe  •  Flame Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Air Tribe  •  River Tribe  •  Moth Tribe  •  Desert Tribe
Notable Groups: None
Elements: Moon Element  •  Sun Element  •  Celestial Element
Spells: Celestial Wrath  •  Celestia's Cry  •  Lost Wind  •  Gravity  •  Crater's Cradle  •  Reflection  •  Solar Wind  •  Sun Spots  •  Hypernova  •  Lotus Bloom
Areas: Silvian Forest  •  Island of Storm  •  Island of Water  •  Island of Earth  •  Island of Fire  •  Icicle Isle  •  Island of Ice  •  Island of Nameless  •  Island of Astral  •  Moon Isle  •  Sun Isle
Notable Places: Fairy Marketplace
Harvestable Foods: Fish Berries  •  Celestial Fruit  •  Cranberries  •  Chestnuts  •  Sweet Flag  •  Clover  •  Mandrake Fruit
Cookable Foods: Fish Bread  •  Souh Douh  •  Candied Hazelnuts  •  Chestnut Pudding  •  Hazelnut Spread  •  Cranberry Jam  •  Pitted Yew Berries  •  Yew Seed Extract  •  Roasted Chestnuts  •  Chestnut Pancakes  •  Birch Syrup  •  Celestial Fruit Pie
Drinks: Celestial Fruit Juice  •  Mint Tea  •  Jasmine Tea  •  Ginger Tea  •  Green Tea  •  Catnip Tea  •  Chamomile Tea  •  Mandrake Juice  •  Milk  •  Vanilla Milkshake
Potions: Sleep Potion
Herbs: Mint  •  Sage  •  Yarrow  •  Sweet Flag  •  Saffron  •  Catnip  •  Lemon Grass  •  Chamomile  •  Thyme  •  Mallow  •  Basil  •  Ginger
Trees: Celestial Pine  •  Witch-hazel Tree  •  Hazel Tree  •  Chestnut Tree  •  Silver Birch  •  Poison Oak  •  Nutmeg Tree  •  Cinnamon Tree  •  Shirine Tree  •  Spruce Tree
Misc: Clover  •  Poison Ivy  •  Jewel Flower  •  Jasmine Flower  •  Vanilla Plant  •  Poison Sumac
Pets: Shadow Hound
Buddies: None
Misc: Shirine Nanē
Swords: Sword of the Exorcist
Claymores: Star's Blade  •  Exorcist's Greatsword
Bows: Celestial Bow
Wands: Flame Weaver
Staffs: Solar Staff  •  Virgo Staff
Catalysts: Lunar Pearl  •  Solar Orb  •  Sand Storm  •  Tengu Fan  •  Golden Feather Fan  •  Celestial's Wing  •  Shadow's Wing
Polearms: Fathom's Pride
Other Items
Interactives: Loom  •  Anvil  •  Celestial's Scale
Robes: Drake Scale Armor  •  Chilling Apparel
Boots: None
Recipes: Cranberry Jam Recipe  •  Fish Bread Recipe  •  Souh Douh Recipe  •  Celestial Fruit Juice Recipe  •  Candied Hazelnut Recipe  •  Chestnut Pudding Recipe  •  Chestnut Pancakes Recipe  •  Celestial Fruit Pie Recipe
Furniture: Silk Hammock
Processed Ingredients: Fish Berry Flour  •  Hazelnut Flour  •  Chestnut Flour  •  Birch Syrup  •  Ground Cinnamon  •  Ground Nutmeg  •  Vanilla Extract
Misc: Glowing Mushroom  •  Witch-hazel  •  Hazelnuts  •  Vanilla Beans  •  Tea Tannin  •  Yew Berries  •  Drake Scales  •  Fairy Silver  •  Fairy Tears  •  Fairy Dust  •  Celestial Pine Branches  •  Silver Birch Branches  •  Sheet of Silk  •  Silk  •  Nutmeg  •  Cinnamon Bark  •  Poison Oak Leaves  •  Birch Sap  •  Four Leaved Clover  •  Ancient Glacier Tribe Tree  •  Bubble Coral  •  Aquatic Mithril  •  Shirane Berries  •  Sand Pearl
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Character Groups
Species: Caddisfolk  •  Faen  •  Humans (+Infernal Wizards)  •  Community Version  •  AlyssSolo Version  •  FourSevensRueful Version  •  Jellybean Jade Version
Species Group Pages: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Imps
Faen Groups
Fairy Tribes: Astral Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Crystal Tribe  •  Drake Tribe  •  Echoes of the Ice  •  Forest Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Storm Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Whispers of the Dark
Faerie Tribes:
Other Groups
Families: Presidential Nebluffs  •  Stormchaser Family  •  Starheart Family
Secular Organizations: Bounty Hunters (Disbanded)  •  Firestorm Laboratories  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  NootCorp  •  Shale Distributors  •  The Order  •  The Order of Influence (FSRV)  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters (Disbanded)  •  Voidwalker Sect
Religious Organizations: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Cenorism (Dead)  •  Harmonism  •  Luma Healers  •  Nalism (Dead)  •  Barāquian
Colonies: Bonfire Colony  •  Mech Colony  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga
Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Resurrection Tribe  •  Spirit Tribe (Disbanded)  •  Werewolf Tribe
Other: Astrallum Apostates  •  Bodyguards  •  Caverners  •  Founding Wardens  •  Magical Mercenaries