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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
This article matches about a PG-13 rating.
It is generally suitable for most audiences. Parental guidance is suggested, especially for children under thirteen years of age.

Transcendent void causes an echo of abyssal torment across the once-mundane world of Prodigia. Those that have not yet been crushed under the pressure- and choked out by the rapidly-spreading essence gas- remain as a final bastion against a rapidly-approaching doomsday.

The Ancient prepares itself to reset all elements to their original forms in a last-ditch attempt to salvage whatever remains of the magic that once kept the archipelago balanced.

In the midst of it all, some of those closest to the only ones who can stop this destruction have been reduced to nothing, killed and absorbed by the psuedo-elemental orchestrating the deadly sonata encasing and choking the life out of Prodigia.

Old hate courses itself through the ground, preventing further action from occurring- if left without change, proving to let the Void overcome Creation and allowing it to spread its accursed disease across the multiverse.

The feeling that everyone, everywhere, around the entire archipelago experiences is simple.


In Skywatch, the adults had only begun to discuss a course of action when meanwhile, in Firefly Forest, the children couldn't help but hear a commotion coming from Lamplight Town.

"What's going on in Lamplight?" Jax asked.

"I'm guessing it's related to this," Raiden gestured to the black and purple surroundings, "Should we check it out?"

"Why not?" Nathan shrugged.

"No," a stern voice said from behind them, reminding them Hilda was still there. She had looked up from the book momentarily, her violet gaze going from as mixed as a smoothie to utterly unreadable.

Opal, instead, stalked up until she was right in Hilda’s face and spat, "Not sure if you noticed, Grandma, but this entire place is being infected by Void and we need to help! Tell us where our parents are with that brilliant book of yours or I’ll do it!"

"What about the blue flash that was in Skywatch?" Hope asked.


"I care about the blue light!"

"You’re nobody!" she retorted, taking a second to process Hope’s suggestion before blinking and saying, "Wait what?"

Raiden perked, ignoring Opal's retorts, "My dad might've opened a rift. If that's the case maybe the rest of the adults are with them? But... it might've just been Aria, or my uncles being jacka-"

"Language." Aurora interrupted with a hard stare.

"…wait isn’t Storm a Voidwalker?" Andrew asked. "Also, can I go? Please, please, please?"

The fairy kept accidentally launching into the air, occasionally flickering out of sheer worry and panic.

"He is, and you're asking the wrong person." The borg glanced at Hilda expectantly, the purple robed wizard currently taken aback.

Andrew grinned, saying, "thanks!" and vanishing.

Hei blinked. "Did he just-"

Glace facepalmed from nearby, exhaling frustratedly, "That he did."

The Storm fairy reappeared once he reached the edge of Skywatch, walking on the very edge of the lavender clouds without a hint of worry.

He peered into the area where he presumed the adults were, the view not disappointing in the slightest.

Aly sat scraping her own finger against her sword, Samantha and Lucas attempting to comfort her while Chase made weak puns and Lane was too drained to punch the Fire Warden, though he was in hot water.

Luce was coaxing Raid and Cloud to say anything and everything they knew about Void, each expression grave.

A frantic Juniper watched her sleeping sister nervously, not once letting go of Storm’s hand. Kaminari sat next to her, for once at a loss for words and only staring at Jade with a blank expression that Andrew knew all too well.

While the hybrid looked calm—too calm—and peaceful in her sleep, Storm was still attempting to stir, wincing slightly whenever he did.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to to Andrew and the adults, a trio of ghosts cautiously approached another that loomed near Jade.

Miles below Skywatch, in Lamplight Town, accusations were beginning to be thrown amongst the chaos, terror feeding anger, anger feeding fear.

Andrew quickly flew to the ground next to the kids, looking quite embarrassed as he muttered to the others, "Well… um… ah…"

Raiden crossed her arms with evident impatience, "Spit it out already!"


Closing his eyes and backing away, he blurted out, "Storm’s dying Jade’s dying and might already be dead I couldn’t tell Aly’s freaking out my Dad’s not okay Juniper’s freaking out."

"He's WHAT‽" The borg looked as if she was about to strangle him, but instead panicked, muttering "Oh my god" repetitively.

"THAT’S WHY WE NEED TO HELP!" the fairy screamed.

"Idiot…" Hei muttered, shooting a pointed glare at Andrew. "How are we supposed to help?"

Glace inspected her claws, which were currently unsheathed, "You do realize "helping" probably requires beating up Void, right?" She glanced up at the Storm Fey, " If so, I'm all for it."

Robin grinned. "I’m in!"

"Just be careful, I’ve got bandages, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, and a couple hats for sunlight in my bag," Opal supplied. "And gum!"

The Ice Fairy arched an eyebrow, "I don't think sunlight is a problem." She sheathed her claws and pointed at the sky, where the void-tainted clouds of Skywatch had started to spread to cover the whole island, a purple mist rolling in with them.

"Well… that’s fine. How do we get up to Skywatch? Void’s overtaking the Bean-o-Vator."

Aurora frowned, "Is Void - the elemental - even up there? In fact... does anyone here even know what they look like?"

"…big. Scary. Dark," Andrew supplied, shrugging.

The Astral Wizards stared at him for approximately five seconds before muttering, "We're toast..."

"No. All of you, no. You are not-"

"Sorry, Grams, we can’t hear you," Robin interrupted.

Nathan pulled out his map, unfolding it. "Well, let's go."

Hilda pulled the map out of his grasp. "You’re not running off to Skywatch."

Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"I mean it. Now-"

She casually picked the boy up using telekinesis and dropped him on the ground. "Stay here."

"Look up."

In the sky, Scarlet was grasping the book, flapping her orange, feathered wings.

The Luma hybrid fell to the ground with a swoop of telekinesis, the book soon being clutched in Hilda’s arms.

While falling, Scarlet quickly snatched Nathan's map, giving it to the young wizard, who teleported away to Skywatch with the dragon, followed by Hope and Jax.

The Keeper groaned frustratedly before glancing back at her book. "Well, I hope they succeed, because we’re in trouble."

In Hilda's moment of frustration, Glace grabbed her brother by the arm and ran off, teleporting moments later. Aurora and Raiden sighed before following in suit, teleporting away before the Keeper had the chance to look up from her book.

Andrew had already disappeared, Opal and Robin snatching Raiden so they could be teleported as well, and Hei sighed deeply before following suit.

"Hey Mom! Hey Dad!" a certain albino wizard called. Samantha and Chase had only just begun to turn as they were knocked over by three siblings and their pet dragon, enveloping them in a very large group hug.

Opal blinked, fidgeting from foot to foot before forcing on a smile. Robin, meanwhile, had squirmed out of her grasp, making his way to his mother despite his sister’s protests.

Hei and Raiden followed Robin, having questions in store for Juniper. Meanwhile, Rai had already rushed over to Aly and hugged her, sobbing, while Glace and Aurora made their way over to the Ice Warden - and Lucas, who was standing nearby - at a slower pace.

Juniper quickly spotted Hei, wrapping the boy in a tight hug and ignoring it when he stiffened, him taking a good thirty seconds to hug her back.

Opal stared openmouthed at her mother, hovering several feet away from her as if she was contaminated. Robin whimpered and backed away, staring down with a mixture of pity and repulsion.

"What's up with void?" Nathan asked.

"It became an elemental," Juniper supplied. "And the elementals were consumed, and Gale…"

"We know what happened to him," Raiden informed her, having taken a seat near Storm. She paid little mind to the fact Juniper was holding his hand, overwhelming worry present in every movement.

The healer quickly let go of his hand, pretending to treat Jade while in reality she was only twisting a bandage between her fingers, cringing at the writhing black.

Hunter glared down at Gale, focusing on the little fairy to keep himself from bursting into tears.

The Ivory pretended not to notice, averting his gaze and glancing at his family instead, sighing at the sight of them.

It seems the two ghosts were mutual in this aspect.

"…are you gonna tell us we deserve this or are you still above that?" the hybrid snapped fiercely, averting his eyes from his sister as if doing so would fix her.

"Well, I can always arrange that," Gale turned to face him, "if Faith wasn't eavesdropping on us."

The little girl, however, was staring at Jade, her lips barely moving when she whispered, "That’s the person who… who killed Mom?"


"…she looks too—too vulnerable."

Hunter tried to laugh, but it came out more like a sob. "She’d kill you too if she could hear you."

"I doubt that's possible," Gale stated from behind Hunter. He frowned and gestured to the group, "However, she might be joining us soon enough if they don't do something. Yet, I'm not sure that'll do any good, as they don't know what to do."

"Well, can anyone do anything to help, or…?"

"Oh, simple, stopping Void before it manages to overpower Harmony... or vice versa." The fairy ignored the hybrid's expression, keeping his tone unusually casual.

"So...we can't use magic anymore?" Nathan asked, the group hug dissolving.

Particles of fire magic spurted out of his father's hand, dissolving in less than a second. "That or I'm all burnt out," Chase replied.

"Well that's just great," Glace grumbled under her breath, having overheard.

" do we stop the void?" Hope asked.

"Why are you asking me?"

"I was asking anyone in general," she responded.

Juniper was currently hugging her niece and nephew, saying in a muffled voice, "Rally the wizards and Astral Fey. Maybe enough Astral magic can fight it."

"If we can even use it," Raiden muttered darkly, having taken to holding Storm's hand in place of Juniper.

"Well… we’ve got to try."

Small amounts of Astral magic sparked from Nathan's fingertips, barely enough to do anything. Jax managed to summon a spark of Astral magic and summon a very small water bubble that immediately popped and faded into elemental particles. Hope tried as well, ending up with fading Astral particles and fading Fire particles.

A scientist was standing on a cliff with a tracking device.

"I just hope this is the right place. This capsule took me so long to make." he said.

He threw what looked like a purple pill in front of him, and out popped a very unstable portal.

"If these readings are accurate, he's here. I found him! I just hope I'm not too late."

He jumped into the portal, armed with a laser pistol.

"Hello, void. It’s time to get my friend back!"

Elsewhere, a certain scythe wielder, wearing a dust-covered invisibility cloak watched the oncoming mist of darkness, fingering the clasp of his cloak that contained a faintly glowing purple crystal.

Opal bit her lip nervously. "I don’t know how to alert Dad, I don’t even know if he can get here-"

The hobbyist was interrupted as an Embershed tumbled into the area, a frazzled man soon falling off and rushing towards his family.


Korathius trapped his children in a hug, both of them rushing to explain what had happened.

"What even is a f-"

Nathan was promptly cut off by his mother slapping her hand over his mouth.

Juniper rushed over to the wizard. "It’s probably smartest for you not to look…"

"Why not? I have to-"

"It’s… ah…"

"She's over there," Nathan said, removing his mother's hand from his mouth and pointing to Jade.

"What's a god?" Jax asked his parents.

"I’m going to-"

The healer stopped him. "You need rest. I have something that can calm you down. It might be a bit strong but—OH COME ON LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR PLEASE."

Korathius had rushed off, coming to a halt six feet away from Jade. "…oh."

"The experience was scarring, I guess," Chase said, unintentionally making a pun.

"DON’T MAKE—oh my god…"

"What-what did I...oh..."

"You're not serious," Lane hissed.

Kaminari forced on a grin. "Lane, that’s just a bit too stormy, isn’t it? You’re being pretty flashy, but Chase’s feel a bit blue if you don’t stop."

The Storm Warden growled.

"Don’t be so furious."

Lane advanced towards Kaminari, halting when Samantha spoke.

"I don't know if you two have noticed, but we still have the island's impending doom looming over it, literally, and we still have no idea how to stop it," the Water Warden sighed frustratedly.

"Yeah, and Storm and Jade are kinda dying," Juniper snapped. "Hey, Kora…"

The wizard was staring openmouthed at a spot on Jade’s arm where the bandage had peeled, revealing an inch-deep hole on her triceps where black substance actively poured out, pooling on the ground. The flesh was still purple-stained, a sick squelch coming from it as Void gradually leaked out, another flow of blood and pus quickly joining the dark material, coating the ground below her along with her mutilated flesh. A weak groan escaped Jade as Void fully drained, exposing her purple-pink flesh, a glint of white visible under—her bone.

"Oh my Harmony..." Samantha trailed off.

"Is she going to be okay?" Jax whispered.

Raiden cringed from nearby, Rai looked as if he was about to throw up again, while Glace and Opal were mostly unfazed.

Juniper swallowed the bile rising up her throat. "Um… as of tomorrow, yes, if we’re lucky. Past forty-eight hours…"

Opal swallowed nervously. "D-Dad…?"

The wizard blinked a few times before forcing on a smile and saying weakly, "Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine, I’m gonna go throw up now…"

His Embershed growled nervously, Korathius quickly calming it down by stroking its neck.

"So we take on void," Nathan declared.

"Not sure if you've noticed, but we can't use magic," Hope commented. "It would take the whole island to cast a few decent Astral spells!"

"Then we do that."

"Easier said than done."

"Well, it’d be stupid not to try," Andrew said, rushing over to hug Kaminari.

"Hmph, like we could do anything," Hei said.

Aurora looked thoughtful, "Wait, don't we know people who are in charge of, like, half the island's affairs?"

"So we have to convince the rest," Jax said.

"Let's just hope that the wizards and fairies will cooperate," Hope said.

"Did you just make a pun using your name?" Nathan asked.


"Can you two get back on track?" The albino facepalmed.

Opal shrugged. "Um, I guess Firefly is covered, it’s mostly fairies there and I’m sure they’d ally with us. Shiverchill, though…

Jax turned to Aly. "They like you, right?"

The fairy glared, "There is no way I'm talking to-"

"Mom." Rai crossed his arms, still a bit pale but determination unwavering.

"...fine, just this once."

"Can we hurry up?" Juniper snapped, watching the two Voidwalkers nervously.

"Where do we start?" Jax asked.

"Okay, okay, geez-" Aly teleported out, presumably going off to deal with affairs with Shiverchill.

Aurora glanced at the present adults, "So... we should probably asking for help now-"

"How about Shipwreck Shore?" Jax shrugged.

Glace turned to face the wardens, hands on her hips, "Well?"

"…why not?" Hei shrugged after a moment of thought, pulling out his map and ignoring Juniper’s lectures.

She snatched it from his grasp, but instead of taking it fully, she said only, "Your parents contacted me."

The trainee stiffened. "…and?"

"They made me ensure your safety. I told them you wouldn’t get hurt. And I told myself that none of you are getting hurt. If anything happens, Raiden will give me a call and if she doesn’t I’m having Storm track you down and put trackers on you like the one Jade has. Got it?"

When the kids all nodded, Juniper relented, crushing them each in hugs. "Stay safe, and remember the trackers."

Samantha shrugged. "Why not?"

Chase raised an eyebrow. "Is she telling us what to do? I think she's telling us what to do. Tell me Glace, why are you telling us what to do? Ah whatever, I tell you. Guys, let's listen to what she tells us to do."

Everyone turned their heads to Chase.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" the Water Warden asked.

"I am going to tell you, yes."

Raiden rolled her eyes, "That doesn't work on me." Before the healer could come up with a threat that'll apply to the borg, she had already conjured a holographic map and teleported everyone - excluding Jade, Storm, and Juniper - to Shipwreck Shore.

The group landed in the waterlogged sand of Shipwreck Shore, drenching their waists. The sand beneath the water had begun to darken, purple streaks running through it, and the shipwrecks were nothing but pieces of driftwood floating about.

"I can’t believe you all," Hilda sighed. "Do I really have to babysit while I’m celebra—grieving my colleague’s death?"

Aurora blinked, "I-I... What-"

"What happened‽" Rai exclaimed, asking the question for her.

Hope waved. "Oh hi Hilda-waithowdidyouknowwewouldbehere-waitdidyousaycelebrating-"

"Harmony Island fell when the elements went down," Jax breathed.

"And now, natural disaster. HoW fUn!" Nathan said sarcastically, waving his hands.

Scarlet emerged from the water, shaking herself dry and resorting to hovering over the water.

Glace was glaring at Hilda profoundly, before huffing and gazing about, "Do you think anyone's here? Besides us."

Opal grinned. "Did you see Jade? Weak and dying, couldn’t even open her eyes. Hmph, who don’t we wait a bit to free Void so she can snuff it? Nobody’ll miss her."

"You weren’t so anti-Jade just a couple minutes ago," Hei pointed out.

The hobbyist reddened. "Shut up-"

"Well, you weren’t," Andrew added. "even I noticed. And Robin was just as bad."

The blind wizard gasped in outrage. "I hate her, okay, just because I’m squeamish doesn’t mean-"

The particular Ice Fairy stared at them profoundly, "Hello? Are you going to keep arguing or what?"

"Fine, let’s get going," the Shadow wizard said. "Jeez."

"We're not letting more people die. We had enough of that during the war," Jax said.

"Well dear Mother doesn’t count as a person," Opal snapped.

Glace groaned in complete and utter frustration, turning to the adults and snapping, "Are you going to shut them up or not?"

"Are you telling us what to do again?" Chase chuckled. "Okay, we will tell them to do what you told us to do. HEY GUYS, CALM DOWN, WE STILL HAVE A VOID PROBLEM TO TAKE CARE OF."

"Dad, we're standing right here. We can hear you loud and clear," Nathan said.

"Especially loud," Hope said, rubbing her ears.

The Ice Fairy glared at the Fire Warden, hands clasped over her ears, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AN ADULT?"

Rai was doing similar, muttering "Ow..." under his breath.

"Please, lets get started before Chase makes us all go deaf," Samantha teased.


"And you’re bossing us around?" Hei mimicked. "Shut your hubris-riddled mouth, weakling, and listen."


"Got that from Mom. Mira-Mom. Not Juniper-Mom."

"Okay seriously you guys, lets go find Sea," Lane commanded.

Aurora paused, "Wait, do you even know where she lives...?"

"Uh… around here. Somewhere."

Samantha shrugged.

"Uh..." Chase trailed off.

"Somewhere over-" Lane stopped midsentence, spinning around in circles, water rippling from his movements. "Uh..."

"Well, Shipwreck Shore looks totally different now, it would be hard to tell where," Lucas sighed, gesturing to the purple water and rotting driftwood all around.

As they tried to gain their bearings, something moved beneath the water, the spreading black making it impossible to tell what was it.

Opal immediately snatched her pocketknife, Andrew seeming unbothered and Hei blasted it with a wave of Shadow magic, all while Robin looked around in confusion.

"What the-"

Lane quickly yanked out his scythe, poised to strike.

Hope pulled out her Luma's Sun Ray Rod, followed by Nathan's Dual Blade.

Samantha was the first to recognize the figure. "Wait! That's-"

The entire group was splashed with inky, void-tainted water, Chase falling and nearly drowning before Samantha sighed and helped him to his feet.

The source of movement, in turn, was a very ticked-off ink-covered half-merling - Sea.

"Care to explain all this?"

"I got one word for you, Void," Lane retorted, evidently irritated at being startled so easily.

"So," she raised a finger, "in the time I've retired, the lot of you not only managed to start a war, destroy the Academy, and lose control of your children an unspeakable amount of times - you've also managed to cause the rise of another dark element?"

"Now wait a minute, we didn't do any of that!" Chase protested. "Well maybe the part about our children is true."

"I don't have children," Lane commented.

"Irrelevant," Hilda sighed.

Sea stared at Chase before facepalming, sighing aggressively.


"Nothing. Why are you here?"

"Can we just go?" Andrew said. "I don’t want anyone dying."

Sea glanced at him, concern filling her expression, "Okay, can someone please explain what's going on here?"

"Void rose, Storm and Jade are dying, and… people already died," Opal answered, carefully treading her words.

"And you need me to do...?"

"Help rally the people of Shipwreck. Yes, most of them are… questionably-moraled pirates but we need all the help we can get."

She shrugged slightly, "Whatever floats your boat - what exactly are you planning though?"

"…no idea-"

The half-merling blinked before shaking her head, "Sometimes the lot of you are no better then Storm - but I'll do it, as long as you come up with some sort of plan."

"We were going to try to gather as much as the island as possible so that what we can use of our magic actually has some effectiveness," Jax replied.

"Well I guess that works," Sea turned to leave, "Well? Don't you have places to get to? Or do you plan on learning how to swim?"

Hei nodded and pulled out his map. "We’ll leave you be, ma’am or whatever the [BLEEP] you want to be called."

The rest of the group said their goodbyes, teleporting away. "Meditation meeting after this whole thing?" Samantha asked the merling.

"Sure, why not?" She answered with a shrug.

"'Kay, see you later!" The Water Warden teleported away.

One by one, the group appeared in Bonfire, some nearly landing in black-purple lava that remained resolutely hot.

The water wasn't nearly as high as it was in Shipwreck, only reaching their already soaked ankles.

Andrew groaned annoyedly and hovered in the air, feathered wings barely skimming the others’ faces.

Scarlet found the water tolerable and started splashing about in the water playfully.

The dragon stopped her playing abruptly, noticing a small reptile-like creature that had somehow scampered onto her face.

Opal frowned. "What is that?"

It swiveled it's head to look at her, red gaze showing annoyance as the drenched creature surveilled the group, eyes narrowing as soon as it noticed Chase.

Scarlet growled inquisitively, swatting at the figure, smacking herself instead, for the reptile had scampered to the top of her head. Scarlet staggered back, shaking her head violently, but the reptile clung on. Scarlet batted at her head, finally grabbing the reptile, revealing itself to be a salamander. Scarlet glared at the reptile wriggling in between her talons and chucked it into the water a few yards away from the group.

It only took a matter of minutes before the dragon felt something bite her tail, hard.

Scarlet let out a high pitched screech, flying up in the air and shaking her tail wildly, the salamander losing its grip and plummeting to the ground.

"Scarlet!" Hope exclaimed upon hearing the dragon scream.

Scarlet swooped down and grabbed the salamander, raising it to her open jaws, white teeth exposed and flames beginning to make their way up.

The salamander arched an eyebrow before biting the webbing between the dragon's claws, earning it another screech and being dropped, splashing somewhere near Chase.

Before he could do anything, however, a frustrated Hei snatched the salamander up and pointed a finger at it, blasting it in the face with an excess of Shadow magic.

Scarlet launched herself at the salamander, snatching it from Hei, pinning it in the water, and blasting it with flames, boiling the water and forcing everyone to back away.

However, that resulted in an even more vicious bite, it moving about in the water unharmed before the group lost sight of it... at least, until a certain Fire Warden noticed a new addition to his prosthetic.

"Nice try, Ignis. Your firey passion to injure me has failed this time," Chase joked.

The salamander glared at him profoundly before letting go of the wizard's gloved finger, scampering off somewhere and then latching onto a finger on Chase's opposing hand, biting significantly harder this time.

Chase yelped, grabbing the attention of a certain Luma hybrid, who flew over and promptly trapped the salamander in her mouth.

This, however, caught the attention of multiple other salamanders that were present in nearby nooks and crannies, all of them glaring at the dragon intensely.

Scarlet, with her talons still over her full mouth, looked at the salamanders like a child caught stuffing themselves with cookies.

"Scarlet, spit Ignis out..." Hope said warily. The dragon looked back at Hope defiantly, thoughts well evident. This salamander attacked dad and me and THEREFORE DESERVES TO SUFFER FOR ALL OF ETERNITY.

The dragon was immediately attacked by an army of salamanders, all biting in various locations.

Scarlet yelped, promptly spitting out the slob-covered Ignis.

The salamanders promptly scurried off, Ignis shaking himself dry irritably, only to be soaked again by the water lapping at the ground.

He let out a sound similar to a sigh before shape-shifting into a very annoyed brown-haired, red-eyed fire wizard.

"What do you want now?"

Hei crossed his arms. "Hmph, you should’ve let me blast him."

Ignis glared at him profoundly, "And did anyone ask...? No, so shut up."

"Such childish behavior for an adult—or are you an adult? You’re certainly short enough to be younger."

Nathan crossed his arms, smirking at the former Fire Trainee. "Did anyone ask for your attitude either? No, yet here we are."

The endling scoffed. "Said Mommy’s boy. What do you want?"

Lane crossed his arms. "Well, Void consumed the elementals and now we can barely use any magic, and on top of that it became stronger," the Storm Warden said, gesturing to the cooled black and purple lava beneath the purple water. "So we were wondering if you could gather up everyone in Bonfire so we can cast a spell strong enough to do some damage."

"Exactly how many people do you think live in Bonfire, other then Slimes?"

"…not many people, right?" Andrew said.

"It’s a volcano, after all," Kaminari added. "It’s rather heated. Though I would lava living here in the winter."

Ignis stared at him intensely, "If you don't-"

"I'm pretty sure everyone here is filled with a burning desire to stay alive, right? Well, doom may erupt if we don't try our best," Chase shrugged, ignoring the combined force of Ignis and Lane's glares.

"Which idiot's idea was it to bring these halfwits here?" The endling snapped.

"You’re the idiot," Kaminari retorted.

"Says the person who can't braid his own hair," Ignis responded while inspecting the Storm Fey. He huffed grouchily before starting, "As for the number of people in Bonfire," the former trainee gestured to the salamanders, as well as the Fire Fey in the distance, "you're looking at the entire population."


The group blankly stared.

"I knew there would be few, but this is it?" Nathan asked.

"Well if a certain someone didn't think genocide was a brilliant idea- nevermind."

"What-" Hope looked up from treating the bitten and scratched dragon, who immediately made a slight whimper to regain attention.

In the Fire Trainee's moment of distraction, two notably small salamanders had curiously approached the dragon, looking up at it with two identical pairs of exponentially wide orange eyes.


Scarlet growled, staring them down.

"Haven't you had enough of antagonizing them?" Hope sighed.

"In my defense, the idiot's dragon abused me first," Ignis replied to Opal, crossing his arms.

Meanwhile, the two small salamanders ignored Scarlet's growling, climbing onto her and scurrying onto her horns before peeking down at her face.

Back in Skywatch, Juniper was working furiously, hands just a blur of bandages and syringes and more. Yet nothing could stop Void’s constant flow.

Two, then three, then four wounds opened on Jade’s body, each slowly tearing her apart, the hybrid attempting to wake through the pain.

Black-purple goo surrounded them, a bit less than an inch deep, mixed with flesh, pus, blood, and discarded, moist, bandage.

Storm shifted about, black ruptures opening across his bandages leg, resolutely moving upwards.

Scarlet shook her head, but the salamanders remained stuck.

One of them, to her surprise, cautiously pet the dragon's forehead before snatching away their forepaw, unsure how she'll react.

Hei rolled his eyes. "So, Igni, you gonna help or what?"

"And by help, you're asking me to do what? Ask a bunch of hypocrites, savages, and spoiled brats to use Fire Magic on a dark element? And my name isn't Igni."

"…pretty much, yeah."

Scarlet shook her head some more, evidently startled.

"That's it, I'm leaving-"

The two salamanders landed in the water with a splash, squeaking irritably.

"What did your idiot dragon just do?"

Scarlet blinked, startled, then narrowed her eyes as soon as she noticed the hostile glare Ignis was giving her. The Luma hybrid flapped her wings, hovering above the water, gleaming white scales spraying water back into the flooded area. "Scarlet, don't!" Hope hugged the dragon, forcing her back to the ground, albeit unable to stop the dragon from glaring at Ignis.

The two small salamanders had swum off, however, the other salamanders were glaring at the dragon again - yellow, red, and orange eyes gleaming in the dark.

Ignis looked absolutely furious, clenching his hands into fists and exhaling aggressively.

Opal blinked. "Um…"

Samantha looked at Ignis, then the salamanders, then back at Ignis. "Wait, are they your children?"

The former trainee tensed, ""

This, however, was met with an angry chorus of squeaks, leading to an embarrassed "yes."

"Wait, you have children?!" Andrew giggled. "And they’re salamanders."

"And do you have a problem with that?" Snapped a very non-salamander teen, having shapeshifted as soon as Andrew started laughing.

A few others had done likewise, while the rest remained salamanders, still glaring at Scarlet.

Scarlet flapped her wings and flew upwards, just out of the range of the salamanders, regretting angering them in the first place.

"I'm seeing a few shifts in attention," Chase commented.

Andrew promptly disappeared, biting the inside of his cheek furiously to hold back another pun.

Ignis glared at the Fire Warden, holding back some... colorful language.

Opal crossed her arms, staring Ignis down for ten seconds before turning to the many salamanders, whispering out of the corner her mouth to Chase, "Can you produce embers or lava or something? Something they eat?"

"They'll eat charred worms and insects...or just normal worms and insects. I don't normally carry those would bug everyone," Chase replied.

"Ugh, whatever. Here, salamanders…"

All of them shot her a rueful look, with the exception of one yellow-and-brown one. It cocked its head and scurried towards Robin, who didn’t even notice.

The two small salamanders ignored her, choosing a safer spot to spy on Scarlet instead.

The salamander landed on Robin’s ankle, before turning into a human being with brown hair, milky-yellow eyes, and a white apron.

The teenaged girl that had shapeshifted to respond to Andrew rolled her eyes at the other shifter before morphing back into a salamander, joining the two the smaller salamander and watching Scarlet with a wariness equivalent to the dragon's.

The yellow-eyed one spoke first. "Are you… I get the feeling you’re… um…"


"I really don’t mean to be offensive… visually impaired too?"

Robin opened his mouth to retort before pausing. "Wait. Too?"

"So you are! You can echolocate, right?"

The wizard’s scowl morphed into a grin. "Yeah!"


"That’s so cool!"

"You can do it too, remember?"

"O-oh yeah."

"I-I’m Uri, by the way."

"Robin. So-"

Ignis cleared his throat, while Opal glared intensely at the boy. "Sorry to interrupt this, but we have something to do."

A vitiligo splotched salamander, an incredibly colorful one, and finally, a bright white one stared at Uri with... interesting expressions, the vitiligo one facepalming (facepawing?) after a second or two.

Robin nodded, grinning at Uri before turning to his sister. "Sorry."

Meanwhile, three bleeding teenagers stumbled across a grassy meadow, coming to a halt once Bonfire Spire came into view.

"What are we doing here?" Ravena sighed, dropping to the ground with her back against a palm tree. "It’s not like we have anywhere to go."

Zayden dropped into a similar pose. "Dunno. I’d get us out of here, but all I have is this," he said, holding up a sputtering circuit board and a handful of scrap metal, clearly torn from various cans.

"We need food."

"That’s why I suggested Bonfire. Maybe we can steal a bit of stuff from the chefs or… or something."

Neither of them mentioned what would happen if they failed.

"Do you think we were stupid not to take his offer?"

Zayden glared at the ground. "No. I’d rather live on scraps than live with the spoiled brat."

"But… it’s been days living on fruit and nuts and things. We need-"

"We need to get going," he interrupted, offering her a slightly shaking hand. "Braxton?"

The boy only shrugged in response, not looking up from where he sat watching an ant crawl across his hand. "Dunno."

"Can’t you help?" the tech wizard sighed. "I thought you were smart."

"…I dunno."

The boy scoffed and dragged Braxton along with him as he persistently made his way towards the volcano. "Let’s go. We need something."

Ravena followed, scowling at the younger boy. "You seriously couldn’t help?"

He shook his head, watching the ant be squashed under his brother’s foot. "…no."

"Why’d we bring you along, then?" she said irritably, catching up with Zayden.

Quietly, too quietly, per usual, Braxton responded, "I don’t know."

Meanwhile, near a raggedy tent near the woods, there was a Triptrop angrily bleating, while an Aquaster angrily made whatever sound a beaver makes, only for Arbite to come in, and smack both of them on the head, shutting them up.

The boy paced back and forth. "Do any of you run fast?"

The pets glanced amongst themselves, none responding. All they did was pace around.

"I need to get back to my parents. Or… or someone. Anyone."

Cloud Neek nuzzled him gently, Kobe only pushing him away. "I’m a failure, aren’t I? Don’t pretend to care."

It cocked its head.

"Leave me alone already! You’ll just abandon me again!"

None of the pets obliged.

"Why do you care?" he found himself screaming. "I’m a brat, a spoiled brat, that’s what they all say. Now leave me alone."

Kobe waited for them all to leave before dropping to his knees on the ground, glaring at his own arm. He reached into his bag, not breaking his glare, and pulled out one dagger.

"Spoiled brat…"

The knife entered flesh.

Meanwhile in upper Bonfire, the adults were making no progress, each of them taking turns at convincing Ignis and failing.

The children were shuffling about awkwardly under the wary gaze of the salamanders, while Glace was biting back the urge to yell at the adults, the heat really beginning to get on her nerves - regardless of the temperature beginning to drop.

Raiden was fidgeting worriedly near Rai, Aurora trying to comfort the two.

Jax had kneeled on the ground, taking a fascination to one pale salamander with white hair. "You're an albino too?"

Another salamander morphed in front of them. "Uri, get back-"

"I’ll be fine, Tyson!"


The two smaller salamanders were attempting to approach Scarlet again, only to be stopped by a larger red and yellow salamander - to their despise.

Another salamander morphed. "…hello," the girl said, waving slightly. "Are you…" her voice grew in volume and excitement, "…here to watch lava’s movements as well?"

Another salamander bit her ankle, glaring up angrily.

"What? Lava is fascinating!"

The large red and yellow salamander facepalmed, while in its moment of distraction, the smaller salamanders shapeshifted into a pair of young, nearly identical, brown-haired, orange-eyed boys, instantly resulting in furious squeaking from the red and yellow salamander. One of them - that had an intriguing scar along their jaw - shrugged in response, "Eh, yell at them."

More squeaking.


Even more squeaking.

"Still, no- OW."

This time it bit him on the finger, resulting in him prying it off.

"Geez, how are we related again?"

"…bye," the girl said as she pushed up her glasses, slinking off to the nearest lava pool.

Opal blinked. "You’re… people."

"Yeah, got a problem with that?"

"No, but well…"

Her voice faded, cheeks redder than the lava bubbling sluggishly beneath them—though it was slowly becoming purple.

The brown-haired, orange-eyed, scarred boy blinked, "Wait, you thought we were Flame Salamanders, didn't you?"


"Nice job, Opal," Glace muttered under her breath sarcastically from nearby.

She immediately attempted to busy herself by pretending to find a piece of gum, hiding her face behind her backpack.'

Meanwhile the adults, specifically a certain Fire Warden, were still trying to persuade a very stubborn Ignis.

"Ignis, can you please-"


"Oh come on, lighten up-"


"Fiery, huh?"

"The answer is still no, especially when you're doing the talking, idiot."

"…so why are you here?" Tyson asked, coiling a finger around his curls over and over.

Aurora glanced at Ignis then back at Tyson, "Our parents are trying to convince your dad to help with a situation - well, if what they're doing counts as persuasion."

"Help with what?" Agni called from the lava, being shot a couple looks by her siblings. "Ooh, if it’s something explosive, I’d love to help!"

Raiden shuffled awkwardly, "It kinda involves a dark element causing that." She gestured to the heavens above, where the void tainted clouds and purple mist were slowly rolling towards Bonfire.

"Is that was caused it? I’d love to check out more!"

"Er…" Hei muttered, "You don’t really want to-"

"It breaks all laws of nature! I need to see it! I wonder how new elementals would taint the other forms of weather, oooh, what if it changes the properties of-"


Glace blinked, "Is she... sane?"

"Not really," answered an older girl who had also morphed, "My siblings are either a) insane, b) complete weirdos, c) your average idiot boy, or d) so adorable they're annoying."

From nearby, one of the orange-eyed twins was grumbling under their breath, supposedly in response to that statement.

"-this is a once in a lifetime situation! I need to see iiiiit…" the girl said, dashing up to the wizards and fairies.

Opal backed away. "Er, maybe-"

"Maybe the flames will cool down entirely, or they’ll change chemically, and it’ll be total chaos!"

The older girl facepalmed, her rusty brown shoulder-length hair swishing slightly with the movement, "Agni..."

"What? Are you coming too?"

"You idiot, were you listening to anything they said? Dark element, as in Shadow Magic."

"Actually it's Voi-" Aurora started to interrupt, before being glared at intensely.

"Yeah! I’ve never seen an elemental before! Or a dark one! And if this one has such an effect on the environment it has to be fascinating!"

"Dad is so going to skin you ali-AIDEN GET AWAY FROM THAT DRAGON."

The boy rolled his eyes at her and held out his hand to Scarlet to let her sniff it, who in turn warily glared at him before doing so.

"Can we go now? Can we-"

"Quiet," Uri snapped. "Listen."

Glace eyed Agni, "If you want to know the effects of Void so badly then just try using magic, it's that simple."

Another salamander shifted, this one turning into a boy with light brown hair and bright yellow eyes, "....ah, I'm guessing whatever'll happen won't apply to me."


She cast a spell, nothing happening.


"Fascinating? Seriously?" The yellow-eyed boy questioned playfully, there clearly being something the group was missing out on.

"Yes! I need to study these effects more…"

The boy simply rolled his eyes before glancing at the group, "So... are you going to introduce yourselves or what? Or do you plan on having your dragon try to eat our dad again?"

Opal waved. "Well, I’m Opal, my brother is Robin, the Ice fairy is Glace, the Astral one is Rai, the Storm fairies who I can’t find are Kaminari and Andrew, the Shadow wizard is Hei, the bickering siblings are Hope, Nathan, and Jax."

"Well, ah, I'm Spark and my siblings..." he inhaled deeply, "are Blaze, Scorch, Cinder, Flame, Ember, Enya, Flint, Tyson, Inigo, Cole, Phoenix, Tana, Fintan, Uri, Agni, Aithne, Kenneth, Seraphina, Aiden, and Egan~" Spark breathed deeply, "Phew, I'm glad there's only twenty-"

Robin gawked. "…uh-"

"Twenty? And I thought one sibling was bad-" Glace cut herself off at noticing Rai's expression, taking a wary step away from him as his Vision flickered.

"Tell me about it," the blind wizard said, being swatted by his sister.

"Eh, they're not that bad-"

"Yes you are," Uri interrupted.


Another salamander shifted, "Spark, admit it, you're an idiot."

"Says the person who's grounded 24/7."

"I am not-"

The teen with the shoulder-length hair facepalmed yet again, "You're all idiots."

"PHOENIX." Multiple voices exclaimed in unison, leading to one of the orange-eyed twins slamming his hands over his ears.

"Can we hurry up and get to the elemental already? I need to study it!"

Tyson backed away, not talking, while Uri snapped, "Yeah, hurry up, idiots."

"Thank whoever the hell controls this I’m an only child-"

"YOU’RE SO LUCKY," two dozen voices chorused, Hei rolling his eyes in response.

The twin who had covered his ears had begun to rock on his feet a bit, expression twisted with visible discomfort.

The other - Aiden - had noticed, tensing slightly.

Meanwhile Scarlet was staring down at the salamanders, flying a bit farther away as the twin shapeshifters approached her.

Aiden huffed irritably, fidgeting impatiently while his twin decided just to watch the dragon.

"Aw, come on, Scarlet," Hope coaxed. "Give them a chance." The dragon huffed skeptically. "Please?" Scarlet lowered herself, tilting her head at the twins, trotting over and staring back.

Aiden glanced at Hope with a small smile before turning, cautiously approaching the dragon once again.

Suddenly, Agni jumped in her path, squealing, "IT’S A LUMA MIX!"

The twin groaned, "Agni!"

The other twin clasped his hands over his ears again, gaze briefly meeting Agni's before immediately looking at the floor, cheeks reddening as he rocked slightly.

She blushed as well, attempting to contain her excitement. "Sorry, but look! It’s one of the only one of its kind, see the white scales? Ooh, I bet its firepower is amazing-"

"Agni, now’s not the time," Uri snapped, quickly turning to Robin. "So how can we help?"

Opal intercepted his response. "In the short term? Convince your dad to rally Bonfire’s people. In the long term? Well… how would you like to take down an elemental with us?"

"I’d love to-"

"Not the time," all of them said simultaneously.


"Anyhow, no way," the older girl the twins had called "Nix" stated.

Glace crossed her arms, "Why not?"

"That's what I'm wondering," grumbled Spark.

The short-haired teen glared at her brother, "You of all people should know the answer to that - you're horrible at magic, how are you supposed to deal with an elemental?"

"It's not my fault I can't-"

"Doesn't matter."

One of the boys glared, "Spark is Spark, he can always stay behind-"


Nix rolled eyes, "Blaze, you'll just do something stupid, then Flame will join in, then Spark will also join in because he'll probably sneak after us-"

"I would not," the yellow-eyed boy said crossly.

"-and then you'll get on Agni's nerves, who will yell at you because you deserve it-"

"I wouldn't-"

"-then she'll trigger Egan and-"

"Nix, SHUT THE F**K UP," Aiden interrupted with a hard glare.

The girl stared at him, blinked, then immediately whirled to face Uri, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CURSE IN FRONT OF THEM-"


"Slimes’ substance is one of the most durable materials in all of Prodigia," Agni said.

It broke up the fighting immediately, everybody whirling over to look at her.

Jax took his eyes off the albino salamander, who shapeshifted next to him. "We're not killing."

"Killing what?" she asked, cocking her head.

"The slimes...? Wait why would we need slime substance-"

"It’s just fascinating," she murmured, shifting from foot to foot.


"Okay, can we get to convincing Dad?" Uri snapped irritably, glaring at his sister, who stared at the ground.

Suddenly, a slimy fish was dropped on Uri's head with a splat, the culprit dashing away with a snicker. "What the-"

A pair of nostrils flared, a white, scaled head with yellow circles and golden-yellow horns turned in the direction of the fish. "Scarlet, no-" Hope was cut off as Scarlet dashed towards the fish, tackling the shapeshifter, who screamed in the process.

Uri yelped and dodged, conjuring a tiny flame and blasting it at Scarlet.

Scarlet snorted, dodging the flames and simply grabbing the fish that was on Uri's face in between her jaws and trotted away, eating the fish.

"Stupid dragon," he snapped, being shot jealous looks from the twins.

"Scarlet's not a stupid dragon!" Hope cried, outraged. Scarlet glared at Uri, not appreciating the nickname. A certain salamander snickered from a small cave opening, skittering back inside.

"Idiots," he snapped, glancing nervously at his retreating brother. "Can we go now?"

"And where do you plan on going?" Snapped a voice, belonging to an incredibly irritated Ignis.

Meanwhile, Samantha was gawking at the sheer amount of children while Chase, Lane, Luce, and Lucas simply blinked.

Meanwhile, a darker-skinned person walked out of a cave entrance, a mostly orange and yellow salamander in his left hand, immediately tossing it to Uri. "I thought you'd have been more alert regarding Flame's pranks," he commented, shapeshifting into a black salamander and crawling back in the tunnel.

"Daddy!" Uri squealed, hugging the man. He hugged him back and glared at the others as if daring them to ask.

"Uri, don't-" Ignis cut himself as Lane snickered, which was immediately met with a harsh glare.

Lane straightened up, clearing his throat.

Aiden was sitting on the ground, his twin - presumably Egan - sitting next to him and clutching a stuffed toy resembling a dragon, which Scarlet was eyeing.

"Hello!" Agni chirped, her yellow eyes falling on Chase’s exposed prosthetic hand. "What does that do? Does it explode? Ooh, if it explodes that’ll be fascinating! I need to study that tech some more!"

" least I hope not," Chase replied. "Just a replacement forearm for when Ariana's sim-er-follower mauled my arm...that was hard luck." Chase shrugged.

"I don't think we needed a reminder of that day," Samantha said.


"Can I examine it?"



While Chase struggled to figure out what to do, Scarlet continued to eye the little toy dragon before snatching it from Egan's grasp, his eyes widening with surprise as he got to his feet.

"Gi-give it b-back!"

This, however, was met with an expression that clearly read No, the dragon holding her prize between her forepaws.

"Hey, give it back!" Uri snapped, raising a fist. "Get your dragon under control."

Tyson stepped forward, clearly wanting to help, but it was as if he was frozen solid.

Phoenix immediately turned on her heel to glare at Hope, who stepped back in surprise, "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY PICKING ON A LITTLE KID? GET YOUR STUPID DRAGON TO GIVE IT BACK."

Meanwhile, the twins were trying - and failing - to take the toy from the dragon, Egan noticeably distressed.

"Ooh! The Luma hybrid has taken a fascination to the stuffed dragon. I think that’s called imprinting, or am I confusing it with something else? Hmm, well, it seems it won’t let go of-"


"I-imprinting," Egan tried to snatch the toy from Scarlet, only for her to dart out of the way, "is wh-when an a-anim-mal, like a dra-a-gon," he said the word dragon particularly forcefully, diving for the hybrid but missing, "m-m-memorizes something as it pa-a-rent." This time Aiden tried to grab the toy, having just about as much success as his twin.

"Ooh, yes, I remember now! Dragons hatch from eggs, but I don’t think this specimen reproduced yet, so that’s why it imprinted-"

Agni was interrupted by a synchronized "SHUT UP!", making her blush and stop talking.

Egan huffed in frustration at his sister's error before diving for Scarlet again, this time the dragon flying just out of his reach.

Phoenix shot Hope the evil eye before storming right to Scarlet and yanking her out of the air by the tail, ignoring the growing flame building up in the winged reptile's mouth as she plucked the toy from the dragon's grasp and gave it back to Egan, slamming Scarlet face-first into the water just as the hybrid tried to singe her.

Hope promptly grabbed Scarlet, pulling the dragon away from the stuffed toy. Chase shuffled as he watched the events.

Ignis had taken to staring at Chase with increasing hostility, fists clenched and anger evident in all aspects.

"I think he’s getting mad," Agni observed, shuffling around between the two.

Spark blinked, "You think? It looks like he's going to blow."

"Ooh, will he? I’ve never seen a human blow up before!"

"It's an expression- erm... is it just me or does he look madder now?"

"Are you gonna blow up? I hope you blow up… well actually no, because you’re my parent and I’m your offspring… either way something better explode!"

Samantha promptly slapped her hand over Chase's mouth, preventing him from saying anything to further anger the former Fire Trainee.

"Do you explode?" she asked, getting into the two’s personal space.

"Agni, no." Phoenix said exasperatedly, facepalming with evident frustration.

"Aw, c’mon, you don’t explode," she said, as if it were a crime not to detonate regularly.

The twins stared at her with an unreadable expression, Egan hugging his stuffed toy protectively.

Uri paid them no mind. "So, Dad, Robin and his sister-"


"-were saying that we need to fight a Void elemental, no Agni you are not joining them."


Ignis glanced at the boy, "And you're bringing this up because...?"

"I dunno, they said you had to rally the people or something."

"No." The former trainee glared at Chase specifically when he said this, the shapeshifter clearly disapproving of multiple things with that statement.


"Absolutely not."

He did the puppy-dog eyes, along with the majority of his siblings.

The former trainee looked the other way, crossing his arms and huffing irritably.

"Can we go? Please? We can rally the people instead? I need to see this dark elemental…"

"The answer is no and that's final."

"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?" Uri begged. "Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease…"

As Uri and Agni tried to persuade their father, the twins exchanged glances, Egan briefly whispering something in his brother's ear before the two slowly edged away from their other siblings.

"Where are you two going?" Agni asked, popping in out of nowhere. "Can I come too?"

Egan jumped, startled, while Aiden looked plain annoyed. "None of your business."

"Well, I’m coming."

"No, you're no- ugh, whatever, you'll get lost anyways." Aiden gripped Egan's hand before the twins shapeshifted, the identical salamanders squeezing into a small opening near the base of the stone wall, partially submerged in the water.

Agni shapeshifted as well, following them.

They pretended not to notice her as they scampered through a series of tiny tunnels, sometimes reaching spots that were so cramped that they weren't able to turn.

After a bit of this, the tunnel cut off abruptly, Aiden peeking out and looking down at the seven-foot drop.

The salamander glanced back at his older sibling mischievously before jumping, Egan more hesitantly following in suit, landing with a splash in a pool of water below.

Agni stubbornly followed, squealing as she fell.

The twins rolled their eyes in unison, swimming to the edge of the water and crawling out, allowing the water to drip off before shapeshifting.

The three siblings were in a cavern, cooling lava dripping nearby and providing a light source, a type of orange glow worms crawling about on the ceiling. To the right was a variety of objects, all seemingly dragon-related.

There were a few worn books shoved in a ledge of the cavern wall, blankets in a corner along with a series of stuffed toys - most likely Egan's - that were carefully handmade and resembling the Epic dragons. A lance was leaning against a stalagmite, with a few other indistinctive objects tossed next to it.

Judging by how one half was incredibly orderly while the other was unspeakably messy, one could assume the twins each have their own side of the space.

“What are we doing?” the girl asked, staring at the cooled lava. “Wait, lemme get a sample of this…”

"No." Both boys said in unison. Aiden continued, "We're hiding from dad."


"So he freaks out and does anything those other people say, duh. That 'Void' thing they were talking about is going to come here eventually - shouldn't we help?"

“Okay! Well, if we’re gonna wait, I better start studying! I didn’t bring my lab things, did I? Do any of you have a 5ml beaker, a scalpel, some test tubes, a mortar and pestle, and a Bunsen burner since we can’t use magic?”

The two stared at them blankly before Egan walked off abruptly, sitting on the pile of blankets and observing one of glow worms as it crawled along the makeshift shelf. Aiden simply facepalmed before joining his twin, grabbing one of the books before sitting down.

Meanwhile, Phoenix had noticed the twin's (and Agni's) absence, alarm filling her gaze as she tried desperately hard to keep Ignis from noticing.

“Aw, I’ll have to do,” she shrugged, kneeling by the lava and chipping pieces off, stuffing them into her various pockets.

As the three continued their hiding, Phoenix had begun to sneak off, being noticed by her brothers.

And of course Agni had to scream, “Aha!” at that exact moment.

"Where ya goin'?" A yellow and orange salamander with vitiligo patches poked his head out of a tunnel.

"Nowhere," Phoenix snapped, stopping in her tracks.

Flame's head retreated back into the hole above wordlessly.

Tyson spoke up. “I… where are you going…”

"As I said, nowhere. I just wanted to get a bit of breathing room away from you idiots." She answered irritably.

“Suuurrre,” Uri interrupted. “Well, how about this; we’re gonna follow you everywhere you go until you tell us.”

"I already have to see you half the day - no thank you."

“Sorry, it’s not a choice. I’m coming with you, and so are the rest of us.”

"No," The girl snapped as she edged away, notably a bit anxious.

“Too bad.”

Her red gaze was unreadable, "Look, I need to-"

"Wait, where's Aiden and Egan-" Spark commented from nearby, noticing what was amiss.

“Yep we’re coming.”

"Ugh, whatever, as long as one of you stays behind to distract dad." The teen shapeshifted at that, marching off into one of the small tunnels.

Meanwhile, a Keeper sat amongst the lavender clouds of Skywatch, flipping gingerly through the pages of a book.

She reached a certain page, laughter beginning to bubble over to the point where it turned insane, Hilda unable to breathe through it.

Laughter was easier than sobs.

[UNKNOWN] Starheart

Status: Deceased

She threw the book to the ground and continued glaring at it, as if challenging it to a game of Who can be the Most Emotionless?

The book won, of course, as tears that were scrubbed away started coming.

Unbeknownst to her, a group of spirits watched, two of which were her sons.

Hunter frowned before nearing the book, muttering the words he read under his breath.

"Unknown...mother...tortured...murdered..." He kept rambling the words under his breath, something flickering in his gaze as he reviewed and turned over the words in his thoughts.

Nearby, the ghost of an Ivory perked at hearing the hybrid's muttering, but not in a good way. The ghost paled - well, as much is was possible for a spirit - and had begun to fade slightly as Hunter whirled to face him.

The hybrids gaze was mixed - hatred, anger, and betrayal most evident. The was ghost breathing hard not because he needed to, but out of uncontrollable fury, evident as he curled his fists, trembling slightly as he struggled for words, nothing in existence capable of expressing the sheer amount of rage the ghost carried.


The little ghost glanced at the ground, bracing himself for what came next.

"YOU TELL ME A [BEEP]ING SOB STORY THINKING I'LL FEEL SORRY FOR YOU? AFTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" He let out a hysteric laugh, nearing the smaller ghost and hissing in the ivory's ear, "Tell me, dear brother, how many years have you been lying to me? How many times have you hurt me, Jade, and Juniper for that matter? HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU TORTURE MY SISTER, [BEEP]?" Not stinging, but burning tears of hysteria ran down Hunter's face as he grabbed Gale by his shirt collar, the fairy doing nothing to resist.


"YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE DEATH, YOU DESERVE TO SUFFER FOR ETERNITY, YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO OTHERS TENFOLD. YOU... YOU.... ARGH." Hunter shoved the fairy away from him, having run out of words to describe his unending anger, the fury, the pain, the uncontrollable hatred.

The same hatred he saw in ivory's gaze towards him, his sisters, his mother.

The same pain he saw in the ivory's gaze whenever he abused them, abused her.

But it wasn't the same.

Because the ivory would never, absolutely never, pay enough for what he did.

Guilt played with his other emotions, Hunter continuing to glare at Gale, tears of anger and sorrow and uncontrollable hatred streaking his face.


The Ivory obliged, leaving the hybrid alone. Alone… alone like his sister was.

He was an idiot for trusting Gale, he was a weakling for not defending his sister, he was a coward for not stepping up earlier, but most of all he was a failure. He couldn’t do anything to help the person he loved, couldn’t do anything to prevent his death, couldn’t do anything in this state except watch and hope.

Both were pointless.

Sobs became screams which became pleas, begs towards the universe to end the pain, to bring his sister to him after the torturous years of separation.

Hunter glared at the retreating Gale, screaming an unintelligible mess that was the only way to convey his pure anger and hatred.

Even Faith glanced at the little fairy, mouthing, “Why?”

Gale's amber gaze met the ground, the fairy muttering, "I told you you shouldn't forgive me," before fading, leaving her alone with Hunter.


But he was already gone.

Faith stared at empty air, emotions thrown back and forth like a sailboat in a thunderstorm.

Waves of anger rocked her violently as she recalled the actions of the Ivory, the things he’d done, the way he let her hug him like he deserved it.

Betrayal’s lightning flashed through the air buzzing with sorrow, pure betrayal because she had no one, no one who would ever love her ever again. Her brother was there, holding her close, but she’d be the one defending him. Why couldn’t she be the child for once? Why couldn’t she be hugged for once? Why couldn’t she be the one being told “I love you” for once, instead of her being the one saying it?

Winds of sorrow blasted her constantly. When would there be peace? She’d lost everything too young, she’d been abandoned, hurt, betrayed… why did she keep hoping and loving if it was returned only in the form of hurt and loss?

Where did her faith go?

When would it come back?

Meanwhile, unaware of the events that took place, Hilda picked up the book and closed it shut, turning to watch Jade and Juniper - the only children she had left.

Hunter reappeared, glaring at his mother, needing to do something, anything.

”Did you realize?” he spat. “What you’d do to us? Or are you just so selfish-“

The hybrid stopped himself as Hilda turned to her daughters, words barely a hoarse whisper. “When did it go so wrong?”

Juniper looked up. “When Void rose and left my sister and b-Storm to die.”

The Keeper didn’t seem to hear her. “Couldn’t I have done anything to prevent it? Or am I just a coward? Should I have forgiven him? Or should I have subject him to worse?”


That jolted her back to life. “It’s been ‘Mother’ for a while now. Or Hilda. Or nothing.”

”Yeah, but y’know, I figured it was worth it.”

”So how are you doing, Juniper?”

”…fine. I’ll be fine.”

Meanwhile, unaware of what occurred in Skywatch, a certain former trainee had noticed the absence of a certain pair of twins, a Water Warden vainly trying to calm down the shapeshifter as she kept a certain Fire Warden from making things worse.

"Ignis, calm down."


"Well... no, but I'm sure-"

"You're sure? Really? You don't even live here."

"But you do and I bet-"

"Igni, there's no reason to get fired up about it, you did say they weren't the only ones missing-"

"One, shut up idiot. Two, you don't know my kids and frankly, half of them are bound to get into trouble."

"Chase I told you not to-"

"Well it worked, or are things still heated?"


“Hey, Dad, I think Nix knows something!” Uri called.

A teen, seemingly male, with rusty brown hair facepalmed, "How are you supposed to ask her when she's gone, idiot?"

“Wait, seriously? Oh [BLEEP]-“

The false wizard dashed off, soon catching up to his sister in salamander form.

The boy stared in the direction his brother ran off to before sighing aggressively, shapeshifting, and returning to whatever hole he emerged from.

Meanwhile, Agni was crushing the dried lava, occasionally sniffing it or attempting to use fire spells on it before remembering she couldn’t use magic.

”Are you guys sure you don’t have a Bunsen burner and a mortar and pestle? It’d make the experimentation a lot easier!”

"I can't hear you~" Aiden responded, trying to focus on his book, only to be distracted by Agni again and hurling it to the floor in annoyance.

“Look at it!” she squealed, thrusting a handful of purple-black rock in his face. “Fascinating, right? It’s purple!”

He shoved her hand away, glaring, "May I note, you aren't even supposed to be in here to begin with."

Egan sighed before putting a hand on his twin's shoulder, evidentially wanting him to calm down.

“So what? Look at it!”

The dried lava’s core contained a dark purple spot, barely a peck, that writhed back and forth, Agni studying it in awe.

Meanwhile five or so salamanders were searching a series of tunnels for the twins, one rolling its eyes before slipping into a different one, eventually splashing in a certain pool of water.

Lane spoke up. "How about this: We'll help you find the twins if you get everyone at Bonfire to help us with that." Lane gestured to the mist of Void.

"Fine, whatever, I don't care anymore. Just help, please."

“On it,” Andrew said, appearing and flying off with Kaminari.

Robin moved to follow them, but Opal held him back. “Don’t. You’ll get lost, and you can’t help anyway.”

As the adults helped Ignis search, the salamander that had splashed into the pool of water swam out, morphing into the red-eyed, rusty brown-haired "boy" from earlier, having well caught the twins and Agni's attention by now.

“Hi!” the latter squealed. “Would you like to examine the lava with me?”

He crossed his arms, "No thanks, weirdo. Dad is so going to kill you three."

She pouted. “I’m not a weirdo.”

"Really? Let me see, you can't see what's literally right in front of you without those ridiculous glasses of yours, you were sniffing a rock when I got here, and not to mention you're hanging out with them." He beckoned to the twins, Aiden glaring while Egan simply rocked nervously.

Just then, a salamander gagged in disgust, tumbling off a piece of void-infected lava, shapeshifting into a vitiligo-patched human and scratching at his tongue. "BLEH! That's DISGUSTING!" Flame gagged.

"Uh, hi?" He waved nervously at noticing that the group's attention was turned on him.

The girl glared, jaw trembling slightly. “I was j-just examining th-the rock. Meaniehead.”

The older teen facepalmed, "You're not even supposed to be swimming with your mouth open, idiot. And what the f**k are you even doing here?"

"Following you, duh," Flame shot back.

"Why? So you can join the freak squad over there? Go ahead."

“I’m not a freak!” Agni snapped, stamping her foot. “Go away.”

He smirked, "What are you going to do? Go crying to dad like you always do?"

“Shut up!”

He took a step closer, "Make me."

Agni looked close to tears as she yelled. “I’m not a freak!”

"Oh, but you are, geek, otherwise you wouldn't be yelling at me, now won't you?" His bangs fell over his eyes, red tainted with sadism, "I knew you didn't have it in you."

“Shut up!”

"Why should I, brat?" He asked as he took another step closer.

“Meanie,” she snapped, sniffling now.

Aiden huffed before getting up and tugging on Agni's arm, "You're just giving Blaze what it wants."


"Nothing. What, are you hearing things now? Maybe you should be in the freak squad, not us, jerk."

"Blaze, if we're all freaks, you're an outcast," Flame shrugged.

The older teen reddened in the face, "Shut. Up."

"Just saying," Flame shrugged, a hint of triumph in his eyes.

Agni turned away, aggressively stabbing at the lava with more force than was necessary.

Blaze glared at Flame, about to retort when another splash indicated the arrival of yet another salamander.

A darker-skinned salamander poked his head out of the water, shapeshifting. "Dad and the visitors are tearing up Bonfire looking for you guys," the false wizard said, arms crossed.

"We know," Aiden piped almost immediately, rather smug.

"I take it you don't care to go up there, then?"


"M'kay," he replied, crawling back up the tunnel.

Meanwhile the other children watched the adults search, gazes unreadable.

"This is going to take forever, isn't it?" Asked Glace, the Ice Fairy's tail lashing back and forth.

Contrary to her statement, an almost black salamander emerged from a hole, promptly transforming. "Found them," he stated nonchalantly, pointing to the hole.

The second he said it, a yellow salamander with red patterning dashed into the hole - presumably Ignis - while the rest of the adults let out collective sighs of relief.

"Someeeeeeone'sssss cooooominggggggg!" Flame sang playfully.

Agni looked up, not saying anything and only going back to crushing lava chips.

A splash signified the said person had arrived, a very annoyed and very familiar voice ringing out as soon as they shifted, "Care to explain what you're doing here?"

By then, Flame had already gone, headed to the surface.

Blaze looked like a child caught putting a tack on the teacher's chair while the twins practically shrunk into their corner, Egan speaking first.

"H-hi, dad..."

Aiden blinked, "Are we in trouble?"


“Hey, can you guys quiet down?” the girl snapped. “I’m busy here.”

That earned her a withering glance, the former trainee visibly frustrated, "That's it, you're all grounded."


Before Aiden can finish, he was interrupted by a rather skeptic Blaze, "I'm already grounded. Like for the next year."

"That's why you're grounded for the next two years young xir," Ignis snapped in response.



"F**k you."


“Um… Tyson spoke, barely whispering. “Can we… g-go… now…?”

Aiden looked at him, startled. "Wait where did you come from- oh." He stopped at seeing Uri and Phoenix, the latter looking as annoyed as Ignis.

Ignis exhaled aggressively, "Yes, we can go now."


Everybody whirled around to glance at Agni.

”I need to test out these chips on the elemental itself! And I wanna test on it! Ooh, this is gonna be fun!” she said in a rush, bouncing on her toes while waving her fists in the air. “Let’s go!”

"You are not going near that thing, end of story," Ignis snapped at her as he made sure everyone shapeshifted and squeeze into the hole.

“Yes I am! Nothing will get in the way of my experimentation!”

"No, now come on."

The black salamander stared at the other salamanders as they popped out the hole.

”Let’s get experimenting!” the girl squealed, pushing up her glasses.

"No," Ignis snapped at her. The other adults held varying expressions, which the former trainee noticed. "What?"

Luce arched an eyebrow, "So you're going to do it, right?"

"Yes, now leave before I change my mind."

The children dashed off, each with varying degrees of excitement.

"I DIDN'T MEAN YOU-" Ignis dashed after his children, leaving the adults in uncertainty.

"He's going to do it... right?"

"I hope so."

Meanwhile, three shocked teens watched as an entire horde of children ran past them.

Ravena blinked. “…who are you?”

A couple of them stopped in their paths.




”Uri, hi!”

“Hi, I’m Egan.”

A boy stared, circuit board he had been fiddling with falling to the ground. “Who-how-“

”Do you have food?” Braxton interrupted, sticking his head out of nowhere. “We haven’t eaten in like three days.”

The siblings exchanged glances, before all simultaneously pointing at Uri, who grinned. “I thought you’d never ask!”

Soon enough, every single Firewalker had stopped to chat with their new friends, the three still mildly shocked.

Agni and Braxton were having a rather chaotic conversation, babbling on about random things. Zayden shot glares at them at moments, and Ravena didn’t talk, only ate.

Ignis had finally caught up to them, watching them with an arched eyebrow a short distance away.

Zayden and Ravena immediately got ready to fight, while Braxton was too immersed in conversation to notice.

The Shapeshifter raised his hands in defense, looking rather disinterested, "I'm just here to get my kids."

“…fine,” the boy said, pulling his brother closer. “Thank you, and goodbye.”

"Do we have to go?" Complained Aiden from nearby.

Ignis sighed, "Yes."

Braxton pouted. “Yeah, do we have to? I don’t want to-“

”Do you want to stay alive or not?” Ravena snapped. “The Lady said you were weak for a reason.”

He flinched.

”Don’t,” the tech wizard said. “Seriously.”

”Fine. Sorry.”

"Wow, someone's at a low level," Phoenix commented under her breath as she ushered the twins over to Ignis.

“Shut up,” the older two snapped, Braxton waving goodbye to the others.


Zayden stopped in his tracks, cursing under his breath.

”What’s that?” Agni asked, pointing to his circuit board.

”It’s a circuit board, I fiddle with it and-“

”Is it attached to anything?”

”No, but I hope I can-“

”Do you have photographic memory like your brother?”

”Braxton shouldn’t have told you-“

”Who’s your girlfriend?”

Zayden and Ravena turned redder than the lava—though granted, it wasn’t very red now—and scooted away from each other, both fumbling for words.

”Hmm, that seems to be an awkward subject. Interesting. Does anybody have a notepad?”

The girl blinked. “She’s… interesting…”

”Oh, thank you!”

Elsewhere, shining steel and dripping red are the only signs of movement from the ashes of Ravena's Supernova- that and the sudden sound of chopping wind around two (one? I mean the other one's not doing that much work) flying adolescents.

It turns out that everyone’s least favorite adolescent had sliced into his arm.

He just laid there, barely breathing, with no certain expression on his face, while his Cloud Neek started crying.

“Shut up!” the boy snarled, curling into a ball and watching blood drain from his arm. Blood he’d caused. On children. On families. On people.

Or maybe there hadn’t been blood. Maybe they’d gone up in flame, without even a body.

He shoved the thought away and ran a finger across his wound to stop the tears, snapping at his Neek again, “Shut up, you—you—weakling! Go away!”

Kobe was truly in danger of tears now, but if he cried, the guilt would crush him, so he got up, coughing and hacking. Fiery red burns peppered his body, chunks of his hair had been singed off, and his clothes were tatters.

”So much for spoiled…”

Cloud Neek squeaked to its trainer.

Kobe turned back around, and started yelling.

”No, I’m not cr-crying! I have no reason to, anyways! Now go away!” He yelled.

By then, a single tear was about to escape Kobe’s eye, so Cloud Neek squeaked again.

Kobe got even angrier.

”Stop pretending to care!” He roared.

He raised his fist at the Neek, but he couldn’t bring his sorry c*lo to punch his supposed friend.

Kobe lowered his fist, and turned around.

He walked back to the pile of ashes, and laid down, having no expression, like before.

Cloud Neek tried to go over to him, but then, a ghostly figure swooped in.

It was Arbite.

Arbite grabbed Cloud Neek, and placed it away from Kobe.

When the Neek protested, Arbite grabbed it, and floated away from the area, leaving him alone.

Meanwhile, in Bonfire, Luce turned to the other adults, "So we go to Lamplight Town...?"

Samantha pulled out her map, "Yes."

After the Water Warden teleported the group, where they were met with an absolute ghost town - everything had been abandoned, void beginning to seep through the cracks of the stone, and violet clouds looming overhead threateningly. There were a few audible screams, but no one was in sight, a sense of dread hanging in the air.

"Well, that's ominous," Hope said.

Kaminari blinked. “…woah.”

"What the Nor is that supposed to mean?" Questioned Glace, staring at Kaminari specifically.

“There’s purple in the rocks.”

The Ice Fairy stared at him blankly before facepalming.

Aurora, meanwhile, shifted impatiently, "Can we go now?"

Luce glanced at Lucas, "Um... do you mind?"

“Mind doing what?” the Storm fairy asked, frowning.

"Showing you the way to my grandpa's house," Aurora answered before the Astral Warden could.

Lucas' expression was unreadable as he beckoned for the group to follow, beginning to walk towards the right, "This way."

“…who’s your grandpa?”

Lucas stopped and stared at Kaminari blankly, Aurora having a similar expression.

Glace facepalmed once again, "Abner, duh."



”Who’s Abner?”

More blank staring.

Luce exhaled aggressively, "Former Astral Trainee? Hello~?"

“Oh cool! I don’t know what that is, but okay.”

"May I please shut him up?" Lane hissed.

"Please," Raiden replied to Lane, facepalming.

Lane pulled out his Pet Book, summoning a familiar furred beast. "Yo, Luminex, care to do the honors?" he asked, gesturing to Kaminari. The Luminex smirked, promptly looming over Kaminari. Within a few seconds, the Storm Fairy was held in a chokehold, any words muffled by Luminex's fur.

Aurora sighed, standing next to Lucas, "Are you all coming or not?"

The huge pet spit out a mouthful of feathers, Kaminari turning invisible. A disembodied voice whispered. “How stormy of you. Anyway, let’s go.”

The Luminex sniffed out Kaminari, promptly grabbing a hold of him and following Lucas, the invisible fairy slung over it's shoulder.

Andrew appeared slung over its shoulder. “WHAT THE HELL?”

Robin bit back a laugh, Opal swatting him. “Let’s go.”

”And hurry up,” Hei grumbled.

“Like you could.”

The Luminex growled, unceremoniously chucking Andrew to the side and unintentionally hitting an invisible Kaminari with him. Luminex promptly grunted in satisfaction.

“OW!” he yelled. “Jeez!”

"Come on people, we're trying to save the island, here!" Nathan said from the front of the group.

Lucas sighed, "Will you two stop it? Please?"

“Yeah, come on boys,” Opal scolded. “Can we get going?”

"Please," Hope sighed. The two sides glared at each other and turned back to the task at hand.

After a few minutes, the group arrived at Abner's house.

Lucas walked up to the door and knocked - notably hesitantly - and waited before turning to leave, "Seems he's not home so-"

Aurora grabbed him by the arm and glared, "Check the barn."

“The barn?” Hei asked. “What sort of person…”

Lucas sighed before beckoning for them to follow, this time leading the group around the house, where they were met with sight of a maze composed of fields of crops, a barn visible somewhere halfway down the fields.

“…Mom and Dad live in a hundred-story tower that’s part of an entire legend, allowes each of us ten-story bedrooms, and is always full of spiders.”

A pause.

”God, I’d kill to live here.”

"I wouldn't," Lucas muttered under his breath.

Luce arched an eyebrow, "You wouldn't kill anyone to begin with."

A sigh, then Astral Warden gestured for the group to follow once again, navigating through the fields until reaching the barn, where the familiar form of Abner was leaning against the barn door, arms crossed.

"Took you long enough."

“How’d you know we were coming?” Opal frowned.

He gestured to the lavender clouds above, replying, "To be fair, your parents have a bit of a record when it comes to dark elements."

“True,” she sighed. “So I assume you know what we’re here for? Because I don’t.”

"Let me guess, a dark element - and this is a bit of a gamble here - rose again, most likely Void this time since Luce seems fine over there, and also since no one ever bothered to remember that there's an elemental now. Ergo, since this is how Shadow was dealt with, you want me to get everyone in Lamplight Town to gather so you can concentrate Astral Magic enough for it to do actual damage," at seeing their expressions he chuckled slightly, "Well, am I right or am I wrong?"

“…yes, you’re right,” the girl said. “At least, I’m pretty sure.”

"All right, I take it that you still need to go to Firefly?"

Raiden blinked, "How did you-"

He shrugged in response, "Well, I'm technically the area guardian for Lamplight Town, so I'm guessing you paid the other former Trainees a visit for that reason. As for why I didn't say Skywatch or Shiverchill, neither Aly or Storm are here."

"All right, I take it that you still need to go to Firefly?"

Raiden blinked, "How did you-"

He shrugged in response, "Well, I'm technically the area guardian for Lamplight Town, so I'm guessing you paid the other former Trainees a visit for that reason. As for why I didn't say Skywatch or Shiverchill, neither Aly or Storm are here."

"Yeah, you're good here, I was just getting ready to go before the lot of you arrived - not that I mind." Abner paused, "Well, sort of - Kaminari no." The Storm Fairy was about to touch one of the plants nearby, presumably to grab a snack on the way out.

The fairy vanished, cracking puns while circling around Lane over and over.

”What a stellar farm this is!”

”I’m gonna kill-“

”Sorry, that was a corny joke.”

Abner sighed, "Are you going to go or not? Because if I were you, I wouldn't be wanting to go to Firefly any later than now."

Luce frowned, "How come?"

"See for yourself," the former trainee gestured in the direction of Firefly, visible below the hill the barn rested on.

Andrew frowned. “Huh. What if Dad and I flew down there real quick and got a quick rally?”

Abner shook his head, "I think you'll be better off sending Luce, I can barely see the Big Tree through that mist and that's saying something."

“Imagine not seeing!” Robin gasped, feigning shock. “Nobody here knows what that feels like.”


”Sorry, not the time. What do we do while Luce is off? Go check on the other areas’ status?”

"Finding Void. How are you supposed to fight it when you don't know where it is?" The former Trainee responded, turning to open the barn door at this point.

“…but how?” Hei asked.

"Simple, where would- oh. Actually... I don't think it's a good idea for anyone to go to Firefly."

Purple mist had become a thick black fog, the color draining from the place entirely.

Aurora connected the dots, eyes widening, "Void's in Firefly?"

"Most likely."

“So then how do we fight it?” Kaminari frowned, flying over.

Abner quickly ducked into the barn and led a Mystyyk out, "My advice? Contact the others regarding where Void is, then meet them a safe distance outside of Firefly. If you want help from Lamplight, I have to go now - good luck." He mounted the Myst and left, leaving the group alone.

The fairy shrugged and turned to the others. “So?”

"I guess we use the chat," Raiden said with a shrug, already conjuring a hologram, "So I tell them Void's at Firefly and meet us there, right?"


The borg typed something out, soon saying , "Sea says okay, Ignis is being sarcastic, Aly responded too and says she's coming - oh and Juniper thread hijacked and is yelling at us to hurry up, no pressure."

Hei peered over her shoulder. “Tell her I say hello and beg her not to ground me, thanks.”

"Fine," the borg said grouchily, but typed out the message anyways.

Her response?

_Chat Log_
JW (4:17 am)> Sorry Storm was waking up where was I? Oh yeah—YOU’LL BE SORTING THE BOOKS WITH ME BY ALPHABETICAL ORDER ALL MONTH
RD (4:18 am)> Juniper he gets it.
RD (4:20 am)> He’s hurt.
JW (4:21 am)> Oh Hei poor baby are you hurt? Get back to Skywatch and I’ll tend to you immediately, Winston and Mira need an update anyway and Storm and Jade aren’t getting much better. Does it hurt too much? Where is it? Are you okay? I’d bake you cookies but we’re in an apocalypse and there isn’t a kitchen 

Raiden shut the log. “Okay now hope she doesn’t start pinging me because I cannot handle the notifications.”

Glace crossed her arms, "Are we heading to Firefly or not?"

“Let’s go!” Andrew said, jumping into the air and spinning in a circle, disappearing halfway through.

"I doubt it's gonna be as lively as before," Chase said, pulling out his map. "Well, let's go." The image of Firefly Forest was tapped and the group teleported away.

They arrived just outside the edge of the forest, the dark fog dense to the point no one could see more then a few inches into the forest. A few other wizards had begun to teleport in, accompanied by indifferent fey and some rather bored looking slimes - a few salamanders notably keeping their distance from the living goo.

The activity on Harmony Island increased, the stone deity clearly preparing to take drastic measures if the residents were to fail to reset a balance that could effect not only their timeline, but the multiverse.

As something loomed within the mists of Firefly, a lone ghost watched, gaze unreadable.

"Seems like you guys got this all figured out, huh?" a familiar voice asked.

Luce spun to face the voice, fur fluffed up and ears laid back before calming down, "Oh. Hi Dylan."

"Even without me, trouble follows you guys around, huh?" the wizard chuckled. "Anyway, Harmony's gonna do her thing in about fifteen minutes so I hope you're ready."

"They," a now unshapeshifted salamander, Blaze, corrected while keeping Agni arm's distance away by keeping a palm against her face at all times.

As this occurred, Abner rode in on the Mystyyk, a horde of wizards not far behind. A few more wizards and fey joined the growing mass of people, yetis and dwarven miners showing up as well.

“LOOK AT IT!” Agni squealed. “IT’S A ROBOT PERSON! Please can I run some tests? I need to examine it! Look at it!”

Raiden glared, "I am not a robot and you are not experimenting on me and if you try I will kill you."

“Oooh, how would you kill me? What are your abilities? Do you have specific functions? This is the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me! Look look look at the metal! Fascinating…”

The borg, in turn, gripped a device, only to be stopped by Glace.

Shockingly, the Ice Fairy informed her, "It's not worth it."

Rai, meanwhile, had rushed over to Aly - who had arrived alongside Sea and Ignis.

Lane loomed over the young shapeshifter. "Ignis, get a control of your spawn before I do," Lane growled, popping his knuckles.

“WOAH! Look at that! It created a gadget out of nowhere? What can you do? What can you do? Do you explode?”

Raiden glared, "There's something called pockets, weirdo. And I do not explode."

Lane promptly hoisted Agni up by the back of her collar, walking off with her, away from Raiden.

“Woah! You’re the Storm Warden, right? Dad said you were. Do your powers get amplified? By how much? What can you do with the Storm Gem?”

She started speaking too fast to be understood, only a few words being caught. “…fascinating… capabilities… Mana capacity…”

Ignis immediately ran up to Lane and snatched Agni from him, huffing irritably and dragging the girl away.

Glace crossed her arms, "Are we going to do something or...?"

The grass around the entire population of Prodigia began to wilt, the mist in Firefly Forest receiving magenta eyes as it inched towards the mass. Wizards gripped their wands, fairies flapped their wings, hovering in the air and readied whatever elemental magic they could muster, and all other species forced whatever available magic they could out of them.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Samantha asked.

The wizards lowered their wands. "Are we seriously working with them?" one asked, pointing at a group of fairies, who rewarded them with glared and clenched jaws.

The wizard who spoke up was met with a pointed glare from Abner, "Either you work with them or you pay off-"

"You wouldn't-"

"-everything you owe me, including the-"

"Alright, fine!"

About 90% of the wizards lowered their heads, not wanting to face a similar threat, the others dropping their glares after realizing the lack of support.

Sea glanced at Abner from nearby, "Exactly how much-"

"Believe me, you don't want to know."

Meanwhile, a mother faced her daughter, the last family she had left.

“Are you sure you’re fine…?”

“Yes!” Juniper snapped. “Just leave me alone, I’m fine.”

“You’re clearly not-“

“Just…” she glanced at her sister, squeezing Storm’s hand even tighter. “whatever.”

Hilda frowned, yet only gazed at empty air, where, unbeknownst to her, her son watched, glare slowly fading into an expression of vulnerability, kindness, tenderness even.

“It hurts losing them, doesn’t it?”

The healer flinched, grip tightening even more. “I’m not losing them.”

“I don’t mean them. Though Jade might…”

“Jade might what?”

The Keeper hugged the book to her chest. “Nothing.”

Juniper’s eyes narrowed, yet she said only, “Then who did you mean?”

“The healing tents.”

It was taking all of her resolve not to be… weak. “Don’t mention them,” she snapped, voice heavy with held-back emotion.

“You have to.”

“No, I don’t!” Juniper screamed, getting to her feet. Hunter’s ghost floated backwards, alarm visible in both his and his mother’s gazes, though the latter on,y shook her head. “You think I don’t know? More than anyone else?”

She pursed her lips. “It’s just… I can’t… I won’t and you can’t make me.”

“I’m not going to make you.”

“Good. Because they were past saving,” the healer responded, seeming to be talking to herself now. “I didn’t give up on them. I did everything I could.”

Hilda inclined her head. “But you don’t believe it.”

“Well, of course I don’t!” Juniper exclaimed. “You don’t know what it’s like, do you, seeing children… parents… orphans… everyone die under your own gaze, when you should’ve had the power to save them, but you were too weak, too selfish, only caring for your own…”

“You don’t think I regret it?” Hilda asked. Her tone wasn’t accusatory, only sad and wistful. “I have the power to control the universe, Juniper, and I could’ve saved them all. Gale. H-Hunter. Austen. The children. The Wardens. I could’ve… I could’ve stopped him from… from…”

The two were silent for a while.

“…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“I didn’t deserve to say that.”

The Keeper frowned at her daughter. “You don’t have to deserve to grieve. There’s no amount of suffering you have to go through to feel. You need to pass your burdens on eventually.”

“No, I don’t. I’m doing just fine.”

Hilda sighed but didn’t argue further. “The point is, I could’ve redone it, but that wouldn’t have brought you into the world. And you and your sister and your brother have helped the world so much. Even if it pains us… it’s fate.”

Juniper’s gaze flickered to her sister’s, her grip on Storm loosening. “You really think that?”

“I have to, don’t I?”

Hunter watched them silently, unseen tears hitting the ground over and over again. His own fate he could accept. But what good would ever come out of what had happened to his sister?

For a moment, he imagined the tables turning. Jade dying. How would he have reacted? No better, maybe even worse. After all, his rage fueled him, it kept him going, it was better than submitting to the mess of abandonment and loneliness and pain and pure sorrow. He’d never let go of it, just like his sister wouldn’t let go of the endless laughs as she murdered again and again and again.

Hilda glanced at her eldest daughter, eyes burning with unshed tears. “It’s selfish to think that way, that I couldn’t have done anything, but it’s essential. It keeps me alive. It’s kept me alive for too many years to count.”

Juniper let go of the cyborg, not realizing how long and how tightly she’d been squeezing until she’d unclenched her fingers. “Mourning later. Fixing them now.”

But could you be fixed? Hunter thought. When you’re broken beyond repair?

The family reunion ended as the ghost vanished again, brushing ghostly fingers against his sister’s arm one last time.

Watching the gathered army, the ghost of a lone Ivory watched, dread churning.

As the smallest sparks of magic was prepared for the attempt to weaken the elemental, the ghost couldn't help but notice - no, feel - that this wasn't going to work.

The flecks of Astral Magic in the air glimmered when enforced by the other elements, but soon faded, darkness overtaking the elemental magic unnoticed.

As one of the flecks drifted his way, he couldn't help but extend a palm, allowing one to rest on his hand. This immediately earned a frown - he was dead, wasn't he? How was he holding it?

Slowly, but surely, a realization dawned upon him, leading to him cursing at his own stupidity.

The elementals were spirits, but they could use the elements, couldn't they?

Maybe, just maybe, the little ghost could help.

Yet would it be worth it? Would it ever make up for what he's done?

Most likely not, but he could only hear one thing at the moment, a memory single word being whispered.


Alright, Faith, I'll try.

Every ghost that roamed the Island appeared in the clearing, even those who walked the void.

And the source of it?

A fairy with a most likely stupid idea.

Samantha frustratedly sighed, seeing the particles of elemental magic fade out. "Again," she ordered.

Another attempt failed.





The warden felt a tug at her arm. She looked down, meeting the eyes of Hope. "Mom, this isn't working."

A sense of hopelessness, frustration, and disappointment immediately spread throughout the crowd.

"You all brought us here for nothing?!"

"Hey, at least they tried."

"We don't want to hear it from you monsters. They sided with you in the war and probably brought us here to let us all die."

"Mommy, are we going to die? I-I don't wanna die..."

"We should have taken control of the Academy the first time. Then we wouldn't be here."

"You would have driven the island to a worse fate if you did."

"A worse fate? We're going to die here, because of them."

The crowd increased in volume, the island inhabitants conflicting with each other, driven by fear.

The Void elemental grew in mass as the islanders ignored it in their conflict.

Meanwhile a quantity of ghosts were being explained a rushed plan, a few moving to the front where the ghost of a certain ivory floated.

Soon enough, the traces of the elemental energy flickered once again, strands being torn from the pseudo-elemental itself in a unseen struggle.

The abyssal being writhed and bit back at the spectral rending it was undergoing, forcing whatever was in range of a tentacle back into itself. The voices within its head yelled and cried for freedom, an incessant roar against barest monotony.

Pulsing dark shockwaves rocked the island as energy fluctuated and ran rampant, the Element of Void using grand amounts of effort to will it all under control. The ear-splitting sound of the screams within resonated in an incomprehensible grinding noise outside, echoing across all.

So too did the one word that gave the psuedo-elemental temporary control, enough to end Prodigia itself.


Void mist hissed in the air as the struggle decreased in intensity and the voices began to quiet.

Now, the null one heard where its next target was.

Slowly, it drifted along the canopy, dark lashing whips backed by raw, unfiltered power willing one question.



The sheer agony forced a certain hybrid to sit up, shaking.

”Jade, go back to-“


Juniper frowned. “What-“

”It’s awake, and I can’t-“

The rest of her words were drowned by a scream as Void rushed in and out of her again, forcing all else away in its pursuit to join the elemental.




resounded the voice in the remaining living voidwalkers, now evidently raged.

Dead prodigians with powerful elemental links and an entire army of ghosts did not exactly fit into the Element of Void's plan.

Jade contorted again, her sister frantically reaching for a trusty vial of sedative, barely able to keep her hands from shaking. “Do you want me to-“

“Don’t!” the hybrid screamed, attempting to pull away but failing through the pain. “…don’t.”

Juniper bit her lip. “Fine. Fine. But I can’t-“

”Do whatever you want,” she snarled, attempting to get to her feet. “Just don’t sedate me.”

”Okay. But-“

”What’s… going—ow—on?”


Jade’s glare made Void look downright tame. “Tell me.”

Juniper inhaled and exhaled before speaking. “Void rose.”


”See this is why I didn’t want to tell you.”

The hybrid laughed manically, hiding a scream of pain. “You never tell me anything, sis, just…”

She relaxed slightly, still quivering. “Keep me updated.”

Meanwhile, the ghosts were progressively tearing out strands of elemental magic, always disappearing and later reappearing whenever the pseudo-elemental decided to do something about it.

The flickers of energy became wisps.

The ghost of certain ivory, oddly enough, hadn't done anything yet - but seemed to be concentrating on something, his efforts slowly becoming evident as seven orbs of different colored light concentrated on the edge of the field, growing in strength as every stand was torn.

Magic was once again a possibility.

Opal frowned. “What’s… what’s going on?”

Luce glanced at the strands of the elemental energy present in the air, the ghosts going unseen, "I don't know, but it looks like someone's doing something to Void."

“We need to help,” Hei said, eyes glued to the elemental.

"But we can't-" Luce cut himself off, "Actually..." He reached out to one of the strands of elemental energy - a darker one - and managed manipulate it. Almost immediately he glanced at Samantha, "Do you mind?"

Samantha looked at the strand, reaching out to it and moving her hands, manipulating it. The rest of the wardens reached out, one by one, moving their respective elemental strands. The crowd quieted, looking at the moving strands, disagreement and quarrels losing out to newfound hope.

The crowd began to do likewise, elemental energy being manipulated and concentrated before weak, but spells nevertheless, were being cast at the elemental.

Beyond the veil, a portion of the ghosts was drawing out new strands of elemental energy, while others were careful to make sure Void wasn't able to absorb the traces of the spells bombarding it.

The lone ghost of an ivory continued his work, the seven orbs of elemental energy becoming more distinct as the voices began to quiet in Void's thoughts.

Flames were blasted at the elemental, one dragon hybrid being responsible.

Hei smirked. “Ooh, this’ll be fun.”

Astral spells began being cast, two especially strong ones blasting Void full in his “face”—thanks to a very annoyed Winston and Mira.

Andrew and Kaminari flew around the elemental constantly like gnats, wind and lightning occasionally flashing at him.

Fire, Water, Earth, Storm, Ice, Astral, and Shadow magic clashed against the pseudo-elemental's shield of void-tainted mist, bright colors sparking against the darkness of the void. The mist slowly grew, pushing the elemental magic away, a rainbow of elemental sparks hitting the ground. Then the elemental magic increased in power, pushing the mist back once more, Void's defensive measure getting dangerously close to itself.

Radiating, toxic shockwaves burst out of each particle and spore present in the mist. Umbral anger taken form shook the army like beans in a maraca, those knocked off of balance quickly subsumed by void and tentacle.

The elemental magic faltered, the mist expanding once more. Elemental magic was drawn out of Void by the ghosts and casted upon it once more by the remaining inhabitants, bringing the conflict to a standstill as darkness and light battled for control. Within the rubble of the Academy, five keystones began to glow brighter and brighter as elemental magic flowed into them once more.

The streaks in the wardens' hair began to glow brighter as they were filled with rising increments of power, the elemental magic slowly forcing their way in the mist, warping it. Storm Magic suddenly surged through the mist, filling it with static, weakening the defensive barrier as more magic surged into it.

Ice crystals were fired up in the air, complimented by bright yellow streaks of refracted Astral Magic that lightflared the barrier from multiple points.

Rocks and plants spiked up underneath the barrier, leaving short-lived holes as the were immediately disintegrated, new Earth material immediately taking their place and spiking up higher. A massive spike of rock drove it's way out of the mist, leaving a significant opening in the mist. Immediately, a ball of supercharged water with a shell of ice was launched into the hole, followed by a beam of Astral magic before the hole repaired itself. The ground in front of the mist was lit on fire as a rock jutted it's way through the mist once more, shattering the static icebomb, unleashing electrified water while also lightflaring the mist with refracted Astral Magic, the static enhancing the damage dealt. Shadow Magic creeped through the remnants of the hole, spreading through the field as it encountered the burst of magic and tainting the path of all static electricity within the mist, granting partial control to any Shadow Magic users.

Suddenly, a portal opened.

"Is that a giant gold coin portal in the sky?" Jax asked.

"Well that's strange," Aurora said, still firing Astral magic at the raining shards of ice.

Robin frowned. “What happened?”

"There's a giant gold coin portal in the sky," Hope replied.

Then, a blue flash zipped across the sky.

The mist thinned as more elemental magic weakened it, Shadow Magic warping holes in it, exposing the pseudo-elemental.

"Gotta speed through!" yelled a voice as the flash zipped across the pseudo-elemental.

The void immediately swallows him up and spits out the confused speedster, Ansat clearly not being up to the elemental's taste.

Ben flew out, too, but instead of flying, he hit the ground while rolling.

The living and dead alike stared at the scene blankly, a few even facepalming. It was only when the void mist began to thicken again did they snap back to reality, casting away at the pseudo-elemental.

The elemental residue began to mist, concentrating into the orbs with every spell.

Falling Star Smash.

Forest Hurricane.

Shadow Shock.

Snowling Ball.

Ion Cannon.



All of the spells were cast, combining with each other to wreak havoc on the pseudo-elemental to the point the mist was diminished - and an Ivory finished.

The orbs burst violently, elemental energy blasting Void mercilessly as seven elements took a stand once more.

The Wardens blinked in surprise before launching attacks of their own, electricity crackling and water striking, ice and stone impaling from below as multiple plants grew up and restrained the pseudo-elemental - temporarily allowing the crowd to attack uninterrupted. This was followed by Shadow Magic groping to control the varying Void Tentacles and twisting it against the original caster, as well as Astral Magic bombarding and refracting as it was sent Void's way.

Walls of fire burned scalding hot to help contain the elemental, the produced light assisting with the Astral attacks.

Void tentacles whipped more ferociously in response, striking out at the crowd, ghosts, and elementals alike.

The counterattacks became more and more constructive, leaving the pseudo-elemental fewer and fewer opportunities to properly defend itself.

Nearly unnoticed, a certain ghost hastily proceeded to concentrate every unused strand, wisp, or fleck of elemental energy, the growing mass of luminous energy forming before him and becoming visible to even the living.

The ghost then looked up at Void, meeting the pseudo-elemental in the eye before unleashing hell, the ball of energy striking the elemental and cutting a gaping hole through its body, Void's "blood" dripping on the ground with a hiss.

The elemental's reality warped and collapsed in itself, reducing to a small orb that quickly faded, black and purple staining the ground where it stood.

The crowd blinked, registering what just happened. " it gone?"

"Seems so," Lucas replied.

The crowd promptly broke out into earsplitting cheers, inhabitants of all species hugging and hooting in joy and triumph.

Glace blinked, "Wait isn't Harmony still about to-"

All seven of the remaining elementals disappeared immediately, presumably to scream at a certain stone deity.

Back in Skywatch, one cyborg began to stir, drawing the attention of the three others nearby.

Up in the clouds, a hybrid felt a sudden rushing sensation, refilling the drained scars. “Wh-what happened?”

Juniper smiled. “They defeated Void.”

Instead of looking happy, though, Jade looked quite crestfallen, turning away from her sister. “Does that mean…”

”Mean what?”

The Voidwalker began to laugh, not out of joy, but out of insanity. “Of course, I still can’t sleep.”

”I don’t-“

Jade snarled, slowly getting to her feet. ”What makes you hate me so much? That you won’t even let me die when I could? That you’ll force me back to that prison-“

A zap resounded from the tracker and she fell limp, pure hatred filling her gaze.

Juniper sighed, turning to Storm, who’d opened his eyes. “We’ve still got problems, don’t we?”

The borg was about to sit up when he noticed a certain someone's hand around his. He immediately looked in the other direction and awkwardly muttered, "Do you mind... letting go of my hand?"

This was met with similar behavior from the hybrid, Juniper quickly releasing his hand as the heat rose to her face.

They sat gawkily for a bit before Storm spoke up again.

"So uh... why were you holding it, to begin with?"

"Holding what?"

" hand."

She turned the color of a strawberry. “I-I was… was worried… about you…” the healer finished lamely.

”Why were you-“

”You idiot.”


Juniper crushed the cyborg in a hug, muttering, “Shut up,” before releasing him from the hold.

”…okay, I guess…”

They were both grinning.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Academy, a new gem forms in the central window of the pedestals.

It radiates light, dark, a rainbow of pure elemental potential built up by the Void over time. Its glistening visage is blinding bright, beautiful yet accursed at the same time.

Its magic aura is enough to draw all those seeking power towards it...

but that would be later on.

Back at the grounds between Firefly Forest and Lamplight Town, the only evidence of the battle between the Element of Void and all of Prodigia was a single purple footprint in the ground, slightly bubbling as it began to fade away.


[v · t · e · ?]
Libra's Scale Series
Roleplays: Libra's Scale  •  Libra's Scale 2  •  Libra's Scale 3  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble
Extras: Libra's Scale: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 2: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 3: Extras  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble: Extras
Wizard School/Camp
Roleplays: Wizard School/Camp
Extras: Wizard School/Camp: Extras
The Academy's Secret
Roleplays: The Academy's Secret
Extras: The Academy's Secret: Extras
Rap Battles
Roleplays: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa
Extras: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa: Extras
Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Roleplays: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Extras: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!: Extras
The Return of the Wardens
Roleplays: The Return of the Wardens  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi  •  The Crystal Queen  •  Shadow's Rising  •  The Wardens Renowned  •  Xenophobe  •  Warfare  •  Ceasefire  •  Void's Reign  •  Light's Fall  •  Greyshift Coronation  •  Filia Umbra  •  Ground Zero  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR)  •  The Crystal Warden  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU)
Extras: The Return of the Wardens: Extras  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi: Extras  •  The Crystal Queen: Extras  •  Shadow's Rising: Extras  •  The Wardens Renowned: Extras  •  Xenophobe: Extras  •  Warfare: Extras  •  Ceasefire: Extras  •  Void's Reign: Extras  •  Light's Fall: Extras  •  Greyshift Coronation: Extras  •  Filia Umbra: Extras  •  Ground Zero: Extras  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR): Extras  •  The Crystal Warden: Extras  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU): Extras
A Normal Picnic
Roleplays: A Normal Picnic
Extras: None
Other Roleplays
Roleplays: Ansat to the Max  •  Bittersweet  •  Elemental Divide  •  Final Life  •  Hide-N-Seek  •  Into the Caverns  •  Lost Past  •  Pet Trainer, Portal Chaser  •  Prodigy Funny Laughs  •  Prodigy Summer Olympics  •  Rickroll Member Box - The Origin  •  The Magic of Imagination  •  Sound of a Roar
Extras: Lost Past: Extras  •  RQT Roleplay: Extras  •  Elemental Divide: Extras