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EAV> void's reign and light's fall: *entirely populated by bloopers*
their extras pages, literally:
EoV: Wait.
EoS: What could you possibly want!? You killed everyone!
EoV: If i'm a substrand of you...
EoS: Quite obvious. Your inferiority is a blazing beacon of "bad" in an endless sea of "adequate".
EoV: ...are you my mom?
S: why
V: im so sorry
FL> You just summed up the entirety of my thoughts relating to Void's existence
ALY> Same here-
FL> EoV: *tries to infect Shadow again*
EoS: Void, you're grounded.
EoV, in edgy teen stage: You can't tell me what to do.
EoV: *leaves*
ALY> Wait if Void (the elemental) is the result of Void (the elemental residue) infecting Gale...
Doesn't that mean Gale's Void's dad? And that he accidentally cheated on Aly with Shadow-
FL> ...
JJ> Lmao yes

My friend says bc he won't leave my laptop alone until he gets to
ALY> What is it with him and the cheese and the worms-
JJ> Ah yes, worm god Lucas.
FL> "What is it with him and the cheese and the worms-"
Because: "Cheesy worms"
"Ah yes, worm god Lucas."
Response: "Look, mom, I'm famous."
ALY> *blinks*

“Wait, you have children?!” Andrew giggled. “And they’re salamanders.”

FL> *then they transform in front of Andrew and all pop their knuckles*
JJ> *disappears*
Andrew trying very hard not to laugh:
ALY> y e s

"And do you have a problem with that?" Snapped a very non-salamander teen, having shapeshifted as soon as Andrew started laughing.

A few others had done likewise, while the rest remained salamanders, still glaring at Scarlet.

JJ> Also because I’m bored:
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Lucas, Sea, Storm
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you: Chase, Abner, Juniper, Luce, Hilda
Looks like they could you kill you, is a cinnamon roll: Lane, Dylan
Looks like they could kill you, could kill you: Gale, Jade, Aly, Hunter, Igni

Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Jax, Aurora, Hope,
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you: Rai, Opal, Robin
Looks like they could you kill you, is a cinnamon roll: Nathan, Hei
Looks like they could kill you, could kill you: Aria, Raiden, Glace

(I had no idea where to sort Kobe)

Opal crossed her arms, staring Ignis down for ten seconds before turning to the many salamanders, whispering out of the corner her mouth to Chase, “Can you produce embers or lava or something? Something they eat?”

JJ> Here’s the plan: She feeds the salamanders til they love her
ALY> ...
yeah that's not going to work

however, they do want to pet scarlet, e
FL> Friend: "What if they ate charred worm gods"
JJ> Tell your friend he’s more insane than Miss Insanity herself 

X> I had a scene but I think I’ll make it into a blooper.

Kobe: Okay, men! Your elements have stopped working for some reason unknown to me, so we need to work on more physical attacks.

Cloud Neek: *Flying in circles*
Tarragon: *Smashing head into trees*
Arbite: *Actually doing something practical, and punching with its long limbs*
Aquaster: *Gnawing trees like an actual beaver*
Triptrop: *Ramming into trees and hurting itself*

Kobe: *Facepalms* I really should have helped these guys with this earlier on…

EAV> aria has done absolutely nothing to prevent Kobe from commiting ouch wrist
should i write something for that lmao
storm: "ARIA"
aria: "WHAT"
s: "come to dinner, your dads are at the table"
a: "no, i'm listening to music"
s: "well put it on pause"
a: "no"
s: "what are you even listening to anyway?" *masksnatch.png*
*the sus part of Sweet Bod by Lemon Demon blaring in the room*
s: "we're going to discuss this at the table. we've got wendy's"
a: "wen deez nuts dont fit in your mouth"
s: "grounded. 1 month."
a: "aww"

ALY> Wait. Wait. WAIT.
Okay, because I know that there's no way the gang's plan is going to work and Void's just going to absorb the elemental energy-

So since the elementals are spirits created from condensed elemental energy (taking a physical form under the right conditions), they're practically dripping with elemental energy whenever they're present - allowing them to affect/be affected magically.
That means Astral prob doing some funky sh*t to Void rn, yet since the other elements are weakened, it doesn't really do anything.
Shadow's most likely fine but planning to ground Void for literal eternity the second she gets out of his/its consciousness. 

Doesn't that mean the elements taint the soul/spirit/whatever of anyone who uses magic due to unintentionally leaking their consciousness wherever they go? And when they reabsorb it, do they absorb traces of their consciousness?
And if so, does that mean (assuming Void can see them since he/its counts as one) Void has a ghost fetish?

Now for the point I'm getting at:
Void ate the Darkshades since they contained high traces of itself, correct? Then it absorbed the elementals since they contained high traces of elemental energy and skyrocketed his/its power. 
So doesn't that mean the ghosts any past elemental balance users (this is killing me, argh) are practically a tasty snack to Void?
But for the reasons I stated above, doesn't that also mean the ghosts of any past elemental balance users, as long as they hosted Void at some point, can also absorb (small) traces of Void - and the traces of the other elements within that - to they point they act as a neutral pseudo-elemental?
And in that case - *stares at Gale's ghost intensely* - some incredibly stupid sh*t is going to go down.
JJ> Um-
ALY> It's called overly logical and I do it way too often for my taste, e
FL> solo
too much logic
way too much

Samantha, after everyone casts Astral spells: It's...not working.
*sad anime music as families hug as void expands, blotting out whatever light was left*
Former EB Ghosts: *struggle to slightly warp the void's mist*
*random massive gold coin appears, a bright portal in the center*
*heroic anime music*
Ben: *flies out, holding a curled up Ansat and spins rapidly and launches him into the gap within the Void's mist*
Ansat: *spinballs straight through the void*
Everyone else:
*Lamplight erupts in cheering as the void clears and Ansat and Ben are hoisted in the air, their names chanted*
Samantha: What just-
Chase: Something incredibly well-timed and coincidental.
ALY> "solo
too much logic
way too much"
It's sound tho-
There isn't anything wrong with the logic (imo) but I want to see what Vibin says bc... that is an amount of sh*t that shouldn't be possible

A splash signified the said person had arrived, a very annoyed and very familiar voice ringing out as soon as they shifted, "Care to explain what you're doing here?"

By then, Flame had already gone, headed to the surface.

Blaze looked like a child caught putting a tack on the teacher's chair while the twins practically shrunk into their corner, Egan speaking first.

"H-hi, dad..."

Aiden blinked, "Are we in trouble?"


FL> Flame: Yo, guys, someone's coming.
*Flame has left the chat*
Egan: Waitwhat
*Ignis has entered the chat*
Blaze: Oh crap-
ALY> Ignis: You're grounded.
Aiden: Oh come on-
Blaze: I'm already grounded.
Ignis: You're grounded for the rest of the month-
Blaze: Still grounded.
Ignis: FINE. When are you ungrounded?
Blaze: Next year.
Ignis: Make that two years.
Blaze: F**k you.
Ignis: THREE.




[v · t · e · ?]
Libra's Scale Series
Roleplays: Libra's Scale  •  Libra's Scale 2  •  Libra's Scale 3  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble
Extras: Libra's Scale: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 2: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 3: Extras  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble: Extras
Wizard School/Camp
Roleplays: Wizard School/Camp
Extras: Wizard School/Camp: Extras
The Academy's Secret
Roleplays: The Academy's Secret
Extras: The Academy's Secret: Extras
Rap Battles
Roleplays: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa
Extras: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa: Extras
Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Roleplays: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Extras: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!: Extras
The Return of the Wardens
Roleplays: The Return of the Wardens  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi  •  The Crystal Queen  •  Shadow's Rising  •  The Wardens Renowned  •  Xenophobe  •  Warfare  •  Ceasefire  •  Void's Reign  •  Light's Fall  •  Greyshift Coronation  •  Filia Umbra  •  Ground Zero  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR)  •  The Crystal Warden  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU)
Extras: The Return of the Wardens: Extras  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi: Extras  •  The Crystal Queen: Extras  •  Shadow's Rising: Extras  •  The Wardens Renowned: Extras  •  Xenophobe: Extras  •  Warfare: Extras  •  Ceasefire: Extras  •  Void's Reign: Extras  •  Light's Fall: Extras  •  Greyshift Coronation: Extras  •  Filia Umbra: Extras  •  Ground Zero: Extras  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR): Extras  •  The Crystal Warden: Extras  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU): Extras
A Normal Picnic
Roleplays: A Normal Picnic
Extras: None
Other Roleplays
Roleplays: Ansat to the Max  •  Bittersweet  •  Elemental Divide  •  Final Life  •  Hide-N-Seek  •  Into the Caverns  •  Lost Past  •  Pet Trainer, Portal Chaser  •  Prodigy Funny Laughs  •  Prodigy Summer Olympics  •  Rickroll Member Box - The Origin  •  The Magic of Imagination  •  Sound of a Roar
Extras: Lost Past: Extras  •  RQT Roleplay: Extras  •  Elemental Divide: Extras