“Lane, you’re being an instigator,” Luce stated drily from beside the Storm Warden.
ALY> Meanwhile, Rai’s vision resonated orange as a particularly large chunk of rock formed in the air, the pseudo meteor slamming into the back of Hei’s head, his scalp exploding into a mess of pink and red before the Trainee petrified, his final face of annoyed agony frozen for eternity.
In another dimension, the God of Geo himself yelled out the words, “I will have Order!” before a wandering band of hilichurls met the same fate, instigated by a certain entity of logic.
FL> “Lane, you’re being an instigator,” <Lane: He deserves a rock thrown at him, though. *after Blooper* Lane: Huh, thought he'd block that. Also, Rai, I meant like a pebble-sized rock, thrown with average strength.
The Shadow trainee’s smirk widened. “You want to check Wizard Watch or should I just tell you?”
"Do I look like a wizard to you?"
FL> Hei, it's "Fairy Feel"
source: Jade
Opal scoffed and ducked under the Ice fairy’s next strike, dancing just out of hitting range. “The only person who’s allowed to hurt me is myself. Sorry, freak, just because you’re hot doesn’t mean you’re allowed to do that.”
"Sometimes I question how you're still alive with that attitude," she replied, tripping the hobbyist with her tail.
ALY> She jumped over it and took another few steps backwards. “So do I. Well, wonderful chat, but I have a cyborg to brutally murder.” <Opal opened her map when a ding sounded from her backpack. She took out her device for Wizard Watch, then smirked. “Oh, and good luck to your dad.” However, before the hobbyist could teleport, a katana slammed into her stomach, grosequetly pinning her body to the wall. Ice sprung from the blade, freeezing her in place and keeping her bleeding out, however, it wouldn't last long. Shadows danced against the wall, forming the tentacles and arms of mosters, reaching out with the knarled hands and acid coated limbs. They were incredibly lifelike, but when a finger scratched her cheek, nothing happened. Opal laughed, voiced strained, "Is that all you got?" Glace said nothing, slowly lifting her hand into the air and causing the shadows to become three-dimensional, looming over the wizard. She observed her "friend" for a second, cocking her head slightly, before smiling and clenching her first, causing the monsters to lunge for Opal and shredding her body. For a while, the hobbyist didn't let out a sound, only her quickened breathing accompanying a sloshes and squelches of torn flesh, but then she screamed, the sound echoing through the sparring hall and throughout the Earth Tower. Soon the shadows slithered away, the corpse being reduced to rubbled flesh, resembling cranberries in thanksgiving jelly. The fey crouched down, dipping her finger into the mush and painting her lips with the blood, "Forever together, right?" She then scoffed, turning to the cowering form of her brother and picking up the pumager. Opal wasn't worth lingering over. She never had been.
The judge looked him up and down. “What happened on the date of the crime?”
FL> Juniper died, idiot, your Honor. That's why we're here, your Honor. Get with the program, your Honor.
“I’m that case, your Honor,” he stressed the title in an unrecognizable tone, crossing one arm across his chest and shrugging with the other, “Nothing you’ll believe.”
ALY> “I was revived from death after three years, found out my daughter gave way to her demonic genetics and looks like Shadow, I then had to calm her down and broke my arm in the process, my son apparently developed anger issues and uses a rock from another world to destroy the Academy Training hall, so that was fun to see, I accidentally had s*x with my wife, and somehow was at the asylum when Juniper died even if I don’t recall how.”
"So then...the keystones..." Aurora trailed off.
"Are damaged," Austen finished, "And with that in mind, after dealing with this...'Void,'" he cast a side-glance at Glace, raising a brow, "We need to deal with that." He paused for a moment, "Correction, I need to deal with that. I never taught Abner how to fix those Celestial-damned keystones."
FL> "I never taught Abner how to fix those Celestial-damned keystones."
I doubt he'll want to at this point. Gathering specks of dust doesn't sound appealing.
"...oh." Aurora glanced at Glace, noted the new crystals on her, opted not to question it, and decided to ask another question. "So if I was...infected, then how did you uninfect me?"
DC> “…then how did you uninfect me?" <cure Lloyd the word is cure
"Austen," Glace and Storm replied simultaneously.
The aforementioned fey blanked, "The word is cure."
DC> And from above, the spelling goddess smiles, pleased that the characters prioritize proper speech in the middle of a world crisis.
i didn’t just call myself a goddess, wow who would do that, that’s so egotistical jeez, can’t believe that person.
FL> "cure Lloyd the word is cure" I was genuinely tired of saying "cure"
Aurora summoned her backpack, and went digging inside of it. "I thought I put my got shredded, and then..." Aurora trailed off.
DC> I love the constant ‘trailing off’ everytime Jax is about to come up (for good reason but it’s still amusing) <”hey, name all of Chase and Samantha’s children” Aurora: Hope, Nathan and… *trails off* ”name all the water trainees you know” Aurora: Sea and… *trails off* ”name your best friend” Aurora: *trails off*
FL> *Lloyd kicked Dia in the foot!*
*As a LEGO minifgure, it didn't do much.*
DC> *Dia brought out the flamethrower*
*as a literal piece of plastic, it did a lot!*
FL> *The LEGO Minifigure disassembled, then respawned*
DC> You don’t disassemble you M E L T
Deleted Scenes[]
Meanwhile, a court case for a certain Ivory had just begun, unbeknownst to the two fey.
“Prosecution,” the judge nodded at Hilda, “you may call your first witness.”
The Keeper stood up, facade cold and emotionless. “Thank you, Your Honor. I call to the stand the accused himself, Gale Noren Starheart.”
The Ivory twitched his ear slightly at hearing his full name, but otherwise showed no reaction.
The judge sighed long and hard, muttering under her breath, “War criminal cases. Buy one, get one free.
“Witness, please come up to the stage,” she called.
The fey winced at the stool scraping as he got up, making his way over whilst trying desperately hard not to make eye contact with Hilda.
She watched him walk along, slight smirk unmistakable.
This was not going to end well.
The Ivory had planned to turn himself in and accept whatever punishment they gave him, but of course they just had to follow the law and give him the right to a trial.
What part of “I want to be locked up for life” did they not understand?
Hilda stood up. “Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Hilda Wishstone.
I intend to prove that on the day of February 10th, 1023 AFW, Gale Starheart murdered Juniper Wishstone. Please find him guilty of murder. Thank you.”
The judge looked him up and down. “What happened on the date of the crime?”
“I woke up this morning to find that everyone else heard the news that Juniper’s dead. Couple hours later I wound up here,” he replied much too casually, “Unless you’re referring to the day the crime actually happened, which was February 9th, and not the day the body was logged, which was February 10th.” He then snuck a glance at Hilda, flicking his tail at seeing her anger.
She rubbed her forehead, visibly agitated. “Witness, I am referring to the 9th, not the 10th. What happened?”
“I’m that case, your Honor,” he stressed the title in an unrecognizable tone, crossing one arm across his chest and shrugging with the other, “Nothing you’ll believe.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Ridiculous. Witness, state your recollection of the crime. Even if I ‘wouldn’t believe it.’”
Gale once again shrugged with one arm, “Well, you asked for it. I was revived from death after three years, found out my daughter gave way to her demonic genetics and looks like Shadow, I then had to calm her down and broke my arm in the process, my son apparently developed anger issues and uses a rock from another world to destroy the Academy Training hall, so that was fun to see, I accidentally had s*x with my wife, and somehow was at the asylum when Juniper died even if I don’t recall how. Happy now?”
“No, but at least there’s closure. Since there’s no defense and you’ve already pleaded guilty, we can proceed with sentencing.”
She muttered under her breath, “The Senate is ridiculous.”
“Your Honor, you may want to keep in mind I’ve heard every one of your comments since the beginning of this session,” the Ivory piped unhelpfully in response.
“I doubt it matters, considering every lawyer we had blatantly refused to defend you. Now, the prosecution has now rested their case. The attorney will now present their final argument. Prosecution, you may begin.”
Before they could continue, someone knocked - well, banged - on the court door, causing everyone to look back at it.
The judge arched an eyebrow, but opened her mouth to say something - quickly going unheard over banging.
Her expression quickly changed into irritation, intensifying when someone opened the door to reveal a certain half-demon.
Extra Scenes[]
Souh Douh[]
"I have lower immunity than other fey…"
Pale hands dropped freshly sliced mushrooms in a steamer, the scalding mist causing the fungi to droop. As they steamed, a golden-brown liquid began to condensed and drip, burning away in the water below.
"...and often got sick as a child…"
Paws scurried against the counter, a bundle of vegetables held in a prehensile, bladed-tipped tail. They tumbled into the sink, waiting to be washed by a pair of human-like hands.
"...yet no one ever noticed. I always hid that I was sick…"
The creature washed its paws and tail for the thrice time as pale, burned-scarred hands cleaned the ingredients. Metal glinted on their right wrist, a brace on the opposing.
"...but even if I didn't hide it, I doubt anyone would care."
"I thought you didn't cook."
The owner of the hands glanced over their shoulder, a mismatched blue gaze meeting the newcomer's, "I didn't."
"So you finally learned?"
"Somewhat, why don't you help?"
"No one has ever cared in the past."
When the mushrooms finished steaming, they were transferred to a pot of water, swirling in the rising bubbles of the rolling boil. Another pot of water was placed on the stoves, vegetables being peeled and chopped.
As tanned hands started peeling potatoes, a question arose, "So, what are we making?"
"Souh Douh; Gale taught me how to make it."
"Souh Douh…has potatoes in it?"
"Mmm, it's what makes it creamy."
"I still remember that wherever I was sick, my mother would still force me to forage instead of letting me rest."
Dark gray paws sorted herbs, pushing parsley towards crooked hands to be washed.
The crooked, burnt hands carefully plucked the herbs and rinsed them well, before steaming them until they were tender enough to be pulped.
"We're going to need sage, and garlic—don't mix them up with the wild onions, Gale hates onions."
"You're making this for Gale?"
"...I owe him that much."
"I don't blame her, it's not as if there was much to eat…if I didn't help her we would've starved."
After potatoes were boiled, they were mashed into a cream, butter and pulverized sage being added to the mix. Finely grounded garlic was tossed in as well, along with a thyme pulp, before it was poured into a pot of boiling peas and a variety of steamed vegetables.
"So when did Gale teach you to cook Souh Douh?" Yellow eyes briefly caught blue before hands grabbed a strainer to transfer the mushrooms from boiling water.
"During Norlia lessons. He taught me quite a few recipes, actually—that's how I found out I'm allergic to fish berries."
"You're allergic?"
"To caffeine. It's apparently in fish berries."
"...caffeine is in chocolate."
"I know."
"You eat chocolate."
"Yeah, I do."
"Yet you're allergic."
"It doesn't matter that much, after that Hilda took care of me…She probably always knew I was sick, just didn't care."
A tail gripped a wooden spoon, stirring the stew. Meanwhile, an unidentified meat sizzled in a pan, blended beans boiled in a small pot alongside it.
"It's almost done~," the words were half-sung as a burnt hand pet a Zipzap, the creature continuing to tend to the stew as it chortled.
Tongs flipped the contents of the pan, "So, what's the occasion? I never got around to asking."
"Gale's sick, that's why he's been refusing visitors the past few days."
"Mhm~, he's one of the few fey that actually get sick when they're adults. He thinks it's because he's an Ivory."
A tanned hand stirred the bean soup, "Does Aly know?"
"No…she hasn't been particularly…interactive lately."
"As for everyone else…to be honest, I didn't trust any of them, nor did they truly trust me."
The final ingredients were added and left to boil, and a gloved hand placed a cover over the pot.
"Now for the Nish Nalém."
"Fish berry bread?"
"Heh, so you know that one," a braced hand reached for the fish berry flour.
"The man who's allergic to fish berries is making fish berry bread…brilliant."
"I don't have to eat to make it. You literally only have to add water to the flour. Either way, the reaction isn't that bad."
"By 'that bad' I'm guessing you break into hives and puke your guts out. Also, you grabbed the freshwater flour, the saltwater one is pre-salted."
"*t. And no, I won't break into hives. It's more of an alcohol flush thing."
The correct flour was handed to the former speaker, along with measuring cups, "I don't think turning red is good for your complexion."
A white coat billowed as a figure turned away from the stove, snorting with laughter.
"Yet again, it's justified. I have only ever brought misery."
"How about we add a bit of yeast? Just so it rises a bit…knowing Gale he'll prefer softer bread."
Hands were raised defensively, the crooked fingers being flattened as much as they were able, "I think this is what leads to me burning down the kitchen."
"How about I make the modification then?"
"Sounds good," a refrigerator opened, the frosty chill that could only be achieved by an Ice Relic sinking into the room, "Hey…do you know a good replacement for sun juice?"
"What do you mean, 'you trust me'?"
As they waited for the Nish Nalém to finish baking, the interesting group of chefs set up a tray, going over to see if they botched up the traditional meal.
"...well, aside from the fact we used moon juice, it seems we have everything down. Speaking of which—you sure he won't mind? Moon fruit is the sweetest celestial fruit…he doesn't strike me as someone with a sweet tooth."
"I—" The timer dinged, and paws got to work as their creature companion chittered, "Well, we'll find out soon enough."
"I have never tried to earn your trust. Hell, I've considered killing you."
Yellow eyes caught the light as the tanned hand knocked on a door, waiting for the inhabitant to respond. Eventually, they received permission to enter, revealing a weary-looking fey sitting on the bed in the corner.
"...what are you two—" They stopped mid-sentence, " made Souh Douh?"
"Yep," braced and burnt hands set the tray down next to the fey, "Since Aly's been busy, I decided to make some for you."
The tanned figure approached as well, "And I made sure he didn't burn down the kitchen."
The fey blinked, the band on his wrist clinking against the tray as he observed the contents, "Moon juice?"
"There isn't any sun juice and I haven't been able to go to the silvian's market."
"Plus you haven't had anything sweet in a while…it can't hurt to please your sweet tooth."
"Non-existent sweet tooth," he replied, "but I'll live. Thank you both."
"You're welcome," the replied simultaneously, resulting in blushing and awkward looks.
"We'll be on our leave then."
"I never imagined that you'd consider me family, but…"
Now in peace, the Ivory cautiously ate a spoonful of stew, smiling when he realized Storm had cooked it just the way he liked it. And, judging by the small bowl of fresh rain berries to the side, Wattage had helped.
As for the Nish Nalém…he could already tell Abner cooked them, seeing how soft the bread was. Austen had supposedly taught him how to cook it, and he always had a tendency to alter the recipe.
As for the moon juice, it wasn't that bad…but he was definitely reminding Glace to stop by the marketplace, Storm was busy enough as is.
It wasn't long before he finished the meal, actually eating all of it instead of pretending to.
Placing the empty tray on the dresser, he tucked himself back into bed, planning to sleep the day away.
Meanwhile, the two figures were cleaning up the kitchen, the younger suddenly questioning if he was even straight after that blush session. Yet, the thought was quickly forgotten, as he had to deal with a certain bat playfully trying to trip up his crutch. He was oddly…happy, a nice relief after all that happened.
Perhaps that’s what happens when you have to care about.
“’s nice to know someone loves me.”
Come Back[]
Aurora sat up with a groan and looked around, taking in the sights of…her room?
Wait, wasn’t I-we just…
How did I end up here?
Before she could continue her thoughts, the door creaked open, letting a familiar wizard with albinism walk in with a tray of food and a drink. The boy set the tray down on Aurora's dresser and turned to look at the girl.
“You’re awake!” Jax exclaimed, face immediately brightening at the realization.
“You're okay!” Aurora exclaimed with a similarly bright expression as she leapt out of her bed and wrapped her friend in a tight hug.
"It's great to see you okay too!” Jax laughed, returning the embrace.
After a moment, the duo finally released each other, wide grins plastering themselves on their faces.
Suddenly, something caught Aurora’s eye, and she looked down.
Jax took a step back, startled by Aurora’s concerned outburst.
“Sorry for the outburst,” Aurora quickly apologized, noticing Jax’s expression. “But your right leg is just water now! Are you okay? Does it hurt? How did this happen? When did this happen? Does it hurt?”
Jax blinked. “I-uh…” He took a deep breath and regained his composure. “Okay Aurora, calm down, I’m fine, and no, I’m not in pain.”
Aurora’s concerned gaze remained.
“Seriously, I’m okay.”
Aurora looked away, clearly unhappy with her friend’s current state. Eventually, she turned her head, and fixed Jax with an unnervingly serious expression. “So, what about Void?”
“U-um, w-what about Void?”
“You all beat him, right?”
Aurora breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression softened. If Void’s gone, then maybe…
The girl darted past her friend and out the doorway of her bedroom, before backtracking. “Sorry, Jax, I gotta check on something—er—someone,” she breathed quickly, before leaving Jax’s field of view once more.
“Aurora, wait—”
Jax’s voice went unheard, for the Astral Trainee was already lost in hopeful thoughts as she ran down the hall.
“Dad? Daddy? Are you here?” Aurora called out.
Jax swiftly exited Aurora’s bedroom. “Aurora—”
He was cut off.
“Huh, maybe he stepped out,” Aurora thought aloud after receiving no response.
The girl whipped around, startled out of her thoughts.
“Aurora...he didn’t step out.”
“Oh, so he’s in his room then!”
“Wait—” Jax was cut off as the girl excitedly dashed past him in the other direction.
The Astral Trainee latched onto the doorknob and turned it.
“Aurora, hold on a sec—”
The door swung open.
Aurora immediately froze up in the doorway. “D-dad?”
She couldn’t bring herself to move from where she stood. And yet, her feet placed themselves into the former Warden’s room. And then they moved further into the room. And further. And further.
Eventually, her feet stopped. The girl took in a shuddering breath, blinking back tears as she stood face to face with the lifeless statue that was once her father. “D-daddy, wake up! We beat Void. I-it’s okay, you can come b-back now...” Aurora begged, wrapping her arms around the statue as she sniffled and hiccuped. “J-just come back! W-we beat V-void, s-so you can c-come back now! P-please...just…come back...”
The girl’s arms dropped to her sides and she slowly sank to the ground, sobbing as she pulled her knees close to her chest.
“I just want him back...”
Jax’s silent embrace did nothing to comfort the sobbing Astral Trainee.