Harmonism is a religious group in fanon material.
Members originate from multiple species and islands, but is most common in the magical islands of the Prodigy Universe.
Notably, no Faen has ever joined this religion.
Harmonism is a religion centered around Harmony - otherwise known as the Ancient. Harmonists pray or simply meditate to Harmony on a regular bases, and follow a set of morals based on balance and sacrifice.
Morals & Law Codes[]
Sacrifice refers to putting oneself before others and giving up things one enjoys in return for inner peace for helping others. Morals based on balance consist of, but are not limited to:
- Treat one's neighbor as oneself. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
- When battle is one's only option, balance must be maintained. One must be courteous yet strong.
- One must not try to overpower the balance of the world to obtain what one desires. Desires are the source of imbalance.
- Death is a natural cycle of the world - a balance. Do not disturb it, as the slightest change can cause imbalance.
- Shadow and Astral[Note 1] are the balances of the world, yet neither can imbalance the other. If one tries to overthrow, action must be taken.
With that in mind, the morals of Harmonism are debatable. For example, the first denotes that you must treat your neighbor as themself (similar to a commandment of Christianity), yet say that an eye must given for an eye and a tooth must be given for a tooth. Some may interpret this as you must treat others kindly, but set a line in which judgement must be served. Others may interpret it as you treat others as you think of yourself; If you hate yourself, you must hate all unconditionally, but if you love yourself, you must love all unconditionally. This leads to debates and causes the religion to be separated in multiple sects.
Harmonism has multiple sects, but the main two are the Church of Light and the Temple of Darkness.
The Church of Light embraces the ideals of Harmonism that (hypocritically) leans towards a positive balance, rejecting Shadow Magic, violence, suicide, etc. They are lead to the conclusion that Harmony disapproves of any desires (negativities) that can affect the world's being, and passionately reject these "desires." Desires include practicing the Shadow Element, lust, becoming an emo, yearning battle, and generally all strong passions that lead to questionable activities.
The Temple of Darkness embraces all aspects of balance, the dark and the light, suicide and life, Shadow and Astral. This earns them the name "Temple of Darkness," as they are deeply shunned by the Church of Light. However, members of the Temple of Darkness argue that negative things have to happen for positive things to seem positive and not normal, providing a balance, therefore one must embrace all things (albeit, they must know when to draw a line).
Church of Light[]
Normal members are able to wear any clothes as long as they are not associated with negative connotations. Religious members wear clothing fashioned similar to what the original, high ranking habitants of Harmony Island wore.[Note 2]
Temple of Darkness[]
They have a very relaxed dress code, with normal members being able to wear anything, and with religious members only having to wear uniform in specific celebrations.
Varies depending on member.
- The Church of Light was nearly disbanded when a representative of Temple of Darkness started a case against them, saying that "The Church of Light is so deeply embodied with false optimisms and positivity that they've lost sight of balance and Harmony, instead being an agent of Astral."