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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Harmony Elements are factors that affect the strategy of the fanfiction Prodigy: Elements Rising. The original elements still exist, but these are some of the new elements due to more advanced magic.


The new elements are quite similar to the original elements: they act as more powerful versions of the original. The 5 elements are Volcano (fire), Marine (water), Snow (ice), Electricity (Storm), and Nature (Earth). The reason there is no new elements for Astral and Shadow is because over the evolution of elements, no element can be any stronger than those elements. The two elements act as a balance for light and darkness.

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Element Lists
Combo Elements: Friendly Chameleon  •  FourSevensRueful  •  Friendly Chameleon Alternate  •  NurSpellcast  •  Englishblackberryfox
Other Elements: Harmony Elements
Independent Elements
Elements With Categories: Celestial  •  Crystal  •  Land  •  Moon  •  Nonmagical  •  Sun  •  Wind
Elements Without Categories: Amberthyst  •  Angel  •  Arcane  •  Deity  •  Mutagen  •  Obscurity (Shadow Element Substrand)  •  Peace  •  Void (Shadow Element Substrand)