If you to the house, there is now a button with a bed and moon next to the other house-related buttons. If you click it, you can set a bedtime and wake-up time. When it is the bedtime in real life, you can put your character into bed by clicking in it. Your character will do under the covers like they did in the tutorial, and they will say the moon bubble once. The whole screen dims like in the Starlight Festival, but you can still take your character out of bed by simply tapping somewhere else. However, your character will look sleep deprived and will perform worse in battles depending on how much sleep they got. There is a sleep meter next to the bedtime button. When it is wake-up time, the screen will set to normal and your character will perform a little bit better in battles if they have slept a bit more. This would encourage kids to go to bed.
Your character can sit in them, but they do not do anything special.
When tapping on a bookshelf, a menu pops up that has several books. They are Potion-brewing, Earth, Ice, Storm, Fire, Water, Health, Damage, Critical Hits, Monsters, and Astral. You select one and then click on the book, which is now in your backpack. You can own multiple books at once. Your character can pull a book from the shelf every three hours, and it will take five minutes for your character to read a book. After the five minutes have passed, you may leave the home.
Book Stats[]
Potion-brewing: a random potion will appear in your backpack.
Earth, Ice, Storm, Fire, and Water: you perform 15% better spells of each element and are 15% stronger against them for 10-30 minutes.
Health: your health (ONLY YOURS) will increase by 10% for 10-30 minutes.
Damage: your damage will increase by 10% for 10-30 minutes.
Critical Hits: the likelihood of a critical hit will increase by 15% for 10-30 minutes.
Monsters: there is a 5% chance monsters will not notice you, and your own pets will have 5% better health, critical hits, and damage for 10-30 minutes
Astral: you perform 15% better Astral spells for 10-30 minutes
These stats DO NOT work when you enter the arena and live battle
There is a 1% change of a Mandrake spawning in, and you may collect it and either sell it for 100 gold or elemental currency, or for 10 festival currency if there is a festival on. You may also keep them and throw them at Water-elemented pets for 15% more damage than your normal Astral spells, and keep them as pets. If they are kept as pets, they will sit on the plant you found them in, and every day, they give you a random item.