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The Inventory Update is a small feature-producing update for both Prodigy Math and Prodigy English. It allows players to have a greater control over the items that they have collected and grants them several helpful abilities.
Prodigy Math[]
This is what is included in the changelog:
*Items of each category can be resorted in their inventories
*Item reordering is consistent while opening it to equip items
*Items can be sorted by quantity (ascending or descending), alphabetical order (normal or reverse), rarity (common to legendary or legendary to common), power/health stats (strongest to weakest or weakest to strongest), or can be otherwise customized by dragging items to different places.
*A favorites section for 30 equipment items allows players to add their favorites and access them easily
*When equipping items, favorites of the searched category are starred and moved to the front
Prodigy English[]
This is what is included in the changelog:
*Items can be favorited, but all of those items of the same exact type are favorited and have a star attached to them
*Up to 10 items can be favorited
*Items in the inventory can swap places
*Items can be sorted based upon whether or not they are material, clothing, or furnishing