Hi! this is my story of a young wizard named Isabella. Hope you like it!
P.S.: You can compare the story Gems of Power to this story. This may also have a small relationship with the book Wonder.
Also, I am not done with this story. You may edit it if you want. Please seriously note that some edits may be discarded.
Chapter 1: Ordinary Kid[]
Hi. My name is Isabella Icecraver, and I am an ordinary kid...a very ordinary kid. I look ordinary and I do ordinary things like eating ice cream, playing Crocodile Dentist (that's my favorite game), jumping on my indoor trampoline, drawing, and reading. I love doing these things, but in the inside, I am not ordinary. Inside, I am a magical WIZARD.Yes, it's true. My little sister Angela is at my friend Natalie's house and she'll be there for a while. I have a really big interest in ice. Sometimes in Lake Tahoe (I live in the forest of Lake Tahoe in a mega-big wood cabin), I take a sample of the ice and bring it home. Then I would use a plastic chopstick to crave away the ice to see interesting things. So far,I have seen tiny pieces of dead coral inside the ice. That's why my mom changed my last name to Icecraver, but my real last name is Heflin. Heflin always sounds weird to me and my friends.
Chapter 2: My Family[]
My family is very ordinary. My dad is Anis. My mom is Celeste. My little sister is Angela. My mom's dad is Grandpa Jeremy. My mom's mom is Grandma Kendra. My dad's mom is Grandma Wendy. My dad's dad is Grandpa William. Grandpa William, Grandma Kendra, Grandpa Jeremy, and Grandma Wendy all live in San Francisco. They are neighbors. It takes 3 hours and 36 minutes to reach my grandparents. My mom's sister and brother Trevor and Casey live in my home. My dad's sister and brother live in Los Angeles, which takes 7 hours and 8 minutes to reach them. I also have a older brother named Charlie. Charlie is married to a woman named Mia. Charlie's daughter is Emilia and his son is David. They live in Las Vegas. It takes 7 hours and 15 minutes to get there. My stepsister is Iris, who is a baby. We adopted her just 4 weeks ago. My stepbrother (Iris' brother) is James and he is 4 years older than Iris. And that is my whole family. Well, I have other relatives, but my parents never tell me about them. They are very secretive about my family. To be exact:
And that is the whole family I know.
That's better.
Chapter 3: An Invitation[]
"Hey!" My mom shouted from upstairs."You received an invitation from a guy named...Gale?Come up here and read it,Isabella!" I rushed up the stairs and read the invitation. It said:
Dear Ms and Mr. Heflin,
Your daughter Isabella Icecraver has been admitted to the Prodigy Island Academy. For your daughter to choose her secondary element and to pick up her relic, please come to the Academy Great Hall this Saturday in 1:30 PM. Classes start on March 20th.
Hope you have a great rest of your autumn!
Gale, the Keeper of the Academy
"It's all the way to Prodigy Island. The only way to go there is a magic mirror. In a package from Gale, there is a mirror. That is the portal to Prodigy Island. And it's 1:18. The mirror is taped on your wall. When it's 1:27, your dad and yourself should leap into the mirror. In there, you would meet Gale.Remember,on March 20th,go to your classroom.Gale would tell you the classroom number.Then,well,enjoy!"Said Mom."Yay!"I said.I checked my watch.It is 1:18.My watch and everything is correct,since we changed it.It's daylight saving time.
Chapter 4: The Academy[]
P.S This chapter has funny moments!
I waited for a few minutes.Then I checked my watch.It's 1:25.I wanted to be earlier than 1:27,so I asked my dad to get ready.Actually,he is already ready.I am ready too.I leaped into the mirror,and I ended up in the Academy office of Gale.Gale looked shocked when I dropped down to a pile of hay.My dad,instead,ended up on ME!BONG!BONG! It shook a the room.Gale said,"I didn't know you guys are here,".Of course,I didn't know I was going to land in a pile of hay.I thought I would land on the soft rug, which is located in the Great Hall.But I think I would smash my head if that happened.Good thing I landed on soft hay."Anyway,hi.Um,welcome to Prodigy Island and the Academy.It's a pleasure to meet you,Isabella and Anis. I'm Gale,in case you don't know."Gale said."Which element would you want to study?"."Magic?"I asked.Gale laughed."We don't have a 'Magic' element here.All the elements are magical.Don't tell me if you want all of the elements,since you could only start out with one first."."I love ice,"I said."Perfect!I'll give you the Element Ice.".He went to a wooden drawer and pulled out his keys.Then he opened it.He threw out stinky socks from it."Sorry,"Gale apologized."I'll clean this up ASAP.".He snapped his fingers.In a nanosecond,poof!,and the socks were gone.Except he got it out in the balcony!There was a bad stink in the place."Sorry!I'm just so busy these days,I can't concentrate,"He explained."My daughter Kimberly has written fake letters to other people.She wrote 999 letters.Our Academy would explode!".He went out the room and snapped his fingers.It smelled like...rotten baby poop?Guess Gale really couldn't concentrate,I mumbled to myself.He snapped again.Now it smelled like lavender.Perfect.If I was Gale,I would tell Kimberly to stop.Then,Gale snapped his fingers.The dirty sock flew to his face."Yuck,"He mumbled to himself."Dad,I think I could get along with Gale.I wish I could live here,"I told Dad.Dad smiled."No worries.I don't think you know-you'll be living here!But what me and your family will miss you a lot. It will get better,Isabella."Dad said,twirling my shoulder-length blond smooth hair.I smile."Do you miss it when I was three,smearing Mom's makeup everywhere on you?And when I accidentally spilled tomato sauce,ketchup,and hot sauce on you, calling you were a meatball in spaghetti?".Dad laughed."I do. It's how ordinary you are.You do everything a toddler is.A girl.It's amazing how you could hide your amazing wizard things."Dad said.Gale finally put the stinky socks into a random place-which I know is not in Prodigy Island.I think it's in Mom's shoes,because I think I can hear her shout,"What in the world would somebody put their dirty socks into my shoes?!?!?".
Chapter 5: Relics and Pets[]
Gale finally spread out five relics with one single bead in them.They all have different colors.He took one up and slid one relic onto my wrist."Now you have your relic,"Gale said.Gale went to his closet and got out 5 animals."Meet Charfoal,Wott,Sproot,Mermina,and Snowfluff.Which one do you want?".I said,"I want Snowfluff,since it's my element-Ice.But Wott,Sproot,Mermina,and Charfoal are so cute.I don't want to upset their feelings.But I could only choose one,so I want Snowfluff.I feel sad for the other ones.".Gale said,"No worries.It's the Starlight Festival.You could always go to Mama Star.She would offer you all the starter pets,except you would need many gold.".I sighed with relief.Then Gale handed me Snowfluff.Snowfluff was pretty cuddly.
Chapter 6: I HAVE ICE POWERS?!?[]
I was about to leave,when my dad came bounded into the room."Gale,can you change the locker password please?"Dad asked Gale."Of course,"said Gale.I saw that the password for my locker was "Fuddy Duddy".I laughed.Gale changed it to "I am an idiot." I like that one.However,when I laughed,I saw that I was creating a ice sculpture of a dog.A cute dog.Suddenly,the dog came rushing to Gale-and barked!I took off my relic.I tried it again.I made a sculpture of a cat.I did it without the relic."Umm..."Dad said.I wonder why I have ice powers.The ice dog barked and licked Gale's face."It looks like you do have magic powers.Just back at your original home,you couldn't do it,"Gale said between laughs."You could have it,"I said."Really?Thanks,"Gale said.It's weird.I have never made an ice the before.Maybe my powers think I could grow my ice powers in Prodigy Island.It would be cool if I didn't need a wand.I could just be ice-Ice relic,Ice pets,Ice wand.That's what I would love to do.FOREVER!Become the greatest wizard in the world! Then I calmed down. I think I felt like the Puppet Master or Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter's ultimate villain).
Chapter 7: Friends[]
The thing was over.Not the dramatic over,or the walky talky over,the goodbye over.It was lunchtime,so I got my lunch and went to the light blue area-which I suppose where Ice element students go to eat lunch.I went over there and ate my lunch."Hi!"A voice said.I jumped."Sorry!My name is Jonah Frostover."."Hi,"I said turning around.I saw a boy with white smooth hair,light blue eyes,and kind manner."My name is Isabella Icecraver."."Jonah said,"Do you like carving out ice sculptures?""Jonah,I actually don't need to do that.I made a ice puppy for Gale.With my bare hands.".I said.Jonah gasped.Jonah got out his cell phone and seemed to call somebody."No service!?!Again?"Jonah exclaimed.Not the excited exclaim,the complain exclaim."I can help,"I offered.I cracked open his cell phone,tweaked a few wires,and "Done!".I clasped it together again.I did that with a few ice tools I made by myself.It was so fun!Then Jonah called his Mom.His mom doesn't answer.Beep!"Hi Mom.It's Jonah.I have a new classmate named Isabella Icecraver and she could make ice sculptures out of her bare hands.Just telling you.If you want her to make a ice puppy or pet for you,she would be glad to do it,"Jonah told his mom through voicemail.
Chapter 8: Sad Stories[]
Warning!This story will contain sad parts and it won't just be a little tear for a second!Read at your own risk!
Jonah waited for 19 minutes for his mom to voicemail him back.But he never did.Jonah sighed."If only my mom would answer all my voicemails,"Jonah muttered to himself.Then he turned to me and said,"Can I be excused?"."You talk like a royal,"I comment Jonah."And yes,you can be excused.".Jonah ran to his locker and seemed to lock himself inside.Then I heard him faintly sing "If Only"by Dove Cameron in the first Descendants.And he never missed a note.Or break a pitch,even though he seems to be crying.Then he calls his mom again.He voicemails his mom."Mom,why do you need to ignore me?".Then he bursts open the locker and goes straight to the bathroom.He tests out his voice.Then he comes back."What happened?"I asked him."Isabella,did you eavesdrop?"He asks.I shake my head."Good.Why did you ask me that?".Good question.I half-eavesdrop half-eat my lunch,so I searched for a excuse as fast as I can.Then I answer,"I wanted to know why you had to be excused,".Jonah sighs."It's personal,but we can talk.Let's go to somewhere private.".I agree.Then we went outside to Lamplight Town.It was empty."Look,Isabella,my mom has not listened to any of my calls ever since I got here.It seems like she hates me.She never replies.I'm sad.I'm kinda lonely here.I am worried sick if she changed her phone number.Or never used her phone again.Or-"He takes a big breath-"Die.My family has died.My dad.My brother.My sister.My grandpa.Grandma.Aunt.Uncle.All of them except my mom.They were killed by viruses.I don't want that happen to my mom.Then I'm a real orphan.The nightmare I've always had.And there's a possibility she died and I'm a orphan."Jonah said.I feel sad for him.He hides his head into my chest.He burst out into tears.I can't believe nightmares do come true.Dreams come true,too,but nightmares are a type of dream that scares people.I pat his head.
Chapter 9: Amazing Idea[]
Then I had an amazing idea."Jonah,I call my parents all the time.Sometimes they don't listen.Maybe I could help,"I said."Please do,"Jonah says between sobs.I call his mom.She doesn't answer,as expected."Hello,"I say."I am Jonah's friend,Isabella Icecraver,as he said two voicemails ago.He is very sad-depressed-about his family,and he's scared that you died.After listening to this,please call him back.He is very depressed.And please,I beg you.This is the last time he can hold on.If you don't answer,he'll run away forever like a balloon flying away,and he will never be found.This is your last chance.Bye."Then the phone said,"Voicemail sent.".Then Jonah exclaims,"Wow!That could really make my mom go crazy.Really crazy.Super crazy.Mega crazy.And it's really co-"Before Jonah could finish his sentence,his phone rang.And it's from his mom!"Wow!Thanks for helping me!I'll answer this call right now.See you soon,Isabella!"Jonah said.I wave goodbye,then use my snow powers for me to take off back to the lunchroom.
Chapter 10: Bully[]
I went out to recess,when a boy blocked my way out."Hello,Ice-Bella.You can't come out to recess,"The boy said.I asked, "Who are you?"."I'm Mitchell Fireblocker,"The boy explained."This playground is only for Fire elements.To get in,you must battle with ME!Or surrender,if you don't want that to happen."Mitchell said.He was really a bully.I ran away.I hated this guy.I ran away,and surrendered,just as he told me to.But I'm not going home with my big family.I only surrendered him and the lunchroom.Time for Gale."Hi Gale!"I said."There's a bully in school.Mitchell Fireblocker.I want him expelled immediately.".Gale said,"Tell me the problem,".So I told all about that incident."I'll talk to him,"Gale said.Then he warned me about the trouble Mitchell could bring.I shuddered.I didn't know Mitchell could be such a problem.I wanted to go to recess.But with Mitchell,almost everything is hopeless.Mitchell walked behind me and put a rock in front of my toe so I would trip."Oops,"Mitchell said nastily."Go away,Annoying Ice-Bella,".I didn't run out.
Chapter 11: Plan to Stop Nasty Mitchell[]
That's because I have a excellent plan.Gale droned on and on about Mitchell,but I didn't listen to him.Instead,I did this:
What could blend me in? I thought.Then I saw a nearby bush.I put it on.I put some leaves and a twig to make a tiny crown of leaves.Then silently and quietly,I walked toward Mitchell Fireblocker.I hate him so much.I took my little ice pad I made while I talked to Gale.Then,with my ice-chiseling tools,I chiseled out notes of how he acted.When I was done,I went to the Great Hall.I was careful not to be caught.When Mitchell walked away to his fiery friends,I stopped him."Hello,Mitchell,"I said."Look at this.".When Mitchell looked at it,he didn't realize it was notes.Then when he realized I spied on him,he turned around to find me,but I was gone.His friends.Gale.But the truth is-We have so many lockers.We have enough lockers to fit the whole school in.Everyone(except Mitchell Fireblocker)had hidden in the lockers.Then,Mitchell felt lonely.He sat down.He muttered something to himself,something like,"Blah,blah,blah.You don't care about me,Ice-Bella.You don't need me.I'm gonna..."Before he finished his sentence,he disappeared.When we couldn't hear Mitchell,we searched for him.He is definitely not here.Then the whole school cheered.
Chapter 12: Victory! And Maybe No Victory...[]
"Yay!"Everyone in the school cheered on.And we made a party!So many cakes and cupcakes and doughnuts and many more!Ooh,chocolate mousse!My favorite!Jonah arrived at the door."What happened?"He asked."Mitchell Fireblocker is gone."I said.
"No way!"
"That guy is stupid."
"I agree."
"Where is he?"
"Don't know."
"He might come back.He's good at disguises."
"So..We haven't won Mitchell?"
"How can we stop him?"
"I don't know.But what I could tell you is that he's way more powerful than Gale."
"Mitchell Fireblocker is more powerful than Gale?Does Gale know about that?"
I felt like a block of ice.This cannot be happening,I thought.We were talking about that when we ate party stuff.Then Gale gave me some Academy uniforms-and a little snowy owl.It perched on my arm.I stroke it gently."Hoo,"It gently harmonized into my ear.Then I said,"Oops.I thought I won,"I said to Jonah."That's okay,"Jonah said."People make mistakes all the time."."Let's name the owl Icy Snow,"I said.Jonah bobbed his head.
Chapter 13: Noot[]
I was just walking to my locker when I bumped into a fairy."Sorry.Hi.I am Noot,"The fairy said.I waved my hand."Looks like you saved the Academy,'Noot said."I only got stupid Mitchell Fireblocker out of Prodigy Island.Jonah Frostover thinks Mitchell could come back."I said."I also want to tell you a secret.""Ooh!I LOVE secrets.I will keep it secret.Can you tell me?"Noot said.Noot now acts exactly like Jenny Gaines(Sophia Forest)in I Am Frankie when Frankie(Alex Hook)tells Jenny a secret about Andrew LaPierre(Kyson Facer),a classmate in Sepulveda High(her school).It's one of my favorite shows back at home.Anyway,I told her the secret about Gale.Noot gasped."Did he go to a different academy?"I shrug."I know that Mitchell is an actor.Maybe I'll search "Mitchell Kilo,child actor,schools,"Noot said."Who's Mitchell Kilo?"I asked."Mitchell Fireblocker's original name is Mitchell Kilo.After he became obsessed with fire,and he blocks it from water,so he's renamed Mitchell Fireblocker here.Aha!He went to two different academies-Nicola Education and Prodigy Academy."Noot said.Noot then researched about Nicola Education.We learned that Nicola Education is nicknamed Nicole Edu or Nic Edu.I like to call it NE.NE is more powerful than Prodigy Academy(PA).Noot was angry.
Chapter 14: The Race[]
Noot is not comfortable with the NE.She rushed to Gale immediately,but I stopped her.''Noot!"I whisper-yell."I told you that NE stays a secret."."No,it can't now."Noot says.She went to Gale and talked about Mitchell and NE and how powerful NE was compared to PA while I rushed to Jonah.Icy Snow is on him.When Icy sees me again,she hops to my shoulder.Then,I told Jonah about NE."Nicola Education?OMG!I heard of NE before.NE is a academy that has hundreds of bullies in there.They treat them wrong.They train them wrong.They put spells on them if they don't behave.Most of all,they turn them into bullies.No wonder Mitchell is such a bully,"Jonah said."Hoo,"Icy harmonized.I fed her some meat I have for my lunch.Icy is very cute.It's white feathers are really white.Anyway,NE is very evil.Terribly evil.I can't believe NE is so good (by Prodigy Academy Search and the website-unobtainable for students outside Prodigy Academy).They say it's good,even though it's bad.Perhaps they used shadow magic?We need to prove them they are the worst.Maybe it was lead by the Puppet Master?Then Gale went up the balcony.Uh-oh.It's too late.Gale is going to announce-"Dear my students,"He boomed through a megaphone and microphone."I have found out the rating of Nicola Education is very high.In the scale of Negative 23 to Positive 23,it is Positive 22.7.Our rating is Positive 12.2.We are dropping down at an alarming speed.The both academies has agreed to a race-whoever gets higher rating than Positive 45.8 in the scale of Negative 43 to Positive 50 until the end of May shall win!.So I need you guys to study harder.And do them better!We shall win!"Gale boomed."Prodigy Academy!"Everyone shouted.Then they kept talking and studying.
Chapter 15: Magnolia Flowerjewel[]
15 days has passed ever since Gale boomed through a double-phone(microphone and megaphone,which would be extremely loud,can reach 12.7 miles away,and I researched it).In the Prodigy Times,I realized a new girl named Magnolia would enter the Academy.Yay!I love new students.They said Magnolia would enter here in 25 minutes!Amazing!
25 minutes has passed,Magnolia is already here.Magnolia chose the Element Plant,and decided to have Sproot as her starter pet.I wish she chose the Ice Element.Then I could make more friends since Jonah is my only friend.Magnolia,however,joined me and Jonah in recess.She made everything fun.Just like James back at home.Magnolia only seems like 2 years older than him,which means she is 2 years younger than me!Which might not make total sense.Magnolia surprised us first."Hello!"She said.Me and Jonah jumped."I am Magnolia Flowerjewel.I am an actor like Mitchell Fireblocker.I once worked with him in a movie called 'Diane's Diary:A Diary From The Future'.I am looking for some friends.I found out I am in the newspaper.And I am looking for some friends.Can we be friends?I know you are Jonah Frostover and Isabella Icecraver because Gale mentioned about you,"Magnolia said.I said,"Yes,Magnolia!I know your name from the newspaper.You can be our friends!"I said.Jonah gave a thumbs up."Yay!"Magnolia exclaimed."Here!I made these flower origamis for my friends!You can have 4 of them each.I first thought to try out with 2 friends first to see if Prodigy Island is a good place.So I made 8 origamis for both of you!I had to use a little math,"."Of course this place is good!"I said."Magnolia,I want to talk to Jonah alone."."Friends share secrets,"Magnolia said.Sure she could be a little bossy."Fine,"I said."Let's go to Lamplight Town right now into the arena,"I said.Magnolia bobbed her head.
Chapter 16: Secrets Stay Secrets,Not Public-ets![]
I walked to the arena."Magnolia,Jonah,Mitchell Fireblocker-"I started.Magnolia interrupted me."Mitchell Fireblocker is my BOYFRIEND!He's so sweet,and gentle,and heartwarming-"Then Jonah said,"Ahem,Magnolia.You know Isabella has something to talk about,right?"."Right,"Magnolia said.I continued."He is a bully in our school."I finally stopped.Magnolia gasped."My boyfriend is a BULLY?!?How DARE him!"."I agree,"I said.Back at home,I had a ex-boyfriend named Michael.He seemed very sweet to me.We even dated!But with other people,he was very unkind.He even once locked my friend Daisy and Tulip into the boys' bathroom.Which made them into trouble.They were brought to detention since Michael never told the teachers it was him locking Daisy and Tulip into the boys' bathroom.Michael once fought a random guy and that guy became a pulp.He really was an evil guy.Anyway,Magnolia was really angry.Her face turned into the same color as her hair,which was light pink."I can't believe I dated a guy who is a bully to my friends,"Magnolia said."I once made a mistake just like what you did with yours,"I said.Then I told them about Michael."He must be a bad guy,"Magnolia and Jonah agreed."I already broke up with him,"I said."Isabella,would you like to show your amazing ability?"Jonah asked me.I bobbed my head.Then I created a ice kitty for Magnolia.I even created a ice baby bunny,then sent it to Jonah's mom with letters saying,"If you need some comfort because you lost Jonah,have this.Happy(Almost)Easter!".Jonah smiled.Then I created a ice ox for Jonah.Jonah loved Paul Bunyan's folktale,and one part is that Paul Bunyan found Babe the Blue Ox,so I made a ice ox for him. If there was a biggest-smiling contest,Jonah would win a medal,a bronze or blue ribbon,or a trophy.Anyway,then I went back to the Academy.Jonah followed me too."Isabella,you are the next snow queen,"He said.I giggled quietly.Very quietly.So quiet almost nobody could hear.I had put Icy Snow on my locker,so when I get past the locker,Icy flew to my shoulder.I created a ice buddy for Icy Snow.It was a snowy owl.Icy nudged the ice owl.Then I went back to studying VERY hard.I took a few books from the Prodigy Island Library.I took a encyclopedia from a shelf.It was called,"The Encyclopedia of Prodigy Island-Topic:History".The shelf was labeled,"Encyclopedias of Different Topics".The one I took off had a lot of things I hadn't learned.Columbia Starcatcher once caught all of the stars from the night sky,then flung them into the air again to make constellations.All of them,except one-Ursa Minor.She took care of him as if she was her pet,and now Columbia is called Mama Star.She made more Ursa Minors for us to enjoy today during the Starlight Festival.Icy Snow scratched my neck with her beak.I flipped to another page.There was a wizard named Wendy Whalecaller.She once gathered all the whales from Shipwreck Shore and told them to protect the sea.It worked,until the Order of Influence came.The whales became the sand.Once Shipwreck Shore was bottomless,and now from the whales,it has a bottom.The Order of Influence turned the whales into sand and make Wendy forget everything,making her think her name is Eve and she is a pirate,even though she is clearly not.Another page. Another wizard was called Michelle Machinemaker-I recognized her immediately-she was Michael's big sister! I knew Michelle was a random person who made machines and used them to kill or scare people. However, the author (Emma Spellcaster) clearly had forgot Michelle was a bad 34-year-old woman, because she wrote that Michelle was a person who made bionics and stuff to help and entertain people-the opposite of what she usually does. I flipped to the page of Emma Spellcaster. She was formerly a student in the Academy! She couldn't obviously write stuff that's not right-unless the encyclopedia was an original in the Academy. Suddenly, Magnolia, Tulip, Daisy, and some female and males wizards I don't know stomped into the library. They all wore red robes-only for the wizards I don't know.Tulip and Daisy had sky-blue robes. Magnolia wore a green robe. They were all chattering excitedly. Magnolia turned to the red-robed female wizard with extra-extra-extra curly blue hair and muttered, "I have a surprise for you-head over there." Magnolia pointed to the red couch. The red-robed wizard looked like she was part of the Fire Fighters Club-actually, the chief. I looked over to Daisy and Tulip. They looked frightened. That's when I realized they were tied up. Tulip and Daisy both mouthed,"Hello!" to me. I waved back. The blue-haired fire element female wizard motioned the other wizards (probably the Fire Fighters Club, because they had red dragons on their robes) to the red couch. Two strong-looking male Fire Fighters Club member wizards carried Tulip and Daisy onto their backs. The librarian, who had reading glasses, was reading a very thick book-as thick as three trees-so she didn't see the Fire Fighters. I tried to eavesdrop them, so I pretended I was reading my encyclopedia (This time, the character is Willow Swiftbreeze) and listened. Magnolia said excitedly, "Everyone listen! My new friend said Mitchell Fireblocker is a bully! That's why I want to become a bully for him in return!" I dropped my encyclopedia. The Fire Fighters chief gasped angrily. "MIT-CHELL FI-RE-BLOCK-ER IS NOT A BUL-LY, YOU STU-PID MAG-NO-LI-A! YOU JUST BROUGHT US HERE FOR A EX-CUSE! WE ARE OUT OF THIS PLACE FOR-EV-ER!" She boomed angrily. The wizard motioned the other Fire Fighters club members to her and stomped out of the library. Magnolia saw me watching her. "Isabella, how did I do? I convinced Georgia to come over and told them the bully mess!" I shook my head. "One, I told you it's a secret. And two, he is only a bully to Earth and Ice people. Three, he is scared of Water people. He is neutral to Storm people. Four, you can't be a bully back to him. You will need to battle him and you will die. Luckily, Noot will give you more hearts. Five, you shouldn't have told that to the Fire Fighters. If you go near them again, they will sure battle you and you will die." Magnolia looked sad. "I only wanted to stand up to him!" I stood up. "You have not kept me and Jonah's secret. You will no longer have our trust. Goodbye." And with that, I told Miss Snowvault that I will borrow this book, payed her 23 gold and two Academy pages, and went out. Magnolia sat down on the couch where Georgia used to sit. Yes, I felt sad for her, but she's in her freshman year. Even though I'm also a freshman, I know a lot more of stuff than Magnolia. I go to my dorm and read.
Chapter 17: Jonah's Mother[]
I adopted a dog. Gale said it's fine if I have a dog. It's a small and cute bronze-colored Pomeranian dog. It fits into my hand. Icy seems fine with the Pomeranian. I named it Leslie-it was the first dog name I can think of. Everyone seemed fine that I have a dog breed that's not even sold in Lamplight Town. When I was grooming Leslie and Icy, Jonah knocked on my door in an excited sort of way. "Come in," I said. Jonah came in running, so he tripped on my bed. Luckily I did a Hogwarts (My mom actually went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and taught me all the spells, charms, hexes, jinxes, curses, countercurses) Charm (Locomotor Jonah) and placed him on his feet. "What spell was that?" He asked me. "I'm actually eleven. My mother went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My mother taught me everything she knew. Locomotor is a charm that can float anything as long as the caster says the item's name." "You're eleven? Your mother went to Hogwarts? No wonder you're taller than me! No wonder you seem wiser than me! I'm only eight! I have no other academies or schools!" Jonah said, eyes wide and hands on his cheeks. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you that MY MOM'S VISITING US SOON! I'M SO EXCITED!" Jonah flopped into my bed, muffling happily. He got up and said, "Well, that's what I wanted to tell you. Bye!" He ran out the door and went to his dorm. My dorm roommate, Sofia (who literally reads two hundred books a day) borrowed Leslie for a minute. Sofia said she had Pomeranians back at home, which all of them died because of her dog-meat loving father. Pomeranians were Sofia's specific favorite dog animal. Dogs were her favorite animal. A Pomeranian dog is more specific. Sofia then went back to reading. Icy Snow is now on her perch, and I put Leslie into my hand. It was the size of my palm. Leslie isn't exactly a baby Pomeranian. Leslie is a mini baby Pomeranian Sofia actually gave me. A new Pomeranian. She didn't want her dog-meat loving father kill Leslie. Sofia actually cried when she talked about all her dead mini Pomeranians-Zora, Zarina, Emma, Luna, Lunar Crescent, Louise, Claire, Bronze, Gold, Silver, Silk, Fluff, Fluffy, Sofia Jr., Jade, Hailey, Fiona, and Diane. I gave her my handkerchief my father gave me when I was six. Sofia went to her bathroom and cleaned her face up. It was a few minutes over an hour when she came back with fancy makeup-I saw no hint of dried tears on her face. Sofia told me Leslie can fit into a teacup. I gave Leslie a teacup that's a few inches bigger for him to sleep into. I also added small a bedding and a blanket. Sofia said that her dogs were more spoiled because of her rich family, and her father loved spoiled dog meat more than regular dog meat. Sofia usually scowls at her father. Sofia and her family actually divorced since Sofia's father started acting like that. I was sad for Sofia. Leslie was snoozing now and I found out it's 10:30 in the night. I snuff out my candle and sleep.
Jonah's more upbeat these days. He's so joyous, he talks faster and more. He wears cheerful colors. He smiled more and longer. He usually jumps when somebody makes a melodious voice and says," Mom?". His mother probably makes a melodious voice. Jonah even recreated his name to Happy Jonah. Mitchell's bully friends call him Jumpy Jonah Who Cries When His Mommy Isn't Here. JJWCWHMINH (that what I call the nickname of Jumpy Jonah Who Cries When His Mommy Isn't Here). I don't care about his bully friends. I also watch out for Fire element people-they hate Earth and Ice element people. They are afraid of Water element people and neutral of Storm element people. Jonah often talks about his mom-literally ALWAYS. He calls his mom daily for an hour (his mother now answers Jonah's calls). Jonah often blows up balloons that says messages and asks me to use Charms to propel the balloon to his mother. He only uses the balloon things when his cell phone is off-limits (Gale agreed that Jonah can ONLY use his cell phone for his daily mother calls, because cell phones don't originally belong in the Prodigy world). Jonah usually can't sleep because there's so much excitement inside. I can't sleep because Jonah asks me a lot of questions when he sends owls into my room, and if I don't answer him he will go to my room and lay down on me. I will usually jerk up and say," All right, all right, what do you want to be answered?" and he will ask over a hundred questions for me to answer. I will fall asleep because it's boring. Then he will ask Sofia. Sofia was so smart, she bombarded Jonah more questions, and Jonah will think it's so boring, he will fall asleep, and Sofia will tell Gale about this and put Jonah back into his bed. She will come back and sleep with me. I would probably be already snoring. Gale told them Jonah was just very excited, and he asks me to put an Inperturbable Charm on the door at night and put an Uninperturbable Charm in the morning. Then I taught Gale how to do it, so I will have a good night's rest.
It's been three days. Jonah said his mother will come today at 4:41 PM. Yes, I am excited to meet Mrs. Frostover (Jonah's last name was Frostover, remember?) but I also need to work on my studies. It's two weeks before the end on May. Gale said through a double-phone again that everyone can only play after they read one hundred books. I also need to work on my spare time taking care of Icy Snow and Leslie, though. Luckily, Icy sometimes flies out the window to hunt for food and Sofia reads a hundred books in the early morning (she wakes up at two o' clock in the morning) so she has free time for Leslie. However, I can't meet Mrs. Frostover secretly if I haven't finished studying, so Sofia invited me to read a hundred books with her in the early morning, meaning that I will need to wake up at four in the morning SHARP (Sofia is always right on time-she is never early (except for tests) or late (except if she has something important to go to), so she always arrive on classes SHARP).
As I was reading Shipwreck Shore's Creatures, a sudden thought struck me. What if Mrs. Frostover never came? I wondered. I remembered Jonah asking me, "Mom is not immune to the viruses that killed my other relatives. Will she die?" "I remember Mom is very busy. Will she actually come back?" "She did not answer my phone yesterday. Is she busy or is she dead?" and I always answered, "I don't know." Jonah's mother is very busy, Jonah had said she was very busy. But then I remembered I had to focus, so I focused on Jojo Watercressgarden.
Several hours later, I was propping up my dorm. I had finished my books already and it was 4:21. My dorm was rather messy, so I put Leslie in his clean teacup, Icy on her polished perch, swept the floor, tidied the books in a corner next to my sparkly clean desk and my eighteen-inch pure white turkey quill, organized my closet, and soon everything looked very nice. Except for Sofia's part of the room- It looked like a total mess.
It is 4:41. Jonah is in my room, playing with little Leslie. Icy was playing with Lora, Jonah's great horned owl. Icy and Lora were like best friends. Anyway, I was reading a rather very thick book I bought from the Book Store about the Ice Spells I will need to learn, for I am now in Level 15. Apparently there is not much, for I already learnt most of the spells. I did not even need this thick book!
4:58. Jonah is nervous. Seventeen minutes have passed, and his mother have not even arrived yet. Jonah managed to convince himself his mother was very busy, but was angry that his mother did not give him earlier notice. So he just thought his mother was late.
=Chapter 18: Late for more than Three Hours[]
Three hours passed. Tension was building. Jonah is yelling to himself and I had to put the Silencing Charm on him so he would not wake up the Academy. It was very hard to calm him down. I gave him a Calming Draught too, but it seems like it is not working on him.
Twenty minutes passed, and she was not here. But a note came flying to Jonah's face and he read:
Dear Jonah and Isabella,
I am sorry I have let you down. Jonah, you are a big brother! I am still in the hospital but I will see you in a week at this time- 8:01. Sorry for the delay. Arrow, your little brother, is fine, and once I see you I will explain further. I will see you soon!
Love, Mom
Jonah was confused. "I have been here for only nine months, and you are telling me I am a big brother?!?" He yelped. "Um, yeah," I answered, puzzled. "Maybe it was an excuse,"
Chapter 19: A Hero's Beginning[]
EXCUSE?" Jonah yelled.
"Yes, Jonah, and please be quiet, or I am afraid I will have to put Silencio on you again."
"Mom never does excuses."
So I, determined his mother might, just might, be a liar, I got the note, tapped my wand on it, and said, "Revelio!"
Immediately, the note spun its words into clear pictures, and it showed Jonah's mother (at least, what I think is her) tied up in vines on a wall next to a cloaked floating person. Jonah gasped. "What HAPPENED?" He yelled at the note, his nose touching the picture. The photo spun its pictures into fancy, curving letters I noticed was my handwriting and I read aloud, "Jonah, your mother is not dead, but the Puppet Master is turning her into a clone. If her body refuses, she will die. If her body lets the Puppet Master take over her, she will not remember you. It takes at least two years for this to happen. The Puppet Master is using her voice to answer your calls. Your true mother still inside is truly sorry."
Jonah was angry now. "YOU FOUL-YOU EVIL-YOU PATHETIC IDIOT PUPPET MASTER-YOU GIT!" He was yelling to the note. The words disappeared, turning back to the letter of the lying Puppet Master. He turned to me. "There are rumors that that evil Puppet Master git was trained in Nicola Education-" He said the two words in disgust as though the words were a disease or something "-in its worst time. He gathered more information in other evil schools and decided to destroy this school. Luckily we destroyed him. Almost. He came back, his hands full of power, deciding to destroy the world once and for all. Somebody MUST talk sense into him... if he does destroy the world, his ultimate goal, the world is gone. Nowhere to live in. His goal is finished. He has nothing left to do. He is not designed to take vacations, and his goal was to destroy everybody. So he has to destroy himself." Jonah shook his head. 'What a pathetic idiot..." He muttered to himself.
I was flabbergasted. I went to Sofia, woke her up, and yelled, "The Puppet Master is destroying Jonah's mother. WHAT SHOULD I DO?" Sofia, sleepily, said, "