Character List[]
- Luke Darkshade, level 81 wizard with a very strong Embershed and a very adaptable Flurrious.
- Moon Shardheart, level 79 wizard with a unique Bashbot and a ravager of a Luminex.
- Jake Flamefang, level 78 wizard with a rebellious Liosen and a mischevious Dragling.
- Ann Blastbreak, level 82 wizard with a powerful Fathom and a speedy Arachex.
Island Lost[]
In a set of islands secluded, a very specific island used to be known by many.
Used by few and acknowledged by only slightly more, it was once meant to be rebuilding civilization.
However, the monsters on it were fierce and deadly.
Stronger than most, rarer even more so.
Now the island is lost...
but not nonexsistant.
Chapter 1[]
He woke with a start.
Luke Darkshade definitely had some skill to his name, a good bounty hunter with equally good monsters. His home was small, but well-decorated. Most of the place was taken up by items from various locales and holidays. It was well-illuminated, too, with many types of lamps and a special blue torch from a fight with a massive beast. He was supported by others in that fight, but that didn't matter now.
Getting off the bed, Luke went through his normal routine ending with a wardrobe check for his usual attire, the Black Fang set and Duelist Boots. However, something was stuffed in the back of the closet. A note... with directions? It read,
"Island lost, ages past. Replaced with towers, buried fast. Still existant, needing to be explored. Come and find it. Seek its lore."
A map was drawn under it, with what looked like the main islands in one corner and another island in the middle. Curious. Not one to turn down something so enticing, the one who'd come to be known as the First Seeker warped to the Bonfire Spire in order to travel to this island.
Somewhere else...
The night was soon to end.
Moon Shardheart was kept awake by something strange. Abnormal to a duelist of her prowess, she was usually very calm and rested. Moon was one of the higher-ranking people in the Arena, on a skill comparable to Crios himself. Most of her days were spent training and preparing for the next battle, or adventuring and finding new monsters. It wasn't like her to be awake at this hour.
Moon felt a strange presence, as if something was forgotten, or something was there that wasn't there before. Cautiously moving towards the nightstand, a note was in view on wasn't bright enough to read. The Bashbot in the corner powered on suddenly.
This was a unique Bashbot, however. Usually with the Bitbot line, each stage is powered by a blue flame that emits little light. This Bashbot used a flame that was normal-colored, and the frame of the Bashbot was hot to the touch and almost molten in some areas. This led Moon to believe that the Bashbot was born/made in the Bonfire Spire. The covers on its front that looked like eyes moved sideways, and the flame powering it was left exposed. This emitted enough light for Moon to read the note.
A different note to the First Seeker's, it read:
"Your prowess is noted, your team steadfast. They wish for you to find an island long past. Ages ago, powerful monsters roamed its lands. You should find it... it's the ////////'s command."
One of the words was smudged and unintelligible. However, the promise of these powerful monsters and the adventure, as well as the compellng warning... it was impossible to deny. The note even had a map to the location... Moon had decided: She and her team would warp to the Dark Tower to set out towards this island.
Deep in the heart of the mountains...
A wanderer in a cave sat by a fire, waiting for the dawn to come.
Rumors about this wizard were abundant, but details were scarce. The only things anyone knew about him were that he was a traveler in search of a true adventure, an escape from the life he had before he began his journey. This wizard's name was Jake Flamefang, self-dubbed the Inferno's Blade.
Shadows crawled along the walls of the makeshift shelter, like dancing spirits. However, a noise was heard... footsteps. Jake's Liosen stood up, ears perked. The Dragling next to it looked around, as if something was going to burst through the walls. Jake himself held his staff in the air, trying to identify any hollow walls or tunnels using the astral light emitting from it. A small, flat hole then appeared above the staff- exactly in the dimensions for a paper to slip through. And a paper did slip through.
Jake was unable to identify the form of the messenger; the only thing he could see was a dark form quickly dash down the tunnel it came in from. As for the note...
Made by EuphoricandVibin