Itty Bitty Bat is a buddy in the FourSevensRueful Version of Prodigy.
They all look like small, fluffy bats with a great variation in appearance depending upon their genetics. They are the most diverse-looking buddies, with different sizes, fur lengths, fur curling patterns, ear lengths, and more.
In-Game Description[]
"A very small, cute bat. It looks like you already want to protect it with your life."
Obtainment Methods[]
A full-homozygous wild-type Itty Bitty Bat is purchasable from Patches at the Treacherous Taiga for 50,000 gold. They can be bred, transferred, adopted, and traded to encounter different appearances. Those that are heterozygous for non-sex-linked traits can be bred in highly mutagenic conditions, and the trading system will allow players to obtain male Itty Bitty Bats with a variety of sex-linked traits for a Sprite each.
- The original idea for Itty Bitty Bats came from the canon game's Ruin Bats. Rueful thought of a way to make a bat species that would incorporate genetics and nod to the Honduran White Bats, a real species of palm bat.
- It is the only buddy to have a litter size of 4 within the FourSevensRueful Version's Breeding feature.
- Lethality of alleles affects the egg production rate. If a pair of bats has a 100% chance of passing on alleles that would be fatal if combined, the pair will not be able to reproduce with each other.