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— Jackson of the Sea
He has red skin, he has white hair, eyes are black with red pupils.
He had some awareness as he has shown to break the 4th wall on several occasions. His stubborness will cause him to lose sight of what is important and will in turn lead him to lose fights. Due to being an imp he also has a mischievous nature. After fighting a certain someone he gained some chaotic tendencies. He can get very agressive and has violent tendencies. When in battle he fights like a dragon.
- Invisibility- He uses it to hide from people. Using this allows him to disappear from view. However he is only able to do this once a day.
- Reduced aging however eventually it will catch up to him.
- Shapeshifting- Can only shapeshift into people and things that he has seen
- High intelligence
Weaknesses/ limits[]
- He takes things very personally and will fight anyone who insults him
- If he has no coal to fuel his fire then he can't use fire.
- Astral and Shadow
- Can't use fire for long periods of time due to it wasting the coal inside of Jackson's body.
- Jackson can't have more than 5 pieces of coal in his body to fuel his flames
Embershed: Jackson got his Embershed when he was raised by dragons.
- As of right now, he's dead
- Creator is planning on bringing him back