This is my story of two twin girls named Mia and April Springfield who has the same goal-going to Level 100 to destroy the Puppet Master.However,they go on separate ways.Will both of them reach Level 100 with the challenges they could almost never pass?
"Go.Find your fortune and protect this place.Please,April."*
~Kendra Springfield,Mia and April's mother
Chapter 1:Dream Message[]
Mia and April were walking through the beautiful woods they live in.The pinewood smells so earthy.The flowers blooming as they pass them on the green grass.Leaves fall from different trees,each with a different green.Whoosh!The wind carries them away.They looked up.The clouds were like misty cotton on a unfinished blue cloth.Mia and April smiled.It was spring,their favorite season.Birds sing on the pinewood tree limbs."Tweet!Tweet!Caw!Tweet!Whooh!Tweet!"They sing.Spring was always amazing for Mia and April Springfield.They were born in spring.They were identical twins.As they walked further and further from home,the more darkness came.They walked and walked until a glowing tree distracted them."Hello,"An angelic voice said."Follow me."A beautiful fairy with white feathery wings looked at them."I am Sabrina,"It explained."You have to go through this portal.This very tree.An evil spirit has been under control in another world.After he destroys this island,he is going to destroy this place of land.Everything on Earth will be wiped out.The only living things will be the spirit's family."Sabrina said."And his assistant Pippet,"She remarked."To destroy him,you need to go here.Get to Level 100,and you will be able to defeat the spirit.I will mark this with gluing these leaves on the tree with my spit,"It said.Then,the tree was marked."Now wake up,"It said.The scene became dark.
"Wow,"Mia said."What was that angel?"."I saw an angel,too!"April said."Did you see it talking?"Mia asked.
"What's it's name?"
"The angel was Sabrina too,in my dream!"
"I had a dream too!"
"We haven't had dreams in YEARS!"
"Did we have the same dream?"
"Perhaps it was a message?"
"Let's go check the tree,"
"And bring a flashlight,"
Chapter 2:Into The Portal[]
Mia got a flashlight.April told their parents."Uh,really?"Asked Michael,Mia and April's dad."Yes,"April said."Well,if that's true,"Kendra said."Go.Find your fortune and protect this place.Please,April."*.April nodded.Mia grabbed April's arm."Bye,Mom.Bye,Dad,"Mia and April said.They turned away."Bye,Mia and April,"Their parents called after them.The kids go to find the tree."I can't believe we agreed to let them go,"Their dad said."I am gonna miss them,"Their mom said."But,we have to believe them.If this is true,they must do them.The dream might be a message,because they hadn't have any dreams in years.".Michael bobbed his head.Meanwhile,they walked and walked,until they saw a tree with leaves-and yellow spit."Perhaps that was Sabrina's spit?"April thought."I think so,"Mia said,making April think Mia read her mind.So they knocked on the leaves.This is what happened when they were knocking the tree:
- They knocked once.The leaves blew away cause of a strong wind coming from the tree.
- They knocked twice.The kids almost fainted.
- They knocked once more.The kids got sucked in the tree.
So,they arrived to the "other place" they never knew.They landed on a soft beige rug.
Chapter 3:The Academy[]
There were pedestals,but with nothing on them.A male fairy was on one of the pedestals.It slipped down so the pedestals were behind the fairy."Hello,"It said."I am Gale,the Keeper of the Academy.I have been expecting you here.This is Noot,".Another fairy came in.It swooped down from the inner balcony."I am Noot,"It said.Then Gale went on."The Puppet Master,the evil spirit,has been trying to invade PIA and Prodigy Island.You can call Prodigy Island PI.His assistant was also on his plan.We need a few extra wizards to defeat him.We know he will invade your world next.We need your help."."Okay,"The kids(NOT fairies)said."Which secondary element do you want?"Gale asked April and Mia as he spread five relics onto a table.The relics were golden and probably carved from a golden thing.There were different colored bead on it."I want this one,"Mia said,pointing to a relic with a red bead on it."This is the element fire,"Gale said."Take it.".So Mia took that relic she chose.April chose a relic with a green bead on it."That is the element plant,"Gale said.April took the green one."Which starter pet would you like?"